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Ex-WoW players: Is there anything that could bring you back?


No, because I've had that experience, and it's an old one.

But as for 'WoW 2', it would need the following:

-Strong world PvP
-No insta-port to dungeon LFG
-A reason for players to be out in the open field communicating rather than sitting in cities queuing for stuff
-No flying whatsoever - it ruins the game world
I re-subbed for Draenor recently but I was not enjoying it at all, think my time with WoW has passed. That and I don't really have time to commit to end game content and I've already experienced all the new zones so there's really no point. I'd be down for another MMO or RTS in the franchise though. GW2 has been scratching my MMO itch recently, easy to access PvP at any level and the questing is pretty laid back -- leveling is quick.


No, because I've had that experience, and it's an old one.

But as for 'WoW 2', it would need the following:

-Strong world PvP
-No insta-port to dungeon LFG
-A reason for players to be out in the open field communicating rather than sitting in cities queuing for stuff
-No flying whatsoever - it ruins the game world

I like this.


I enjoyed the difficulty balance in the vanilla days just for playing solo but now it's just far too easy so there is no joy in discovery or taking down tough mob groups. That was 70% of my enjoyment of the game right there.


Time. Working on a graduate degree does not give you a lot of free time. I played WoW in high school and my schedule was basically go to school, come home and jump on the computer, go to sleep, repeat.


The very core gameplay would have to be significantly changed. Spamming the same spell rotation at every single mob is not all that fun. They would need to skew more towards realtime, reactive combat and away from just hotkeys and macros for everything.

Quest design would also need a massive overhaul.


Not anymore.

Most fun I had in WoW was from release to 2008/9 or so, after that it all became a bore.

Thought last year with WoD would be a good time to try again, but even though it was fun for a few weeks I again became bored of everything.

Looking back to why I enjoyed it so much in the early days that mostly had to do with everything being new (my first MMORPG) and the community, which nowadays is very different.


I can't do the rotation based combat anymore. It gets too repetitive after a while, and doesn't feel very rewarding in raids when bosses take 5-10 minutes to kill and you have to just spam your rotation for most of that time (while avoiding various things).

Time is also an issue.

Legion might be the first expansion pack I don't buy...


I'll probably give it a shot to see the new stuff, but I'm never going as far down the rabbit hole as I used to.

Raiding was fun but I can't commit to that anymore.


Nah,I quit the game many many years ago and it's just nothing to me now.

FF14 is my MMO of choice now IF I actually play an MMO at all.


Neo Member
For me the whole MMO formula is tired. I don't see myself ever pouring 4-16 hours a day into an MMO again (Everquest 1 raiding anyone?)

Part of my problem is the veil that has been lifted. WoW today looks an awful lot like F2P games.. daily grinds, collectibles, etc. Where is the "game" part?


Fix the lore.

It's been broken and changed too many times that it's hard to remember what is correct anymore.

Or make an expansion revolving around the alliance for a change.


A time machine, i had so much free time back in the Vanilla days :-/

Yup. But to be honest what really killed it for me was when they destroyed my guild. When you spend years refining a group of 40-50 people so that everyone gets to raid and have fun together...suddenly reducing the raid size to 25 sort of kills the cohesion.
Can't imagine anything they could do to get me back. I might check out a WoW 2 as others have mentioned though, depending on the gameplay. But yeah, high time they made something entirely new and exciting.


F2P. I just can't justify paying 15$/m for playing a game when I got so many other games wanting my attention. And even then I'm not sure I would even bother coming back :p


You know, Blizz said they're not working on a new MMO after Titan was canned, but i would not be surprised in the next few years if they announce a new MMO, especially if Legion bombs like WOD.
Probably not. My view of Blizzard is the same of SoE when I quit EQ. Just sad to what has happened to a great game. I miss my characters, not the game.

Not Spaceghost

I quit last january after 10 years when I realized WoD was just the beginning of a new wave of WoW development so literally nothing at this point could bring me back because the game I loved is never going to return.

