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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

One of the reasons the Japanese game industry is dying because the more gaming hardware improves, the less your typical Japanese game dev is able to hide behind the limitations of hardware to allow their horrible storytelling skills to be filled in by the imagination of the gamer.

Now that AAA games require their stories to be cinematic and voice acted with characters rendered in HD, they are exposed for the childish, convoluted, hamfisted, shallow and meaningless mess that they are.

There are only few exceptions and they are having their funding pulled by the big publishers one by one.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
One of the reasons the Japanese game industry is dying because the more gaming hardware improves, the less your typical Japanese game dev is able to hide behind the limitations of hardware to allow their horrible storytelling skills to be filled in by the imagination of the gamer.

Now that AAA games require their stories to be cinematic and voice acted with characters rendered in HD, they are exposed for the childish, convoluted, hamfisted, shallow and meaningless mess that they are.

There are only few exceptions and they are having their funding pulled by the big publishers one by one.

Western developers have little better track record in the triple-A console arena by these standards when it comes to quality of writing and storytelling in cinematic games. I suspect that the real difference is, western triple-A games have generally had more money and production values to smooth over mediocre storytelling and a lack of real ideas. Plus they tend to crib dialog and characterizations from whatever movie or TV show is currently trendy with 20-something western game players. That makes their games look "sophisticated" and "relevant" rather than "awkward" and "unnatural" like the translated stories from a different culture with its own popular trends.

Western publishers are profiting from this (though with increasing difficulty to those pricey production values) because the western audience is huge and still has a lot of people in the right age range playing games on consoles, which are the home of modern AAA titles.

The number of developers who are actually making progress with pursuing quality and innovation in digital interactive storytelling are just a rare in all regions, and all countries. This isn't a Japan vs the West thing.
Western developers have little better track record in the triple-A console arena by these standards when it comes to quality of writing and storytelling in cinematic games. I suspect that the real difference is, western triple-A games have generally had more money and production values to smooth over mediocre storytelling and a lack of real ideas. Plus they tend to crib dialog and characterizations from whatever movie or TV show is currently trendy with 20-something western game players. That makes their games look "sophisticated" and "relevant" rather than "awkward" and "unnatural" like the translated stories from a different culture with its own popular trends.

Hmm, I know that the west isn't some holy land of mature storytelling in games but on balance I think it is far ahead.

Also re the bold, a lot of the most cringe-worthy and embarrassing characters/tropes in Japanese games are their attempt at portraying other cultures rather than just their own.

Again, not saying the west doesn't make some racial/ethnic/cultural faux pas in games, obviously it can be pretty bad too, but on balance the Japanese just seem far far worse at it.

Japanese devs seem to find it hard to just keep a simple and pure message in their games. Even something like Silent Hill 2, which is one of my favourite games of all time, with a great story, feels at times like it was written by a 16 year old.

I honestly think that people like Hideo Kojima need to grow up. MGS5 may turn out to be a great game but I know I will walk away from it with barely any idea what actually happened in it let alone it having portrayed some kind of meaningful message that will stay with me a la the West's finest eg. TLOU.

And Bloodborne, the whole critique of religious fanaticism is brilliant but it's hidden under hammy dialog, unconfident storytelling and esoteric bloat... It's a sublime game but in this area it just fails to achieve that pinnacle of what a game can be.


If it weren't for the good thing it wouldn't be good.

It's not "one of the greatest games ever made" just because people liked the story.
Will be fun to air a few things out for no other reason than to have a fun rant.

The Uncharted series are glorified Indiana Jones clones. As fun as 2 was, they don't deserve half of the love they get.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow was not a bad game, and being talked about negatively because it played similarly to God of War was the dumbest, considering all games crib from each other to an extent, and God of War hadn't updated anything significant about itself since it's inception.

I like his games, but I've never fully understood all the love Tim Schafer gets. He seems like a swell guy, but the undying love so many people heap on him confuses me. He seems like a creative guy who isn't the best at keeping his games on schedule or budget. Nothing against him, I just I never quite got it.

