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Fire Emblem Fates' localization doesn't have the petting minigame

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I'm not trying to stick it to anyone. they're selling a better game over here so I'm considering purchasing it instead of ignoring it.

It's not the better game. It has less content. It's cutting for those on a moral high horse who won't even come down from it to purchase the game either way


You realize you could've just completely ignored it and played it like "old Fire Emblem" while people who liked the feature could've used it and not affected you at all, right? I can understand if it was mandatory and you didn't want to do it, but it wasn't.
The creepy factor is now reduced. I won't be playing the game where you pet your maid now. I'm perfectly okay with this change.


I genuinely think that it was a mix of this and that the mechanic sucked. Like, I know people's standards drop like a rock when you can touch an anime babe, but it sucked. There wasn't any real lore explanation given to it, its implementation was out of place, and the way it functioned didn't make any sense. It's suppose to be intimate and peaceful but if you don't rub as fast as you can you can't get anywhere.

Yeah, the mechanic looks awkward. If you're doing a mechanic like that you need to go all the way with the feedback on the visual...not that I want it in my Fire Emblem game, but that's partly why it looks so bad. That and it's just a weird concept for the franchise.

I'm sure all the waifu tech and dating has helped in Japan but out in the West as long as its accessible and overall just a good game it should do fine.

Though I do agree that if you do a cut like this, you should probably make some kind of alternative to it. Though as long as all the rewards you get from this mini-game are included in the game through other means, that's fine too.


People called Romanes they go the house?
That's definitely not the the most common reaction at all.

It's not 'uncommon' enough to have the opposite be true, either. Anecdotally, even going outside GAF/this thread, I don't think I've seen more people go 'hell yeah face rubbing' than I have saying 'wtf is going on here this is weird as fuck'.

The face petting (and accompanying potentially QUITE suggestive dialogue that accompanies it, depending on the character) isn't anywhere near a big part of the game, and 'petting/patting' your fellow humans (as opposed to pokemon) was always going to raise eyebrows in the West.


How so? Fire Emblem has always been animu as hell.

It has, definitely. Anime has changed though, and in the process, there's been an increasing divide in what appeals to japan and what appeals to the west.

I'm not sure saying that FE has always been Anime really gets at the heart of why people have suddenly begun complaining about it.


Isn't this important if you're playing the Conquest version of the game? I've heard certain characters can die if their support isn't high enough by a certain point, and I've also heard you can't grind in that version of the game.

You can grind support points in My Castle battles and DLC maps. Nohr blocks the gain of experience from those (aside from the experience DLC itself), but not support points.
Well, there goes my caring. Don't really want to wait around and see what else was altered/removed in general, but at least I know ahead this ahead of the launch.

Of course, it shouldn't exist at all, but hopefully them taking it out of the localization is step one.

See this is what I'm talking about

Petting fake cute girls and boys should be allowed to exist no matter what anyone says

Even If this game sold one copy and the one person who bought it is the director of the game, that waifu petting bullshit has the right to be on sale
I find it rather strange that there are a number of posts saying how they will buy the game now because a feature that they could have never opened or used is removed.

Now before I get avatar quoted I will say I don't particularly care that it's removed. I just always found this stance of "I am not buying it unless it's not there" rather silly. Honestly you probably didn't even want the game in the first place then if a completely optional mini game pushed you away.


How's the English patch? Any way someone would just replace it with the localized script minus the cut content?
They wont touch the localized script as i believe that's actually stealing or something, some group tried that with DQ7, This script uses the japanese voices (except for the amiibos). The social links(whatever they're called) are not completed yet, The main story for Conquest/Birthright is done, Invisible kingdom is next. and dlc isnt touched yet iirc.
I have literally no idea. If you don't care that's fine, but why would anyone ever be happy about something like this? It's a very slippery slope. One day they might censor something you wanted.

If they censor out something I think is good, then I'll react to that. I don't know. I understand why some people get bummed out by these types of changes. It's perfectly within your rights to want access to content within other versions. I just also think it's within Nintendo's rights to look at markets differently and try to cater the product as best they can to those markets. That's what we mean when we argue that it's part of the localization effort.

I'm not going to resist that it's censorship necessarily. I just also feel that dismissing it as censorship and going "I hate any and all censorship" doesn't really allow for any nuance. This isn't a black and white issue to me. I might look at one edit and assert "that seems like a good choice for the American market" and look at another and surmise that it seems misguided. Perhaps some think this specific change is misguided, and that's fine. But I can't really get on board with the idea that one needs to pick a side and declare that censorship is either inherently good or inherently bad.


I feel as if it's something weird enough that people would mention during their review of the game

Speaking as someone who reviews games, given that it's a minor aspect in the context of the wider gameplay and story/presentation/visuals etc. it's not really something I'd cause (or at least attempt to cause) a stir over. I'd mention it in passing sure, but not really consolidate to being a crucial deciding factor in the game's overall quality. I likely won't be the one to review when it arrives 'in office'...but that's my philosophy anyway.

Thinking a bit more, I do agree that Nintendo really should have just left it to fans to decide whether they want to invest time in it or not. I still stand by my previous thoughts; I find it hilarious when everyone wants to throw the c-word around like it's in season and they wind up getting immediately defensive over a tiny part of what is a grander whole.

Do I think removing content entirely without public suggestion/discussion/decision is a good idea? No. Would I have preferred, as some have suggested, some alternate mini-game of sorts to take up the empty space? Yes. Do I find the shitstorm people try to start both hilarious and a slight pot calling kettle black? Definitely.


