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What is it about FFVII in particular that made people crave a remake so badly?


I should probably start off saying that I've never finished Final Fantasy VII. I didn't own a Playstation at the time, so the best I could do was play it at my friend's house and only was able to get I'd say about half-way through. I really enjoyed it, which was odd because I never enjoyed any of the others, and I'm playing through it again right now which will to be to completion this time, and am finding myself enjoying it again.

So obviously it's a very special game. A game that many many people hold very dear to their hearts. If that wasn't already clear, the reaction to the remake's reveal very clearly reminded the world. It's really joyous to watch. But what it is it about this game that have made fans want specifically a remake for so long? Like to the point to where if the trailer said "SEQUEL" instead of "REMAKE" in the end, I think people would've actually been less excited?

It has all the properties of a game that's ripe for a remake. Released in the PS1/N64 era, it along with so many other games of that era had a look and feel that was groundbreaking at the time, but over time has definitely shown it's age. The "Damn, Polygons!" era. It still looks good and plays well don't get me wrong because so much love was put into it, but I'm sure you understand what I'm saying. But that's the thing, there are many games from that generation that are deeply beloved, just as much if not more than FFVII depending on who you're talking to. Metal Gear Solid. Super Mario 64. The fucking Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time. Just to name a few.

Two of these three games actually HAVE been remade, and neither of them were met with as nearly as overwhelming of a response as FFVII. Sure Ocarina 3D wasn't quite on the same scale as what the HDFFVII seems to be going for, but it was still an update to one of the most revered games of all time, and really well done. Yet while people liked it, it just kind of came and went. MGS : TTS was more on the ambitious level of the FFVII remake, but also just kind of came and went. It was a GCN exclusive which made it a bit harder for it to reach a larger audience, and in the end some people disagreed with how it turned out, but still. The initial reaction was nothing like this. And I imagine if Nintendo announced tomorrow that they were releasing a remake of Super Mario 64 with beautiful new graphics and tighter gameplay, people would be psyched, but not even close to this reaction. (EDIT: Forgot SM64 actually did get remade). Hell, some people might even see it as a retrogress and a waste of time. I would say that's possibly even true if they actually did announce a HD Ocarina remake too.

But with Final Fantasy VII, it's completely different. People want this. More than anything. For Final Fantasy VII to be remade feels like a dream come true. As the trailer put it, almost like a promise. Like it should've always happened all along. Why exactly is that? What is it about it that makes the world want to simply see it remade more than anything so badly? Is it because it exists in it's own universe that has never been visited again, unlike stuff like Metal Gear and Zelda? Is it because the characters themselves and the story that surrounds them are so timeless and memorable that people almost "saw" the game that is being made now back then, and just want that to be a reality? Is it the battle system? Is it that it's just been so damn long?

I just want to hear from the people that have wanted this so deeply for so long, on why they do. Even though I have never finished the game, I've found myself being very excited about the idea too. But obviously, I can't relate in the way that so many people that played in back in the day did. So why is FFVII being remade literally a dream come true for you busta sword fans?


It's a fantastic game that has aged awfully. 8 and 9 aged better, 7 looks ridiculous at times with it's lego characters.


I don't think people were craving a remake until that PS3 tech demo was shown. Ever since then...



Lots of people played it during their formative child/adolescence years so the the game really sticks with them. That plus its a very influential game that hasn't really been touched again in nearly two decades (movies + spin-offs are cool but aren't the same thing). If you didn't play the game when it came out and made waves, you may certainly still enjoy it but you won't have that "fervor" so to speak.


The art style was absolutely schizophrenic going from chibi to anime proportions and back seemingly at random. But the rest of FFVII is without flaw.

I just want the same exact from back in the day with a consistent art style.
I thought the graphics were super charming this day and age personally but w/e. I also think its partly because it was such a hyped game at the time of release it ended up being a lot of peoples first foray into the rpg genre. Or in my case first real rpg if we don't count pokemon blue haha.

Other than that nostalgia i'd guess.
FF7 is the only FF game that stood between the awkward early days of 3D games and more anatomically correct and detailed entries that followed it, as such, it looks primitive in some aspects technically despite being an excellent game with a solid story and a beloved cast of characters.


Every aspect of the game was great, especially the story. 99% of game stories are awful, but FF7, for me, has yet to be topped, nearly 20 years later. Also, we got some movies showing the cast in a CG fashion that lends itself well to the universe, so seeing a remake with a similar approach is incredibly desirable.

It also was the game that convinced me I wanted to make video games. Seeing a remake come to life is just awesome.


