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Digital Foundry: The Witcher 3 patch 1.03 performance analysis (PS4/XB1)

Wow.. such angry PS4 owners here. W3 is the most content rich game ever to grace this gen and we are analyzing why the PS4 can't do 30fps locked @ 1080p simply because it's 40% more powerful than the X1 running at 900p?

Let's just give the devs the time they need to make the game as best they can. If they can't improve the framerate live with it and enjoy the game. If they can, great!
The tears need to stop.

Just because many games run at a higher res and significantly higher FPS on PS4 doesn't mean they all are going to do that. Not all games are designed alike, or tailored to every console the same. Expecting that is just pure naivety.

Instead of name calling CDPROJECTRED with the same sort of conspiracy theories about marketing deals and whatever other nonsense, you should be hoping that they can improve performance for a stable 30 sometime soon

Looking for a reasonable explanation for the ps4 performance issues isnt "shedding tears".
And do you really think its outside the realm of possibility that the ps4 performance issues are due to bad development especially considering the massive number of bugs this game has (couple of which are game breaking) and the state the previous games launched in ?
I happen to think Witcher 3 is a great game but no developer should never be above criticism.

AZ Greg

Look at this texture/texture lod travesty to the right. PS4 side.


Now look at the same texture or building further down, now, observe the texture to the top left on the adjacent building. PS4 side.


Where is the guy on the podium? PS4 side.


Where is he, still further down that alley..smh. PS4 side.


Oh, here is the red suit guy...finally. PS4 side, what's up with the fire though?


Loading issues seems to affect the PS4 more, I see the PS4 losing the odd frame a bit more just horseback riding as it loads new areas. This is definitely bad optimization on CDPR's part. So many issues with this game, it's really a bad conversion.

Yuck. This is worse than the framerate issues.


Look at this texture/texture lod travesty to the right. PS4 side.


Now look at the same texture or building further down, now, observe the texture to the top left on the adjacent building. PS4 side.


Where is the guy on the podium? PS4 side.


Where is he, still further down that alley..smh. PS4 side.


Oh, here is the red suit guy...finally. PS4 side, what's up with the fire though?


Loading issues seems to affect the PS4 more, I see the PS4 losing the odd frame a bit more just horseback riding as it loads new areas. This is definitely bad optimization on CDPR's part. So many issues with this game, it's really a bad conversion.

Doesn't happen in my game. The bridge doesn't even pop in the PS4 it's always there so are the textures and the red suit guy. DF probably used the old PS4 version patch version or purposely set it up to mislead.


Doesn't happen in my game. The bridge doesn't even pop in the PS4 it's always there so are the textures and the red suit guy. DF probably used the old PS4 version patch version or purposely set it up to mislead.
Why (and how) would they even do that.


Like I said in one of the previous DF threads, I still think the populated areas look like ghost towns. That ride through Novigrad I couldn't stop thinking, where are all the people?

It's nice that they've given the XO version a 30fps cap, but why didn't it ship with it?

Witcher 2 had more populated towns and villages.
Looking for a reasonable explanation for the ps4 performance issues isnt "shedding tears".

In my opinion, a reasonable explanation is this: The Witcher 3 is a massive open-world graphically impressive game that has to run at 1080p or 900p and 30 fps on consoles that in current PC terms can only be described as low-end hardware. CD Projekt Red is a developer that really pushed the envelope with the Witcher 2's graphics on PC and they did so again with the Witcher 3 on all platforms. I have no doubt that some of the game's issues can be ironed out through patching but the core of the issue is that the developers were a bit too ambitious on console, overestimated what the hardware could do and settled on graphics settings that are simply too much for the hardware to handle. They are not lazy, nor were they payed off by anyone. They simply wanted to offer the best looking game around and they went overboard.
Wow.. such angry PS4 owners here. W3 is the most content rich game ever to grace this gen and we are analyzing why the PS4 can't do 30fps locked @ 1080p simply because it's 40% more powerful than the X1 running at 900p?

