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PlayStation 4 hits 35.9 million sold through to end users


This really is something I'm having a hard time accepting. Exclusives have always been what defined a console for me and this is also the first gen that the PC has been my primary platform for.

Just need to get used to the smaller emphasis on them I guess.

Can you imagine all the people who don't have or game on a PC ? Now all the games are suddenly.....exclusives ;0

You need to step out of your bubble dude. Yeah you don't think you can justify a PS4. That's fine. But your opinion has fuck all to do with either the topic, or wether or not the sales are justified. You're just bitching because you feel that the sales are somehow mystifying because YOU don't like the thing.


Or you could just tell us what it means????

Is Xbox in trouble?

Again, congrats to Sony for all of their success. It is well-deserved.

It means nothing when you look at the historical data and realise that the first two years were rough on 360. It wasn't until the 4th year that the thing took off. So saying that it's tracking ahead of the 360, like it's doing above expectations, is misleading and/or ignorant.


Gold Member
Aaron.G can't catch a break either. Even leeh's giving him shit now!

I saw that, lol. Just shows someone's emotional investment and pride are so thick, that even when an exec says something that does not match your narrative, "he don't know shit", lol.

Isn't their entertainment just PlayStation though?

Movies, television, music, concerts, etc, etc.. All profiting. The only one's not profiting are smartphones and televisions.

I just think it's a little weird to be so invested in the sales of something.

It is not weird. It is exciting for some, because it usually means more support from publishers/developers, and more of a chance for them to take risks, instead of the typical AAA sequels.
However...the one ship sony continues to sale is gran turismo, lol. although perhaps it lost a bit of momentum with GT6, this'll be one IP sony will probably pump out for every console they have.

Yes, but in the last 18 years only 6 major GT titles came out, in case of part 5 with a five year gap. So besides all its given and undoubted flaws, GT series is still something millions of people are eagerly looking for. In comparison, it took MS only 10 years to come up with 8 Forza games.


This really is something I'm having a hard time accepting. Exclusives have always been what defined a console for me and this is also the first gen that the PC has been my primary platform for.

Just need to get used to the smaller emphasis on them I guess.

It is a bit of a game changer: no doubt about it. It's been behind the steady decline of Nintendo console sales for example IMHO (Wii being an anomaly by being the right gadget (motion control) at the right time).

Personally I believe the shift really started last gen as 360 really brought a lot of PC centric games/devs heavily into the console camp and you had titles like CoD overtaking exclusives like Halo. You also saw, particularly in many Western markets, a big swing away from classic "pure" games such as Mario, etc. towards current mix of narrative, online, and open world focused popular titles.

The result, I believe (and I believe the evidence supports this), is that Destiny, CoD, Battlefront, Assassin's Creed (less so now it seems due to excess milking), FIFA and so on are the main demand drivers now.

In short people are buying consoles like Blu Ray players and expecting someone else (such as EA, Ubi, Activiation) to provide the content with exclusives more of a "cherry on top" from the platform holders.

Ironically, in a way, I think MS themselves pushed for this as they clearly only wanted to make a relatively small investment in their own 1st party and instead use deals and timed exclusives from third parties. It worked very well with 360 then they managed to let Sony beat them with the same strategy this gen (at least so far and to be honest I don't see MS changing the fact they've been beaten by gens end either).

I agree if you want a console to be defined by exclusives this is not a good thing but it's the way the market seems to have gone. I don't think exclusives will go anywhere BTW - but it's clearly you don't have to pump them out to sell the most consoles and therefore I think Sony (and to and extend MS) are now looking at them more tactically: when's a good time to release them? How to plug gaps in the library not covered by third parties? And I think we'll see big exclusives increasingly target post launch through to end of life vs being there early on.
The Last Guardian is going to HAVE to be a huge loss at this point. I mean, it has to be, right? The development time was too long for it to have not been a money pit.

Still, if it matches its predecessors it will be a special game that really brings the praise.

The Last Guardian has not been in active development all this time so no I don't think has to be a huge loss.
It is a bit of a game changer: no doubt about it. It's been behind the steady decline of Nintendo console sales for example IMHO (Wii being an anomaly by being the right gadget (motion control) at the right time).

