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Forbes Contrib - Search Your Feelings: 'Star Wars Battlefront' Isn't Worth $60

I haven't played Halo and refuse to buy bop3 but I still know exactly what you mean.

This gen is a barren wasteland for fps. So many failures, not one cod4, socom, halo2, bfbc2, Warhawk even, nothing in sight with solid connections, no lag, hit detection, etc to warrant praise.

Maybe titanfall 2?

Question - will we all be playing BF4 again by February???

Yes plz.


The Tutorial Missions in Battlefront are such an awful tease.

"Hey, here's how cool this game might be if we decided to make a single player campaign. But we didn't make a single player campaign, sorry!"


I'm in the unique position of having not played a shooter in some ten years, so all those "steps back for the genre" probably won't faze me, heh.

I do lament the lack of campaign though. I lament it hard.

Campaigns in shooters were quite the norm 10 years ago.


Really Really Exciting Member!
If you think 60$ is too much for this game, imagine what it's like here in Canada. (80$)

I loved the beta, but I'll wait for the price to go down.


Completely agree. It has the depth of your average mobile game. Mediocre shooter with a Star Wars paint job ain't enough for me to pay $60.00.Not sure if it's even worth $20.00 to me.


I played about 10 hours during the beta. I wanted more.

This right here.

I paid $46 through GMG. There's just about zero chance I'll walk away feeling like I overpaid. I was firmly in the "I want more content and I want a campaign" camp, but based on the beta, I'll get my money's worth and then some.

It has the depth of your average mobile game.

There are valid complaints for sure, but this here is hyperbole to ludicrous levels.


Is every Forbes contributor article worth a thread? Better get my act together over there.

CONTRIBUTOR strikes again

What is with the massive obsession about whether or not a Forbes article is from a contributor or a staff writer? Is there a group of people with some kind of longstanding vendetta against Forbes? Or Forbes contributors?

What difference does it make if there's a thread about it? Angry Joe gets a thread everytime he craps out a video. Exactly how much of a journalist do you have to be to get a dedicated thread about a single editorial piece?


Eh, it makes sense. I can definitely see the incentive for EA to aim for a small, highly-polished visual nugget of a game that'll have enough pieces to make for some fantastic marketing that coincides with Episode VII and be expanded upon later, rather than a sprawling experience that could lead to a delay beyond the movie's release (and the holiday season) or generate negative word-of-mouth due to bugs/glitches/etc. Wouldn't surprise me if the game was actually ready for release 6-8 months ago.


Buying it for my brother, but I wouldn't otherwise. It's beautiful game but holy shit is the gameplay mediocre. Even games with arguably less content at launch would be worth more if their gameplay was fun, but this wasn't.


I haven't played Halo and refuse to buy bop3 but I still know exactly what you mean.

This gen is a barren wasteland for fps. So many failures, not one cod4, socom, halo2, bfbc2, Warhawk even, nothing in sight with solid connections, no lag, hit detection, etc to warrant praise.

Maybe titanfall 2?

Question - will we all be playing BF4 again by February???
Everything aside from COD this gen is either very lacking in content (Halo 5, Battlefront, Titanfall, Evolve, Vanilla Destiny) or broken (Battlefield 4 Launch, MCC). And the past three COD's have all been disappointing in some fashion. Hopefully Titanfall 2 becomes the big shooter of this gen.

I might bite on the EA Access trial though. 10 hours may actually be the perfect amount of time with the game for me at launch.
Its worth listening to, but the OP says "Forbes" in the title which would lead you to believe that it is from a reviewer who does this for a living.

Is there really that much of a difference?
There are plenty of people out there who write about games, do a fantastic job at it, but don't get paid a dime.


Beta was enough to see that no matter how much eye candy was on screen the shooting mechanics suck. The lack of content is just another bullet point which screams avoid. I'm expecting the same reactions on GAF after the honeymoon period is over.
This is one of those multiplayer games where i want to see and feel all that it has to offer. Because Star Wars. But i know it's not enough to keep my interest for a long time.

Played a lot of the Beta. Multiplayer game should give me an adequate feeling of progression and not only spectacle. I've always felt that there are two types of progressions. Theres the unlocking weapons, items, etc. and then there's the progression that the player naturally gets better, by playing the game

In my opinion this game might be nothing more than "Cinematic" multiplayer. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. Like a film you can enjoy it but i don't know if i want to see that film over and over and over again. How long can i realistically play this game before i've seen everything i want to see? And after that is there enough to keep me playing?


I'm a big Star Wars nerd, but I'm not really into multiplayer, so yeah, I'm giving this a pass. If there was singleplayer content, I'd be all over it.
DICE games rarely get GOTY editions, the only chance to get Battlefront cheap is to wait for the base game to get in the $10-20 price range and then wait a for a digital sale with the season pass costing between $30-40


No campaign, NO DEAL. Such a wasted opportunity with the engine they have

By the time the Beta finished, I already had enough of the game.

