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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)

I'll wait for some official info, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking of cancelling a PSVR pre-order due to this. It may be hard for Sony to convince people that a vanilla PS4 and PSVR isn't sub-standard for the task at hand.

One hardware launch mid-gen is tough enough, but two that may be co-dependent, and keeping existing owners and early adopters happy? Sounds nigh on impossible.
I would be really bummed if Sony and MS go the way of Apple where they release a normal numbered phone then the S version.

I don't think game consoles are built to withstand that type of upgrade cycle and I inherently would hate it because any console I have would be outdated and be considered useless by me when every 3 years and updated hardware version releases.

But the market will decide if consoles can shift to this type of upgrade cycle.


I'll wait for some official info, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking of cancelling a PSVR pre-order due to this. It may be hard for Sony to convince people that a vanilla PS4 and PSVR isn't sub-standard for the task at hand.

One hardware launch mid-gen is tough enough, but two that may be co-dependent, and keeping existing owners and early adopters happy? Sounds nigh on impossible.

Yea, I won't getting PSVR either this year.

PS4K is a higher priority, alongside with whatever NX turns out to be.
This is also evidence of collusion.

This is something I came across in the research of doctoral thesis. It's written in 2005 so feel to refute or interpret to modern times.


Although some of your points may have merit, I think a lot of this is down to coincidence. You also have to ask yourself; do MS/Sony want to spends tens of millions of third-party-exclusive after third-party-exclusive, knowing the costs will only increase as budgets increase and the market for AAA sales successes continues to push out more unknown quantities?

The main reason I can agree w/ some of your points is b/c, let's face it, Sony and Microsoft are accustomed to each other's presence. It's more a rivalry than straight-up cutthroat competition, and that should be obvious. That doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, as long as there isn't stagnation in industry progress in either software or hardware side, and as long as prices stay fair for the consumer given the quality of the product on offer. Neither one really wants someone like Samsung or Google to come into the big console industry, because that'd probably fuck both of them up.

So in a way, if they are colluding, then so far I wouldn't say it is affecting devs or consumers negatively, and I'd even say it benefits Nintendo as well. Nintendo would not survive in the console space if their competitors were someone other than Sony and Microsoft, unless there is a big change of approach w/ NX. There are sometimes where some aspects of collusion between companies can actually be beneficial for multiple parties, as long as it's not some evil-twirling-mustaches-at-round-tables shit.


Gold Member
Sony, please....reconsider this whole PS4K thing (just like MS should reconsider the XBO.5 thing) and just consolidate it and PSVR into a singular device.

It'll save you a lot of trouble going forward.



sony will just discontinue the current ps4 models and sell the new ones @$399 as if nothing happened. Can't see them having two sku's on the market at the same time. Just my opinion.

Yah I think this could create confusion just like the Wii U. I mean it would have to be named the Playstation 5 so people could understand the difference. But then again so isn't targeting the same group of customers as the WIi.

Or you could read their posts. Like myself, many people cannot afford a $499 console and a $399 peripheral. Its one of the reasons we're console gamers. Because a PS4K will have more potential benefits for day-to-day gaming, cancelling a PSVR order to get a PS4K makes perfect sense for a lot of people. Because of this, the PS4K is going to cannibalise a lot of potential PSVR sales, and damage brand trust. Do we buy a PSVR, or wait for PSVR1.5? Do I buy a PS5 or wait for PS5.5 so I don't get burned again? For literally millions of gamers, it is the most logical, rational and cost effective decision.

I think the reason why this damages the brand is I feel I haven't really gotten much out of the original PS4 and a new one is already coming out. I thought the The Order, Knack, Infamous were pretty bland. So far, the only games that I enjoyed were Bloodborne and Until Dawn, which oddly enough would have benefited from the PS 4.5 because it ran like a%%.

Sony has yet to release enough good games for the console that appeals to me so how do they expect me to shell out more money. The weirdest part of this is that this is the most exciting year to be a PlayStation 4 owner with Uncharted 4 and last Guardian coming out.