Personally I believe the shift really started last gen as 360 really brought a lot of PC centric games/devs heavily into the console camp and you had titles like CoD overtaking exclusives like Halo. You also saw, particularly in many Western markets, a big swing away from classic "pure" games such as Mario, etc. towards current mix of narrative, online, and open world focused popular titles.

The result, I believe (and I believe the evidence supports this), is that Destiny, CoD, Battlefront, Assassin's Creed (less so now it seems due to excess milking), FIFA and so on are the main demand drivers now.

In short people are buying consoles like Blu Ray players and expecting someone else (such as EA, Ubi, Activiation) to provide the content with exclusives more of a "cherry on top" from the platform holders.

Ironically, in a way, I think MS themselves pushed for this as they clearly only wanted to make a relatively small investment in their own 1st party and instead use deals and timed exclusives from third parties. It worked very well with 360 then they managed to let Sony beat them with the same strategy this gen (at least so far and to be honest I don't see MS changing the fact they've been beaten by gens end either).

I agree if you want a console to be defined by exclusives this is not a good thing but it's the way the market seems to have gone. I don't think exclusives will go anywhere BTW - but it's clearly you don't have to pump them out to sell the most consoles and therefore I think Sony (and to and extend MS) are now looking at them more tactically: when's a good time to release them? How to plug gaps in the library not covered by third parties? And I think we'll see big exclusives increasingly target post launch through to end of life vs being there early on.

Nah, they aren't going anywhere, but I can't deny that there is a part of me that misses the importance that used to be placed on first party exclusives.

Remember the excitement leading up to things like Killzone 2 and Halo 3. It was nuts. Those games were basically representing the platform. But like you said, now stuff like AC and Destiny are representing BOTH platforms.

It's so strange.


It is a bit of a game changer: no doubt about it. It's been behind the steady decline of Nintendo console sales for example IMHO (Wii being an anomaly by being the right gadget (motion control) at the right time).

Personally I believe the shift really started last gen as 360 really brought a lot of PC centric games/devs heavily into the console camp and you had titles like CoD overtaking exclusives like Halo. You also saw, particularly in many Western markets, a big swing away from classic "pure" games such as Mario, etc. towards current mix of narrative, online, and open world focused popular titles.

The result, I believe (and I believe the evidence supports this), is that Destiny, CoD, Battlefront, Assassin's Creed (less so now it seems due to excess milking), FIFA and so on are the main demand drivers now.

In short people are buying consoles like Blu Ray players and expecting someone else (such as EA, Ubi, Activiation) to provide the content with exclusives more of a "cherry on top" from the platform holders.

Ironically, in a way, I think MS themselves pushed for this as they clearly only wanted to make a relatively small investment in their own 1st party and instead use deals and timed exclusives from third parties. It worked very well with 360 then they managed to let Sony beat them with the same strategy this gen (at least so far and to be honest I don't see MS changing the fact they've been beaten by gens end either).

I agree if you want a console to be defined by exclusives this is not a good thing but it's the way the market seems to have gone. I don't think exclusives will go anywhere BTW - but it's clearly you don't have to pump them out to sell the most consoles and therefore I think Sony (and to and extend MS) are now looking at them more tactically: when's a good time to release them? How to plug gaps in the library not covered by third parties? And I think we'll see big exclusives increasingly target post launch through to end of life vs being there early on.

Easy, steer the fuck clear of the holiday season. Uncharted 4 is gonna sell wayyyyy better during its current release date than if it would have been released holiday last year. Holiday belongs to third parties.


The Last Guardian is going to HAVE to be a huge loss at this point. I mean, it has to be, right? The development time was too long for it to have not been a money pit.

It isn't a money pit, Yoshida confirmed in a post E3 interview that the amount of money spent on TLG isn't huge at all.

Also said that they are definitely looking forward to working with Ueda more after TLG is released.


Neo Member
I'm no mathemagician, but that's a lot of PS4s.

Really loving the OS of this thing but the NIC doesn't seem to have the same range as the PS3 (only complaint so far).


Gold Member
Easy, steer the fuck clear of the holiday season.Uncharted 4 is gonna sell wayyyyy better during its current release date than if it would have been released holiday last year. Holiday belongs to third parties.