Blizzard has this lovely habit of reinventing the wheel every expansion and the game just fucking changes for the worse every time. The new direction they've taken PvP in since MoP has actually just made it unplayable.

They strip every non traditional play style away from every single class. The hybrid tax may no longer be there but now it's more of a penalty where you can't access even 10% of your other specs potential tool kit, so basically you're forced to only do your assigned role.

The game is a fucking shell of its former self. If you go to a private server you realize the reason people interacted with each other was because while you could solo stuff just fine, you went at the slowest pace possible. After most engagements you had to stop and eat or drink because natural regen was non existent and personal heals were few and far between unless you had a healing spec available to you.

So people were forced to cooperate to get things done efficiently. Now people are forced to cooperate because blizzard says so, the end result if you have a group of 5 with each person just basically playing a single player game as if the other 4 players were just bots.

Classes are so fucking streamlined it hurts to see. Every DPS spec with like 2 or so exceptions plays the same. You have a spam attack, a filler, a resource builder, a resource dump, a buff to manage and a debuff to manage. That's literally every fucking spec. Tanks are also basically on auto pilot all you need to worry about is positioning and be aware fo the fight mechanics, healers also all work about the same, support cool downs, emergency cool down, big raid cool down, fast expensive heal, slow efficient heal, slow expensive huge heal. Except some have HoTs instead of casts.

The new content for legion is just so blah, they dont really address any of the core issues the game is experiencing. The fact that pvp is getting its own separate line of progression frustrates the hell out of me because blizzards idea of balancing pvp is always the same - give them more HP, reduce burst and reduce CC.

Also the game runs like shit and is graphically a huge cluster fuck. Models and textures from 2004 mixed with higher rez and higher poly assets from 2011 and on wards is just a disgusting sight to behold.

The content trickle is awful, WoD was essentially a 1 patch expansion. Because High maul and BRF were the same tier, and the only major patch before the release of the final raid was the twitter integration patch + selfie business. WoW expansions always ends the same, with 10 months of nothing new.

Considering it's blizzards prime cash cow they should really care more about it than they actually do. But they never will and even if they say they will it won't last for long.

I've been burned by this shitty dev team too many times to ever give them the benefit of the doubt again.

And yes I am very bitter when it comes to this game.


I haven't played WoW since they sued the people who made WoWGlider. The only way I could get back into it is if I cared about the story/lore.


Lore wise, one of the things that made WoW awesome in the early days was the knowledge that Arthas would make a grand return and, somewhere, he was planning something big. I loved the little callbacks to the events in WC3/TFT and there was always this feeling under the surface that shit was going to get real. After WotLK I pretty much lost all interest in where the plot was going. With the introduction on time travel it's even more convoluted and awful. Nothing can bring me back because I don't respect the world, plot or characters anymore.

Gameplay wise, WoW seems to have turned into a collection of hundreds of hamster wheels of various sizes. Everything has a system and meter to fill... from holiday events to raiding to pokemon battles. Meh. If I'm going to spend my time grinding, might as well be on a better game that takes more skill (like Dota or CS).
I'll probably give the Legion leveling experience a go, but the endgame is just so overdone by now that it no longer appeals at all.


semen stains the mountaintops
I'll come back for Legion but I can't see myself playing it too much after leveling and doing LFR.

Once I stopped raiding, the game became substantially less interesting. There wasn't shit for me to do since every I did before I did became it helped me raid.

Can't see myself ever raiding again, either. That shit took too much time.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Absolutely nothing. WoW not only killed my interest in that particular game, but in MMO's as a whole.


Back to WoW? No. I had more than enough of it and stopped at Cataclysm. It's just too old and I've played way too much of it.

