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Fallout 4 Officially Revealed for PC, Xbox One, PS4 [Reddit Rumor = Ban]



Can this fake image be added to OP so people will stop posting it?


show a trailer that looks better than the game youre screwed show a trailer with graphics of how the game will end up looking youre screwed. WORSE

Frankly that is what I have learned today. Gamers deserve their mountain of bullshit trailers. It's the coal that feeds the hype train and once the curtain is pulled back - unless the violation is extremely egregious - the train will just run over the minority of posters pointing out the deception and bait and switch bullshit.
I dunno about that.

You may be confusing what you are shown with what the game *actually looks like*

Sure, the final build often doesn't match the "target render" stuff showcased at E3, but I assure you that the actual alpha/pre-alpha builds of the software are almost always very rough looking.


Before people get pissy about the genders thing, #1 it's a potentially fake leak and #2:

Also the leak says June E3 reveal and then gameplay reveal in July. Calling bullshit on the leak based on that alone. Anyone can throw down E3 as the announcement of something.

Sounds fake


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Cannot wait for someone to try lecturing Durante on draw calls. I almost want MS to cancel DX12 just so we can all move past this latest 'I heard it on the internet so it must be true' technical knowledge.

It's Gamebryo, it will always be Gamebryo. It's not war that never changes, it's Bethesda's engine.

Was Durante's post directed towards mine? I cannot find it anywhere.

Regardless, I am not going to lecture someone who is more knowledgable than I on draw calls. He has a point about there not being post processing in the images. If there was AO alone I think fewer peeps would be upset though. Gamebryo has never had AO though has it? I can understand why they would stick with the Creation (gamebryo 3.0ish) Engine though. Their world state saving system alone would be a nightmare to completely redo in another engine. My eyes bleed just thinking about the massive amount of work that has gone into how they keep their worlds so dynamic. Redoing all of that, man, no thanks.

BTW, my knowledge comes from optimizing 3d games for android and IOS where the draw call caps are at roughly 70 - 100 calls before performance tanks. Its a pain in the ass, thankfully our next game is for the ps4.
Yet another release where so much of the discussion has to do with graphical fidelity. I come to Fallout for the setting, character interactions and freedom of choice. I'm confident we'll get that in spades.



As noted a few pages back, I did find a lot about a hero-simulation resp. simulation feature that will be shown on the homepage later. Maybe there is some crazy stuff going on and thus they need to cut back on the graphics side?


Guys that leak is fake for many reasons. There's no evidence towards real and there's so many holes in the Reddit post that you can fucking see through the computer screen.


Looks very reminiscent of early Destiny shots.

Well that sucks. Bethesda games have notoriously BAD gameplay.

Something I wish the improve on. Both Fallout 3 and Skyrim bored me quick. They build awesome worlds, so please let me have fun in them.
But it looks better than the previous entry

You are comparing apples vs oranges here, there is a long explanation about dynamic vs static mesh, if you choose to ignore it, well... Free country.

Again, I'm not upset...

There was probably plenty of reasons behind Fallout 4 visual fidelity, engine, budget, schedule, number of dynamic objects, etc etc...

You can arbitrarily be upset for it not "being good enough for you", but I would rather try to understand the why, instead of throwing a tantrum.

I already said that it does not look good enough considering Bethesda's budget/talent/experience, not my "unreasonably high" expectations.

I'm not the one that ever compared it to specific titles nor did I ever compare it to the witcher. I simply said titles that have come out on these consoles have higher graphical fidelity meaning high graphical fidelity is a possibility on said hardware.

I'm not arbitrarily upset, I'm upset because the trailer they used to showcase the graphics shows how bad they are. That's my reason. What is your point in all this? Why are you so adamant to defend a game from valid criticism that hasn't even come out yet?

I'd get it if I was shitting on the game but I'm not, I believe the game play will be awesome like previous Bethesda titles I'm simply expressing my dissatisfaction with the graphics on a gaming forum for expressing views on games.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Well that sucks. Bethesda games have notoriously BAD gameplay.

Dat misinformation though.

I actually thoroughly enjoy the exploration, questing, looting and even the combat in previous Fallout games. All of those are examples of gameplay.


So, basically- people want to live in fantasy land.

Alright- I'll bite. Give me some recent examples of reveals that knocked people's socks off the way that The Witcher 3's E3 2013 reveal did, and then delivered that in the final product. I'll just wait right here.

Pillars of Eternity for me. And that's a kickstarted game.

I also remember being quite impressed with the visuals when they first showed 2K14 with the Phil Collins trailer. Game ended up the same.

Not all games that look good end up being downgraded. Where are you getting this narrative?


They are indeed bad ass dogs, I'm just worried I'm going to kill mine by mistake or he'll glitch out and I'll lose him. ;__;

I hope he sticks around for the whole game. The dog in Fallout 3, for me, didn't last very long. Once he is gone, its gone. I guess you can mod him in for good? Don't know.


Most of the trailer seemed pleasing to me. but I'm really surprised that they would make an in-game trailer and have it missing stock standard features out like AO. Like, assuming we are seeing the PS4 version, you don't expect hairworks, hbao+ etc. but after 3 or 4 years you do expect a trailer witch a decent standard of regular AO no problem. Strange. I suppose the rest of the reactions are because we are used to seeing physically accurate materials now, in clothing especially.

I'm still hyped for it.