I find Moba's dreadful. No way, shape, or form do they appeal to me. I understand how they work and it amazes me so many people love them. Maybe I just like the second to second action in competitive fighting games have more, but Moba's are just really boring to watch to me, and almost as boring to play.

I think the Wii U gamepad could have been a real game changer if Nintendo and other developers had taken it more seriously. Maybe this is controversial but I usually see people disliking it more than anything.


Neo Member
Wii U and Xbox One may have done a poor job at asserting themselves, so let's compare it to one that did a far better job, the Nintendo Wii. While the Wii was a critical and commercial success, core 'gamers' never embraced it. Mocked it, sure. Lambasted it, definitely. But never truly embraced it. Nintendo did work hard to make a case for the Wii, clearly a good enough case that the console sold a ridiculous number of units - but all gamers did was clamour for a second failing, a second Gamecube. Even now, people on GAF regularly ask for Nintendo to make a straightforward console, instead of even trying to break the mould. That's sad.
Eh, Nintendo tried to make a case for it, the problem was the majority of the cases where the motion controls met success in the mass market was with more casual games, the Wii Fits and the like. Which, when you boil it down was ultimately a mass of arguably broken or outright easy to exploit minigames that the motion control barely worked for, with only Tennis really being any degree of particularly competent (And even then you could still game it if you knew how).

When they tried it for the more core games? Tended to be either outright in the way, or otherwise a nuisance where more traditional controls would have worked better. Half of this was the horrendous control design, which had far too few buttons in the general Nunchuck format. Like there's a reason these games that try to use it have notable camera control issues, the format just wasn't up to snuff because there were too few input options compared to more traditional controllers.

The other half was outright terrible design decisions for which control formats to use. Like in Other M. Horrendous story aside, the guy who suggested not to use a nunchuck format for a game that was practically perfect for it should have been fired. Tri at least got it right, you had a bunch of terrible options but ultimately it gave the users a choice in the matter at least, and if you forced over the cash for the classic controller you could just play it the way it was meant to be played anyway.

Sure Nintendo tried to make it work, but ultimately all they did was rush motion controls before they were ready, had to release the plus to get it to marginally work closer to what they originally sold people on (And really even that didn't completely fix matters), and ultimately drive it into the ground as a result since they burned their bridges chasing the casual crowd success they lucked into.

Which is a shame because honestly? Motion controls can work if done correctly. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there was only one game that actually sold me on motion controls, and that was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Crystal Bearers, or FFCCCB since that's a mouthful. That was a brilliantly designed game with a really cool idea implemented in a really clever way that let you the player figure out just what you could do with such a simple ability (Though the lack of success is probably because too many didn't figure it out since it wasn't particularly clear on the matter).

And even that game still had camera issues since the Wiimote was badly designed for that sort of thing. I'd suspect if it were done for the move that would be less of a problem since it had more control options available but I don't imagine they'd ever think to port it. Which is a shame because I really liked that game and would love to see the promising idea expanded in a sequel.


Eølipile;165963785 said:
Here's an actual controversial opinion: Autistic people are ruining online multiplayer games. When three or more people with that same fucking monotone lisp get on the mics, I quit.

This is... uhh... Well.
Not only is it factually incorrect as to the definition and characteristics of autism, it also seems to be discriminatory and not related to gaming save tangentially. No wonder it's "actually controversial."


Watch Dogs is a better looking game than GTA V and Witcher 3.

Better looking? Yes.
Technically speaking? Under the hood? No.

I always felt WD looked way better than gtav. Something about the character models and lighting... Just seems more detailed.

But there is so much going on in w3 and gtav, man.... Those coders must have nightmares.

- Dragon Age was a buggy mess that deserved all the shit Unity got and was the most overrated game of the year (not a terrible game, just overrated)

- Speaking of which, Assassin's Creed: Unity was the best Assassin's game since Brotherhood

- Sony should let Killzone die, it will never be the Halo level success they want and if they want a fps to do that I'd rather they try to reboot Resistance

- I've got Arkham Knight pre-ordered off the back of Asylum & City but the trailers are doing nothing for me so far.

