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What is it about FFVII in particular that made people crave a remake so badly?


The graphics have never been a problem for me. I've replayed it multiple times and they've always been functional, enough to achieve what they aimed for. Looking at it from another perspective, the game also wasn't so graphically able that the developers would screw up the presentation with, say, super-anime stuff. The blocky proportions meshed well with some of the goofy motions of the characters, basically.


I think a lot of us feel this way, but know it cannot be so. They'll make changes and we'll get a reinterpretation of something we already can play as much as we want.

I know, just reading in the other thread what some people want it to be made me simultaneously sad and furious. It won't be what I want, but I can hope they damage it as little as possible.
One of the things that I thought was really interesting about the reaction videos is that some of the people who were most excited were too young to have played the game when it was new. I think it has to be a lot more than nostalgia.

It could also be because of the meme that it would never be remade. I would figure that most of the people in that audience has never played a Shenmue game also. However because of the cult status of the games ending on a cliffhanger, it makes people cheer for something that previously wouldn't have happened; even if it doesn't affect them personally.
I remember buying Tobal No. 1 as a kid and finding out that it also came with a demo disc of the 7th installment of some game franchise that I never heard of.

It blew me away.

My favorite part of the demo was that it allowed you to use the summon Leviathan at the very early part of the game and it was groundbreaking to me. I remember the big tidal wave coming in and destroying everything and it left me in awe. That demo made me buy FF7 the day it came out and it was even better than I hoped.


Helped popularize JRPGs in the US for a time. Good game with amazing visuals/production at the time.

Fantastic OST.

There have been a bunch of spinoffs, Advent Children movie, PS3 tech demo, orchestrated versions of the game's soundtrack, etc.

Those things have showed what an updated game could look and sound like.
As a few others have already said. It's almost completely nostalgia. Which is also what leads to people saying it's the "best game ever" and all that non-sense.

I don't think you will find many people making those claims who didn't play it upon release.

Personally I played it for the first time this year and loved it. It's actually in my top 3 Final Fantasy games easily maybe even my second favorite behind IX, but it's still the most over rated game friggin ever due to how ridiculous some of the fans are.

Nostalgia is a bad thing that slows progress as far as I am concerned. But VII is a great game.


I think a lot of people (obviously not all) were those that never even played the original and became fans with the compilation and probably consider the original "too ugly and dated" to play.

that and VII just has one of the most psychotic fanbases ever.


I think the main reason is it's most people's first RPG.

This. FF7 was fun but it's no 4 or 6, IMO.

Nostalgia is a huge thing. Like I don't get the appeal of Mario 64 or Zelda OOT. Mario World and Zelda LttP are better. All depends on where you really started gaming.


Is was a bloated crazy game. Nostalgia more than anything I'd wager. I'd kill for a 9 remake any day over this. Cohesive, fun characters and style, and a better battle system.


It was many people's first RPG. So the nostalgia is there, for sure. Got lots of people into the genre (and into games).

Is was a bloated crazy game. Nostalgia more than anything I'd wager. I'd kill for a 9 remake any day over this. Cohesive, fun characters and style, and a better battle system.

Also, yes.


It is one of the best RPGs i ever played. Story was great, your companion stories were very interesting and tied to the main plot. The ATB battle system/ materia tender was unique, easy to play, rewarding and fun.
The world was beautiful but also mysterious. you wanted to explore every corner. But to do that you had to progress the story and get Cid's airship.

I hope the remake will remind me the feels i had back then.
FFVII was a system seller for me back then the remake will have the same effect or it will greatly contribute to my decision on getting a PS4.
You kinda had to be there I guess.

Oh man i remember buying every mag that had any info on FF7 back then and my excitement of rushing to electronics boutique after work to pick up my copy on release day.

Played for 10hrs straight that night.

The remake announcement brought all those feels back thus solidifying this E3 as the best in years for me.


Because of things like huge marketing pushes when it was originally released, grand scale RPG that had not been seen before and production values that blew any other Final Fantasy before it out of the water, it became one of, if not biggest selling FF games ever.

It basically did what WoW did for MMO's in the sense that it turned JRPG's from this thing nerds knew about with stats and battles and turned it into a cultural norm that people you wouldn't expect played.

This is why people crave it. Many people have not played it since their first time so they have fond memories of being anywhere from 9-25 at the time and playing the shit out of it. So when they hear FF7 Remake they get instantly transported to that age and get those nostalgic feelings.

Some of us have and do play it often, and it's rough in some areas but it's great in others, and as far as ATB JRPG''s go it's still good at that, but the mainstream has moved away from that (for better or worse) but there is still a market for the traditional if Bravely Default is any indication, it just needs a little tweak at modernization (like the slider that determines the percentage of random battles).

That said, the game touched a lot of people at the right ages to make it a classic.


Everything mentioned in this thread:

Which 'moments' have to be recaptured in the FF VII remake?

I doubt a similar thread about FFVI would have as many fondly remembered moments.

While I do agree that VII has more, there are many scenes/moments from VI that I would love to see recreated in HD.

Oh man i remember buying every mag that had any info on FF7 back then and my excitement of rushing to electronics boutique after work to pick my copy on release day.

Same here. I followed the game extensively up until release. I even imported the OST before the game came out. Still have it. :)


lol @ all the people stating that it's just because it was their first one. Yes, it may have been a lot of people's first JRPG but that's not the sole reason why people are so crazy about it. The game was (and still is) one of the best ever made. Period.
It has the makings of a great RPG story, buried beneath uneven gameplay, a really terribly designed world, and graphics that were already aged by the time the game was released.'

