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Nintendo Direct: new presentation on April 1st


Well when your summary skips as much as you have of course it looks bad :/

But what I posted highlights the incredibly awful and desperate business decisions Nintendo is resorting to these days.

DLC, Amiibo exclusive locked content, collectable cards, F2P games, virtual console upgrade fees, and remasters up the wazoo.

It's hard being a Nintendo fan anymore, it really is. All I want, is new quality first party games. No extraneous bullshit. What do you Wii U owners even have to look forward to this year? Yoshi's Wally World and Splatoon? Oh wow, I'm so pumped.


....I mean, I guess they have to save some things for e3. I just find it hard to believe they have a summer game lined up for WiiU without even peeping about it. With Splatoon on May 29th and Mario Maker in September, we can more or less assume there's nothing inbetween.

Yoshi in June.

EDIT. oh didn't know USA won't get it then. Sry.


All the Fire Emblem, Smash Bros DLC and 200cc!!

That 200cc is warming up for F-Zero..

As for smash ballot, put a vote in for Klonoa. Want a second interesting 3rd party with a better chance of getting in.

(Plus I figured Wolf already has his votes in if Lucas got in)


Mairo Maker almost certainly won't have different physics for each tile set, which is a shame. But I suppose no one but the most hardcore would care.

This is the biggest thing for me, mainly because it's clearly not going to have the breadtth of options that it really should. Different physics plus the myriad of blocks and powerups found in the later NSMB games would have opened an incredible range of options.

While I'm sure people will make some cool stuff, the limited nature of the tool-set compared to what could/should be there completely puts me off. Will wait and see if there's a sequel, or proper NSMB DLC down the line.

(For clarity, I'm talking about things like the torches, light switches, fan helmets, skeletal mine-carts, etc. Amazing things could have been done with the full tool-set.)


Unconfirmed Member
Direct was all around ok, the middle was a bit bad but I liked it all. I'm bummed though, because while the girl villager in MK8 looks a lot better than the boy, I still wish I could use my own villager, as impossible as that would be.

It would be doable if they updated New Leaf to have some "export" mode where your 3DS shows a QR code on the screen and you scan it in MK8 using the Wii U gamepad.


+ Fire Emblem If for the 3DS
+ Speedup patch for Codename Steam (will buy it now)
+ Bravely Default 2
+ Splatoon finally caught my attention
+ Buncha cool indie games

- SMTxFE looks awful. Generic anime RPG bs. Was hoping for grimdark SRPG.
- No Zelda U info.


Oh, you mean when my turn comes up, I can wait around taking a minute or two to decide what option I want to choose, and do that, without having to worry about the enemy doing anything?

It's nothing like that


Chrono trigger was exactly like that, and was a vastly better combat system when active mode was on. Active mode was one of several of Chrono triggers huge leaps forward on the genre, which is why active mode was the default selection.
But what I posted highlights the incredibly awful and desperate business decisions Nintendo is resorting to these days.

DLC, Amiibo exclusive locked content, F2P games, virtual console upgrade fees, and remasters up the wazoo.

It's hard being a Nintendo fan anymore, it really is. All I want, is new quality first party games. No extraneous bullshit. What do you Wii U owners even have to look forward to this year? Yoshi's Wally World and Splatoon? Oh wow, I'm so pumped.

Wii U doesn't sell???

Terrible marketing, terrible system LOL Nintendo

Wii U capitalizing on proven money-makers???

LOL Nintendo Terrible


Overall pretty good presentation, I'd give a 7/10

-well, what the hell is coming out for WiiU in June/July/August? Anything?
-X? Devil's Third? I suppose these are fall/winter/early 2016 games?


Why would you think they will be 2016? Only Yoshi and Fatal Frame is announced for Fall and Mario Maker is Sept

We still have June, July, Aug, Oct and Nov, those games will come out in one of those months, with Zelda delayed they will have to put them out this year


SMT x FE was impressive. Seeing more of Fire Emblem If (why won't they commit to a title in the US?) was good. Onii-chan pandering not so much. The rest of the Direct, with some localization announcements slower than what Europe got, more Amiibo, finally some more VC support that should've been there ages ago, and Animal Crossing: Let's Make More Money Reusing Assets Edition... I really was hoping for more. And I know this isn't E3, but Star Fox is still supposed to be out this year, right? How about they... show something of it? Before the last minute? Or will it be a "Definitely 2015 Oops it's 2016" Zelda-style?

And I hate to sound bitter, but Sakurai's studio's workflow is kind of messed up if it's really taken this long to port Mewtwo from Melee and Lucas from Brawl, with as little changes as I saw on display. ("Oh he has to design custom moves!" A large amount of the custom moves were just modifier tweaks to the standard move, making them shorter, electric, etc.) Yes, I know, they have to be rebalanced, reanimated, and so on, but this is not the same as building a character from scratch. They're clearly cribbing off the existing move designs, and that's a major chunk of the work. That Lucas isn't launching with Mewtwo day-and-date is shocking, or artificially spread out so people don't expect him for free.

except is is building from scratch.

