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R.Mika's Critical Art is censored in the latest build of SF5

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It's not, and I'd love to see it, but we don't have an example of that. Actually, is it only female characters who have physics on their butts? And no, they most certainly would not be saying shit like some of the posts in this thread. "Feminists ruin everything" would most likely not be an argument presented, come on now.

That's not what I said. I said people would be upset. Not that they'd be presenting reactions like those in this thread. People like Dan and his silliness. Taking a part of that away (especially after being presented to people) would bring a negative reaction.


Gaf is basically tumblr lite when it comes to these sort of issues, there is no middle ground, if you aint with the righteous indignation crowd, prepared to be lumped in with what ever pejorative 'ist' of the day they've deemed to be the enemy.

I think they mean well, but right now what we have is a loud echo-chamber of thin-skinned, emotionally fragile whiners

My man do you not see how posts like this and the dozens like it come off exactly like the whiny hug box you feel this forum is?

Shake it off, folks. This, too, shall pass.

Edit: Ten pages later. This thread is an absolute disgrace. These threads should not be allowed anymore. They are always an absolute travesty of sexism and nonsensical rage.

I don't know what I love more from posts like these. The fact that you don't know what censorship means, clearly, by thinking that the above isn't censorship, or the fact that you are literally advocating for hardline censorship on this forum. I couldn't even care less about the character design or her gross animations - but everything about this post screams a walking parody of itself.


This isn't a bikini. It's dental floss.

Though, honestly, I'd say the "taking pictures of them in secret" and "unlockable stripper pole dances" are far worse than the *giggle* "swimsuits" you can put them in.

If it was only the pole dances and secret pictures that people were upset about, maybe. But "pervy" is used to describe the game in general. Which it is. And it should be held in the regard that pervy content is held.

But I'm seeing the very same reviewers who called this game pervy for all that it has, blaming it for its perviness, as opposed to saying "I have no problem with perviness, as long as there's good non-pervy content to enjoy as well" turn around and have nothing at all to say for the sexual content in, I dunno, Bayonetta or something. Because Bayonetta is also a solid fighting game.

And those who dast to say "Bayonetta is a good fighting game, but let us also point out the creepy fanservice" get roasted. The one reviewer from Polygon got roasted for this. So what is it? Is it not pervy if there's also gameplay to enjoy? Do I just not know where the line is separating fapware from innocuous?


That i am aware of.

Point me to it then

My point is that people need to calm the fuck down because I'm seeing so much outrage over "puritanical overly sensitive tumblr sjw crowd" that this just feels like more of a catharsis than reasonable reactions


So far all you have presented in this thread are incredibly disingenuous arguments, and now you're blatantly insulting me. I'm sexist for seeing the very different intent between a character like R.Mika and a character like Dan right down the framing when their both doing similar actions? Really? That's the argument you're presenting right now?

It's not, and I'd love to see it, but we don't have an example of that. Actually, is it only female characters who have physics on their butts? And no, they most certainly would not be saying shit like some of the posts in this thread. "Feminists ruin everything" would most likely not be an argument presented, come on now.

"Right down the framing", are you really gonna keep saying this shit after people told you many times one is a super and the other is a taunt? Oh, but they most likely wouldn't do it, so it's alright to say it as if it's a fact. Just stop, please.

There is no shortage of sexualization of women in the SF series, if you're so desperate to support your point with pictures and gifs, no need to insist on this particular point ignoring the counter-arguments and repeating the same thing over and over again.

For the record, I don't agree with him calling you sexist, and I hope he isn't serious, but GOD please stop repeating the same thing over and over again, it just isn't true.

You can't compare the jiggle between different games that are literally a generation apart, you can't compare the framing when one is a super and the other is a taunt, you can't compare how funny it is when Dan is made to be a joke character, the kind of character you're supposed to feel bad and be mocked for losing against (he's pretty legit in some versions of SF IV though).

It's just not comparable, put it to rest.
I've never followed Street Fighter so forgive me, but why is she even dressed that ridiculous in the first place?

Japanese female wrestlers wear weird costumes. R.Mika is a reference to that.