I think the timing of this is wrong as the Playstation 4 is finally hitting its stride and then boom. There is a new one. The people on the sour end of this feel they haven't got their money's worth as Sony is basically slapping them in the face. Here's the reality: The original PS4 was just a stop gap measure to get the price down so it could sell to the masses. Now that the price has fallen, Sony can give us the real one that they should have sold to us in the first place.

The reason that the PS4 sold a gazillion units was not because it had the best games, was the most powerful, it's because it retailed for $399. That's $100 less than the Xbox One. Sony was listening to gamers and giving them what they want. That's the reason I bought it. Now Sony is saying that was all wrong. That system is barely capable of 1080p 60FPS.

What gamer asked for a more powerful Playstation 4? I was asking for better exclusive games.


Really interesting, both consoles have been out for a little more than 2 years and this is occurring. The tech must be progressing really fast, I haven't even purchased a current gen console, save for Wii U.

Dang, NX has to be at least as powerful as the ps4, or else it's going to be the same sht again where it as cited that Wii u was barely if not less powerful than 360/ps3


As long as Sony don't violate any of the following points, I'm completely fine with having PS4K:

- ALL games should be released to OG PS4.
- OG PS4 should be utilized to the fullest, then upgrade PS4K games accordingly.

If these points are met then I can see no problems at all to having extra SKU for people who care about more power or resolution.

this is my take on this matter.


Sorry if this was already answered but are there any rumours regarding multiple versions of games? Will I have to buy two different versions of a game to be able to play it on both my PS4 and my PS4K? If there will be two different discs for each console will they be packaged together or sold separately at full price?


I think the old model of releasing a console, then jump to a new one five years later is outdated.

Think about it. You upgrade your phone every two years.

And even more long term items are replaced much more frequently than every five years. Does Samsung release a TV4, then release TV5 five years later? NO, Samsung releases a new TV with better features and a better picture EVERY year, as does Sony, Philips, Panny, etc etc. Just because you don't buy it every year - they still release. Eventually you jump in and buy one, and that's 'good enough' until your upgrade 5 years later.

One day consoles will be just as rolling. Yeah, you'll be able to buy a PS5 game and if you have a PS5 it will work, guaranteed, but it may be 1080p or 4K or 8K (an example!) depending on the machine you have, and it'll just scale.

The above is also exactly what Nintendo is doing with the NX. They want to make a singular design environment, like iOS and Android is, so that they can release new console forms whenever they want without having to wait five years, just like new iPads and new iPhones release every year and games work across multiple models.


Sony, please....reconsider this whole PS4K thing (just like MS should reconsider the XBO.5 thing) and just consolidate it and PSVR into a singular device.

It'll save you a lot of trouble going forward.

Please sit down! I just got a 4K TV Sony did good! Join us on the 4K side!

The Beard

Yah I think this could create confusion just like the Wii U. I mean it would have to be named the Playstation 5 so people could understand the difference. But then again so isn't targeting the same group of customers as the WIi.

I think the reason why this damages the brand is I feel I haven't really gotten much out of the original PS4 and a new one is already coming out. I thought the The Order, Knack, Infamous were pretty bland. So far, the only games that I enjoyed were Bloodborne and Until Dawn, which oddly enough would have benefited from the PS 4.5 because it ran like a%%.

Sony has yet to release enough good games for the console that appeals to me so how do they expect me to shell out more money. The weirdest part of this is that this is the most exciting year to be a PlayStation 4 owner with Uncharted 4 and last Guardian coming out.

I think the timing of this is wrong as the Playstation 4 is finally hitting its stride and then boom. There is a new one. The people on the sour end of this feel they haven't got their money's worth as Sony is basically slapping them in the face. Here's the reality: The original PS4 was just a stop gap measure to get the price down so it could sell to the masses. Now that the price has fallen, Sony can give us the real one that they should have sold to us in the first place.

The reason that the PS4 sold a gazillion units was not because it had the best games, was the most powerful, it's because it retailed for $399. That's $100 less than the Xbox One. Sony was listening to gamers and giving them what they want. That's the reason I bought it. Now Sony is saying that was all wrong. That system is barely capable of 1080p 60FPS.

What gamer asked for a more powerful Playstation 4? I was asking for better exclusive games.

Agree 100%.