-Halo Single player is and always has been crap

-I "don't get" Nintendo. I think they're more interested in selling toys and accessories than games and consoles. most of their franchises are overrated and a lot of their business practises are questionable.

-Sony don't deserve their sizeable lead this generation, they were handed it by an incompetent Microsoft who actually seem to be putting an effort in since launch.

I didn't play Dragon Age but a hearty "Yuuuup" to the rest of these.
The Wii U just needs to die out. The only reason why it's still alive is because if how bad the Xbone and Hipsterstation are.

Worst generation of gaming.

-I "don't get" Nintendo. I think they're more interested in selling toys and accessories than games and consoles. most of their franchises are overrated and a lot of their business practises are questionable.

Even then I disagree because of how much of a mess Amiibos are.


I still keep saying that I love the Half Life series even tho I kinda forgot most of the game and I just remember that I fell in love the the games ... just forgot why


I don't know how anyone can be hyped for Fallout 4 until they know for certain Bethesda isn't developing it themselves. Skyrim and Fallout 3 were mediocre at best RPGs by a studio that's been developing dross for years.


I don't know how anyone can be hyped for Fallout 4 until they know for certain Bethesda isn't developing it themselves. Skyrim and Fallout 3 were mediocre at best RPGs by a studio that's been developing dross for years.

That tends to be what happens when the Trumps have more control over Things like the direction of elderscrolls than people like Todd Howard.
My latest opinion that always catches me flak is...

The Witcher series looks extremely boring and generic in about every way. I haven't actually played any of it, and I do plan to go through it someday, but due to its appearance alone I just keep prioritizing other things because I don't understand the attraction.


My latest opinion that always catches me flak is...

The Witcher series looks extremely boring and generic in about every way. I haven't actually played any of it, and I do plan to go through it someday, but due to its appearance alone I just keep prioritizing other things because I don't understand the attraction.

It is very generic aesthetically, I don't think anyone could argue against that. Swap Geralt for an Oblivion made toon and increase the wackiness of the races, and visually, you've basically got a HD remaster of ESIV.


Junior Member
Witcher 3 is just an okay game, the story is so far in a nutshell let's find this person but they are always one step ahead of you. Load times are too long and combat is pure shit. Horse is glitchy same with many other things. I've seen over a dozen glitches in the past 2 hours of gameplay. This game doesn't deserve 9 or 10's it deserves 7's or 8's at highest.


Here's another somewhat 'controversial' opinion, on top of my last one: the length of time to make a AAA video game based upon almost all important releases is simply far too long.

3/4 years in some cases, not to mention the huge delay between the announcement of most games & their actual release date, is a real problem from my perspective. Here's my main issue: I'm getting older, i.e. my personal situation is changing, as are my interests. So when there's a 7 year gap between MGS4 & MGS5, for example, I'm not impressed. I was 23 when MGS4 was released, do the maths & you'll see how Konami & Hideo Kojima's longstanding MGS players are getting old now, probably too old with too much going on to invest a lot of time & energy into playing a video game - which is my own situation.


Unconfirmed Member
- I've got Arkham Knight pre-ordered off the back of Asylum & City but the trailers are doing nothing for me so far.
Sadly I have to agree with this and I love Asylum & City, I can't help but feel the batmobile stuff will feel like an after thought. I hope I am proven wrong.

I don't know how anyone can be hyped for Fallout 4 until they know for certain Bethesda isn't developing it themselves. Skyrim and Fallout 3 were mediocre at best RPGs by a studio that's been developing dross for years.
I actually preferred FO3 over NV, could be because it was the first one I played and everything felt 'new'. I didn't like the NV setting as much as FO3 and one of the DLCs for NV left a bad taste (the one with the casino in the red mist).

Skyrim was fun but I don't think it diserves all the high praise it received at release.


Nintendo should drop the fuck out of the home console market and develop their games for other consoles. Sick of buying the Nintendo Console for Nintendo games.