Gaf is basically tumblr lite when it comes to these sort of issues, there is no middle ground, if you aint with the righteous indignation crowd, prepared to be lumped in with what ever pejorative 'ist' of the day they've deemed to be the enemy.

I think they mean well, but right now what we have is a loud echo-chamber of thin-skinned, emotionally fragile whiners

Probably not the best place to make that assertion, unless you're talking about those who are rather angry about the change.


I think this outrage over being denied an ass close up is funnier than people being offended by a sexist but not really harmful fanservice.

Also love the divide between this thread and often Gaming side at large and the Off topic side of Neogaf where it's the most progressive/liberal bunch I've seen which thrives on threads pointing out sexist/racist problems.


Outside of Project M, i'm not a fighting game person, but this seems like a good thing to me.

That entire things looks like hot trash and needlessly sexual.

This I don't get tho...if you aren't going to even buy or play the game..why do you care?

I don't mind those who plays the game and would rather things change but I also can't help but feel like most of the ones upset aren't going to buy the game regardless or if they do, drop it shortly after. .

Again, this is a small change and many are doin too much in this thread w/ their rage (especially since I could see it being a glitch now that I think about it lol) and all that but man if they really did change it because of being afraid of some backlash or complaining, that really sucks. I think as dumb as fuck as it was, it fit the character and shoddly changing it (my real issue) is just kinda lame.


What I don't understand is... Why is the split a bad thing?

Maybe they were having trouble doing it with some of the bodies they have in the game. Probably some of the more recent ones.

They probably just didn't like it/had issues with larger characters. I get the Kinnikuman reference, but I hate Kinnikuman so burn it to the ground

Is there something you don't hate? :V

Pants, I guess. :V


I wouldn't be surprised if the next senran kagura and doax don't come out ever in the west at this point. Funny how SK estival currently has no release date as well.


Yooo it was supposed to be out this year was it not?! Don't tell me they quietly axed it. Damn the west is so sensitive their boobs and butts. I say ban mortal kombat and gta but aye what do i know

EV not having a release date has absolutely nothing to do with it and was always hinted as a vague Q1 2016 so one year later like SK2. It's just that XSeed is pretty busy and you can run into various problems (ratings, bugs, etc). Rather than announcing delays, Marvelous prefers waiting when it's close to release before giving a precise date.
For SK2 they said end of summer about 6+ months before, and august Xth only 2 months before.
EV not having a release date has absolutely nothing to do with it and was always hinted as a vague Q1 2016 so one year later like SK2. It's just that XSeed is pretty busy and you can run into various problems (ratings, bugs, etc). Rather than announcing delays, Marvelous prefers waiting when it's close to release before giving a precise date.
For SK2 they said end of summer about 6+ months before, and august Xth only 2 months before.
You dont know how much relief u jus gave me!!


It will be funny tho if the thing allegedly changed due to outrage, gets changed back...due to outrage.

Real talk though: in SFA3 the cartoonish sprite lent a level of abstraction and humor to the costume, and the side view and the moveset let themselves to minimizing the amount of actual ass onscreen. Now that everything is in 3D and the camera isn't fixed, suddenly Mika's round, shaded, realistically muscled ass is front-and-center. And then they go and put it there literally in her super! It's too much of a good thing.

This was the right choice.
I don't know what I love more from posts like these. The fact that you don't know what censorship means, clearly, by thinking that the above isn't censorship, or the fact that you are literally advocating for hardline censorship on this forum. I couldn't even care less about the character design or her gross animations - but everything about this post screams a walking parody of itself.

I don't think that you know what censorship is yourself if you think developers making changes to their own game of their own will before it's even released constitutes censorship.


We don't know if that's a permanent thing but even if it is, just get the PC version. I'm sure they'll fix it there, hell, you can go full nude if that's your thing.


This I don't get tho...if you aren't going to even buy or play the game..why do you care?

I don't mind those who plays the game and would rather things change but I also can't help but feel like most of the ones upset aren't going to buy the game regardless or if they do, drop it shortly after. .
People are entitled to an opinion. It's up to Capcom whether or not to listen to, or be concerned about it.

I don't think that you know what censorship is yourself if you think developers making changes to their own game of their own will before it's even released constitutes censorship.
Unless you are privy to internal workings at Capcom, you are making an assumption here.
My man do you not see how posts like this and the dozens like it come off exactly like the whiny hug box you feel this forum is?

