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Sonic Chronicles - The Dark Brotherhood of Bioware



Next up on the Sonic Retrospective is this.....'gem' of a game.

This game....man, I've been waiting to rip this a new one for a while now. This honestly isn't even that bad of a game, just an 'meh' RPG title with Sonic's name on it. But this being made by Bioware....and it being such shoddy product, major disappointment :l.

So, lets dive into Sonic's first, and only, Role Playing Game.

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The history here is simple, SEGA tried to make a Sonic RPG for decades, starting with Sonic Adventure. The hub worlds in Adventure? Based on an early idea for RPG mechanics in the Sonic series, as Adventure was code-named Sonic & Knuckles RPG.


Fast forward to 2006-2007 and Bioware comes to SEGA asking "We would like to make a RPG for you guys" and considering these are the guys that made Baldur's Gate, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, and Jade Empire, how COULD you say no to that :D!


So SEGA got them a deal to make a DS RPG but for what IP? Sonic of course! Bioware 'states' they 'love' the series and wanted to work on it for a long time. So they start production around......I think 2007 or something like that.

During this time, they were their own studio and not owned by anyone (so they had deals with Microsoft for Mass Effect and SEGA with Sonic Chronicles). By 2007, Bioware was bought by EA and this lead to Mass Effect becoming a EA series....but what happened to Sonic?


Nothing I could find out, but I would hazard to guess that the budget was reduced on SEGA's part mid-production and Bioware pushed the more talented staff toward Mass Effect 2's production (leading to new staff working on this instead of the staff SEGA thought they hired to make this game).

Fast forward toward late 2008 and the game releases. It gets praise from critics (recall Game Informer giving it a 8 out of 10) but fans are luke-warm toward the title.

I also have history covering the music of this, but will save that for latter.

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The story is one element I have to commend Bioware a lot for; they really tap into EVERYTHING in the Sonic cannon.


You have the SWAT-Bots from Satam being standard mooks you fight, call-backs to Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Battle, Sonic and friends having fun interactions and even giving Sonic the ability to be a good fellow or a snarky prick (classic Bioware staple; multiple dialog options for your characters).


The core story itself is one-note with a lost Echindia Tribe coming to Sonic's World and they are after the Emeralds. Knuckles is also missing, so Sonic, Amy and Tails go out to see what is going on after a long time passes from a past adventure.

I like this angle, as Sonic is known to be the 'hero', but every comments on him being gone for a while (even Tails comments on that, a bit shocking considering he and Sonic are such buddies). Outside of that though.....its meh :l.

What makes it shine is the character interactions, as they nail so many of the personalities of Sonic and company, making good use of the large cast in the series. Sonic's interactions with Eggman and Amy are particularly funny, as Eggman joins you for a while and you could even play with the relationship idea between her and Sonic (she tries to make him jealous of her having a 'boyfriend' named 'Dexter'.....not very convincing honestly XD).

Its decent for what it is but considering this is Bioware, it could of been a lot better.

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The gameplay.....this is a big issue I have with the game. The game is completely controlled with the touch screen.......let me say this again; the game is COMPLETELY controlled with the touch screen. Now, you might be asking "....But this is a RPG, why is that a big deal?"


Glad you asked! The game has a Paper Mario/M&L combat system where you can preform 'Pow' moves that use touch screen inputs. You tap on the screen, slide buttons across the screen and so on to make your attacks stronger/make them work.


Now, that sounds like fun! Active combat and it fits the Sonic series fast-paced nature. But, the way it works has issue. Your inputs being mapped to a touch screen instead of buttons leads to things not being as 'on-point' as they should be, so instead of having stronger attacks, they become useless if you tapped the edge of a circle or not.

Cream the Rabbit is a big example of this systems failings, as she is the Mage of the game; healing people and restoring Pow points. But, if she fails using her attack, her turn is used up, she gets hit and she lost important Pow points.


This becomes a bigger issue as the game goes on and the run away system is even worse; character run in four lanes and you tap them to jump over objects. If they get hit enough, your 'run away' option just becomes useless.


So, the core combat has issues. Not good, so what about the item system? That is flawed too :l.