Which is so crazy, as both there tvs and smartphones are really good, top of the line tech items.

They truly are, however other Asian manufacturers (Samsung/LG/HTC) are producing tech cheaper and saturate the market more, and then there is the Apple juggernaut.

Also Sony just does not advertise their phones outside of select European markets, not have the deals in place that Samsung and Apple do with most of the western carriers. It is too late to try and dent that market now.

I only settled with an S6 Active a couple of months ago, after having iPhones for 6 years since the 3Gs (then 4Gs, never did the 5 or other models), only because I did not want to buy the phone outright, and gosh forbid something happened to it. If they offered the monthly payment plans interest free through AT&T, I would have been all over an Xperia.


Easy, steer the fuck clear of the holiday season.Uncharted 4 is gonna sell wayyyyy better during its current release date than if it would have been released holiday last year. Holiday belongs to third parties.

Yah that's for sure. Currently 1st party output is better released in quieter times between big spike periods for AAA multiplatform franchises.

Pretty ob
This is the biggest reason why the PS4 is so successful, though I don't think you're quite right about MS not targeting high end graphics as the reason.

Nintendo didn't market the Wii U at all and failed to explain to consumers how the console is different from the Wii. Nintendo also had abysmal first party support in the firs year or so of the Wii U's life and didn't really pick up until 2014, and by then it was too late. I've had my Wii U since October 2014 and I have friends who still ask what is that small black box connected to my TV. They don't even know the Wii U exists.

Microsoft left a huge bad taste in consumers mouth with the reveal of the Xbox One. It's the fact that they initially marketed the Xbox One as an entertainment center first and a game console second that pushed so many people away from the Xbox One. Hell, I was one of them and I adored my Xbox 360. That shit storm of initial marketing along with the fact that they didn't announce a new Halo or Gears of War yet only hurt the Xbox One's image. Like the Wii U, the general populace is still horrendously misinformed. I have friends who, until I had to correct them, still thought that you can't play used games on the Xbox One and that you have to be always online.

I'm not a fanboy by any means but the whole "PS4 has no games" is very understandable to me. PS4 has yet to have a God of War, Gran Turismo, New Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, Resistance or Jak & Daxter game. Granted some of those are coming out but Nintendo has already pushed out a ton of first party titles and Microsoft has had 3 Forza titles, Halo 5, a Gears of War Remaster, a collection of Rare Games, Killer Instinct, Titan Fall, & Sunset Overdrive. The core of Playstation 4's exclusives has either not come out yet or quickly forgetten (Knack, Killzone Shadow Fall). There are outliers like Bloodborne and Until Dawn but the most hyped PS4 games are not out yet (Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V, The Last Gaurdian, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5) and some won't be out for a very long time like Shenmue 3 or FF VII Remake.

Not sure what's the point you are trying to make with this list but Nintendo absolutely NEEDS to release first party games as their third party support is anemic and yet the WiiU is still selling terribly. 3 Forza games in 2 years isn't really a good thing as that resource could be used to bring some new IPs. You name Gears of War Remaster and Collection of Rare Games and omitted TLOU remaster and the Nathan Drake collection, which I believe generated more buzz than their counterparts. Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive you can put in the same category as Knack and Killzone (forgottten). Why are Bloodborne and Until Dawn outliers? And there is absolutely no mention of the hundreds of smaller titles available. If the Ps4 has no games, then it's fair to say the WiiU and Xbox one has even less. It just doesn't make a lick of sense, unless you don't consider indies and multiplatform games games.

Sure WiiU wasn't marketed right and confused people with the name and MS stumble out the gate with the xbox one but lets not sit here and pretend Ps4 is selling so well because the others are failing. Xbox one is still selling faster than the xbox 360 at the same period.

