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Play-Asia says SJWs to blame for DOAX3 not coming west

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Why must we argue that it's one or the other? In all likelihood it's a combination of many things, and yes low sales AND a PR nightmare might be part of that.
This is facetious. You know well that what they're afraid of is a media blowup accusing them of being anti-feminist, anti-modern-western-values, and in the worst case scenario profiting off sexualising (fictional) underage girls.

Those kinds of accusations could certainly be something the company, and the employees within, do NOT want to deal with for any amount of money. It's not the 17 year olds on Tumblr they're thinking about.

So... if all those things you just listed are so disastrously scary, why was the last DOA game released here?
The real loser here is the guy who did the tweet and will probably be looking for a job next week.

There's also a small possibility that their account got hacked. I mean, it'd be fair to give them the benefit of the doubt, for now, unless they have a history of unprofessional, off-message comments like this. It seems a bit professional suicide to just say "what the hell, let's alienate many of our customers" and then double down on the comment.


So the people at this company are timid little babies who are comfortable making games with teenage titty ladies but will shit themselves over the idea of a media outlet criticizing them for that decision? Do you really think this is a plausible scenario?

...and had a very positive critical reception, and went on to incredibly successful sales in the West, so... what's the economic incentive to not put out a game that gets this type of attention, exactly?

I wouldn't have fucking suggested it if I didn't think it was plausible, would I?

You might be comfortable seeing your name online linked to articles claiming you are a misogynist or work for a company that hates women or (potentially) that profits off using pedophillic imagery but is it a stretch to imagine that others aren't comfortable with that? Especially when their culture appears to be worlds away from ours regarding this kind of material and it's possible that they feel that they can't be sure how ours would react in the current climate where this kind of thing appears to be in the gaming news constantly or what the consequences of such a backlash might be for working with western publishers in the future.

Look, I think their fears are entirely unfounded. But it's not crazy to me to believe that they have them, and I really believe the game would recoup its localisation expenses three times over at least once DLC is taken into account, so that makes the most sense to me.

So... if all those things you just listed are so disastrously scary, why was the last DOA game released here?

Because it was a fighting game, and a good one, rather than a tits and ass game. The first one also released in 2011 when this stuff wasn't getting the same attention. Look, i don't agree with them that the game would catch much shit I just don't believe that they're 'obviously' lying.

Mind posting your link?
Because the only thing I have is

And remember no chartz numbers.

Sorry for the broken link. It has actually sold over 1.5 mil in total now. With 3.5 F2P downloads. That's a massive success for them.


They are right though. All of the last one were released in the west. The only thing that's changed between then and now is that Social Justice seems to be in vogue these days with all the cool kids.
Xtreme has always had the same reception as a niche perv game in the west since the very first one.
I find it pretty hard to believe that the reaction from Western media to a niche spinoff in a dying series known for its portrayal of women would be all that bad.

It's like worrying that Variety will complain about Backdoor Asian Hipsters 7: Director's Cut.
How does it make sense not to release it? It doesn't, and therefore I'm inclined to believe their answer.
Can I see your business card as a localization analyst for KT? Those are anecdotal arguments, but you're also making assumptions and exaggerations. Your gut feeling that it doesn't "make sense not to" unfortunately doesn't count for much.

The hilarious cries about the "SJW" boogeymen is an ongoing trend for some hyper-niche games. Small fan bases (in the tens of thousands, at most) who are extremely passionate make a disproportionate amount of noise. A few games on Steam this year have been published under a similar umbrella of "the feminist don't want us to play this!" and, although they're extremely successful by their diminished standards, they are not commercially viable for the broader market. This is what happens when the most passionate 1% make 99% of the internet outrage noise, whereas the other 99% of the public does not care. At all. Nor have they even heard about the situation!

With zero evidence to the contrary, this is a corporate decision. Take it up with KT. If, after prodding, they come out and admit "yup, the cabal of internet feminists contacted us and demanded we didn't release this game in Europe or North America but said that Japan and Asia were totally fine", then I will gladly accept your argument and admit defeat. If anything, the cries about the game supposedly being suppressed for the West are proof that it's wise for KT to not enter the PR arena for this. The game's biggest supporters are in actuality shutting it down with their own actions.


I remember reading plenty of people (mostly on Reddit) saying they were going to buy Hatred only to spite SJWs. This is absolutely going to happen, lol.

They're pretty expensive, brah. I've moved to Amazon and Nippon Yasan.
Not saying you need to use play-asia. I've only used them once myself. It just seems like a lot of people are reacting so negatively to such a small thing.
Yes, a lot of nerds will go out and order it from play asia simply because they think they're really sticking it to the SJWs by buying an overpriced not very good game.