As a benchmark game for the industry, it'd mean a lot to see it realized with today's technology.


The Secret of Mana was my first jrpg but FFVII was the jrpg that got me to love Jrpgs.

I put like over 400hrs into the game collecting every secret I could.


While I think FF7re is a terrible idea it doesn't blow my mind as much as much as people who clamor for a FF6 remake. I get that FF7 is sorta ugly since polygons have improved so much, but FF6 is gorgeous to this day. It has beautiful sprites and fantastic chip-tune songs. Why you would want to change that for bland 3D models and generic as fuck orchestral arrangements is beyond me.

Tifa in HD. ;)

If that's what you're interested in bro... the internet has you covered.........


- First 3D FF
- Memorable characters and one of the greatest FF villains
- Amazing story
- The Soundtrack
- The game that brought FF into the mainstream in the West
Because it was a ground-breaking game that plays and sounds wonderful even to this day.

The graphics are terrible and the translation is rough and the FMV (do we still call those videos that?) is the worst...

...and that's why it would be ripe for being remade.

I personally want to see if the vastness of the game in my imagination can be effectively done with today's modern hardware. If that game can be huge without being empty or boring...hoo boy.


Simply put, Final Fantasy VII is the most sought after remake of all time. It's the most popular JRPG of all time; the one that non-JRPG fans have played and the one that non-gamers may have heard of. At the same time, the graphics are now so primitive that many people are unwilling to replay it. So it's effectively a lost classic even though it's never been unavailable. Put all of that together, and the popularity of Final Fantasy VII's remake is obvious.

Funny enough, it's possibly the most misremembered game of all time as well. People tend to remember some aspects of the game pretty well, but other prominent aspects seem to have been all but forgotten. One prominent example is: Cloud is the emo one, Aeris is the quiet one, and Tifa is the tomboy. I hope that Square Enix decides to revisit the game and rectify some of these perceptions.
Seems to be the consensus is that:

  1. It was an incredible game.
  2. The graphics (mostly the character models) are atrocious by today's standards, unlike many pixel-based games.
  3. The usage of the opening scene as a PS3 tech demo dared us to dream about what this game could be like if it were unconstrained by vintage hardware.

This game wasn't my first RPG (I played Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG before), but at the age of 10 it had a substantial impact on me. I'll never forget going over to my friend Billy's house after school and playing through it for the first time.
I feel Midgar (among a few others in the game) was one of the most developed locales in video games that many players experienced for the first time. When the cinematic cutaway occurs and you see the train circling around the districts, your imagination wonders. Each area you visit always made you feel as if you wanted to see/learn more about it. A 3D remake would make this possible in most people's minds.

Yeah, to me it's the atmosphere and the setting. There's something really special about FF7's world.
The polygonal graphics add charm to the game for me. :/

I keep going back and forth with this in my head, but a part of me wants to keep the deformed look outside of battle. I think it is almost kind of necessary for a lot of those light-hearted moments to hit right.


I remember reading the previews in OPM UK prior to release. They were discussing the gossip coming from other continents that "it's already being talked about as the best game of all time".


Can the PS4 even handle all those assets?

With the power of the


I think the main reason is it's most people's first RPG.
This, plus it hasn't aged well. A remake could help it out in a lot of ways.

It wasn't my first RPG (nor is it in my top ten RPGs), but a lot of people in the US got into RPGs because of FFVII. It's an important game, people want to re-experience it.


It was the first 3D Final Fantasy and I think the first fully 3D RPG on consoles, as far as I can remember, It marked the beginning of the trend big budget, cinematic storytelling for RPGs. It was also the first RPG for many folks, especially ones that started with the PSX as their first console.

On top of that, the game has a fantastic setting that was pretty rare or non-existent in RPGs up until that point, great gameplay, and it was chock full of things to do. The story and characters helped it immensely too. I think the setting ultimately resonated with people a lot more than any other FF game. Most of the other FFs are far more fantastical in their setting but FF7 really had a base that could be more relate-able for players.

It certainly has issues, no doubt, but it definitely deserved this remake.

Astral Dog

Everything you said plus the PS3 demo plus the sales plus it being the first Final Fantasy on 3D, on Play Station and one of the first "Cinematic" games ever created, its a classic.


There is practically zero chance that whatever it was people liked about FF7 back then is going to be faithfully recreated in the remake. Even if they manage to pull that off, the people who liked it as teens are going to be 20 years older when it comes out.
I don't even know if those people (myself included) will have the time to dive into a 50 hour RPG, much less appreciate the YA Novel levels of existential crises and environmentalism.

Their best hope is to make a new FF7 for a new generation of 13 year olds.
Also throwing this in as another explanation - FF7 was to JRPGs as Star Wars was to sci-fi movies. It was the right game at the right time and it exploded the entire genre wide open in terms of mainstream popularity (and sold a ton of PS1s in the process)

I wouldn't be surprised at all if FF6 is the next FF to get remade after 7 is done. FF6 is one of the few early ones that didn't get any kind of remake/update and has only hand a handful of ports, yet it's still in many fans Top 5 - maybe even Top 3

I think this is a big part as well. Right place, right time. Epic story. A ton of content. Memorable characters and story beats. Gorgeous and varied aesthetics and designs whose potential was limited by the tech at the time, resulting in it aging poorly.

The "it was a lot of peoples first JRPG" reason doesn't seem to be that influential a reason in the long run as the game is popular with many people who that isn't true for, like myself. I played Lttp, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, and more before I ever played FF7 and FF7 left a bigger impression on me than any of those other games. In fact, there is no other JRPG that has left a bigger impression on me before or since.
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