Are they siblings or underage or something? Otherwise I don't see why they'd change marriage options.

is a girl and
is a guy, so they're the only same-sex marriage options in the game. I was just a bit worried.

The article confirms that this is still a thing.

Yes, they didn't anything to the actual relationship possibilities themselves. All that happened in that regard was changing the dialogue in a scene with Soleil. Anyone that could be married can still be married, including the same sex options.

This is good! Still looking forward to the game now.


Those were pokemon, not people. And depending on the pokemon it was still fairly disconcerting.
The only way I could think of the feature in Pokemon being disturbing is if they were making weird expressions, but from what I've seen in Fire Emblem Fates it's just people smiling.
I'd say playing around with Mario's face in Mario 64 is more disturbing but that's just me.
Well that's all I have to subject.


The creepy factor is now reduced. I won't be playing the game where you pet your maid now. I'm perfectly okay with this change.

You are still playing the game, you just don't have the option to pet her (or any of the male characters, for that matter).


But it was completely optional. I'd understand if it were tightly woven into supports, but this was a feature a player could choose to ignore entirely.

I hate to be that guy, but Masashiro Sakurai's point is pretty valid for this situation..

Wow I had no idea Sakurai commented on this very thing. Interesting point (the broad subject he discusses).

This is extremely disappointing. =/ I understand the complaints about the feature (but, like...just ignore it if you don't like it?), but I think a lot of people fail to realize that for gay individuals like myself, this feature was really nice because, as far as I understood, you could use this "petting" feature on any character, including characters of the same sex as your avatar. This was the only way to have any sort of intimacy with same-sex characters outside of the single male and female characters that you can marry with a same-sex avatar. While it's great that the same-sex marriage is still there, and it's certainly a big step up from Awakening that featured none of it, it's still extremely disappointing that there was even more that we could have had, but of course they cut that out of the localization. =/

Huh. This was not a perspective I considered.


I just hope that removing large swathes of content from games doesn't become a trend. Rather people just ignore optional content they don't like instead of advocating for its removal.


It has, definitely. Anime has changed though, and in the process, there's been an increasing divide in what appeals to japan and what appeals to the west.

I'm not sure saying that FE has always been Anime really gets at the heart of why people have suddenly begun complaining about it.

We've have had this discussion before, but alot of the stuff Awakening's been guilty has been in the series before.

Lyn having to be aged up for the American release by 3 years so older players wouldn't be seen as pedophiles etc.

It's not a unique problem that the last two games has had.


Ha, I knew some people would be upset, but I am a bit surprised at how many people are upset this got cut.

But yeah, good riddance.


Unconfirmed Member
Would be really sad if that was the case. Would show how incapable people still are of dealing with things that challenge their sensibilities.

Doesn't need to have anything to do with that.
One can just be happy that an awful mechanic is removed.
Akin to devs cutting down the grind in asian mmo when they try to bring them to the west.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Why is japanese devlopers allowed to get away with this? Is there no movement to stop this kind of creepy stuff from happening in their games. I would be worried if I was a gamer in japan


How's the English patch? Any way someone would just replace it with the localized script minus the cut content?.

That is when 'fan translation' breaks it's barrier into straight copyright infringement. The translation is pretty okay as it is now, albeit incomplete.

Nothing to complain about, considering its a free patch. Plus, they are actively updating the script based on feedback. Good on them.

Why is japanese devlopers allowed to get away with this? Is there no movement to stop this kind of creepy stuff from happening in their games. I would be worried if I was a gamer in japan

Yes, I agree! Take away my creative freedom!


'enry 'ollins
I'd be fine with it gone, IF we got new content in its place or a price reduction. This would be like if NA got FFX international and europe got the original release after waiting and charged the same price for it. (note this is exagerated in terms of content but its still content gone)

You could just apply a translation patch to the game and play it that way, note there isnt text when playing that mini-game.
How much content do you suppose the facerubbing constituted? 5%? 10%? 20%? Would it be reasonable to refund you $1? Is it really worth the trouble?

That's ignoring the fact that to a lot of players, the removal of this feature is considered a plus, not negative.
I'm pretty sure we'll be able to play the "complete" version of the game on an emulator in a few years. Someone will take the JP version, insert the localization and tranlsate the remaining text that was in the rubbing minigame.

Not sure if this is possible on an actual 3DS, I'm not up to date with homebrew

But it'll be great
There's already a fantranslation of If with Nohr/Hoshido complete.


Friendly reminder that finding this stuff to be stupid and off putting doesn't mean you're offended by it.

You are still playing the game, you just don't have the option to pet her (or any of the male characters, for that matter).
If I don't have the option to pet animu people while they say lewd things, then I'm not playing a game where I pet animu people while they say lewd things.


Because it's a feature a lot of people didn't want? Not sure what's hard to understand about that.
What if some people wanted it? Why can't they get theirs too? This is all pretty silly if you ask me. Removing some mini game where you pat your characters on the head for affection isn't going to stop Fire Emblem from being a juvenile anime game. The old school FE fans are still going to have the same problems with Fates.
I find it rather strange that there are a number of posts saying how they will buy the game now because a feature that they could have never opened or used is removed.

Some people are more into principles than they are into games. You get the same shit from people who are like "omg they censored [insert minor thing], not giving them any of my money now".


It may not be good content but that doesn't mean it needs to be taken out.

i don't get this attitude at all

if it's shit then why not cut it? it's shit!

shitty parts get cut from games all of the time, you just don't hear about it because it's during development
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