You have to rely on items you find in the maps/battles as you have a limited amount of rings you collect on each map.....and they do not regenerate upon repeated revisits. And you use them to buy items :l. Bad design choice is bad design choice X(.

You could sell items to get more rings but that is really dumb when you could use your healing item instead of selling it in hope to get better items.

One last thing before I move on to my biggest issue, the team attacks. Depending on who is in your party, you have unique pow moves you could use. Between a three-man team of Team Sonic/Dark/Rose, Sonic/Tails/Knuckles, Sonic/Knuckles, Sonic/Tails, and so on. It is great to see this, as it allows different team members to work with each other and pushes you to swap out party members often.

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The presentation.....oh BOY this is the best part XD!

Okay, so, remember my Rush and Rush Adventure threads? And how I praised the visuals on those games and how they pushed the DS? Well this games does nothing to push the DS hardware and looks very dated, far worse then things you would find in early PS1 era games.


The maps are hand-drawn but the 3D objects do not mesh well with them. Character models can be compared to horrid commercials, 'animated' cut-scenes look really cheap, and the music.

The music was originally going to be remixes from Sonic 1 & 2, but SEGA doesn't own the rights to those soundtracks, so they licence the rights out every time they use them. So, what did Bioware do? Not let SEGA aware of this of course! So instead of using music SEGA owned like Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic 3D Blast, and the GBA/Game Gear games, they well.......used music SEGA didn't own.

Ironically, Richard was the one behind some of this soundtrack. He made the amazing Sonic 3D Blast Saturn Soundtrack and did a lot of the soundtrack to Sonic R. NeoGaffer Ferr986 told me that he made the battle themes only, so thank you for the correction!

He composed the only decent themes in the game, the battle music:
Battle 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woKWQb4dk_8&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=16
Battle 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yay-boBTOo0&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=17
Battle 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omjskie4GO4&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=18
Battle 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0V0_KxAd9E&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=19

Either way, they got into legal trouble for this mistake and thus, had to use midi files of older Sonic games instead of an original soundtrack.

So, in the name of Busby the Bobcat, "What could possibly go wrong?"

THIS......this is what could go wrong :(.

Main Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo5dsRRXobw&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=2
Green Hill Zone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOfqpKYF8is&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=3
Central City: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy0021KjswA&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=4
Mystic Ruins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOcHZNcnBYc&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=5
Blue Ridge Zone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5o5LBzDwz4&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=6
Metropolis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzOGuQ88nPE&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=7
Nocturne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9z7iRFfMzk&list=PLuHXLOdovmHMNuVyQw96X82dyPcKPzNwb&index=15

Just....how? How do you mess up a Sonic soundtrack? Even the worst games in the series have better soundtracks. Sonic 06's soundtrack is amazing. Sonic Blast has at least one or two catchy songs. Shadow the Hedgehog has a few really great tracks.

And this is on the system that got Sonic Rush, Rush Adventure and latter down the line, Colors DS.

There is just no excuse for a horrid soundtrack like this, and its a disservice to the Sonic series.

Oh....one more thing; all of these are remixes. Yep, REMIXES of Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis/Saturn) and Sonic & Knuckles themes. Just....listen to this comparison video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8Qkjon2joc

....What a joke man.

The biggest joke of all is the sound design however and NeoGaf Member HGH was nice enough to let me share his post on the manner in the OP. Thanks man :D!

Sound Design.

I swear this game has the worst library of battle noises I have ever heard, because they are almost all ripped from extremely easily recognizable public domain libraries. It's basically cartoon sound effects and they all sound off a place. The "Victory" fanfare is the most canned soundbyte of children going "Yaaay".
And some of the noises the characters make are... just really awe inducing in their weirdness.


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This game is a flawed and average RPG but from a company like Bioware? Its a grand failure on their part. Compared to everything else they have done, this is a big disappointment.


Thankfully, this is the final game in the 'Dark Age' of Sonic, with Unleashed starting to improve things and Black Knight being a decent time.

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Next up we play some tennis with some SEGA friends and race around the track, as Sonic and the SEGA All Stars join us for a massive thread covering three great games :D!