It's obvious that the Ps4 is doing well because Sony had the right message from the beginning and stayed the course by delivering a steady stream of a variety of games that caters to many different types of gamers. Heck everyone seem to forget MLB the show but it's the ONLY good baseball game to buy on any platform. The multiplatform games generally run and look slightly better (I am sure some people care about this) Althought the AAA games are taking a while to come everyone knows that they will come (look at the lineup for 2016 and beyond) because that is just how they operate. People have short memories and seem to forget that the Playstation 1 and 2 were winners because of that and Ps3 was able to claw out of the dire situation it was in because of the same reason. They made some terrible decisions with the Ps3 and still able to claw out of it. At the end of the day the Playstation name is a stronger brand WW. To think they are selling like this before the big name games even come out is ridiculous!


Why is it well-deserved?

They put more effort and thought into the design of the console than their competitors, and they got the just rewards. Hence deserved.

Ps4 is a well designed and thought out console, right down to the playgo feature and co processors.

If MS had put a 7870 and a decent CPU in a box at same price level as Ps4, Xb1 would of won.

Nintendo are in their own world...


Nah, they aren't going anywhere, but I can't deny that there is a part of me that misses the importance that used to be placed on first party exclusives.

Remember the excitement leading up to things like Killzone 2 and Halo 3. It was nuts. Those games were basically representing the platform. But like you said, now stuff like AC and Destiny are representing BOTH platforms.

It's so strange.

Uncharted 4 will be representing the PS4 in the way you're suggesting. It's just not out yet that's all. And for all the excitement you speak of, Killzone 2 didn't even sell that well. Pretty sure Bloodborne sold better in the same time frame.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
No matter what happens, some people can't really take the success can they?

People buy consoles for games they want to buy. Just because you don't like the console or think its not worth it matters very little.

For me in particular, i have tons of games that have made the purchase worth it, and by end of the year, anyone saying that kind of thing is gonna look mighty silly
Uncharted 4 will be representing the PS4 in the way you're suggesting. It's just not out yet that's all. And for all the excitement you speak of, Killzone 2 didn't even sell that well. Pretty sure Bloodborne sold better in the same time frame.

I think Killzone 2 did pretty damn well, unless I am remembering incorrectly.

I'm more talking about the emphasis on it leading up to release as whole, from the original trailer to the actual reveal. It was a poster child for what the PS3 was capable of and it was everywhere back then.

I was also very active on a PS3 board at the time so I saw a bit more excitement around it than a place like GAF I imagine.
Dayum amazing sales. Much more than I predicted at this time at about 33 million.

Best bit is The Last Guardian is still on track for 2016.


Don't read too much on the first 35m sales, its a marathon not a race, someone should inform Sony of that.
Sony had it in the bag since the beginning of this marathon :p
I honestly don't think Microsoft is getting anywhere near them, let alone Nintendo.
Isn't Sony's movie studio under entertainment as well?

Not only many movie studios, Tristar, Columbia, Sony pictures etc. but they pretty much control the music industry and own many tv channels around the world. They do have incredible assets in many departments, sometimes not very well managed though.



However...the one ship sony continues to sale is gran turismo, lol. although perhaps it lost a bit of momentum with GT6, this'll be one IP sony will probably pump out for every console they have.

You will be shocked to know that GT6 did over than 5M units sold.

I couldn't comprehend such number giving the circumstances. Impressive.
They put more effort and thought into the design of the console than their competitors, and they got the just rewards. Hence deserved.

Ps4 is a well designed and thought out console, right down to the playgo feature and co processors.

If MS had put a 7870 and a decent CPU in a box at same price level as Ps4, Xb1 would of won.

Nintendo are in their own world...

I doubt a little extra power in Xbox One would erase a 2:1 lead by PS4.
THIS is what I was clumsily trying to say. Thank you.

Honestly not trying to go down any road so I apologize if I caused offense. I see the people you're talking about on here, so I understand, but no. I'm certainly not one of them.

The problem is that "has no games (or any lesser iteration of it)" is a false narrative and purely a subjective comment. People can pull up dreaded lists and charts to convey that this is hardly the case. This will in turn cause more lists to pop up like gremlims hitting water and they we will reach a fever cry of what constitutes an exclusive and reading tea leaves towards seeing what will be delayed. No one wants that.

Returning back to your points. The line of thinking "has no games" becomes accurate when it is immediately followed by the caveat of "that are exclusive and that I personally want." That is an opinion and opinions rock. This is not the system for you and there are others that will scratch your particular itch. If you are considering it as a future investment for games like Nier or anything else, well what's the point of complaining in a sales thread? It is coming out relatively soon.