Super fun battle system, loveable characters, memorable, if kind of confusing, story, fantastic music

Basically the perfect game IMO
The game is great, but the biggest reason was the tech demo for ps3 showing the beginning of the game with HD graphics. Not only that, but advent children and crisis core made people salivate for FFVII with updated graphics. So everyone always wanted a remake for this particular game more than any other FF or any other game because of these little peeks in what a full FF VII remake could be


Even by PS1 standards, FF7 is a very graphically subpar game.

I never liked looking at it outside of the battles. If the models stayed like this

throughout the game then I could have played it.


I think the PS3 tech demo set things off. Hell, I thought that they were remaking the game when I saw the tech demo.


While not my favorite game ever, it's possibly the best shit looking game ever made.

Also this:

SE kept using it as Playstation tech demos giving people hope that it's working on a remake of sorts.

A lot of side games of FF7 were made and look a lot better than FF7.

FF7 movie.

FF7 aged horribly.


I feel Midgar (among a few others in the game) was one of the most developed locales in video games that many players experienced for the first time. When the cinematic cutaway occurs and you see the train circling around the districts, your imagination wonders. Each area you visit always made you feel as if you wanted to see/learn more about it. A 3D remake would make this possible in most people's minds.

Ploid 3.0

SE kept using it as Playstation tech demos giving people hope that it's working on a remake of sorts.

A lot of side games of FF7 were made and look a lot better than FF7.

FF7 movie.

FF7 aged horribly.

Going from FF7 to FF8 was a huge graphical upgrade. Such detailed enemies and characters.


I think the main reason is it's most people's first RPG.

I don't think so. It's got a really good 'campaign' in today's terms. It's a pretty cool ride the whole way through.

As a game, aside from the graphics, it's still very playable and enjoyable even today. I think people have noticed that quality over the years and remember how fun it was.


I think the tech demo and things like Advent Children played a big part in it. Seeing the world and character in such higher fidelity, and the fact that those things were so much later so it kept giving people hope we'd see the original game looking like Advent Children. Add in things like Crisis Core too.

And of course it being really popular and a lot of people's introduction to the genre, plus it not aging particularly well in the non-battle graphics.


It was ranked at #1 in a magazine that listed the top 100 games ever, so I got it and it was my first ever JRPG. I was floored that it was #1 because you had to just stand and wait to fight things, why would anyone like that??

Well, turns out if you play enough it becomes enjoyable, and it was my first JRPG after all so it's special in that sense. I also really like the aesthetic of that world compared to any of the other FF games, or even any other JRPG, so to see that re-made would be awesome.
It was a masterpiece and its graphics aged terribly...the polygon graphics anyway.

The backgrounds are still fantastic.
This. Materia and character stories were on point, loved it's weird atmosphere of hope and dread.

Sure, the writing is what it is. Beyond those faults, still love it. Still play it semi-annually. Music, boss battles, creatures, and locations especially made that world fantastic to visit.

I've always just wanted to see it with more love given to the visuals, since my mind created so many playing its blocky self.


Edit: I still have yet to see such an interesting combination of nature, steampunk tech, and fantasy.
It's a great game that, graphically, aged awfully compared to the Final Fantasies that pre-and-succeeded it

Ding ding ding!

But what it is it about this game that have made fans want specifically a remake for so long? Like to the point to where if the trailer said "SEQUEL" instead of "REMAKE" in the end, I think people would've actually been less excited?

Er, there have been both prequels and sequels, with... mixed results.

Joey Ravn

I tried it back in the day and, to be completely honest, I find it to be much worse than FFV/VI even at the time. I have tried to go back to FFVII several times since those days, but I've never managed to enjoy the game. Maybe this remake finally makes me see the light and understand why the game is perfect...
if it ever comes out for PC


If the story hooks you, you become immersed in a wonderful world. 'LOL the graphics suck' doesn't interfer with that if use a little abstract imagination.

The soundtrack is God tier also.


Neo Member
I think the main reason is it's most people's first RPG.

Yup. It was my second actually after Illusion of Gaia.

Plus after the tech demo and Advent Children, I think people want to be able to play the game again with the better, updated visuals

Though I've read things with the story are gonna be a little different this time around and people will bitch about the game relentlessly no matter what, least it's getting made right?
It was a masterpiece and its graphics aged terribly...the polygon graphics anyway.

The backgrounds are still fantastic.

Right answer.

After seeing modded FF VII, with non-block hands, and non-SD characters outside of battle screens, I've really wanted a remake. That would have made me happy, just having battle screen characters as the default characters.

But this Remake looks to be something special, with Advent Children level character models to control and appear in cut scenes.
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