If the game had a campaign, then I'd buy it.

Really needed a campaign for me to get to buy it. Remember playing as the 501st and it was great in coop. Will be delaying my purchase to when the price is significantly dropped.

You all know that if there was a campaign it would be 4 or 5 hours long and be close to trash. I guess that would justify $60 for you all?

I'll wait for a sale on this with all the DLC or something. I'm in no rush to play more after the beta. It was fun though, I'll give them that.


He just put in words what most of us have been saying or in the back of our mind fearing. I just hope they don't waste the work they did here on assets and use it to build a campaign on in the future. It will look great.

So far Disney's not doing a great job. The novel they put out sucked and this game is weak sauce. The comics are decent/good and the book they put out for young adults is probably the best thing they have done with the property so far. Other than marketing hype. That they get straight A's. Don't get me wrong they are going to make massive bank, just wondering how the long game is going to work out.


I think the actual article is mostly right, and the one review that's been posted seems to echo his sentiments.

It feels like they built an excellent Walker Assault mode, then realized they needed more than that. Nearly all the other modes are just some chopped up version of Walker Assault, revolving around capture points.

Hero Hunt is absolute hot garbage, made worse by the fact that it can drag on forever with no clear leader.

Heroes versus Villains would be interesting if it were actually 3 heroes versus 3 villains and had voice communication. Instead it's 3 heroes and 3 grunts versus 3 villains and 3 grunts with no real coordination between either team. Everybody that gets stuck playing a grunt is annoyed, and the game mode for some reason stretches on past the point where it's possible for the losing team to come back. The other team has won 3 rounds in a row and there's 2 minutes left on the clock, why are we still playing?

I am actually really enjoying the Fighter Squadron mode and I think the gameplay there is really the best. The problem is that since it's all aerial that means every map plays the same, and since it's basically just a deathmatch there's little in the way of team strategy.
Played the beta and I enjoyed it. No campaignn is a good thing in my eyes it can then focus on making the multiplayer fun and engaging. Which it was for me. Dice hasn't made a good single player campaign since BC2 in my eyes.

So bring on Wednesday.


I was reeeally excited for this until I realized that there is no campaign...I don't have Xbox live cause I don't play multiplayer so the value is not there for me anymore...


What is with the massive obsession about whether or not a Forbes article is from a contributor or a staff writer? Is there a group of people with some kind of longstanding vendetta against Forbes? Or Forbes contributors?

What difference does it make if there's a thread about it? Angry Joe gets a thread everytime he craps out a video. Exactly how much of a journalist do you have to be to get a dedicated thread about a single editorial piece?

Forbes used to have some journo cred, you know professionals. Now their online stuff is one step away from blog posts.
I agree with this Forbes contributor based on the beta and several hours of time with the final game. Once the initial splash wears off the game quickly becomes boring. I probably won't even end up using all my 10 hours here because I have very little desire to fire this up now with so many other games to play.


He just put in words what most of us have been saying or in the back of our mind fearing. I just hope they don't waste the work they did here on assets and use it to build a campaign on in the future. It will look great.

So far Disney's not doing a great job. The novel they put out sucked and this game is weak sauce. The comics are decent/good and the book they put out for young adults is probably the best thing they have done with the property so far. Other than marketing hype. That they get straight A's. Don't get me wrong they are going to make massive bank, just wondering how the long game is going to work out.

Disney is doing a fine job. I really don't see how a campaign all of a sudden adds value to this game. BF4 Had a campaign that was absolutely forgettable.

I understand people having issue with the gameplay but there really is enough content here to justify the purchase imo. Plenty of mp modes and it'll be supported just like BF with post launch content.

Game will do great sales and. I doubt carve out a community.


Decent article, im not a huge star wars fan but i felt the same way after playing the beta.

All the while thinking, wouldnt it be rad if this had a single player campaign with an actual storyline. Id buy that.


Forbes used to have some journo cred, you know professionals. Now their online stuff is one step away from blog posts.

Forbes was an investing/business magazine with old white guys on the cover. When has their games coverage ever had any credibility?

If the article were written by a full-time, salaried Forbes staff member would that make it much more credible to you?


I was excited for the game until the beta. Played an hour or two with friends and decided it wasn't for us. Happy they made it available to everyone like that, while it may have cost some sales it hopefully cemented others for them to compensate.


I actually enjoyed it a lot during the beta but I don't think the content is there yet. I'll wait until it gets cheaper and gets more stuff to do, but I have gone back a bit on how bad I think it'll end up. It's definitely better than I expected.


I can definitely see myself playing this game for a while and even after I have a streak of days where I play it I'm sure I will play it on and off. Even at a $60 valuation I know I'll get my money's worth. Still looking forward to this game. Feels like one of the rare multiplayer shooters that I enjoy.
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