Let's just give the devs the time they need to make the game as best they can.If they can't improve the framerate live with it and enjoy the game. If they can, great!

CD Projekt Red should be roasted. I thought we were tired of companies pushing out half-baked games. They should made it much better than they did before releasing it for $60.


They've been doing that ever since this gen started. Effectively The Order's resolution was reduced given it's black bars. The Evil Within, same thing. AC:Unity never got the popin LOD issues of the NPCs fixed. Watch Dogs got downgraded heavily.. etc.. etc.. list goes on and on.

Wat the order was developed with that AR in mind it was never reduced. The evil withins AR was reduced for performance reason though.


In my opinion, a reasonable explanation is this: The Witcher 3 is a massive open-world graphically impressive game that has to run at 1080p or 900p and 30 fps on consoles that in current PC terms can only be described as low-end hardware. CD Projekt Red is a developer that really pushed the envelope with the Witcher 2's graphics on PC and they did so again with the Witcher 3 on all platforms. I have no doubt that some of the game's issues can be ironed out through patching but the core of the issue is that the developers were a bit too ambitious on console, overestimated what the hardware could do and settled on graphics settings that are simply too much for the hardware to handle. They are not lazy, nor were they payed off by anyone. They simply wanted to offer the best looking game around and they went overboard.

Like Ubisoft and AC Unity, they ran out of time and due to marketing agreements, they had ended up spending more time getting XBO version polished than they had spent with the PS4. We will eventually see improvements to mitigate the difference. But yet again day one buyers are beta testers helping to get the game fixed for the budget buyers down the road.


Wat the order was developed with that AR in mind it was never reduced. The evil withins AR was reduced for performance reason though.
The black bars were even in the concept art long before they would need to do it for performance reasons. They obviously gained some performance but it's tiring seeing it used as an example when it wasn't something the developer was forced to do.
the sooner people come to terms that cdpr aren't the tech wizards some people hype them up to be, the clearer the picture becomes.

why is it that asscreed unity performs shit and it's the devs' fault but when witcher 3 doesn't perform that well on ps4 it is the ps4's fault?

it's as if they just try to fix problems that are major issues on one and not the others but still try to apply it as a fix across all platforms.

and it seems that there aren't teams dedicated to fix issues on each individual system but rather fixing issues that are present across all platforms and then just porting over those patches hoping it'll work equally across all.

such is cross platform development. why i ever thought they'd actually try to maximise each system was probably wishful thinking and all the posts that i read about how cdpr are such tech wizards.
the sooner people come to terms that cdpr aren't the tech wizards some people hype them up to be, the clearer the picture becomes.

why is it that asscreed unity performs shit and it's the devs' fault but when witcher 3 doesn't perform that well on ps4 it is the ps4's fault?

it's as if they just try to fix problems that are major issues on one and not the others but still try to apply it as a fix across all platforms.

and it seems that there aren't teams dedicated to fix issues on each individual system but rather fixing issues that are present across all platforms and then just porting over those patches hoping it'll work equally across all.

such is cross platform development. why i ever thought they'd actually try to maximise each system was probably wishful thinking and all the posts that i read about how cdpr are such tech wizards.

Unity performs like shit on ALL platform.
Witcher 3 performs flawlessly, at least on PC (can't speak for XB1/PS4).


44% more pixels with better AF and slightly better AA (though this could simply be as a result of the higher rez), suggest the PS4 flexed it's muscles where it could. I'd imagine as more patches are released the lower end of the framerate scale will pickup somewhat. I'm many hours into and i'd have to say for about....80% of the time, the rate sticks to 30. Cutscenes in the main are OK, though could still use a wee bit of additional time to get a solid 30fps.

I still say the devs main areas of concern should be in the gameplay dept, especially the controls and clunky anims. The mere fact certain button inputs are not and will not register until current anim has ran its course is rather poor. The amount of times i've missed a button prompt becasue of this is staggering. HOWEVER, even after all that, they have crafted an often gorgeous world to piss about in.