I actually have this game, I remember helping my brother beat it and lord did I want to quit so fast. I always contemplate playing it myself from start to end, but I can't muster up the energy.


I actually have this game, I remember helping my brother beat it and lord did I want to quit so fast. I always contemplate playing it myself from start to end, but I can't muster up the energy.

I don't blame you man :(.

I originally thought this was okay when I first played it, but looking back.....I really started to hate the game.
Nocturne is the poster child of lazy video game music.

Aside from that, I have no strong opinion on the game since I did not play it.
It sucks because the premise was good, and it was nice to have Sonic with some snark again, after ages of him becoming Super-Bland Superhero.

Really, really bad game, though. What I played of it. I couldn't stand it for too long, and I managed to 100% Sonic 2006 before the guides were out there.

I think my favorite thing about the soundtrack is that people suspected the MIDIs were lifted, and on closer inspection, found some of the original ID tags and comments still embedded in them. It was clearly an 11½ Hour move.

I'm shocked the game actually got a Japanese release, for a long time it looked like it wouldn't. Especially with the history of non-Japanese-developed Sonic games getting released there.


I seem to recall reading that BioWare got screwed and had to rush the game halfway through

I wouldn't be shocked if that really was the case honestly. Between the EA buyout and SEGA being known to rush Sonic titles to market (at this time period), would explain a lot.


And its a cliffhanger no less XD!

I will still buy that sequel if they make it (who would even have to abuse all of the substances for that to happen). Fucking cliffhangers man, I didn't suffer through that game just to get blue ball'd.


I will still buy that sequel if they make it (who would even have to abuse all of the substances for that to happen). Fucking cliffhangers man, I didn't suffer through that game just to get blue ball'd.

Just imagine that the Archie comics picked up after the ending to Chronicles and then things are somewhat better.

They follow a similar set up; Eggman took over and he is in significant power (not as much compared to Chronicles but still), so Sonic and Friends try to stop him.


Unconfirmed Member
RK no

we all wanted you to skip it

you didn't have to do this RK

you could've made it out alive


Game had a great premise actually. I bet another company could've made it awesome as a proper RPG.
Actually picked this up in a 3 for 2 deal on second hand games the other day at Game, and at less than a fiver I can't really complain, but it's certainly very flawed.

Still enjoying it purely as a novelty so far though. Really weird game to exist full stop, equal parts fascinating and disappointing, but I'm glad I bought it.


RK no

we all wanted you to skip it

you didn't have to do this RK

you could've made it out alive


Game had a great premise actually. I bet another company could've made it awesome as a proper RPG.

Its fine Diggeh :). I didn't play through this entire mess again; just played up to the point where Sonic and Company travel to space.

No way I was going to sit down and play through this entire mess again XD!
I own this.

I was so excited for it.

I think I played it for roughly one hour and never picked it up again. It's so awful. Why did they go with that design choice for the battle system? Just because you have a touchscreen available doesn't mean you have to use it. :(

And the music. :(

I'd really like someone to make a good Sonic RPG game, but I don't see it happening after this and Sonic's numerous other blunders.


Wait, Richard Jacques was the guy who had composed the soundtrack for this turkey?

....I seriously want to know his side of the story, as the guy is FAR from a bad composer. I mean, what happened?!


Wait, Richard Jacques was the guy who had composed the soundtrack for this turkey?

....I seriously want to know his side of the story, as the guy is FAR from a bad composer. I mean, what happened?!

Seriously?! I loved his work on Sonic R, wtf indeed. . .


This becomes a bigger issue as the game goes on and the run away system is even worse; character run in four lanes and you tap them to jump over objects. If they get hit enough, your 'run away' option just becomes useless.

This might be the worst game design I have ever seen. It's a complete bitch to control and makes what should be very simple instead needlessly complex.


Bioware, Sonic and RPG. I went in expecting Mario RPG but with Sonic.

Those were the days.

It was misguided and could have been so much more!

Also, I had no idea there was a Sega Superstar Tennis. Where has this been all my life?!


Bioware, Sonic and RPG. I went in expecting Mario RPG but with Sonic.

Those were the days.

It was misguided and could have been so much more!

Also, I had no idea there was a Sega Superstar Tennis. Where has this been all my life?!

