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DF: Witcher 3 patch 1.07 negatively impacts framerate, up to 8fps lower on XB1


My point was, that you stated it stopped you from playing the game, Yet i and many others didnt let a few frames dropping stop us playing it.

Wasnt even released on PC, But considering your PC centric you probably went full snob mode at the performance.
It's more than just a few dropped frames. lol

And it did stop plenty of other console gamers from playing it. Just like many console gamers here do not find a game running at 20fps for any period of time to be acceptable. There was a whole thread dedicated to this, in fact.

Plenty of complaints about AC Unity's performance not being playable on consoles.

Plenty of complaints about The Evil Within's performance not being playable on consoles.

Etc etc. PC gamers aren't the only ones with standards and not finding 20fps for any prolonged period of time acceptable shouldn't mean you get the snob label. Though I still wonder why you're targeting me and not the person I was talking to, who is a console gamer saying they don't find TW3 to be acceptable on console. I think you're just kind of using this as an outlet to get your feelings about PC gamers out....


Yet again, we're in a thread about performance and I was assuming we were talking about performance. It performs a lot worse than TW3.

Ah yes, I actually edited one of my comments to mention this but my original post was about patches to fix previous issues causing new issues that were not present before, not specifically about the framerate of this game.


There seems to be some huge texture streaming issues on PS4 in that one DF video:


Take a look as he's riding on the bridge to Novigrad at the left wall (2.10 onwards) and several times thereafter in the city itself on different buildings.

Just to illustrate (and sorry for the poor quality. I'm on mobile):



These guys at CDPR have become the biggest joke so far this gen, they may be laughing to the bank, but I'm sure quite a few persons will remember the effort they made on consoles for release, which they still can't fix months after.

There was a thread where a poster mentioned that a dev who left the project prior to W3 shipping; mentioned that the consoles versions were in a total mess and that PC would be the right way to go, I meant to question him on that statement but never got to it and lost track of the thread in question. Even now, Damien Monnier, recommends playing witcher 3 on a low end PC over the XB1 version because you will get to play at 1080p. Putting 2 and 2 together, not only will you do that, but you will be able to use ultra textures, better water effects, better shadows etc....

It's just a bad effort all round, what's worse is that this game has a marketing deal with the XB1 brand, not surprisingly however; another marketing deal shows up where the PS4 version has all sorts of problems running things better over the XB1 in similar scenes. The norm is that the PS4 will hold a higher framerate at a higher resolution than the XB1 every time, sometimes with some added effects and detail, but not here. Not with these XB1 marketed games apparently.

These guys were propped up so much by a few posters here, (mostly pc guys) but clearly these guys have to go back to the drawing board on console development. When you watch what Rocksteady have done and what CDPR have done on consoles there's no doubt as to which dev is more competent...

Tracing their tracks for W3 development does not gain them any traction or boosts one's confidence in their ability to deliver a quality product. Their history on this project looks like this;

1.Witcher 3 announced to a great looking trailer.
2. Witcher 3 gameplay shown and shows a massive downgrade
3. Witcher 3 is delayed
4.Witcher 3 launches and gets great scores
5. Witcher 3 is a technical mess on consoles, even lower end pc's have better textures and effects
6. Devs promises patches to solve console issues
7. Patches are released solving all issues except the most glaring and obvious.
8. Devs makes promises on patches they don't deliver.

If anything, the fact that the Witcher 3 has better textures and effects on a 750ti shows that the consoles should have much better performance there already, since many of these effects are dialed back on consoles. The PS4 should have similar or better effects over the 750ti and run any game better too (as has been shown in many comparisons). This port job is no better than RE-R2, Xenoverse, Remake and Alien Isolation. Some of the performance and missing graphical features in some of these ports had me scratching my head, but nothing made me smh more than double buffered vsync for cutscenes and gameplay and all these lower than low effects and ultra textures which were all possible on lower end pc hardware for Witcher 3. Hell, at least RE-R2 had 16xAF........


Dreams in Digital
Has it put the graphics back to what it was on the PS4? If so, GREAT. Framerates mean nothing to me.

Just buy the game and play it people.
I dont understand but why?

I thought getting stable 30fps at the expense of lesser vegetation and bling shaders, will be a good thing?

It is a guaranteed PR shitstorm. According to my personal observations many people believe that these $399 boxes are magic and that a game's poor performance is always due to "lack of optimization" by "lazy devs".