Shake it off, folks. This, too, shall pass.

At this point I've pretty much automatically tuned out any post that shouts to high heavens against "hug boxes" or "echo chambers" as if they are somehow radical free-thinkers who aren't basically projecting what they're doing onto other people.

They probably just didn't like it/had issues with larger characters. I get the Kinnikuman reference, but I hate Kinnikuman so burn it to the ground

They probably just didn't like it/had issues with larger characters. I get the Kinnikuman reference, but I hate Kinnikuman so burn it to the ground

Maybe they were having trouble doing it with some of the bodies they have in the game. Probably some of the more recent ones.

Well, I guess that makes sense then. It looks awkward now though, because their grabbing onto nothing when they slam to the ground.

Because of female characters probably.

King had his buster in SFxT. With characters like Cammy, Sakura, Lili, etc.


If it was only the pole dances and secret pictures that people were upset about, maybe. But "pervy" is used to describe the game in general. Which it is. And it should be held in the regard that pervy content is held.

But I'm seeing the very same reviewers who called this game pervy for all that it has, blaming it for its perviness, as opposed to saying "I have no problem with perviness, as long as there's good non-pervy content to enjoy as well" turn around and have nothing at all to say for the sexual content in, I dunno, Bayonetta or something. Because Bayonetta is also a solid fighting game.

And those who dast to say "Bayonetta is a good fighting game, but let us also point out the creepy fanservice" get roasted. The one reviewer from Polygon got roasted for this. So what is it? Is it not pervy if there's also gameplay to enjoy? Do I just not know where the line is separating fapware from innocuous?
I won't even begin to go into how Bayonetta is NOTHING like Dead or Alive except that both employ sexual bits content.

HOW that sexual content is used, however, is completely different. The context is different. The intentions behind it are different.

Again, it's like saying a "bikini" is bad. You can't simplify it like that. Context and use matter.

But, in short, a lot of feminists like Bayonetta because that "fanservice" is handled different than Dead or Alive. In Bayonetta's case, she's the one holding the keys and she is fully in charge of her sexual identity. She only lets people see what she wants them to see, she only gives what she wants to give. She wields sex as a weapon against OTHERS, rather than, like so many other women in games, being on the receiving end of it.

Sex in and of itself is neither a good or bad thing. It's how it is used. It's the context. It's why Bayonetta's use is actually quite progressive while Duke Nukem slapping boobs sticking out of a wall and giggling like a moron are regressive. Both use sex, but one uses them for good reasons and other just because they can.


What's truly upsetting is that you guys reminded me about the unbearable lack of Dan in SFV.

I was about to say I'm glad he's not in, but I said something similar about Blanka when they announced Laura, but after seeing people playing her in the beta...

Let me put it this way: #FREEBLANKA


Junior Member
To understand VG censorship one must be able to do the family test. Would you feel comfortable doing R.mika's super with a parent or relative in the room?


My point still applies, if you worked in a professional setting and slapped your ass in front of co workers while smiling at them they'd be pretty weirded out. Where I work you'd be immediately fired for it. But don't take my word for it, give it a shot at work. Next time you're joking around with a co worker make sure to find an opportunity to get up, smile at them, and slap your ass. I'm sure they'll find it totally normal.....

Like, I have no idea how I should respond to you honestly. You equate slapping your own butt with the same as running around and flauting your exposed genitals.

And now you take the action of slapping your own butt as a pro wrestler in a fight, with the same as doing it in whatever setting your work is. And that's just not how things work man. There's something called context.


Gaf is basically tumblr lite when it comes to these sort of issues, there is no middle ground, if you aint with the righteous indignation crowd, prepared to be lumped in with what ever pejorative 'ist' of the day they've deemed to be the enemy.

I think they mean well, but right now what we have is a loud echo-chamber of thin-skinned, emotionally fragile whiners

lol. Classy.


To understand VG censorship one must be able do the family test. Would you feel comfortable doing R.mika's super with a parent or relative in the room?

I play Skullgirls while my family is around. I would have no issue with a family member seeing Mika's ass
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