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R.Mika's Critical Art is censored in the latest build of SF5

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Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Same thing in this case
Except that the camera angle differs greatly. You wouldn't get a zoom in on Dan's ass for example, or riggers making sure that his ass has physics if you slow down the animation.
or a bunch of people calling it censorship if they were to have that and then alter in during development. >_>


This is a funny and interesting scenario, the people who didnt like R mika weren't going to play her (or this game) in the first place. The only people who get hurt by this move are those who like the complete character and her identity. This doesn't even benefit those who hate r mika, because they hate her by DESIGN.

IMO, a bad move overall.

EDIT: What Im saying is: I cant see anyone going... "Ok NOW I'm going to play r mika!"
Man this is not a good week for the public image of SFV.

First we get the tutorial, which (from the majority of the feedback I've seen) has been very negative in terms of aesthetic and production value... raising real concerns over the quality of the story mode which was supposed to be improved in this game.

Now actively removing a single piece of fanservice like that's going to excuse the other 90% of the content that's likely to offend the people it was removed to pander to.

A huge part of what sunk Street Fighter x Tekken was public image... Capcom needs to get their act together, and quick.

The tutorial, I can maybe see souring some people, but a single butt slap, really?

I can guarantee that in a couple months, nobody is going to give a shit about this. This is nowhere near what they pulled with SFXTK. It's such a trivial thing.


It's terrible, anything that could potentially hurt anyone's feelings is "toxic" or "problematic" now.

People need to raise children with thicker skin, and people need to stop looking for things to be offended about for attention

People can get offended all they want I just feel like we need to stop changing stuff because they do.


Context is everything.

It's like complaining that a woman shouldn't wear a bikini.

A girl with a bikini on the beach is totally normal. Why wouldn't she wear a bikini? That's appropriate clothing for an appropriate situation.

A girl with a bikini in a war zone fighting enemy soldiers, however? Or a girl in a bikini in a courtroom drama? Or a girl in a bikini having a political exchange in a game? Inappropriate attire and inappropriate context.

You can't generalize. Sometimes sexy stuff works and sometimes it doesn't. Duke Nukem making rape jokes at two girls who got violated by aliens, for instance, is it not working... ever.

But see, like, Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach OVA is routinely jibed at. They're on beaches, they should wear bikinis, right? But the content, it's clearly fanserving in nature. Which is why you get people calling it "pathetic" and "the video game equivalent of softcore porn."

Take that same kind of content in an early build of a game, and then take it out, and you get people on Steam hoping that you as a developer go under. Or take that same kind of content and surround it by other good qualities, and what was once worth calling softcore porn? God help you if you even acknowledge it. Even if you say "But the rest of the game was good." Acknowledge it as an issue and you're a joke amongst your game reviewing peers.

I hate to piggyback on this Mika thing, but it's relevant to and part of a larger frustration I have with the community and industry of video games as a whole.
Except that the camera angle differs greatly. You wouldn't get a zoom in on Dan's ass for example, or riggers making sure that his ass has physics if you slow down the animation.
or a bunch of people calling it censorship if they were to have that and then alter in during development. >_>

It's a slap and it's a funny joke on both characters. But somehow you want to see different because one of the two is a female. Who is sexist now?


It's terrible, anything that could potentially hurt anyone's feelings is "toxic" or "problematic" now.

People need to raise children with thicker skin, and people need to stop looking for things to be offended about for attention

Totally. Then we wouldn't have so many people bitching about not seeeing an ass slap in a video game.


The tutorial, I can maybe see souring a couple people, but a single butt slap, really?

I can guarantee that in a couple months, nobody is going to give a shit about this. This is nowhere near what they pulled with SFXTK.

MAAAn if those 6 dlc characters are in the data fully complete on launch



Except that the camera angle differs greatly. You wouldn't get a zoom in on Dan's ass for example, or riggers making sure that his ass has physics if you slow down the animation.
or a bunch of people calling it censorship if they were to have that and then alter in during development. >_>

one is in mid battle as a taunt, the other is during a super freeze that halts gameplay
The reasoning behind the change. Which as of yet in this instance no one knows (or ever will).

And yet, people seem dead certain. For example:

People can get offended all they want I just feel like we need to stop changing stuff because they do.

It's terrible, anything that could potentially hurt anyone's feelings is "toxic" or "problematic" now.

People need to raise children with thicker skin, and people need to stop looking for things to be offended about for attention

No to censorship.

No to buying this game.

And I don't even care about that T&A.

That outrage culture.


As someone who doesn't like this change, and thinks that the animation now looks awkward, this whole topic getting way out of hand...