I don't know how anyone can be hyped for Fallout 4 until they know for certain Bethesda isn't developing it themselves. Skyrim and Fallout 3 were mediocre at best RPGs by a studio that's been developing dross for years.

Totally agree. Fallout and Elder Scrolls were boring empty worlds with no really interesting story and even worse gameplay. New Vegas got over some of that, but still was boring to actually play. They got away with it because they had the biggest and best looking worlds of last gen. The Witcher 3 has raised the bar to such an extent that I don't think I can play another traditional bethesda RPG.


I don't know how anyone can be hyped for Fallout 4 until they know for certain Bethesda isn't developing it themselves. Skyrim and Fallout 3 were mediocre at best RPGs by a studio that's been developing dross for years.

Because while I recognize the myriad of flaws Skyrim and FO3 have, I still immensely enjoyed them. It's not a hard concept to grasp.


Because while I recognize the myriad of flaws Skyrim and FO3 have, I still immensely enjoyed them. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

For me, those games are of a time and place. I put over 100 hours into FO3, but I don't think I can go back to that style of game. I barely could get 20 hours into Skyrim before getting bored enough to quit. The Witcher 3 has raised the bar even more for what an open world western RPG can be since then. I'm excited to see what Bethesda can deliver, but I'm very hesitant as to whether or not I'm going to want to play it.


For me, those games are of a time and place. I put over 100 hours into FO3, but I don't think I can go back to that style of game. I barely could get 20 hours into Skyrim before getting bored enough to quit. The Witcher 3 has raised the bar even more for what an open world western RPG can be since then. I'm excited to see what Bethesda can deliver, but I'm very hesitant as to whether or not I'm going to want to play it.

I agree that Witcher 3's world is absolutely insane, in fact, I honestly don't expect any game to beat it on that front in YEARS.

But experiencing the immense world of TW3 doesn't hinder my ability to enjoy Fallout or TES games, despite their bland worlds. Maybe if they tried to do the same thing as Witcher 3, but they don't. They are very, very different beasts.


I agree that Witcher 3's world is absolutely insane, in fact, I honestly don't expect any game to beat it on that front in YEARS.

But experiencing the immense world of TW3 doesn't hinder my ability to enjoy Fallout or TES games, despite their bland worlds. Maybe if they tried to do the same thing as Witcher 3, but they don't. They are very, very different beasts.

They aren't that different, though. TW3 just takes what Bethesda has being doing and delivers on all the fronts they don't. Bethesda has to respond by fixing those issues with their games. If they don't they'll, deservedly, get their asses handed to them by fans and reviews.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know how controversial this is but I think the combat in Witcher 3 is quite bad, or passable at best.


I agree that Witcher 3's world is absolutely insane, in fact, I honestly don't expect any game to beat it on that front in YEARS.

But experiencing the immense world of TW3 doesn't hinder my ability to enjoy Fallout or TES games, despite their bland worlds. Maybe if they tried to do the same thing as Witcher 3, but they don't. They are very, very different beasts.

Ones an RPG, and the other, to quote RPGCodex, is a shitty hiking simulator.

I don't know how controversial this is but I think the combat in Witcher 3 is quite bad, or passable at best.

It's definitely mediocre.


I don't know how controversial this is but I think the combat in Witcher 3 is quite bad, or passable at best.

It's boring as hell. There's some tactical bits to it at higher levels, but it's easily the weakest part of the game. Combat in an open world game is really hard to get right.


They aren't that different, though. TW3 just takes what Bethesda has being doing and delivers on all the fronts they don't. Bethesda has to respond by fixing those issues with their games. If they don't they'll, deservedly, get their asses handed to them by fans and reviews.

They are fundamentally different RPGs, starting from the fact that in Witcher 3, you play as Geralt, in Fallout, you play as.. Well, anyone you like.

Even if you disagree, I play the games for different reasons (TW3 for Geralt's story and the world, Fallout to fuck around in a big-ass sandbox etc), and that's pretty much what we were talking about. That's why I can get excited for a 'mediocre' Fallout game in a post-Witcher 3 world.

Ones an RPG, and the other, to quote RPGCodex, is a shitty hiking simulator.