So instead of changing the PS4 version to use a triple buffered setup, they changed the Xbox One version to use a double buffered setup. Maybe it was an accident.


They really need to undo that shit on Xbox One (no idea how it is on PS4). Who though decreasing the performance was a good idea? I had no problems with if before. /sad


These guys at CDPR have become the biggest joke so far this gen
Yes, I'm sure despite this game being likely to be a strong contender for GOTY for consumers and media alike, this studio is the biggest joke of this gen. lol

These guys were propped up so much by a few posters here, (mostly pc guys)
Which is why you are so desperately eager to put them down as much as possible, no doubt. Your intentions see-through as ever.


Wow, I just got all of the achievements a couple of days ago, so I'm done with it. Still, it sucks for those who are still playing the game. Totally unacceptable. Why would they gimp the frame rate when it ran fine on XB1? Dat parity.


How is the performance on PC now? Did it decrease as well?

I haven't played witcher for over a week because I was waiting for this patch to continue


The PS4 version locked up at 20 fps in the swamp area? WTF. I'm glad have a capable PC.
Locked at 20 fps throughout an entire area is what I call unplayable. The input lag must be horrible.

And people told us the PS4 framerate was just fine and perfectly playable. Unbelievable...
Some people have frighteningly low expectations when it comes to framerate. Frighteningly low expectations.

Yeah it is borderline unplayable in these stretches. As someone who has put some time into the PS4 version and has put it down, I cannot believe it when people claim it performs "just fine". Locked at 20fps for significant periods of time is gross and the game plays like shit, absolute garbage, when you are in a framerate slog.

I have yet to see framerates this terrible on this console and the game doesn't even look that great when compared to other open world games of the generation.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I hate this so much, there wasn't such problems (and patching didn't even exist) earlier when PS2 dominated the market.

Its easy to say that we miss the PS2 days, but its also very ignorant since games are now 100X more complex and have many many more lines of code to go through.

That's not to say that overall QC hasnt gone down a bit with the safety net of day one patches, but lets quit acting like they're exactly the same.


This is so strange. In the other thread, we had posters saying performance was significantly improved instead...

Now, I don't wanna jump to conclusions, but if this is really true, then CDPR really pulled a shitty move here. Not removing the double buffering of the PS4 version is one thing, but putting it into the XB1 version is fucking bullshit. I sincerely hope someone made a huge mistake, whether it be DF or CDPR. And I highly doubt DF got this wrong.


Why the hell did they release it?

Money and shareholder pressure. They already sold like 1,5 million copies on pre-orders alone. No point in holding it back when consumers have already paid for your product based on very questionable marketing material.

And look, people are still defending TW3. They could release a patch that pushes the framerate to 15 and people would still defend the game. Everyone giving CDPR a free pass because they're not EA or Ubisoft.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Awesome! (hopefully lol)

Wish it had come a little earlier. Don't have time to play it til a bit later.

I'm about 70% done but I've just lost interest a bit, it's a fantastic game but I just need to get the itch to finish it. Plus it's just so hot I don't really want to do anything other than mong in bed and watch Dreamhack.


The norm is that the PS4 will hold a higher framerate at a higher resolution than the XB1 every time, sometimes with some added effects and detail, but not here. Not with these XB1 marketed games apparently.

That's not the norm. You'd expect the 900p Xbox version to run a little better than the 1080p PS4 version, because of the different CPU clocks and GPU difference being consumed by the resolution increase.

There are some exceptions, like MGS:GZ.

Daffy Duck

I'd put it on hold a month or so back and this patch sounded fantastic that I thought I'll jump back in, was waiting for the XP fix then this patch and now it seems like I need to wait for another patch....

Come on CDPR I love your game and want to play it.


Its easy to say that we miss the PS2 days, but its also very ignorant since games are now 100X more complex and have many many more lines of code to go through.

That's not to say that overall QC hasnt gone down a bit with the safety net of day one patches, but lets quit acting like they're exactly the same.

Just a bit....? Really? I'd make a list of how many buggy games got released so far only to get patched either day one or in the next few months, but it is definitely not worth my time. It is out there for everyone to see.

You can't use that "games are more complex now!" for QA and QC when they fell as much as they did this gen when there are other developers releasing as much complex games without issues or anywhere near as many.
That's not the norm. You'd expect the 900p Xbox version to run a little better than the 1080p PS4 version, because of the different CPU clocks and GPU difference being consumed by the resolution increase.