Maybe everyone needs to chill a little. Some pretty melodramatic things are being said. In general, people seem to be getting pretty ugly over something that is fairly minor.
MAAAn if those 6 dlc characters are in the data fully complete on launch


Well... at the very least Capcom's already said they'd be unlockable in-game with a bit of work...

But if they end up taking a hilarious amount of work to unlock and they genuinely try doing on-disc DLC AGAIN after all the crap they got for SFxTK, then yeah, I'll be miffed.


Neo Member
People can get offended all they want I just feel like we need to stop changing stuff because they do.

People got offended at the slightest thing these days, we live in an age were everyone is being coddled when for the vast majority of humanity's existence shit has been much harsher than "WAHHH SHE'S TOO SEXY I DON'T LIKE IT REMOVE IT"

If you're gonna get offended fine, but if it's something absolutely harmless like a butt slap in a video game, just keep it to yourself and don't try to ruin some harmless fun.


Except that the camera angle differs greatly. You wouldn't get a zoom in on Dan's ass for example, or riggers making sure that his ass has physics if you slow down the animation.
or a bunch of people calling it censorship if they were to have that and then alter in during development. >_>

It's also a different game. How in the world would it have the same physics? Come on, that comparison is just terrible.

The tutorial, I can maybe see souring some people, but a single butt slap, really?

I can guarantee that in a couple months, nobody is going to give a shit about this. This is nowhere near what they pulled with SFXTK. It's such a trivial thing.

Yeah, that's going a bit too far. I'm way more concerned about the whole "just mash jab" aspect of the beta than changing super animations.
Different intent. Actually, that's an excellent example of what it's like when it's with a male character vs a female character. It's incredibly common, Male is usually for comedy, female is for titillation. So thanks for presenting that gif. :)

So, that's a called a double standard, no?

I think this whole thing is hilarious. It brings everyone out to defend how it's innocent and indecent at the same time. Great to have so many opinions over such an innocuous issue.
I don't like that it's gone but I don't even know why they changed it.
Hell, it might not even be intentional. We only have one clip of it happening in this build. Might just be a glitch.

Is this playing dumb? Why else do you think the CA animation was specifically altered to remove the more controversial parts? A real good coincidence? It's okay to be fine with the changes for the reason they were made, but those who believe this was a modification made to remove the sexual aspect of the CA are the reasonable ones, not those questioning whether that was its purpose.

I don't know. The part where Mika and Nadesheko hit you with their butts is still in and Mika's revealing design is still the same. Why would they remove the "sexual aspect" of just the CA?


And yet, people seem dead certain. For example:

Is this playing dumb? Why else do you think the CA animation was specifically altered to remove the more controversial parts? A real good coincidence? It's okay to be fine with the changes for the reason they were made, but those who believe this was a modification made to remove the sexual aspect of the CA are the reasonable ones, not those questioning whether that was its purpose.


That R. Mika is a take on Joshi pro wrestling and her butt slap is akin to a wrestler signalling to the crowd for her finisher move. Is it cheesecake? Sure. Distasteful? If that is distasteful, your wife probably finds a shit ton of things distasteful about SF in general. Especially since 3S. I personally didn't even find it sexual at all. Campy? Cheesecake? Sure.

Guess Capcom made the choice for us though. Does she find the outfits in this game distasteful sexually as well?

Yes she does for the most part, but she says she likes Chun's outfit but she hates the over the top jiggle physics they gave her in 5. I think that's totally fair and I honestly agree with her as I find phoned in titillation to be patronising. Also she makes a good point with something else, if a fighters tits jiggled like these women's then they'd always be in pain during the match and it'd be very distracting. NB4 someone says something about realism in a game with hadokens and sonic booms in it. My wife loves Chun Li, hell she's obsessed with training legs and ass because of how much she loves Chun Li, but she has every right to find disgust with SFV's over the top display of sexuality, regardless of low brow wrestling references.


Neo Member
Except that the camera angle differs greatly. You wouldn't get a zoom in on Dan's ass for example, or riggers making sure that his ass has physics if you slow down the animation.
or a bunch of people calling it censorship if they were to have that and then alter in during development. >_>

People are more cynical about the intentions of a change like this when it comes to sexual content, and I think for good reason. There's definitely more pressure to change these kinds of things. Of course it could have been out of Capcom's control. Maybe they had to do it for the rating. If that's the case I'd blame the ESRB or whoever decided to consider that animation worthy of an M or equivalent rating.
All of you clowns complaining about Mika from the start are a bunch of no-fun stick-up-your -ass faux white knights. NO ONE IS GETTING HURT HERE, AND ONLY GUYS ARE COMPLAINING. If it's a sexist and misogynist issue, maybe we should let girls chime in.