There is no simple port from melee or brawl button.

Fighting Game Characters are a lot of work...even if you have references.
Legit shook at the Lucas announcement. Plus, those yarn Yoshi amiibo melt my heart :3

I'm a little concerned with all of the... Piece-mealing that was going on in the direct. Plus, there was A LOT of Japanese-inspired gaming going on there (FF5 localization, AoT shown off along with anime, FExSMT and FE having their art styles inspired by anime) and it was interesting. Until E3 rolls by, it's a little too soon to assume that this is Ninty's strategy going forward. Also, I don't see the Smash character poll working out too well, but that's just me

My verdict: Mixed Bag

The only real disappointment I feel is that FE:If is getting split into separate versions
What were you expecting?

Metroid and F-Zero?

maybe an new real game announcement, its not unheard in these kind of events you know, or maybe the long over due mario galaxy 1 and 2 hd remaster, highest rated games ever on hardware thats 11-5x more powerful


But what I posted highlights the incredibly awful and desperate business decisions Nintendo is resorting to these days.

DLC, Amiibo exclusive locked content, collectable cards, F2P games, virtual console upgrade fees, and remasters up the wazoo.

It's hard being a Nintendo fan anymore, it really is. All I want, is new quality first party games. No extraneous bullshit. What do you Wii U owners even have to look forward to this year? Yoshi's Wally World and Splatoon? Oh wow, I'm so pumped.

All I really wanted was a release window for Xenoblade X in America. Not even a specific date, just a timeframe. Summer, Fall, Holiday, July, October, SOMETHING! I wasn't trying to be too picky I just wanted to know and I couldn't even get that.

This Direct started off really good with Smash DLC, Splatoon and SMTXFE being alive, but fell off a cliff once it got into free to play, indie and amiibo stuff. And of course no release date/window for X left a bad taste in my mouth. Guess I gotta wait till E3 =\


This direct had nothing for me. 200cc is gonna be great and the smash dlc seems ok, but the rest was a serious snoozefest for me. I had set my expectations low beforehand, but I still feel slightly disappointed.

Dat 200cc though. :)
But what I posted highlights the incredibly awful and desperate business decisions Nintendo is resorting to these days.

DLC, Amiibo exclusive locked content, F2P games, virtual console upgrade fees, and remasters up the wazoo.

It's hard being a Nintendo fan anymore, it really is. All I want, is new quality first party games. No extraneous bullshit. What do you Wii U owners even have to look forward to this year? Yoshi's Wally World and Splatoon? Oh wow, I'm so pumped.

Yoshi, Splatoon, Xenoblade X, Star Fox, project guard and robot, Mario Maker and probably more at E3.


This direct pretty much confirms Nintendo is abandoning the Wii U early. They have so few games that are coming to the Wii U.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
What do you Wii U owners even have to look forward to this year? Yoshi's Wally World and Splatoon? Oh wow, I'm so pumped.

Well, presumably Xenoblade X, Fatal Frame, Mario Maker, Star Fox, and whatever they have for E3.

Not sure what you were expecting for a direct so close to E3. Shrug.


man what a disappointing Direct, huge thread for card games, anime and DLC, its seems the nintedno fanbase or what's left of it is so easy to please.

Couldn't agree more.. All I could think watching this direct is how much Nintendo is no longer for me and wow are they all in on nickel and diming their customers, my jaw nearly dropped when the 200cc MK8 DLC was actually going to be free..
What do you Wii U owners even have to look forward to this year? Yoshi's Wally World and Splatoon? Oh wow, I'm so pumped.

Yoshi, Splatoon, Fatal Frame, (probably) Xenoblade, Mario Maker, Mario Kart DLC, Star Fox... plus anything they might decide to reveal at E3.
Can you imagine what would of happened if EA announced a SIMS house designer game with physical dlc for 3DS pre-amiibo?

crazy how things have changed


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Overall, it was a pretty decent direct, all things considered. While it started off with a bunch of great announcements such as Lucas for Smash, the localization of Fatal Frame, and new trailers for SMT X FE and Fire Emblem, it did end up getting bogged down with a little too much talk of DLC and amiibos. It also ended on a somewhat anticlimactic note with Mario Kart. This is where I was expected some sort of big news such as a trailer for Star Fox or perhaps a completely new game entirely. However, all we get is stuff that we all pretty much knew was coming. Again though, I enjoyed the direct as a whole, but there was certainly a long stretch when I was getting bored.

Also, did anybody catch the "please understand" from Iwata during the Smash announcement?


I got what I wanted =

- Mario Maker footage
- Fatal Frame 5 localization

And as a big surprise, my favorite Smash character is back, baby!
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