If dim people hate-buying DOAX out of nebulous spite helps KT fund more licensed Warriors games and gets Ni-Oh made faster, then all aboard the outrage train for this one lmao


Their follower count is rising.
I really don't think this is going to hurt them at all. Can't say I'd mind it if it doesn't, either.


Not everyone speaks English in NA/EU.

True, but in your argument in that specific scenario why hold it to less areas still? Could for example sell digitally through specific region stores. I don't think there's anything against releases labeled as such. But with that out of the way I get what you mean specifically.


Yup. It's those dang SJWs. Totally not the fact that DOAX2 sits at 245k sold WORLDWIDE.

And aren't those numbers from that one site? To be honest it wouldn't shock me if it was significantly lower than that.

It has already cost PA business - I was gonna buy a jPSN card this weekend. Ah well.

L Thammy

If Koei Tecmo is worried about feminists and doesn't care about sales, they could just release some of their otome games and make a statement out of it.

Yup. I don't remember a time when those games weren't ridiculed. Why are people forgetting that now?

The DOA series proper didn't give itself any better a reputation. Anyone remember the "She kicks high" commercial?


They're an import Japanese games shop, their brand isn't exactly going to be hurt by some unhinged whining about social justice.

I guess I always assume there's a "twitter guy" when one of these things comes up. Didn't really account for the size of their operation - which is apparently relatively small.


Good thing that the PS4/Vita is region free and getting eng subtitles. This is why systems need to be region free, if only Nintendo would follow.


And aren't those numbers from that one site? To be honest it wouldn't shock me if it was significantly lower than that.

It has already cost PA business - I was gonna buy a jPSN card this weekend. Ah well.

Near launch 360 exclusive title's only gonna warrant at best ~2K in Japan. Media Create probably hS the numbers


As you say, he apologized because others read it that way, not because of the intent.

Intentional or not, it still comes across as homophobic and demeaning to gay individuals by making their sexuality a punchline in the same way that Mr. Popo and Officer Black are still racist stereotypes of black people, regardless of Toriyama's intention when designing them.

Original Topic: This does not look very professional of Play-Asia, especially when it was fairly unlikely for Dead or Alive Extreme 3 to come out in the west considering that (sub)series was never a critical or commerical success that was shamelessly shallow fan service. Not saying there's anything wrong with enjoying those games or being disappointed with them not being localized, just that they have always been part of a niche.


Yeah, going to Play-Asia means you're going to pay more. It's a common mistake to make when you get into importing - Amiami has always charged way less and has been really nice/gotten me my stuff really quickly.

Play-Asia is one of those sites that people go to when they're too lazy to do any more research and eat the extra cost.

I used to use Play-Asia because they would undervalue or mark as gift my packages.

I don't think AmiAmi do that.
So... if all those things you just listed are so disastrously scary, why was the last DOA game released here?
They really did try to make DOA5 more of a fighting game than a gravure idol show with fighting game in the background. When it originally launched, Mila was the front character with "I'm a fighter" emblazoned on all the advertising.

Just...it didn't make much money, so they introduced characters like Honoka and Marie, the tons and tons of costumes, etc.

DOAX is a whole nother tier of bullshit on top of that. Even the most cynical executive probably knows better than to release that here. Though now that the usual suspects are jacking off a storm in anger, I am sure they are going to "listen to fan demand" and give it a limited print run and a PSN release.
Going to pre-order from them since I got my copy of Moeru Chronicles faster than I expected :). I hope they bring out Moero Crystal soon.
Who even complained about this game, though?

The Dead or Alive series has always been criticized for supposedly being sexist and misogynistic. These are issues that journalists have spoken with Tecmo about in the past. These are issues that Tecmo has addressed in interviews. This isn't a manufactured excuse.

DOAX3 isn't even released in Japan yet, so it's not surprising that "nobody" has complained about the game yet. That being said, it's disingenuous to pretend that this game wouldn't have suffered similar criticisms that previous games have shouldered.

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Anyone who thinks the threat of backlash or bad publicity wouldn't be a significant consideration in any cost-benefit analysis of localizing a game are kidding themselves. If the game sold GTA numbers, it wouldn't matter. For a niche title, the threat of backlash could be a determining factor in not localizing the game (which appears to be what has happened in this case.)
Its a pity DoAX3 isnt coming out in the West.
I'd rather TN ignored the SJW politics, if thats what holding them back, because I would expect they would make lots of money from swimsuit DLC sales, even if the game itself didnt sell lots of copies.


if we can have matthew mcconaughey releasing his demon sex body upon the masses, can we not too have our innocent volley ball simulator

is america dead


This makes me feel awful for consistently supporting them for over seven years now. Hopefully this is just some wacko in their social media department.
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