Geez, this thread. Why are so many PS4 gamers here so repulsive? CDP not having enough time to optimize well for the PS4 is one thing (and this is just a speculation) but accusing them because of the MS marketing deal? That's pretty ridiculous if you ask me. As it is, the game runs quite well outside of the bogs and storms, so what's with all the whining? We should be thankful the game looks amazing and runs well on the PS4. Furthermore, I'm sure CDP will improve the frame rate via patches. We just have to wait.


So XB1 runs better? I am so confused on which version to pick up.

Currently XB1 has somewhat smoother frame rate while PS4 has cleaner IQ and native 1080p resolution.

Personally, given the fact another wave of patches are inbound, I'd wait until after they hit and how they affect performance is assessed. It seems from patch notes that PS4 performance in particular will be a focus for improvement.
I'm sure I'll end up double or triple dipping on Witcher 3...but at the same time this is a textbook example of why a lot of gamers like to wait a year or so for the Enhanced/GOTY edition of these kinds of event releases. I was going to try to track down the PS4 CE...glad I stuck with just a free PC copy for now...will put it at the bottom of my massive backlog for a few months & play it when its all fixed up.


Unity does not run 30fps most of the time, whereas TW3 does. So I'd say there's still a noteworthy difference.

That's good then. Perhaps I'm in the overwhelmingly bad rainy swamps getting mentioned and am overall fatigued by the game itself.


Will it run on his PS4 or his Xbox One?

At 3fps maybe.


Looks like the best version to get between the two console twins this time around is the Xbox one. Still, with dips to 20fps that's almost unplayable.

Open world games just seem to tax these systems too hard. Games like The Order get it right. Push the console but don't you dare even think about going open world. If you do the cheap hardware will buckle.
Open world games just seem to tax these systems too hard. Games like The Order get it right. Push the console but don't you dare even think about going open world. If you do the cheap hardware will buckle.

Then it should be up to the devs to scale the game accordingly until it runs well. That is their jobs after all, no? You can't pin the blame entirely on the consoles.
So XB1 runs better? I am so confused on which version to pick up.

As someone with all 3 versions- Id say if you want a console version=the Xb1 performs much better than the PS4 (currently) -of course at the cost of resolution-

I like it so much I may not go back to my PS4 version until the XP glitch is sorted (which I havent run into on my XB1 playthrough in 13 hours of playtime)

If you have a decent PC though- well this shouldnt be a question then :)
This is why I don't buy games on Day 1 anymore. I'm very grateful that we live in an age where developers can go online and fix issues and I'm sure this is an awesome game, but it seems to me that I would be better off waiting a few months when a game could be cheaper and with all included patches.


....we're a year and a half into the consoles and they are still getting trounced by older PC's, my 670 is running locked 30fps on high. Witcher might be struggling to hit 60fps locked on a 970 in places, but that is still a world away from struggling to hit 30 at a mix of Medium & High. Atleast you're dropping into the 50's or high 40's at worst, which is still double that of the consoles at higher settings.

Its not that 1080p 30fps isn't good enough, hell its what I play this game at on my PC because my 670 is getting on 3yrs old now so the latest games are going to start taxing it, but the consoles aren't hitting locked frames at settings lower than PC's that cost a lot less than $1k. The notion that you need to spend that much to perform as well as or above the current consoles is hypebole, you can do the same as for less than $600 and unlike the consoles, its a PC so it will also do everything else (media, general purpose use) so much better.

coupled with remakes that are basically just what people were playing years ago at the same level on their PC and a software line up that is looking pretty barren, I don't see myself actually buying a Playstation or Xbox this time round despite the past two gens buying all the consoles as well as having my PC.
I'm not sure if you read the post I was referring to, but he suggested that he felt a game like Witcher 3 would be running 1080p 60fps on consoles (when they were announced), when cards released after the consoles (even a year + after in some cases) don't run W3 at 1080p 60fps.

