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The Witcher 3 - Official Xbox One gameplay

Game looks beautiful
Combat looks exciting
The UI looks deep yet simple to use

The fuck are you morons complaining about? Sometimes, its easier to just sit back and enjoy a game for what it is, not friggin dissect it from every possible angle.

Some of you seem to have picked the wrong hobby to invest it it seems.

I wish more people on this forum had the same attitude as you. The game looks phenomenal!


I wish more people on this forum had the same attitude as you. The game looks phenomenal!

Neither of you guys are "enjoying the game". Even if you have a copy already you are sitting here posting on a forum talking about the game. You choose to look at the game and think it looks amazing (despite likely never having played it) while others choose to look at the game and think it doesn't meet their expectations (despite never having played it.) There really isn't much difference between the two other than one group gets pissed at the other for having an opinion even though both opinions have the same foundation.


Cheers blim for the upload!

One more week.

And I cant wait!

My XB1 hasnt been getting much use as of late, this will do just nicely.
I own the witcher 1 and 2 and completely agree that the combat in each game is bad. It doesn't make me a troll at all. The combat in this trailer looks exactly the same as the previous two games.

Well, if you want people to take your words for not being a troll. At least criticise the game right.

The combat in 1 are nothing like in 2. So for 3's combat to be exactly like both of them is impossible.
I'm one of those who think the combat looks rather bad.

The reason is mostly about animations: all those spinning attacks are really stupid and badly animated, and there's always the sensation the character punches the enemies instead of actually swinging the length of the sword.

All the relevant aspects of swordfighting like weapon reach and pacing are entirely missing in this combat system/animations.

I have to agree with you. I'm not seeing "great" combat here at all. And the animations seem to recycle over and over again.

Yeah, feeling similarly. The environments, weather, day/night cycle are all gorgeous (and I really don't care about the downgrade talk. IQ and LOD and all that jazz don't matter to me. ASCII works for me if the game is well written and designed). I think they may have the exploration side of things locked down. And what I've picked up from assorted videos and spoilers, the plot seems interesting and potentially engaging. But the combat I've seen looks floaty and repetitive. Geralt's finishers are meaty (a little TOO for my taste, but I'll deal), but the other strikes don't feel like they actually connect. It's like: roll, roll, igni, spinning floaty strike, slash, roll, repeat. Hopefully there's fair depth in the sword skill upgrades that they just haven't shown. I play for story first, but 60+ hours of canned combos could be a little narcotizing.


I WOULD LOVE if they give an option to alter the camera to our preference so I could move it closer and make it feel like I'm in the game as opposed to watching it.

I know this could make it a bit trickier in combat but I'd rather have this than popping in and out trees.

I also think it would give some meatiness to the combat, as in actually less floaty. We'd be able to see more of the graphics too.

Looks silly imo being so far away and lends to the dull looking/repetitive combat.

Give me this option and I will buy the game.

As it stands at the moment, all that twirl, launch, slash, stun magic is more than just repetitive, it's fucking boring. Perhaps new movesets happen as you level up?


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Well, if you want people to take your words for not being a troll. At least criticise the game right.

The combat in 1 are nothing like in 2. So for 3's combat to be exactly like both of them is impossible.

Indeed. That's like saying the combat in Skyward Sword is the same as Links Awakening and Ocarina of time.

It makes no sense.
The struggle will be real next week when I will try to only play the Witcher 3 slightly while I finish my thesis, it's going to be a nightmare.

I am curious as to how the XBO's framerate is going to hold up. Early reviews indicate some kind of issue with the framerate on the PS4, but the lower resolution on the XBO (and slightly better CPU) might help on diminishing that issue for the XBO. Chances are that it's going to be 'as bad or worse' on the XBO though..


I've got this lingering urge to switch my Witcher 3 sale at the Microsoft Store to something else, so I can grab this on PS4. But I think I'm going to just stick with the One version and hope for the best.


I've got this lingering urge to switch my Witcher 3 sale at the Microsoft Store to something else, so I can grab this on PS4. But I think I'm going to just stick with the One version and hope for the best.