From what I've seen of RPGCodex, it'd the be last place I'd ever quote lol. But hey, opinions!


I have yet to play a single wrpg that doesnt have a crap unintuitive inventory system, bad to average animations and for most wrpg even the combat is janky if not borderline broken (especial real time combat).
This includes every single isometric view wrpg i ever played and every single modern wrpg be it skyrim or back to the roots baldursgate, planescape torment, icewind dale, silver, drakensang, divinity, dragon age, all elderscroll games all witcher games.
It would mean the world to me if atleast one wrpg finally gets realtime combat right and animations up to standart.
Its always the same, huge awesome world, amazing quests, better writing than 99% of jrpgs (and worse combat than 99% of jrpgs) but sadly the gameplay jank destroys any fun of actually playing in this awesome world.


I have yet to play a single wrpg that doesnt have a crap unintuitive inventory system, bad to average animations and for most wrpg even the combat is janky if not borderline broken (especial real time combat).
This includes every single isometric view wrpg i ever played and every single modern wrpg be it skyrim or back to the roots baldursgate, planescape torment, icewind dale, silver, drakensang, divinity, dragon age, all elderscroll games all witcher games.
It would mean the world to me if atleast one wrpg finally gets realtime combat right and animations up to standart.
Its always the same, huge awesome world, amazing quests, better writing than 99% of jrpgs (and worse combat than 99% of jrpgs) but sadly the gameplay jank destroys any fun of actually playing in this awesome world.

I think they should do the opposite: just eliminate the fucking combat (or make it marginal) and focus on what the genre is supposed to be about: playing a role. There are technical limitations, of course, but we'll never get there if RPG fans keep asking to fighfightfightGET XPfighfightfight.


I have yet to play a single wrpg that doesnt have a crap unintuitive inventory system, bad to average animations and for most wrpg even the combat is janky if not borderline broken (especial real time combat).
This includes every single isometric view wrpg i ever played and every single modern wrpg be it skyrim or back to the roots baldursgate, planescape torment, icewind dale, silver, drakensang, divinity, dragon age, all elderscroll games all witcher games.
It would mean the world to me if atleast one wrpg finally gets realtime combat right and animations up to standart.
Its always the same, huge awesome world, amazing quests, better writing than 99% of jrpgs (and worse combat than 99% of jrpgs) but sadly the gameplay jank destroys any fun of actually playing in this awesome world.

Diablo? Inventory system isn't bad, animations certainly aren't bad, and combat is great for the isometric ARPG genre.


I think they should do the opposite: just eliminate the fucking combat (or make it marginal) and focus on what the genre is supposed to be about: playing a role. There are technical limitations, of course, but we'll never get there if RPG fans keep asking to fighfightfightGET XPfighfightfight.

Soo.. Turn RPGs into visual novels? I can't say I agree at all

Yes i guess this is a possibility, if you cant implement a fun battlesystem leave it out and dont ad a borderline broken system that makes me just quit the game :)

I agree with this, though. If you can't come up with at least a passable battle system, don't bother, or at least give me the ability to cheat like a madman and steamroll everything without giving anything a second thought.

But fun combat is a big part of the RPG experience for me, and despite enjoying JRPG-style gameplay far more, there are a bunch of WRPGs that have enjoyable combat

Is Diablo really a RPG tho? Its more like a isometric loot hunting dungeon crawler.

Sure. Purists and idiots (not calling you either!) like to argue on the meaning of the word RPG, but I think it can mean a lot of things. At the very least, there isn't a single truth. I think Diablo is most certainly an RPG, just a very, VERY different than the ones people talk about right now, like Witcher and Fallout


I think they should do the opposite: just eliminate the fucking combat (or make it marginal) and focus on what the genre is supposed to be about: playing a role. There are technical limitations, of course, but we'll never get there if RPG fans keep asking to fighfightfightGET XPfighfightfight.

Yes i guess this is a possibility, if you cant implement a fun battlesystem leave it out and dont ad a borderline broken system that makes me just quit the game :)
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