There are some exceptions, like MGS:GZ.
Except that isn't the case.

Even when the PS4 is boasting a resolution advantage, its still featuring a better frame rate usually.


You're starting to lose me.....

.... yeah, you lost me.

He's saying that Rocksteady is a far more competent developer than CDPR. And he's right.

Batman didn't require MONTHS of constant patching to finish the game. The fact that they just released a patch that makes performance WORSE, even after commenting about how it was supposed to address it, is just laughably incompetent.

Everybody seems to be drunk off the free DLC and constant patches without realizing that we should be getting a complete fucking game at release.


These guys at CDPR have become the biggest joke so far this gen, they may be laughing to the bank, but I'm sure quite a few persons will remember the effort they made on consoles for release, which they still can't fix months after.

Nah, that title is for Wanner Bros/rocksteady/iron Galaxy for the arkham knight PC port. That shit is 10 times worse than witcher 3 on consoles.

He's saying that Rocksteady is a far more competent developer than CDPR. And he's right.

He is only right if you talk solely about technical competence on consoles. On PC CDPR is MUCH more competent than rocksteady.


He's saying that Rocksteady is a far more competent developer than CDPR. And he's right.

Batman didn't require MONTHS of constant patching to finish the game. The fact that they just released a patch that makes performance WORSE, even after commenting about how it was supposed to address it, is just laughably incompetent.
Rocksteady did not have to do both console and PC versions of Arkham Knight. So not exactly the same situation.


He's saying that Rocksteady is a far more competent developer than CDPR. And he's right.

Batman didn't require MONTHS of constant patching to finish the game. The fact that they just released a patch that makes performance WORSE, even after commenting about how it was supposed to address it, is just laughably incompetent.

Everybody seems to be drunk off the free DLC and constant patches without realizing that we should be getting a complete fucking game at release.

Rocksteady didn't even release the PC version of their own game. In no way can that be considered competent.
He's saying that Rocksteady is a far more competent developer than CDPR. And he's right.

Batman didn't require MONTHS of constant patching to finish the game. The fact that they just released a patch that makes performance WORSE, even after commenting about how it was supposed to address it, is just laughably incompetent.

Everybody seems to be drunk off the free DLC and constant patches without realizing that we should be getting a complete fucking game at release.

Yeah, game was fucking unplayable at launch. What's the point of all the story, characters, combat, lore, and all this other shit if I don't have my performance?

Devs need to get out in the world and realize that a game isn't done until we can get 60fps or at least 30. This is why Ubisoft is one of the best studios making games right now.


That's not the norm. You'd expect the 900p Xbox version to run a little better than the 1080p PS4 version, because of the different CPU clocks and GPU difference being consumed by the resolution increase.

There are some exceptions, like MGS:GZ.
Here we go with this bullshit again. The truth is, there are many more games with both res and frame rate advantage on PS4 than those with higher res but lower frame rate than the XB1 version. Off the top of my head, here are some examples:
Dying Light
Battlefield 4
Project Cars
F1 2015
Batman Arkham Knight
Mortal Kombat X
Even a few games that had a frame rate advantage on XB1 were more than just higher res on PS4. Dragon Age Inquisition, for example, also had better tessellation. So please, stop this bullshit.


Except that isn't the case.

Even when the PS4 is boasting a resolution advantage, its still featuring a better frame rate usually.
And if that doesn't happen, that doesn't mean a developer is incompetent. Every game is built differently and will run with different demands on hardware.


Here we go with this bullshit again. The truth is, there are many more games with both res and frame rate advantage on PS4 than those with higher res but lower frame rate than the XB1 version. Off the top of my head, here are some examples:
Dying Light
Battlefield 4
Project Cars
F1 2015
Batman Arkham Knight
Mortal Kombat X
Even a few games that had a frame rate advantage on XB1 were more than just higher res on PS4. Dragon Age Inquisition, for example, also had better tessellation. So please, stop this bullshit.
The only bullshit is people thinking that a game *should* have higher red AND higher framerate on PS4 automatically. That's just not how things work.


The only bullshit is people thinking that a game *should* have higher red AND higher framerate on PS4 automatically. That's just not how things work.
I never said this should always happen. Where did I say that? You're getting defensive for no reason. But the common misconception that the PS4 version is only higher res but worse frame rate than the XB1 version is the norm is bullshit. I've pointed this out countless times, but people seem to ignore this.
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