If you are that concerned about the Ps or frame rate, you should just go ahead and grab the PS4 version.
It definitely has the same structure as TW2. What they have done here is address the major complains that people had. Its suppose to be faster and more responsive, hit boxes improved, targetting is better, qtes are gone, potions can be used in combat, and you have more defensive options than just quen/roll spam. They've also added a lot more depth to it with an active skill tree, armor classes, toxicity and adrenaline management, crossbow uses, environmental objects. On paper, its far from a copy+paste of TW2. Whether they execute on all of this or not is something we'll have to see in 7 days.

That's awesome. A lot of those were indeed some issues I had about W2 when I played it.


Also couldn't help to notice some judder in the video. Hope that was just the recording. Or at least is a general problem


Neo Member
If you are that concerned about the Ps or frame rate, you should just go ahead and grab the PS4 version.

Well IGNs review did state that "30 frames per second was sometimes too much to ask" on the PS4. Maybe the X1s dynamic resolution makes the framerate more stable on that version... I say wait for the comparisons before jumping to conclusions like that.
I have the game preloaded and pinned. When you activate the voice commands for kinect it shows this.


Instead having to say something like "Xbox go dmc devil may cry" all you have to say is "Xbox go to witcher."

Cd Projekt Red gets it.
I posted this in the review thread but it's probably more relevant to this thread.


Instead having to say something like "Xbox go dmc devil may cry" all you have to say is "Xbox go to witcher."

Cd Projekt Red gets it.
I posted this in the review thread but it's probably more relevant to this thread.

God damn now that is awesome attention to detail. Classic CDP.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Dynamic Scaling?
This is that horrible thing Tekken Tag 2 does isn't


Dynamic Scaling?
This is that horrible thing Tekken Tag 2 does isn't
Yep, but I wouldn't call it horrible. It works very well if done properly. I think you're mistaking the generally bad IQ in TTT2 for this.

So, are there any notable differences between the XB1 and PS4 versions based on the Gamersyde videos besides resolution?


The Inside Track
What is your impression after seeing both? Is the difference "huge" ? Or is it that usual exaggerated bs.

I only played the first 30 minutes of both, but so far the PS4 version has much better framerate than the XB1. Neither of them is locked to 30 mind you, but it's closer to 30 on PS4.
BlimBlim is the first person to have mentioned it.

I'm not suggesting he is wrong, but based on the streams I've watched it looks very solid.

Giant Bomb stream mentions it a few times although people are trying to suggest otherwise. They encountered frame rate drops and at one point the game almost locked up which had a big reaction from Vinny and Alex. What they did say is the stream made it look worse/more than what they had experinced, not that there where no or next to no frame rate issues. They clearly picked up on the dips a few times.

Also the drops seemed more within the first half an hour or so.
Giant Bomb stream mentions it a few times although people are trying to suggest otherwise. They encountered frame rate drops and at one point the game almost locked up which had a big reaction from Vinny and Alex. What they did say is the stream made it look worse/more than what they had experinced, not that there where no or next to no frame rate issues. They clearly picked up on the dips a few times.

They said in the stream if they noticed anything bad they would let us know. Which they didn't.


Only saw the first video on gamersyde but the framerate is quite bit worse on X1 right at the first fight. Ps4 version is 30 fps while x1 version hovered around a constant 25 fps.

Actually its more like through out the entire video. Pretty nauseating. A lot of stuttering too.


They said in the stream if they noticed anything bad they would let us know. Which they didn't.

They definitely mentioned some hitching during the cutscenes. Particularly, when he's riding to save the guy from the Griffin there was a huge dip that they both reacted to. Someone said Danny had a dip in that exact same point in his XB1 stream.
They definitely mentioned some hitching during the cutscenes. Particularly, when he's riding to save the guy from the Griffin there was a huge dip that they both reacted to. Someone said Danny had a dip in that exact same point in his XB1 stream.

Oh okay, I started watching it when they were in the tavern so I missed that. My bad.
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