I just found the statement to be a bit presumptuous gauging those circumstances, coupled with the fact that the PS4 is only $400 with a controller and a slim design to save power and cost. This is when I alluded to $1000.00, not for PC but for the consoles, if the consoles had to run most wide-open RPG's at 60fps with all the bells, then it would cost at least $1000.00, but how many would be willing to purchase them? (I'm sure we would be back to the famous "work two jobs meme, maybe 4 in this case" and we would just be relegated to the scoffs and scorn that the internet is so apt for. There would be no benefit to the manufacturer, they would just crash and burn in attempting something like this.

This is just a case of boo if you do, boo if you don't. There's no win either way for certain people, they already have an answer/reaction ready for each scenario.
Apart from incredible low LODs, distance shadows, distance detail, low textures, terrible AF, and ... everything, the third screenshot has a flying soldier. That's a win.
I don't think the LOD is low as you say in these shots, how do you determine that, neither are the textures or AF. How do you know the lod is low when it's just a court yard or market in some town? Everything has already loaded in these shots and you can still decipher detail in the distance. I happen to believe this distance shadow thing is overblown only because it's visible in PC vs Console shots. What does it matter that shadows are drawn so far away anyway, when you get to these far locations I'm sure shadows will appear on consoles just fine.

I'm not defending this port at all, it needs work on consoles, that's for sure, just not seeing anything you're saying about the shots in question.

Uploading a video showing this.

DF being DF I guess. Maybe its the unpatched version? Who knows what they are up to.

here's the video.


less pop-in than the xbone version. The overhead bridge is always there.
Good video CG, I didn't notice the issues present in DF's videos, but if it's some random occurrence for them, perhaps their might be a random occurrence for you in another scene. Some people said the loading/lod got a tad worse after patch 1.03, so it's still a messy situation, which I believe the dev have to look into and fix. Their loading/lod method is very much bonkers as it is.

In my opinion, a reasonable explanation is this: The Witcher 3 is a massive open-world graphically impressive game that has to run at 1080p or 900p and 30 fps on consoles that in current PC terms can only be described as low-end hardware. CD Projekt Red is a developer that really pushed the envelope with the Witcher 2's graphics on PC and they did so again with the Witcher 3 on all platforms. I have no doubt that some of the game's issues can be ironed out through patching but the core of the issue is that the developers were a bit too ambitious on console, overestimated what the hardware could do and settled on graphics settings that are simply too much for the hardware to handle. They are not lazy, nor were they payed off by anyone. They simply wanted to offer the best looking game around and they went overboard.
First off, this is not a reasonable explanantion, this is not the best the hardware could do based on all the discrepancies I listed from the NXgamer video summary. They bit more than they could chew based on the number of platforms they developed this game for, not because the game can't perform better on the individual platforms. Nothing could be clearer to substantiate that claim, seeing that cutscenes run better on the XB1 over the PS4. I won't even go into the rest, it's already there and listed.

the sooner people come to terms that cdpr aren't the tech wizards some people hype them up to be, the clearer the picture becomes.
I'm inclined to agree. Alot of these hyped PC devs always struggle on consoles. The only thing they know is to just throw more processing power at any task and you better pray you have a top of the line GPU which may even struggle then. Optimization, good efficient code and adapting to the console dev environment is a tough transition for them.

I'm looking at so many PC devs who come to consoles. Crytek has not done one native game on consoles, the framerate on all of their releases have been sub-par just as their resolution. I couldn't stomach the blurry mess that was Crysis 2 on PS3, though I platinumned Crysis 1, the framerate in that last boss battle was 5-10fps, that's what it felt like to me.

