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Xenoblade X Localization Changes for Character Models


I doubt people would give a fuck if you couldn't edit...I dunno, your arm length... Hell, or even weight; nope it's the tits that have priority.

People still wouldn't like it, but the pages wouldn't be as long due to posters not debating over pages and most just going 'Wut? Why would they remove that option? :l'

Actually, I could see a weight one generating a good bit of pages with more people united against it for promoting a single body image.


I think the only way NOA could remedy this pain some/all of us are feeling due to the breast slider being removed, is to implement a Butt Slider.


that puzzling face
Because breasts come in many different sizes?

Like, are we just going to act like any reference to breasts has no purpose other than sexualization and that has to be prevented at all costs?

Because that's really silly

All breasts are equal

It would be progressive to have independent breast sizes for left vs right, because they're rarely ever perfectly equal in real life.


I get that people dislike having options taken away, but I don't see how you could say removing the boob slider was sexist.

The only two options for changing a female bodies were height and breast size. Like come on, we know the boob slider is not there to show diversified body types. Males have always only had a height slider.
It is the most normal thing in the world.

Oh no doubt, but that's the problem. It's easy to want stuff gone that you don't like. But its the same argument that has been used for years by groups like the Parent's Television Council, Parent's Music Research Center, and others to try and stifle things they don't like. Nothing is black and white, but that's even more of a reason for realizing that just because you might not like something, that doesn't mean it should be censored.

It's a shame because we should be past this. Back in the day it was Nintendo censoring crosses and blood, and changing dialogue to not offend. Now its this. It was a bad policy then, and it's a bad policy now. The difference is now, it is either tacitly accepted, or even lauded by a segment of gamers.


It's a shame because we should be past this. Back in the day it was Nintendo censoring crosses and blood, and changing dialogue to not offend. Now its this. It was a bad policy then, and it's a bad policy now. The difference is now, it is either tacitly accepted, or even lauded by a segment of gamers.
If it's being partially lauded, that should make you ponder.
Unrelated, but not every choice is something that should be available. One reason why contra censorship on principle is stupid.
Because you claimed that a game is better due to the omission of a feature. That's a pretty tall claim which requires exceptional proof (which you have failed to provide).
I did? I think I suggested what motivated the change. Multiple times. Not going to do it again.


Only one, height. That one isn't heavy with connotation. Why the fuck do I have to explain this?
Because you claimed that a game is better due to the omission of a feature. That's a pretty tall claim which requires exceptional proof (which you have failed to provide).
If it's being partially lauded, that should make you ponder.
Unrelated, but not every choice is something that should be available. One reason why contra censorship on principle is stupid.

All censorship is partially lauded. I'm sure the christian coalition preferred censored rap lyrics, and people applauded the self censorship of the comics industry. The point is, just because I personally dislike something does NOT mean that is should be censored. It's a myopic view to assume that because you dislike something, or find it problematic that it SHOULD be changed.

The reason that being against censorship on principal is not stupid as you so put it is because it understands that different people can like different things and make actual choices based on those likes and dislikes.


All censorship is partially lauded. I'm sure the christian coalition preferred censored rap lyrics, and people applauded the self censorship of the comics industry. The point is, just because I personally dislike something does NOT mean that is should be censored. It's a myopic view to assume that because you dislike something, or find it problematic that it SHOULD be changed.

The reason that being against censorship on principal is not stupid as you so put it is because it understands that different people can like different things and make actual choices based on those likes and dislikes.
Dang, you got me. (There is self censorship in comics? I thought everything was lost there anyways…)
Not saying everything should cater to my likes or dislikes, just that if it happens, I won't make a fuss about it because of "censorship".
Not all likes and dislikes should be acted upon, though.
It's just an "online pass" what's the fuzz about.

Seriously? Online pass? Nothing to do with a boobs slider or sexy outfits for little girls.

Dont get aroused about nothing but get aroused about real censoring. Threads like this tends to steal attention from really important cases. People hear the battle cry about censoring come to this thread and read this hilarious nonsense about a missing boobs slider and will loose interest when real censoring happens in games or other media.

If suddenly all women or men in this game have to be housewives or wear a Burka or Headscarves or pray to a god or worship war. That would be censoring, not a boobs slider.


Seriously? Online pass? Nothing to do with a boobs slider or sexy outfits for little girls.

