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Fallout 4 Officially Revealed for PC, Xbox One, PS4 [Reddit Rumor = Ban]


But it does look good. You can't please everyone I guess.

It really doesn't look that good. It looks ok. I'm sure it will be a good game and I'm excited about it, but it's not a looker. The hyperbole is going both was, with people saying it looks like a PS3 game and people saying it looks amazing. It looks ok. If it runs well and is fun, then it's not that big a deal to me.


The internet would break down shots with red circles highlighting every flaw they could find no matter what kind of footage it was.

Of course, but there would be less circles if the game looked better.

If a viral marketing campaign appears people look at it every way. Just have a look at the Hunt the Truth discussions in the Halo threads.

We don't know about gameplay. We don't know about story. We know about what the game looks like, and because of that it's the main topic of discussion.

edit. nvm it's fake :p


People are seriously comparing Fallout and Witcher in this thread. The fuck guys. Two entirely different RPGS with different philosophy's going on.

True that. One has the philosophy that good writing is important in an RPG, and the other has spoons you can make fly off a table.


It's funny that people are STILL convinced that Bethesda makes games with extremely good graphics. That's obviously not their priority with games.


The vertibird and airships in the trailer might suggestion that some kind of travel will be available.

Air travel might be cool, but I wouldn't want to miss any of those specific random events on foot that happened in Fallout 3. I think New Vegas removed them completely.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
This thread is depressing.

Anyway, Ron Perlman is back, motherfuckers!



Its like a bunch of spoilt children up in this thread.

It's a game.

You're spoilt for thinking that a bunch of people with nothing to go on but footage of the game should remain reverential of it. We know nothing other than what the game looks like. Of course people are talking about it.

Let me put it this way. I hate mobile, but would not blame them if they did. It's a pretty thankless job for most.

They get paid.


I think almost all Bethesda games with exception of New Vegas have looked really impressive from teaser to launch.

The games' visuals may have aged like milk
, but I don't believe you if you say that you never went "wow..." during that Skyrim trailer where you got the music change and panning shots after the Fusrodah.

Not from the visuals. The epicness of the music was more a draw for me. I still get excited hearing the theme. Some with the eeriness that I get from Fallout's music.

As for the visuals on consoles, I just think Bethesda has really great art direction when working on environments (not a fan of their character models as much). I see it similarly to how Nintendo can make something like Mario Kart look amazing(arguably more attractive than anything on a competitors console at the time) on the same hardware that has problems running games that their competitors run.

But yeah, I've never looked at Bethesda's games and though, "wow, that's technically impressive". I'm more impressed with how everything looks good together.

To be fair, I don't play Fallout/ES for the graphics, though.

OT: I really like how it seems like towns are actual towns and not "video game cities". Hard to explain.
Just a guess, but maybe what they want is a game that has a legit reveal trailer AND looks good?

Weird. I thought what people wanted was something that delivered on the lofty trailer, not being honest about how unimpressive it is and then delivering that.

So, basically- people want to live in fantasy land.

Alright- I'll bite. Give me some recent examples of reveals that knocked people's socks off the way that The Witcher 3's E3 2013 reveal did, and then delivered that in the final product. I'll just wait right here.
All the people crying about it looking bad will still buy it.

Given the history of the series, engine etc, anyone expecting cutting edge should be laughed at.


I don't care what it looks like. It could have been an isometric version like the old school fallout 2 and i would have been happy. No doubt there will me tons of mods to fix anything in the game.
I can't wait to be disappointed by Bethesda's abysmal QA once again!

I don't even care very much about graphics as long as I can actually play the game this time without significant issue. But yeah still a bit underwhelming graphically.


show a trailer that looks better than the game youre screwed show a trailer with graphics of how the game will end up looking youre screwed


People wonder why there are less and less AAA releases each year as costs for games keep going up, but then you see those complaining about the graphics being shit and not good enough cause it doesn't match the last game they played and what they expect in "2015". It must be fun for devs to come in here and read this stuff >_>



apparently there was a reddit leak on the game last year. A lot of what was posted is matching up with what we have seen so far.

the leaker states she used to work for Bethesda and was fired hence the revenge leak.

This will just give the graphics haters more to hate on since according to this the game is on a entirely new engine.


Of course, but there would be less circles if the game looked better.

If a viral marketing campaign appears people look at it every way. Just have a look at the Hunt the Truth discussions in the Halo threads.

We don't know about gameplay. We don't know about story. We know about what the game looks like, and because of that it's the main topic of discussion.