Now Witcher 3, anybody who's saying that this is the best W3 can run on PS4 is bonkers, some of the the settings are low and worse than low for no reason, loadtimes for textures and after-death reloads are atrocious, framerate and framerate limiters are mind boggling. Any one who says this game is the best that can be done on the PS4 in an open world game has an angle, moreso when you look at all the evidence presented which says something entirely different. This game is clealrly not finished, not polished on the PS4. This game should have been done on PC first and ported to PS4 after, so that CDPR could learn the console API and dev environment.

There's always one that goes against the rule; like some shining light in the midst of many messes, that vote would go to 4A games, primarily a PC dev, developer of Metro Redux, props to these guys.

A smaller team than so many of these other devs failing so hard. Had so many issues just getting PS4 dev kits into their country, generally bad working conditions and the list goes on. The whole struggle is detailed on the internet, even echoed by Jason Rubin, but somehow people believe we should reward a dev with praise and our money for subpar work and glaring technical issues in our games or even "disagree quieter" or whatever that mess was. If you deliver a good job like 4A did, nobody can point a finger at you. I doubt you can go into any technical thread and hear anyone having trouble parting with their cash for Metro Redux, many people even supported just because of the great work they did. They developed a 1080p 60fps experience on console and nobody spoke of weak consoles or the like, the developer did his job for the platform/s assigned and that is what people expect.


DF Stress Test
Framerate on PS4 from 1:04 is really pathetic.
Yes, the swamp area is really bad, but it's mostly due to the double buffering, if they get rid of that it will be much better or at least in line with the XB1 or maybe a tad better.

They've noted that they will look into the PS4's performance issues and outside of that they spoke of general performance improvements, so the proof will be in the patching.

If they can triple buffer the PS4 version on top of those improvements, I suspect the PS4 version can run a 30fps game locked for the most part (in all areas).

750 Ti
Looking at this video, it seems the 750ti will lose 2 frames and in some instances 4 frames just horseback riding. I don't even want to see that config in the swamp areas. Note that the game is unlocked here and the guy posting 750ti videos online always says he gets 5fps more when not recording. This is a real test showing the opposite.

I notice the PS4 will lose mostly 1 frame horseback riding, but it's mostly due to the bad lod and hdd/cache issue on the PS4. If CDPR are able to fix that, I'm sure it will run locked at 30 in these instances. This is clearly a game that needs some work on consoles for a smoother experience. 4-6 more months on consoles would have been golden for them.


I hope they put in the extra water shaders that even the lowest option on PC has and that they at least give the PS4 ultra textures throughout, the lower than low AF and shadows (at times) should also be rectified, but of course after they have improved performance. After that they should work on these awful loadtimes for textures and game reloads.


DF Stress Test
Framerate on PS4 from 1:04 is really pathetic.

They should scale things back some more or reduce the resolution. That's a really poor framerate. Seems the weather simulation of all those trees being animated is too much for the PS4 to deal with at those settings.

750 Ti
Looking at this video, it seems the 750ti will lose 2 frames and in some instances 4 frames just horseback riding. I don't even want to see that config in the swamp areas. Note that the game is unlocked here and the guy posting 750ti videos online always says he gets 5fps more when not recording. This is a real test showing the opposite.

And looking at this video, the PS4 is dropping to 20 FPS where the 750 Ti is at 32 FPS (as one example of many). As for the drops on horseback, they could be due to the 750 Ti and i3 setup processing more characters since PS4 uses under the PC's low settings.


Wow.. such angry PS4 owners here. W3 is the most content rich game ever to grace this gen and we are analyzing why the PS4 can't do 30fps locked @ 1080p simply because it's 40% more powerful than the X1 running at 900p?

Let's just give the devs the time they need to make the game as best they can. If they can't improve the framerate live with it and enjoy the game. If they can, great!

Sounds fair to me. The longer they take to iron out the problems, the cheaper it will be when I actually decide to buy it


They should scale things back some more or reduce the resolution. That's a really poor framerate. Seems the weather simulation of all those trees being animated is too much for the PS4 to deal with at those settings.
And the XB1 is dealing with it just fine, despite it's been pointed out over and over again that it's clearly a double buffer framelock issue.....What is this Seanspeed logic?