That's what they are editing/removing/censoring out now, but what will the next step be.
The same BULLSHIT defense was used back in online pass days, "its only online pass" it will never go beyond "online pass".
That's what they are editing/removing/censoring out now, but what will the next step be.
The same BULLSHIT defense was used back in online pass days, "its only online pass" it will never go beyond "online pass".

Uhhh what is your point? Online pass dont even exist anymore.


Uhhh what is your point? Online pass dont even exist anymore.

That things grow bigger, and expand (no pun intended), sure they "only" removed a boob size slider today, but what will they remove tomorrow if we do not complain/object.
And that online pass no longer exist, we should all celebrate. As we should all celebrate when publisher no longer remove character creation sliders from games.
That things grow bigger, and expand (no pun intended), sure they "only" removed a boob size slider today, but what will they remove tomorrow if we do not complain/object.
And that online pass no longer exist, we should all celebrate. As we should all celebrate when publisher no longer remove character creation sliders from games.

How the hell is that your point with online pass when its something that doesnt even exist anymore?? Thats one of the craziest comparisons i have ever seen on gaf. Comparing online pass to boob sliders like the above poster said...jeez
How the hell is that your point with online pass when its something that doesnt even exist anymore?? Thats one of the craziest comparisons i have ever seen on gaf.
People complained about it and it stopped.

People are complaining about this in hopes that it will stop.

I see a comparison.
People complained about it and it stopped.

People are complaining about this in hopes that it will stop.

I see a comparison.

I can see that similarity but his answer still doesnt make sense. "What is your point about online pass?" "That things grows bigger than what they start with" -> online pass is dead, it never grew into anything else, wat?

Also complain away, i doubt this will do anything. Online pass was something disliked by the entire community of gamers, this is something that an extremely small minority care about, and rightfully so.


I can see that similarity but his answer still doesnt make sense. "What is your point about online pass?" "That things grows bigger than what they start with" -> online pass is dead, it never grew into anything else, wat?

Online pass was only going to be used for online stuff, then it grew and before it was killed off (GODS BE PRAISED), it was used as a one time pass for offline games.
Threads like this tends to steal attention from really important cases. People hear the battle cry about censoring come to this thread and read this hilarious nonsense about a missing boobs slider and will loose interest when real censoring happens in games or other media.

Again, no. This is dumb as fuck "point" meant only to handwave complaints that you disagree with.

Tit Talk does not affect discussion of other forms of censorship in any way shape or form and there's absolutely no logical reason that they would. Like what the hell, you think other censorship issues come up but people decide "lol who cares censorship is only about BOOBS" and think it's cool? That's logical to you? The only reason sexual censorship gets more focus is because other cases aren't as heavily debated and many people even argue in support of it - thus a back-and-forth occurs, otherwise known as a discussion.


You didnt answer my question.

Two singleplayer games I own on PS3 (no multiplayer) that uses "online pass" codes to acces singleplayer content. -> Alice: Madness Returns, Mass Effect 2
Even Ubisoft had singleplayer content locked off by one time code as recent as in Assassins Creed 4.

And then there are other singleplayer games with pass codes for clothing, challenges etc, that already are on my disc, since the download is only 148kb sizes.


I really cant see what the removal of the bust slider helped avoid.

You can still make a character look pretty damn young and put them in skimpy outfits. This really only serves to hurt the people who wanted to create more mature well endowed women. I mean there's already plenty of options to make a character look more mature.

Either way, this needless change is still pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. From what I can tell there's still a wealth of skimpy outfits/bikini's and I assume things like the bunny suit are still there for everyone but lyn.
Hmm, the breast modifier should stay, afterall women do have different breast sizes. We should also be able to change the size of the equivalent of men's.

And I still prefer a premade character.
You take the male and female silhouettes and tell me what generally separates them? The Waists and the chest. And between women, the chest (and waist) further differentiates. I don't see how this is that hard to grasp. Yes there are other features that seperates folks but just in general that is the easiest difference. You learn this in many art classes FFS.

Yes there was no waist slider or pecs, weight or whatever slider so yeah some people cannot create themselves either and that sucks..however there WAS a breast slider which allowed for some to be able to create themselves. Whether or not the devs intended it for "LOL LOOK AT DEM BOOBEHS" is irrelevant since now taking it out takes away from the group that had the ability to create themselves or whatever.

i am sure there are those who would only use it for perversion, no doubt. But considering that group still can..whereas the group that was going to use it for more detail now cannot. That sucks.