Until then, stop trying to be a champion and just let fun be fun. Let's just throw burkas on every woman so they aren't objectified.
I'm the one who had the change made.

I went to Capcom and demanded that they put pants on Urien. They told me if they did that, they'd have to censor R. Mika a bit. I agreed.

It's for the better good. #NoBulge


But see, like, Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach OVA is routinely jibed at. They're on beaches, they should wear bikinis, right? But the content, it's clearly fanserving in nature. Which is why you get people calling it "pathetic" and "the video game equivalent of softcore porn."

This isn't a bikini. It's dental floss.

Though, honestly, I'd say the "taking pictures of them in secret" and "unlockable stripper pole dances" are far worse than the *giggle* "swimsuits" you can put them in.
Fucking hell. I'll be super pissed if Capcom censor that butt slap. It was one of the coolest animations in the game.
And I heard Japanese devs didnt care about PC issues like this :mad:
All of you clowns complaining about Mika from the start are a bunch of no-fun stick-up-your -ass faux white knights. NO ONE IS GETTING HURT HERE, AND ONLY GUYS ARE COMPLAINING. If it's a sexist and misogynist issue, maybe we should let girls chime in.

Until then, stop trying to be a champion and just let fun be fun. Let's just throw burkas on every woman so they aren't objectified.

It's gonna be really funny if this really does turn to be just a glitch.
1. I don't believe they changed it because of complaints. I don't recall almost any complaints about this in particular.
2. If they did change it because of complaints, people have the right to complain, and they have the right to change it.

My guess is that it is more likely related to ratings, or to the image they felt the game was projecting, rather than complaints about the butt slap. Like they went after this, even though it is pointless to do so, because it is easier than making a substantial change to the design.

Having said that, people have the right to complain about this apparent change too, and I'm going to. It is misguided. I have problems with Mika's outfit and the CA itself, but I had no problem with the butt slap. If anything, the slap was necessary to put the rest into proper context. Without it, and especially by seeming to censor it, the tenuous value of the rest of the design is made to seem more, rather than less, exploitative. The slap is effective at expressing personality... the extremity of the revealing outfit, by itself, is not imo. If you "censor" the slap, why have that outfit? And if the slap is vulgar (which I wouldn't have thought before), doesn't the outfit have to be as well?



Rodent Whores
Argh, the butt slap was adorable and a cool pro-wrestling flair. It gave her character color.

Thanks, American Puritanical values. (unless it's a glitch, then whatever)


It's really not a big deal. There's tons of slow motion gifs of the original ass slap out there if you really want to see it anyways. Just let me in the beta damnit.


MAAAn if those 6 dlc characters are in the data fully complete on launch


It's all on disc DLC that has MMO gear progression type timers. All 6 characters are there from the start and you need 800 character tokens to unlock each character. But there's a cap of 100 tokens per week that you can earn. Then people have to keep playing every week throughout the entire year to unlock all 6.
I hate censorship but whatever, I never plan on using her so if I ever saw it, it would mean I'm getting bodied and wouldn't be appreciating the animations in that moment anyway.


If your skin is so thick why do you care if the ass slap is gone?

To me because it's a lazy fix. The whole CA was suppose to be over the top. If there's a problem with it's content it should of been replaced completely.


Fucking hell. I'll be super pissed if Capcom censor that butt slap. It was one of the coolest animations in the game.
And I heard Japanese devs didnt care about PC issues like this :mad:


You heard wrong. Japanese developers aren't a hive mind of perverts. Some of them even - *gasp!* - have women on their teams that aren't big fans of fanservice themselves.
People got offended at the slightest thing these days, we live in an age were everyone is being coddled when for the vast majority of humanity's existence shit has been much harsher than "WAHHH SHE'S TOO SEXY I DON'T LIKE IT REMOVE IT"

If you're gonna get offended fine, but if it's something absolutely harmless like a butt slap in a video game, just keep it to yourself and don't try to ruin some harmless fun.

Uh people are absolutely allowed to voice their opinions on buttslaps and anything else. That's the whole point of forums, social media, etc. No one marched on Capcom's headquarters, and no one even knows why these changes were made (or if they'll even stick, since someone is saying the missing buttslap might be some kind of glitch).

I'm still failing to see this whole outrage campaign that so obviously led to these changes. The best people can do is "yeah a few people in the other thread didn't like it." Fight the good fight against PC culture/feminist/SJW boogiemen, I guess.

FUCK I don't want to be on the top of a new page.
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