My favourite scene was

because it reminds me of this scene

I don't understand how people think this looks bad. I mean, it's not revolutionary, but it certainly isn't ugly.
It seems for a lot of folks, there's not much middle-ground between "Best looking game ever!" and "Looks like shit!"

I'm happy with how both Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 look.
Can we please get back to talking about the actual game?

For example, there was that one bit in the trailer with the nuclear bomb going off. Do we think Fallout 4 going to be a prequel?


People wonder why there are less and less AAA releases each year as costs for games keep going up, but then you see those complaining about the graphics being shit and not good enough cause it doesn't match the last game they played and what they expect in "2015". It must be fun for devs to come in here and read this stuff >_>


Devs post on twitter and especially Reddit. GAF is just too toxic for them to have any presence here now.
Not really.

It looks serviceable, but it most definitely doesn't look good.
To each his own. IMO it looks good. The dog and character models aren't doing much for me nor the indoor scenes, but those quick shots of the wasteland looked great to me. Its not blowing me away but I still like what I see.
No shit. But it can't feel good to see all of the incessant whining and tearing their years of hard work apart down to every tiny detail. That is my point.

People are paying the same $60 dollars for this game same as any other .
The game has no AO , poor AA, not casting shadows etc etc people just calling out what they seeing , you don't even have to look to hard to see it .
Also people think a company like Bethesda that full of cash should be able to make a better looking game.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Can we please get back to talking about the actual game?

For example, there was that one bit in the trailer with the nuclear bomb going off. Do we think Fallout 4 going to be a prequel?

No, that is probable the opening sequence for new people joining the series this generation.
This trailer is great, so damn glad it doesn't seem to be blasted target render/and or prerendered CGI stuff.

Been playing some Fallout 3 recently, and this seems so much for colorful too.


Can we please get back to talking about the actual game?

For example, there was that one bit in the trailer with the nuclear bomb going off. Do we think Fallout 4 going to be a prequel?

Doubt it. Maybe the MC is the baby in the trailer and vault 111 opens waaaay earlier than the other vaults, or has some time travel experiment.


Devs post on twitter and especially Reddit. GAF is just too toxic for them to have any presence here now.

Reddit has hug fest subs that rarely get critical, so it's not surprising.

Bethesda may be taking the under promise, over deliver approach here with the graphics. Certainly does not look like a new engine.


You seem to have confused "I criticise you for releasing lies" with "I criticise you for releasing poor looking software". I applaud Bethesda for being honest, this is no Sega/Gearbox BS, but on the other hand what they've released is a trailer that looks at best on par with the work done in the PC modding community with NV and FO3. None of the longstanding criticisms of their engine seem to have been addressed, lighting, shadows, animation and what has been addressed are stuff that come for 'free' with better base hardware (ie textures).

If Bethesda have:
- allowed you to enter structures without a loading screen
- written quests that amount to more than 'Go to X, fetch Y' or 'Kill 5 x Monster A'
- fixed the damn sector based data system that results in super crappy view ranges
that's not here.

So we discuss what is here and we have come to opposite conclusions, you are hyped, I am disappointed.

If CDPR had taken an actual slice of their in production footage for their initial release trailer for the consoles I think people would of lost their minds at how bad it likely looked. But it would of been honest.

But instead they provided a bullshit vertical slice and lied about it up til release and sold millions. The highest count posters in the downgrade thread were people defending CDPR.

That is my point. Gamers today, they get what they deserve. As a publisher I would look at a thread like this and ask myself "what is the point of honest reveals???" I'm better off with a untiy, GTA or Witcher 3 type deception because it builds hype and the naysayers get drowned out. Unattainablly polished and with subtle upgrades that not even the maxed PC version will have. That seems to be what gamers respond too even though you bring up the topic and everyone says they hate it. Well, you clearly don't.


Whatever you think of the graphics, I don't think anyone can honestly say it looks like the effort of a company that has a mountain of cash and all the time in the world to make the best game that they can make, so that's part of the problem for me. I resent Bethesda's lack of ambition. Compare GTA 5 to GTA 4. Witcher 3 to Witcher 2. It's not about genre, it's about a developer taking the time to create something much greater than what came before it. Bethesda doesn't do this, and they have no excuse not to.
Can we please get back to talking about the actual game?

For example, there was that one bit in the trailer with the nuclear bomb going off. Do we think Fallout 4 going to be a prequel?

according to the super rumor reddit page: it takes place 10 years after events of Fallout 3- interspersed with flashback segments


You seem to have confused "I criticise you for releasing lies" with "I criticise you for releasing poor looking software". I applaud Bethesda for being honest, this is no Sega/Gearbox BS, but on the other hand what they've released is a trailer that looks at best on par with the work done in the PC modding community with NV and FO3. None of the longstanding criticisms of their engine seem to have been addressed, lighting, shadows, animation and what has been addressed are stuff that come for 'free' with better base hardware (ie textures).

If Bethesda have:
- allowed you to enter structures without a loading screen
- written quests that amount to more than 'Go to X, fetch Y' or 'Kill 5 x Monster A'
- fixed the damn sector based data system that results in super crappy view ranges
that's not here.

So we discuss what is here and we have come to opposite conclusions, you are hyped, I am disappointed.

Being able to walk in any building without loading in a massive world has been one of those things I've been waiting on for a long time. I hope so.
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