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PS4 Firmware 3.0 Features

sounds like a nice update. i hope they implement imgur or something to share pictures directly. also they should partner up or give you a choice to choose your cloud storage (i hope google drive)


If you want to tackle a big multiplayer raid, but don’t have enough friends, this could be a great way to connect with other likeminded players.

AKA, we realise Bungie are still being dicks about Destiny matchmaking, so we'll help a brother out.


solid list of improvements, and the storage expansion is most welcome and overdue. Hope folders are one of the unlisted improvements.


What a great update, almost everything people were asking for, besides... Friend notification!

Seriously I feel like there is a major issue there, like someone fucked up with the design of the OS really bad and they can't figure out how to fix it (like last gen with the PS3 chat), after all it is the most basic thing there is, the first thing you're supposed to add into your OS, I don't know if they will ever gonna add it at this point.

Still , a great update, really like the community idea' like Steam's groups.


So happy about PNG. Will really show off PS4 games now when we can get full uncompressed shots of what games actually look like. This generation on console has been about that extra level of detail and definition in games like Infamous, detail that is simply completely lost, and makes all the difference when seen natively.

Not running out of cloud save storage another big bonus, and YouTube live streaming, yes! I might finally begin streaming more regularly, Twitch was hopeless (my longer streams just messed up when trying to watch back afterwards). YouTube is game streaming nirvana now.

The extra features around social stuff is interesting but i'll need to see it in action. I hope it does add something to the experience.

Overall I'm very happy with my PS4. The improvements, while slow, are coming eventually. Letting me change my display name is the one last sour point left for me.

(Oh and one niggle I have around saving/sharing video clips: I realised when it was too late, that pressing entering the share menu and choosing a screenshot, also resets where video starts recording from, so you lose everything before that point unless you save a clip as well while you're in the menu. Wish it just had constant access to the last 10 minutes or whatever you set it to. As soon as you save one clip it resets the recording again. I'd rather it always kept that rolling last 15 minutes no matter what you've saved up til then)


So am i alerted when a friend comes online or not?



What a great update, almost everything people were asking for, besides... Friend notification!

Seriously I feel like there is a major issue there, like someone fucked up with the design of the OS really bad and they can't figure out how to fix it (like last gen with the PS3 chat), after all it is the most basic thing there is, the first thing you're supposed to add into your OS, I don't know if they will ever gonna add it at this point.

Still , a great update, really like the community idea' like Steam's groups.

The friends app is already changing online/offline status for friends in real-time, so it should be a simple matter of just making a notification for those events. For whatever strange reason they just haven't done that simple feature yet.


I see. I wonder why they would do that?

There's a couple things I can come up with. One is that on the PS3, saves always had the icon for the game embedded (and maybe the XMB music clip?) embedded, which bloated those a bit. But the PS4 doesn't add that much, and it should vary based on save size and icon size. Another possibility is that it's there to increase the effectiveness of the encryption, adding a bunch of random dummy data makes encryption a lot harder to crack. That also doesn't quite make sense, since large saves that are just under 10.4 MB wouldn't have room for a lot of random noise.

It's acting like it's the block size, which is just bonkers.


Thank flap they finally upgraded the save game space!!

I was so sick of deleting older games to upload a few saves for my new games.


What a great update, almost everything people were asking for, besides... Friend notification!

Seriously I feel like there is a major issue there, like someone fucked up with the design of the OS really bad and they can't figure out how to fix it (like last gen with the PS3 chat), after all it is the most basic thing there is, the first thing you're supposed to add into your OS, I don't know if they will ever gonna add it at this point.

Still , a great update, really like the community idea' like Steam's groups.

Im beginning to suspect this myself just like they can't implement name change they can't implement this simple feature too but if that's the case they.should outright say it although it would.be embarrassing it would shut the likes of me up


The friends app is already changing online/offline status for friends in real-time, so it should be a simple matter of just making a notification for those events. For whatever strange reason they just haven't done that simple feature yet.

The first argument that used to come up with friend notifications is people realizing that it'd be useless for people with large friend lists. They'd need to add some sort of way to tag different friends, like, say, groups.
How does taking 10 second clips work? Like the regular sharing option?

I want some way to instantly upload the LAST 10 seconds of footage.


Increased storage, fucking finally. I'm tired of juggling save space.

Still... It's ridiculous that there's a limit when your competitor has unlimited space for the same price. Hopefully Sony keeps expanding it's offering.


The first argument that used to come up with friend notifications is people realizing that it'd be useless for people with large friend lists. They'd need to add some sort of way to tag different friends, like, say, groups.

Yeah, exactly. With the increase to 2000 max friends, it really would be a clusterfuck of a feature for some people. But now that they're enabling groups in the friends app, it's much more likely to come soon (or already in this update, because they say there's more).
pretty good update. wish it was 100gb or something cause micro gives unlimited cloud save space... but hey, 10 is better than 1.


Nice, lots of features I've been hoping for/sound cool. I'm still waiting on sorting trophy collection in alphabetical order though.

Edit^^^^ oh wow those changes to the storefront look good.


Request to watch is one hell of a feature !

Sony is advancing online gaming beyond competition, I mean Shareplay, RP and now request to watch.

Amazing feature list.
has anyone actually gotten into the beta?

don't worry about the NDA ;)

I asked earlier, and never got a response. I would assume you are allowed to at least say you are in it, just not talk about what is in it. Who knows?

I never got a response after signing up to beta test firmware. I never saw anyone else hint that they did either. Does anyone know if anybody has been chosen yet? Nobody has to say who has been, lol.
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