GAF can get really obsessive about it though, thats why i'm outta this thread now cause it will only get worse. I will never forget the FF13 thread where GAF was analyzing and comparing an enhanced pixelated closeup shot of Sazh's pocket arguing between PS3 and 360. It can and will get really ridiculous.
I don't care what anyone says on here.. It looks awesome to me. I mean if the rumor is true and this map is 3x's the size of Skyrim with all the interactions the we find in Bethesda.. That's going to draw a lot out of the system.
Even though I usually play as a guy in games when given the choice (Saint's Row 2-4 being the main exception), no gender choice for the main game would be kind of shitty. If it makes for a better story or something then I guess it's not the end of the world. But the odds of Bethesda coming up with a good enough story to justify the change are low.

I actually think that would be super weird to not have the option to play as a woman. I've always liked Bethesda for allowing that option in all their (recent?) games and it would seem so odd that when the industry seems to be shifting to provide more female protagonists or at least the option to play as a female character that now Bethesda would remove that.


So, basically- people want to live in fantasy land.

Alright- I'll bite. Give me some recent examples of reveals that knocked people's socks off the way that The Witcher 3's E3 2013 reveal did, and then delivered that in the final product. I'll just wait right here.

If we're talking graphics the I'd say The Order and Driveclub for two.
I'm in the satisfied camp. People who kept expecting the next Fallout to be on a new engine with the latest graphics were just being naive. I expected a new Fallout on par with Skyrim.
People wonder why there are less and less AAA releases each year as costs for games keep going up, but then you see those complaining about the graphics being shit and not good enough cause it doesn't match the last game they played and what they expect in "2015". It must be fun for devs to come in here and read this stuff >_>


Cost of marketing is one of the major reasons AAA gaming is exploding in cost.
To me this thread exemplifies why as gamers we get what we get.

It never became so clear to me as it has with this thread but today's gamer, in general, doesn't deserve honest marketing. We flat out don't.

People seem much more happy being given bullshit vertical slices of games on reveal so they can ooh and ahh and hope the game will release in that state. knowing that it won't.

you release an honest trailer and people will shit on you. In huge numbers because it doesn't look like the bullshot trailers they have come to expect. You be deceptive and make a bullshot trailer and people will come out in droves in aww at first and then you get only a small minority that carries the deserved outrage when the curtain is pulled back to reveal the truth once the hype train starts to roll.

I can't shake my head enough at what I've read here today.

You seem to have confused "I criticise you for releasing lies" with "I criticise you for releasing poor looking software". I applaud Bethesda for being honest, this is no Sega/Gearbox BS, but on the other hand what they've released is a trailer that looks at best on par with the work done in the PC modding community with NV and FO3. None of the longstanding criticisms of their engine seem to have been addressed, lighting, shadows, animation and what has been addressed are stuff that come for 'free' with better base hardware (ie textures).

If Bethesda have:
- allowed you to enter structures without a loading screen
- written quests that amount to more than 'Go to X, fetch Y' or 'Kill 5 x Monster A'
- fixed the damn sector based data system that results in super crappy view ranges
that's not here.

So we discuss what is here and we have come to opposite conclusions, you are hyped, I am disappointed.
This looks fucking awesome. People complaining about graphics because it's not full of bs effects like muh chromatic abuhrration should seriously look at fucking skyrim and see how this looks like almost 2 generations better.

The crossgen rumour was ridiculous and total bullocks btw, I can't believe anyone fell for it.


Cannot wait for someone to try lecturing Durante on draw calls. I almost want MS to cancel DX12 just so we can all move past this latest 'I heard it on the internet so it must be true' technical knowledge.

It's Gamebryo, it will always be Gamebryo. It's not war that never changes, it's Bethesda's engine.

Yup, but I don't think most people will buy this "new engine" thing again.


Before people get pissy about the genders thing, #1 it's a potentially fake leak and #2:

Unlike Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, you can only play as a man. This is due to the storyline requiring it. However, after the main story is over, you can have a gender change. BGS did not rule out Females for possible standalone DLC, however.

Also the leak says June E3 reveal and then gameplay reveal in July. Calling bullshit on the leak based on that alone. Anyone can throw down E3 as the announcement of something.


Fallout 4 will also be available on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. This version is also being developed by Bethesda Game Studios, but will release a year after the advanced version.

October 2015 - PS4/Xbox One/PC release
November 2015 - First DLC
December 2015 - Second DLC, as well as PS3/360 version release

From the leak.... why was this ever even considered legit?
going by the reactions in this thread, boy am I glad I jumped ship for PC this gen

it's fucking fallout don't know how any of you were expecting high artistry

anyways between Deus Ex and XCOM and Fallout 4 I'm fucking giddier than I've ever been for games right at this moment
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