Btw, you seriously rock for being civil in this discussion and in circumstances different than this one, I understand having an personal experience with a product that goes against the popular tide.


They put more effort and thought into the design of the console than their competitors, and they got the just rewards. Hence deserved.

Ps4 is a well designed and thought out console, right down to the playgo feature and co processors.

If MS had put a 7870 and a decent CPU in a box at same price level as Ps4, Xb1 would of won.

Nintendo are in their own world...

To be honest, i don't think MS would have won WW with just specs; but i completely agree that the XBO would have better numbers if their initial PR (about DRM, Specs, 'tiers', etc) would had been better.
Yes, but in the last 18 years only 6 major GT titles came out, in case of part 5 with a five year gap. So besides all its given and undoubted flaws, GT series is still something millions of people are eagerly looking for. In comparison, it took MS only 10 years to come up with 8 Forza games.
To be fair though, 2 out of those 8 forza games were spinoffs iirc. And if we count prologue games then there's technically also 8 gt games aren't there?

As for the gap I'm pretty sure polyphony said the reason gt6 wasn't on Ps4 was because they want to always have two gt installments per playstation console. Well that excuse doesn't fuxking fly in my book when they took so fuxking long with the development of gy5

I'm on mobile, sorry for the typos
You will be shocked to know that GT6 did over than 5M units sold.

I couldn't comprehend such number giving the circumstances. Impressive.
That's half of what GT usually sells, so no, I ain't shocked.
The Last Guardian is going to HAVE to be a huge loss at this point. I mean, it has to be, right? The development time was too long for it to have not been a money pit.

Still, if it matches its predecessors it will be a special game that really brings the praise.
It will never break even.
And you know what? I don't care. And it seems Sony doesn't either.
It's one of the games that could become legendary (somehow it already is). and this is something money can't buy.
It's so ironic to watch some people say PS4 doesn't have games...especially after just reading dozens of Game of the Year lists these last couple weeks. Almost every single top 10 list had Bloodborne and/or Until Dawn on it. Meanwhile, just a fraction of the ones I read had a full Microsoft exclusive such as Halo 5 in the Top 10. But PS4 has no games? I'd also personally take Until Dawn over Halo 5 and Bloodborne over the timed exclusivity of Tomb Raider. Would people consider PS4's 2015 acceptable if Until Dawn was October and Bloodborne was November? That seems silly. I actually think Sony's strategy of leaving the Fall to third parties is brilliant.
I don't think they care if they lose money on The Last Guardian or games like Dreams. I think they view those kind of projects as prestige/passion projects, and they'll make more than enough on stuff like Uncharted and God of War to balance the books.

Best thing about PlayStation is the creative risks, in my opinion.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
It will never break even.
And you know what? I don't care. And it seems Sony doesn't either.
It's one of the games that could become legendary (somehow it already is). and this is something money can't buy.

AFAIK, there was only ever a small team working on it when it was a PS3 game, and even then it was inactive for a while. I don't think it's as bad as a lot of people assume.


I bought a PS4 in a Black Friday deal for my son (and me I guess).

The games argument I understand as I was sort of thinking - "after Minecraft (which I have to get) what else is there that's suitable for a kid?"

Skylanders superchargers (pretty good),
Lego Dimensions (which is brilliant btw)
Tearaway (awesome)
Diablo 3 (have on PC but wanted to double-dip to try the direct control scheme which is supposed to add a lot)
Minecraft (I would be lynched if I didn't buy this)

Only one exclusive (Tearaway), but the multi-platform games are really very good. Last console I had (PS3), I barely touched it outside of Uncharted 1 and wipeout - I had no real desire to play on it - I think I've spent more time on the PS4 since Christmas than I have in the lifetime of the PS3.

Now looking forward to Shovel Knight, Rayman Legends, Journey, LBP3, Dreams, Kings Quest etc. (I'll get most indies on steam), but these are good kid-friendly games - I don't see that variety of kid-friendly games on XBox (yet) and I couldn't bring myself to get a Wii U with it being effectively end of life (although I really want yoshi's wolly world).
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