UnrealEck said:
And looking at this video, the PS4 is dropping to 20 FPS where the 750 Ti is at 32 FPS (as one example of many). As for the drops on horseback, they could be due to the 750 Ti and i3 setup processing more characters since PS4 uses under the PC's low settings.
Again, it's been pointed out that the PS4 has a framelock issue with double buffered Vsync which is hopefully being patched. At first we thought it was only in cutscenes till Blim's videos made an appearance of gameplay in the swamp area. It's the same double buffer issue present in gameplay. That too is being looked into and patched. In any case, even in cutscenes which is clearly unoptimized on the PS4 and being patched, it still outperforms the 750ti combo which many people like to claim is comparable.

I have much more, but here's a few.








Two from the famous borked cutscene amongst many.



Links for the rest.



So how do you know it's a vsync issue? Regardless, it's still an issue.
You're also completely disregarding the performance on the far right of the video which is clearly ahead of the PS4 version at multiple areas and in a variety of scenes. Maybe you'd like me to point those out in conventient screen grabs too?

No need for the personal attacks too. I get that you're a bit salty and all that your favourite brand is apparently underperforming in Witcher 3, but there's no need for attacking me and another forum user.


I don't think the LOD is low as you say in these shots, how do you determine that, neither are the textures or AF. How do you know the lod is low when it's just a court yard or market in some town? Everything has already loaded in these shots and you can still decipher detail in the distance. I happen to believe this distance shadow thing is overblown only because it's visible in PC vs Console shots. What does it matter that shadows are drawn so far away anyway, when you get to these far locations I'm sure shadows will appear on consoles just fine.

I'm not defending this port at all, it needs work on consoles, that's for sure, just not seeing anything you're saying about the shots in question.

Because I have a pair of eyes. Every asset is really low poly after a few meters. You can see in npcs, buildings, rocks, etc. People 10 meters away from the camera don't cast shadows. AF lack is really noticeable, same for texture resolution. I don't know how you can say it's hard to notice being so obvious.
Because I have a pair of eyes. Every asset is really low poly after a few meters. You can see in npcs, buildings, rocks, etc. People 10 meters away from the camera don't cast shadows. AF lack is really noticeable, same for texture resolution. I don't know how you can say it's hard to notice being so obvious.

Maybe he sits quite a few feet away from the TV? Otherwise LOD issues are easily noticeable in most cases.


So XB1 runs better? I am so confused on which version to pick up.
Xb1 runs better when ps4 runs terribly. They are comparable in normal scenario. Still, use the double buffer Jeez I don't know where coming this horrible decision. But they released the xbone version uncapped, so, this game has been launched with different unexplainable tech choice. Console launch has been rushed, simply. It sucks but it's my last time I buy a game at launch.

Black Hat

The notion that you need to spend that much to perform as well as or above the current consoles is hypebole, you can do the same as for less than $600 and unlike the consoles, its a PC so it will also do everything else (media, general purpose use) so much better.

Consoles have a better Netflix app though. :p

Seriously though - the PS4 is $399 and making a PC which has the same form factor, power usage & graphical ability for that price isn't such an easy task.


Doesn't happen in my game. The bridge doesn't even pop in the PS4 it's always there so are the textures and the red suit guy. DF probably used the old PS4 version patch version or purposely set it up to mislead.

sounds like it's similar to thief. i doubt it's purposefully done, what would they gain from that?. more likely just a case of LOD and texture steaming issues being a random occurence and one not easily replicated. they showed thief having LOD and texture streaming issues in specific areas and i never experienced them, even though i was waiting and expecting them.
DF Stress Test
Framerate on PS4 from 1:04 is really pathetic.

