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Sonic the Hedgehog's new PR person is incredible

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Tails seems like a pretty decent wingman. What should all wingmen and wingladies keep in mind?

Tails is probably the best wingman the world has ever known. Beyond that title, he literally flies a plane, and nothing impresses the ladies like showing up to your date from the top of your own personal bi-plane. Shout out to you, Tails.

If you’re a wingman or winglady, remember the end-game: You’re here to help your bud clear Friend Zone Act II and head towards the boss fight. Your sacrifice and determination makes this world a better place, so kudos to all the wingmen and wingladies out there.

Jokes aside, this is actually pretty decent advice.



Now that Sonic gives advices for Valentine's Day... He really knows about love.

I'm dying:

What's the worst thing you've ever done on a date? What's the absolute worst thing that's happened to you on date in return?

OK. So, this technically never happened, alright? OK, good:

Once, we saved this human girl from pretty much certain destruction, but she ended up having feelings for us. Awkward, right? Probably should have left her to fend for herself. One thing led to another, and the next thing we know… wait, actually this answers your next question!

That same date, this jerk comes up and just flat out kills us. Talk about rude, right?

Anyway, the year 2006 was just a bad one for us and dating. We try to forget it ever happened, and technically, it never did.


So your date shows up and they're a mess. Food stains, unkempt hair. The whole shebang. How do you gracefully suggest your special somebody needs to up their grooming skills?

“Someone took a page from Deviantart, I see”, usually goes a long way towards fixing this for the next date.

Is this... a Coldsteel reference? o_O
The Sonic valentines article is officially my favorite thing about this day (and this is the day Last of Us had its' big single player DLC!)


Membero Americo
So the Sonic twitter is getting some heat because of this tweet.


Sonic the HedgehogVerified account
@Jiggypig_ We actually identify as an attack helicopter. Check your privilege.

A lot of people are saying that reply is transphobic.

I don't have all the details but "Check your privilege" and "identifying as an attack helicopter" are memetic jokes about trans, apparently.


Membero Americo
Pretty sure they were making fun of otherkin with that one, not trans people.

Brianna Wu (who we saw in that Dark Side of Gaming video from 2 days ago, even) saw it as an attack on trans and it snowballed from there, it seems.

But yeah, the intent was most likely to make fun of otherkin, not trans. But that's how some people are seeing it and it's getting a bit of heat.


So the Sonic twitter is getting some heat because of this tweet.


A lot of people are saying that reply is transphobic.

I don't have all the details but "Check your privilege" and "identifying as an attack helicopter" are memetic jokes about trans, apparently.
Queero/Genderqueero here.

I think it's hilarious, and people may be overreacting.

Liked/retweeted it because it made me giggle.


Pretty sure they were making fun of otherkin with that one, not trans people.

Even if it wasn't the intent, if you combine a joke about "identifying as" something with a "check your privilege" meme, it's not much of a stretch for people to infer transphobia, considering the usual context.


So the Sonic twitter is getting some heat because of this tweet.


A lot of people are saying that reply is transphobic.

I don't have all the details but "Check your privilege" and "identifying as an attack helicopter" are memetic jokes about trans, apparently.

Huh? How is that in any way a transphobic-like response? To me it seemed like a random joke of not being a "hedgehog" but a "helicopter".

Maybe I'm dense or something.


Knows the Score
Maybe I'm missing something but all I see are people yelling about it being transphobic without expanding on why it might be. know your meme doesn't seem to be particularly helpful either.


Even if it wasn't the intent, if you combine a joke about "identifying as" something with a "check your privilege" meme, it's not much of a stretch for people to infer transphobia, considering the usual context.
People who choose to stretch can stretch, but that goes for anything.


It's been done before. Personally, I think it is funny. Sonic's tweet had nothing inherently hateful or phobic to anyone. Again, everyone is different. If you feel offended by it, that's valid as well. I just spent the last 5 minutes talking about and sharing the tweet with only queer friends. As for us. Just giggles, no hate.


Knowing Ruby I'm sure that he didn't intend to offend anyone with that tweet. I don't doubt that he'll be a bit more careful making tweets about that subject as well now. (Though I did still message him to tell him that he shouldn't say "check your privilege".)
Man, this account is so self aware and up to date, it is really amazing. Really PR done right, unlike Nintendo's Social Media Accounts which are so strict and compan-y


Brianna Wu (who we saw in that Dark Side of Gaming video from 2 days ago, even) saw it as an attack on trans and it snowballed from there, it seems.

But yeah, the intent was most likely to make fun of otherkin, not trans. But that's how some people are seeing it and it's getting a bit of heat.
I mean it's not too far of a reach to come to that conclusion, but I feel like it's still a reach.


While the backlash is obviously ridiculous, the real problem with the tweet is that it's lame and unoriginal.

Sonic's grasp of Internet Comment Etiquette is TOoooOOOO slow!


He obviously didn't mean this as a deliberate shot at trans people, despite the negative connotations gamergaters and anti-"SJW's" have given to the term "check your privilege". I don't really think this is something to condemn Sonic Twitter for.
Pretty sure they were making fun of otherkin with that one, not trans people.
As was explained by a trans friend of mine (you'll understand if I don't name them, for their sake), even if it's aimed at otherkin and not transgendered people, there's a lot of overlap. Many otherkin are transgendered. Where otherkin go "I identify as a fox", transgendered people go "I identify as a [male/female], despite being born with a body of the other gender". The similarities are there.

With regards to it being a stretch, it'd be very easy for me to say it is - but as a cisgendered, heterosexual white male, I'm not the one being slighted; would it really be fair for me to tell the ones who actually receive such slights all the time whether they're being slighted or not?

I will say that I sincerely doubt Ruby meant for this to offend people the way it did, intending it only as a lighthearted jest. Likewise, I doubt he's very likely to follow up on it with similar remarks in the future, especially given the backlash. The last thing a company wants their PR person to do is to turn their brand into damaged goods.


The biggest problem with the hellicopter thing is that it makes ABSOLUTLY NO SENSE for Sonic to say that.

Like .. ZERO sense.

So it is a shit joke first, problematic choice of words second =P
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