It really sounds like "well I wasn't being catered too so its good that others aren't too...but I'll use the evil perverts and deviants as my reasoning because no one cares about them". Sometimes I really feel like people are more upset that they aren't being directly catered to but instead of saying that and looking kinda selfish they instead make it into social issue because anyone who dissagrees w/ that looks bad. Like instead of "damn I wish this thing was for me", its "I wish this thing was less sexist" The first one is easy to dismiss with a deal w/ it. The second not so much because deal with it makes you look like a big asshole.

In this case, while despite my multiple posts and rants is not a big deal (I am mainly bored so bare w/ me lol), its funny that some are arguing that by getting rid of an option , it is making it more equal ignoring the fact that the only group really effected are the very people you are "fighting for". Even if the boob slider was only for deviants, the good aspect of that (i.e giving females a little bit of accuracy in a game that lacks it overall) is gone by getting rid of it while those same deviants probably still can get their rocks off regardless. Its is solving a problem with a blowtorch and missing the intended target and instead of the "equality" it is supposed to bring, it pushes out more folks. If you really want to stop sexualization, they should have edited all the costumes...

I'm not going to touch that steaming pile of disingenious, rehashed and cliched arguments with a ten foot pole, hopefully someone with more free time and, frankly, energy to, yet once more, point out the multitude of classic fallacies in it will find it in themselves to educate you. But let me just point out that I was fully expecting someone to read the entire "distinguishing" argument as "between men and women" rather than "between women" to score a quick point by going full Captain Obvious, and indeed, even going out if my way to spell it out as the latter in my posts, I knew someone would(n't) disappoint.


I'm not going to touch that steaming pile of disingenious, rehashed and cliched arguments with a ten foot pole, hopefully someone with more free time and, frankly, energy to, yet once more, point out the multitude of classic fallacies in it will find it in themselves to educate you. But let me just point out that I was fully expecting someone to read the entire "distinguishing" argument as "between men and women" rather than "between women" to score a quick point by going full Captain Obvious, and indeed, even going out if my way to spell it out as the latter in my posts, I knew someone would(n't) disappoint.

This kind of shit is unnecessary bro. I could be wrong but I just gave my point of view..and then you come in here like a jerk talking down to me like you are better. Get the hell off you high horse...you can "educate" me without coming into it like you are some god like figure.

The whole "I don't have time to talk to you plebs shit" is why these threads go on and on...talk to people with some respect and maybe there would be some kind of discussion.


Unconfirmed Member
This kind of shit is unnecessary bro. I could be wrong but I just gave my point of view..and then you come in here like a jerk talking down to me like you are better. Get the hell off you high horse...you can "educate" me without coming into it like you are some god like figure.

The whole "I don't have time to talk to you plebs shit" is why these threads go on and on... talk to people with some respect and maybe there would be some kind of discussion.

Because if we don't rise up against every censorship, the terrorists win.
That cute little analogy makes you one of the terrorists. You know, since:
Yes to the original question. I'm fine with "censorship" I agree with.
I'm not going to touch that steaming pile of disingenious, rehashed and cliched arguments with a ten foot pole, hopefully someone with more free time and, frankly, energy to, yet once more, point out the multitude of classic fallacies in it will find it in themselves to educate you. But let me just point out that I was fully expecting someone to read the entire "distinguishing" argument as "between men and women" rather than "between women" to score a quick point by going full Captain Obvious, and indeed, even going out if my way to spell it out as the latter in my posts, I knew someone would(n't) disappoint.

This post is really interesting to me because it's the sort of self-fellating post that I would make. Where I talk down to people without addressing any of their points while propping myself up. You could scrub your name off of your post and replace it with mine and no one would be suspicious at all.

It's interesting to see someone else do it. Kind of making me feel self-conscious, because after looking at this it means I came off as a bigger asshole than I thought.


Because muh censorship boogeyman.

Some people actually think a company censoring pointless shit like breast slider and borderline pornographic outfits from a game is a bad thing.

and then posts like this continue them.

You don't have to agree with them but people have given their reasons to why they are upset about the change.

Its almost as if opinions that you don't agree with don't/ shouldn't exist or something.
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