Wow, sub-20fps. Yeah, I won't be playing this until that gets fixed. I appreciate all the hard work CDPR did to make this game, and I appreciate that still they're working hard on patches...but that is unacceptable.

If worse comes to worst and they don't remove the double buffer or whatever it is, then I'll just sell my PS4 copy and pick it up for the X1 when I get around to buying the console back.
And the XB1 is dealing with it just fine, despite it's been pointed out over and over again that it's clearly a double buffer framelock issue.....What is this Seanspeed logic?

Again, it's been pointed out that the PS4 has a framelock issue with double buffered Vsync which is hopefully being patched. At first we thought it was only in cutscenes till Blim's videos made an appearance of gameplay in the swamp area. It's the same double buffer issue present in gameplay. That too is being looked into and patched. In any case, even in cutscenes which is clearly unoptimized on the PS4 and being patched, it still outperforms the 750ti combo which many people like to claim is comparable.

I have much more, but here's a few.








[B]Two from the famous borked cutscene amongst many.[/B]



Links for the rest.


Comparable doesn't mean a carbon copy or perfect match.

Like has been shown, you can find many situations where the 750ti at stock is beating the PS4 and vice-versa. Also many times where its the same. Finding some spots where the PS4 is slightly ahead doesn't mean not comparable.

The real kicker here is the 750ti is inferior to the PS4 GPU. It sits between the XBO and PS4 and is a popular entry level GPU that's comparable. The overclock makes it more in-line with PS4 performance and please have a look to the right hand side of your own comparisons.

[quote="thelastword, post: 166054140"]Yes, the swamp area is really bad, but it's mostly due to the double buffering, if they get rid of that it will be much better or at least in line with the XB1 or maybe a tad better.

They've noted that they will look into the PS4's performance issues and outside of that they spoke of general performance improvements, so the proof will be in the patching.

If they can triple buffer the PS4 version on top of those improvements, I suspect the PS4 version can run a 30fps game locked for the most part (in all areas).


In the Blim and DF vid it shows drops below 20 and 24-25 pop up. With this vsync it drops to 20 because the frame rate has fell. This is not just the case of being 28fps but vsync is pulling it down, it looks to be running at 17-25fps at many spots and vsync is trying to meter out 20 in this low 20s section and even sadly drops to 17. If we could remove vsync for this test on 1.03 it would show this 17-25 range and then when things get less stressful it will climb to 25-30fps. Also the XBO is running at 25/26 there and is not fine either and running 900p.

With 1.04 on PS4 I would hope they can sort out the issues.

[quote="omonimo, post: 166133587"]Xb1 runs better when ps4 runs terribly. They are comparable in normal scenario. Still, use the double buffer Jeez I don't know where coming this horrible decision. But they released the xbone version uncapped, so, this game has been launched with different unexplainable tech choice. Console launch has been rushed, simply. It sucks but it's my last time I buy a game at launch.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, an adaptive vsync would've been best from the get go but they chose unlocked and vsync. Perhaps they feel a metered 20fps when the game is running 21/22/23/24/25 is better until they can get the game in the 25-30fps range in patches and then switch to unlocked like XBO, also seems a few games run unlocked frame rate like Infamous SS and was it Killzone MP? Fans complain and we get a 30fps cap option so perhaps CDPR didn't have the option or think about it too much at the time.



I have had the digital release since day 1.
What I have noticed is that now:

When there are cutscenes, there can be a blur fade in between responses between NPC and Gerald. It does not happen every time. I do not remember this pre-patch

Loading textures is really bad now post patch. Gerald can be standing in an area for 3-5 seconds before the entire scene is loaded, particularly I see this in Novagrad. I do not recall this pre-patch.

I have seen entire walls go from a complete blur to getting filled in as I am opening the door.

Post patch they have fixed some animations for NPC and monsters during battles and horse travel.

I think this is related to fast traveling from a distant location, just not sure.

From what I have seen, the patches have done quite a bit of harm on PS4.

Get rid of v-sync.
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