Superstar Tennis was a pretty great tennis game in it's own right, and is much more than a Mario Tennis knock-off. You can read the Destructoid review that covers what the game has to offer.

Basically, if you love SEGA, as well as what Digital Sumo have done with the Sonic All-Stars Racing series, this one will certainly keep you coming back for more.
RK no

we all wanted you to skip it

you didn't have to do this RK

you could've made it out alive


Game had a great premise actually. I bet another company could've made it awesome as a proper RPG.

This game is a notable exception to the rule of Sonic games generally having good music. Professor Beef introduced me to this fact lol. This shit is horrid . . .

This...this is my NeoGAF legacy



Superstar Tennis was a pretty great tennis game in it's own right, and is much more than a Mario Tennis knock-off. You can read the Destructoid review that covers what the game has to offer.

Basically, if you love SEGA, as well as what Digital Sumo have done with the Sonic All-Stars Racing series, this one will certainly keep you coming back for more.

Thanks for the review link! I completely missed this one, I'm definitely going searching for it. It's one that's missing in my Sega history.
I bought this because it was made by Bioware. It started off fun, but then took a nosedive several hours in. I never finished it.
The one good takeaway from this game is that this is the best the characters of the Sonic series have ever been written. Seriously, it made characters like Cream and Big likable. I was really impressed. The writers definitely did their homework with the lore surrounding the series, too, which made an otherwise bland story a bit more interesting.

Other notes:
-Battle system was rather boring and most enemies having ridiculously high HP or defense just made them tedious.
-Music, as has been stated, is completely awful.
-Items are useless. I didn't use a single item during my entire playthrough, but this was because...
-Cream is one of the most broken white mages I've ever played in any RPG. She does a little dance and gives the party infinite HP and MP (or whatever it was called in this game). There was absolutely no need to deal with item management because they became redundant with her on the team.
-In addition, Rouge is one of the worst thieves I've ever seen in an RPG. Completely useless throughout, and it was only compounded by the previous point of items being completely unnecessary.

Final thought: I would play a sequel if they kept the same writing team and ditched everything else.
Maybe it was because I was young and naive, but I liked this game. Remember it being pretty bland considering the source material, and a bit of a grind, but ultimately I have a soft spot for it because it just feels so different to any other Sonic game.
I wanted to give this a chance and I still own it, but I really couldn't stand the combat.

It does the Paper Mario style thing, but the moves take way too long to do. And the sound effects are really cheap stock effects I've heard in a hundred other places, haha.
It's not a terrible game, it's just terribly average and forgettable. The battle system is gruelingly repetitive and can be easily exploited with certain moves, which are elements you don't want in an RPG.

Just feels like a budget title with all of the sound effects and lack of proper music. Although it didn't turn out to be the train wreck one would assume making a platformer based on speed into a RPG would be, it didn't prove its worth. Even the worst Mario RPG is miles ahead of this game.
I have a friend where this is his favorite Sonic game, because it has a "good story" and none of that stupid running and jumping

True story, that's almost exactly what he said

Actually he's not a friend, but not for this reason


There are SWAT Bots in this game? And they called them SWAT Bots?

I would have thought they'd be owned by Archie.

Yep, Sonic and friends outright call them SWAT bots. I guess SEGA owns the rights to stuff in the comics (outside of the stuff Ken Panders made).

Fun Fact: The story in Chronicles sparked a legal battle between SEGA/Archie vs. Ken Panders, who felt Bioware ripped off the story ideas/concepts of the Echinda characters that Panders made with his Knuckles Comics. He felt like he 'owned' the rights to them, despite making the comic under SEGA's name and IP.

Panders won the case and the Echinda race in the comics (every character he made) was more or less vanished outside of Knuckles. They literally just 'wrapped' into a different world of something in one of the comics Ian wrote in an attempt to side-step the legal issues.

I think the newest issue is the first time they made a new Echinda character post Ken Panders legal battle.....


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Another great thread RK128.

I used to own this turd long ago, I can't believe Bioware made such a bad game. As awful as everything else was, the worst thing was the music. Even Sonic 2006 managed to have a great soundtrack smh.
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