I would, however, be interested in a brand new WoW2 or another full Blizzard MMORPG.
Not having over a YEAR between major content updates would do WONDERS into getting me to come back. Both MoP & WoD both will have had over a year period where no major content was delivered to the game. Considering i'm still paying a subscription during that entire time, its simply unacceptable. I left MoP & came back for WoD in the hopes that this issue would be rectified, and I was absolutely disappointed. The fact that the major piece of content that does finally come after a year+ drought is an expansion, that I then I have to pay for individually, after I paid for a subscription fee for a year and got no major content delivered, is ludicrous.


Honestly? They'd have to remove the subscription fee, and switch to F2P.

I still have gaming time, I can't play a subscription-based MMO. I need the freedom to play/not play at my leisure (too many other good games out there!) without feeling like I need to make the most of my subscription dollars per month.


For starters an actually engaging action combat- and movement system that is fully animation/hitbox based instead of the dated RPS stuff. You know..."gameplay" with weight and oomph instead of an animated spreadsheet.

But I guess there is way too much wrong in the stale era of current MMOs to ever really come back. The direction WoW took after Burning Crusade is part of what killed the whole genre for me.


At this point? No.

I had great times in WoW, and made some lasting friends there. The resolution to WotLK was the red flag, and beyond there, just felt it had lost it's way.

If WoW 2 ever happens, I'd need to really sit down and think about returning.


f2p/b2p (no sub, basically)

normalization of gear in pvp to have level playing field. you can choose to wear different stuff like different trinkets and whatnot but overall powerlevel is strictly capped.
I don't think there's anything they can do honestly. I spent about 8 years playing WoW and went back for every expansion. I wonder if they will lure me back in for Legion but I'm thinking this time around it's highly unlikely.

I've just picked up FF14:ARR again on PS4 and can say I'm quite enjoying my time with that. Although similarities are prevalent, I like the underlying game for classes, lore, etc. I think laying in my lazy boy and playing on a controller helps a lot too.
Nope. Would need to be a full new game. I never started hating WoW, and every expansion to date gets me wanting to get in there. I always spend a month or two, and I always come to the same conclusion.

"This game is over ten years old and does NOT hold up."

They keep making the models prettier (and they do make some very pretty models), but there's no fixing the janky ass old engine it runs on without some Realm Reborn style insanity that really probably isn't a smart model for most games.

Legion looks like it was the storyline I would have wanted to see, but there's just nothing about it that's drawn me in. I'm done now, and I hope they move on to some cool stuff in the future.
Revive professions so they aren't a complete waste of time like they were in WoD.

Revive world pvp, at least to the state it was in during the Wintergrasp 100x100 heyday. Make the victories mean something (control over a raid instance as a reward and an exp/rep boost).

Keep the lore in the game. I don't like hearing about how key figures died in a comic book, or some novella. At least replay those events in cutscenes or something.

Make daily participation in 5-man content a focus at launch and at every major content patch. It doesn't have to be new dungeons. But between the shitty Apexis Tanaan deathball grind and the overlong wait for the return of the valor grind they killed it in WoD. Mythic Dungeons should be a thing from launch. Make the repeatable grind part of 5-manning something you can do over and over again instead of once a week and done.

I haven't kept a close eye at all on Legion's development. I'm too close to the crushing disappointment of WoD's end-of-cycle content to have anything but a cynical outlook on Class Halls (Garrisons mk. II) so I've largely kept myself in the dark about what's in store since it's all too early to get excited by something that can just get cut out later anyway when Blizzard realizes they're out of time and have to ship (sup Farahlon).


Played since day one, up until I want to say Cataclysm? Slowed down during that since we were expecting our first kid in March 2011, got Pandaria when it was like $5, the guild was gone. Realized I played more for the social interaction while raiding than the game itself.

So, yeah, a time machine to where we were all in our early 20's and had shit else to do.
After thinking about it, there is a set of conditions that would bring me back to the game:

1. Blizzard releases a vanilla or TBC server
2. I win the lottery and quit my job
3. All of my old guildmates come back as well
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