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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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So I know that the game has 4 person parties for regular stuff, but does anyone know what the max party size is for like endgame stuff?

curious if the game has bigger party sizes than destiny for "raids"

4 players is max party size right now. we have not had word about bigger parties.
it has been said there are missions and such in the Dark Zone.

Oh i know... i mean like there aren't like more objective style things to do. It's all eliminate the guys. I'd love to see some "escort this VIP across and out of the darkzone" or "infiltrate boss XYZ's base and plant these explosives then do this or that and take his piece of tech/medicine here" sorta stuff all while other players could potentially screw up your mission... but i fear it will mostly be "shoot these NPC guys dead return to base". But who knows.
Game has some really solid gunplay..I encountered a pretty big bug when I started playing this morning though. For some asinine reason the text says that I found "Soda" in an apartment, instead of "Pop". I'll have to report that tonight so it can be fixed by March.
I don't know who it was that said he thought it was 720p on Xbox One, but it really doesn't look like that to me. Certainly not on my TV now. It's crisp as hell, the anti aliasing is fantastic and it just looks absolutely fine to me. Maybe a step up above the alpha.


Is there any mission in the Dark Zone during the beta ? A dungeon ? Kinda like Destiny Beta (Totally forgot, the place where you kill the giant eye robot thing at the end)

That only bigger PvE mission in the beta is basically dungeon. You clear metric ton of trash mobs while completing objectives and there is named guy [read: boss] at the end.

Dark Zone doesn't look to have anything major going on. PvP with some AI strongholds to clear for loot drops.


Have you been going solo during pve? If you are, how is the solo gameplay?

Yep only solo thus far. It's definitely doable. I've even done the Story Mission on hard mode solo, only wiping once during the second section. With that said, I am excited for my friends to get on because I do feel that playing it with others will be more fun. BUT from what I've played, definitely soloable.


So are there any framerate drops on the XBO? Since it's 1080p now and all.

Sometimes. But those are more weird framedrops like when i just went into my snap from the Xbox and come back into the game. It chucks then. But that is probably just beta stuff. But overall even when there is some good action going on its fine. Wouldnt say its a perfect 30fps all the time like some other games. But 95% off the time it is.
Season pass sounds good and all but the fact that they haven't discussed their end game plans yet kinda bothers me.

I'll be getting the gold edition for $80 as long as end game is discussed and has legs.
Kudos to Ubi if it's really 1080p,really did not expect that at all. Especially since one of the game news sites said it was 900p0on Xbox One. Don't remember right now which site it was.

As for new content,so far it's exactly like the alpha. Are there any truly new missions or is it all very much like the alpha?
Man this game is everything I was hoping it would be. Fun times in the Dark Zone. In one area every time an extraction was called people would attack each other. It kind of bummed me out for a minute because I had a pretty cool attachment that I lost, but I pressed on and found several more items. Remembering all the griefing that took place at the last extraction zone I searched and I came across another one further away from the DZ starting point. Everyone there was cool and let one another extract their gear with no problems. That said I was on edge the entire time, lol.

Can't wait for this to release.

Red Hood

I put in the code I got from Nvidia in the Division website, only got to step 2 and it timed out on me (heavy traffic), but I did get an email from Ubisoft saying I have guaranteed access to the Beta and that they'll send the code "when the beta starts".

This was an hour ago. Does it have to do with not completing all the steps? But I did get a confirmation email...

So I got the beta registration to go through and I got the beta registration email, I went to uplay so I could get the key to predownload, and at first it was showing up, but saying I needed to check my games. Now, it's not showing up under beta access at all or under my games. Wtf Ubisoft?
Game has some really solid gunplay..I encountered a pretty big bug when I started playing this morning though. For some asinine reason the text says that I found "Soda" in an apartment, instead of
I'll have to report that tonight so it can be fixed by March.

IT should say "Coke". Please adjsut your report accordingly.

So I'll need to come back to this in the afternoon and try some of the Dark Zone stuff, but initial impressions are pretty solid "meh". It looks great, but I'm not really feeling the mechanics. It's also *extremely* limited in terms of content from a PvE point of view. Not much to really sink your teeth into to get a feel for it.

Maybe the Dark Zones will change my mind...


Surly if we can't tell if it's 100% 1080p then the image is good enough to not matter.

In other words if it's 900p no need for peeps to knock it.


Been playing the XB1 version and damn has it had a downgrade in the graphics department since the E3 revel...or maybe the PC version will still look more faithful to the E3 demo


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Is there any type of stealth options in the game?

You know, is it possible to "turn invisible" in Dark Zone, for example?
Kudos to Ubi if it's really 1080p,really did not expect that at all. Especially since one of the game news sites said it was 900p0on Xbox One. Don't remember right now which site it was.

As for new content,so far it's exactly like the alpha. Are there any truly new missions or is it all very much like the alpha?

It's been said a few times that it's the same content from the alpha. Better looking and more refined and I believe there is an extra entrance to the DZ


Not my screens. And not truly the best quality. See some compression. But with Xbox screenshots not really working atm with the beta. Its the best we can do haha.





I absolutely love hunting down roque agents and helping out lower level people in this game.
It,s so fun to wander through city and do just that.


Yep only solo thus far. It's definitely doable. I've even done the Story Mission on hard mode solo, only wiping once during the second section. With that said, I am excited for my friends to get on because I do feel that playing it with others will be more fun. BUT from what I've played, definitely soloable.

Thanks! Sounds good.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
GAF response seems pretty tepid.
If we ignore that huge Beta Code begging thread that shows people at least want to try the game,and the fact that only XB1 players can play the Beta right now than sure reception is "tepid" right now.

Most us are at work/school or are waiting for the PC/PS4 version Beta tommorow.
Pretty excited to jump in.

I hope i do come across people who
help me when im a lower level.

Maybe thow me some items they no longer need for free :p


Game has some really solid gunplay..I encountered a pretty big bug when I started playing this morning though. For some asinine reason the text says that I found "Soda" in an apartment, instead of "Pop". I'll have to report that tonight so it can be fixed by March.

New Yorkers do not say soda. We have moved past the lexicon of the 1950s.


I love the HUD. I work law enforcement and would love to have this much Intel on the go. I think it looks real slick in the game too.

For me sometimes the HUD is a little hard to look at, but you can also disable it for when your not using it. It re-appears when needed.
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