It's like TV's with 1080p vs. 4K.

"Let's release a higher resolution TV before most of our content has even caught up to the existing TV's capabilities."


Uncharted 4 already runs circles around the orders visuals and its full 1080 and much more open. The same shader artist that worked on the order is on board and the improvements are already noticeable. Just mentioning that it's gonna have a cpu increase along with twice gpu power should be enough for a very noticeable difference in visuals



I'd imagine devs may have been pushing for something like this to happen for a while.
Pushing for more work because of multiple systems they'll now have to cater to? Yeh, no.
Devs will always try and push the hardware as much as possible. You think more power will solve everything? If PS4K comes put you'll still have games that struggle with fps as they'll push the hardware again.


I think the old model of releasing a console, then jump to a new one five years later is outdated.

Think about it. You upgrade your phone every two years.

And even more long term items are replaced much more frequently than every five years. Does Samsung release a TV4, then release TV5 five years later? NO, Samsung releases a new TV with better features and a better picture EVERY year, as does Sony, Philips, Panny, etc etc. Just because you don't buy it every year - they still release. Eventually you jump in and buy one, and that's 'good enough' until your upgrade 5 years later.

One day consoles will be just as rolling. Yeah, you'll be able to buy a PS5 game and if you have a PS5 it will work, guaranteed, but it may be 1080p or 4K or 8K (an example!) depending on the machine you have, and it'll just scale.

The above is also exactly what Nintendo is doing with the NX. They want to make a singular design environment, like iOS and Android is, so that they can release new console forms whenever they want without having to wait five years, just like new iPads and new iPhones release every year and games work across multiple models.

A phone is not a console. Phone games don't cost 60 euros. No one asked for this. If I buy a console I expect it to have support and not be replaced for a set amount of time. We are not pc gamers. Want graphics buy a pc.
I'm not sure the comparisons are apt. Phones exist in a market propped up by costs spread over long contracts, which helps drive the continual iterative changeover. It's not even really like TVs either, as that technology has flatlined in recent years, and even regressed in terms of picture quality from the high point of the Kuro panels and plasma's demise; it's only recently with 4k and OLED that things have been kickstarted again, which is more akin to a traditional generational leap than incremental revisions.

As much as it seems like any other product, we're heading for uncharted waters here. Momentum is needed to make a platform financially viable to develop for, and for that you need early adopters. If not, and no incentivised reason for change is forthcoming, then you end up with a stagnating market, full of consumers sitting on devices that they consider merely good enough, which is what many in the TV field were hit by.

The God

I'd imagine devs may have been pushing for something like this to happen for a while. Lets be real. When these consoles were released they were already underpowered. It's struggling to still hit constant 30fps at 1080p, and while I'm not one to raise a stink about that. It's the reality of it.

Doesn't make sense, because if the PS4K-advocates itt are correct, devs are not going to leave the PS4 behind and continue putting effort into the consoles we have now. The underpowered thing doesn't go away. Devs don't benefit from going all out on the $500 box that 20 people will own.


I'm not sure the comparisons are apt. Phones exist in a market propped up by costs spread over long contracts, which helps drive the continual iterative changeover. It's not even really like TVs either, as that technology has flatlined in recent years, and even regressed in terms of picture quality from the high point of the Kuro panels and plasma's demise; it's only recently with 4k and OLED that things have been kickstarted again, which is more akin to a traditional generational leap than incremental revisions.

As much as it seems like any other product, we're heading for uncharted waters here. Momentum is needed to make a platform financially viable to develop for, and for that you need early adopters. If not, and no incentivised reason for change is forthcoming, then you end up with a stagnating market, full of consumers sitting on devices that they consider merely good enough, which is what many in the TV field were hit by.

you don't need early adopters if you have all of the previous gen customers already. The reason for the prolonged cross gen games was the millions of ps360 owners already out there. If you know that the ps4 will run ps4.5 games with lower iq/performance, you can develop for both. when ps5 comes out three years after ps4.5 and you the architecture is the same and games will work for the ps4.5 but at lower iq/performance you can develop for both and so on until they change architecture. this gives devs an easier job, due to less transition from one gen to the next. EA can gradually make incorporate new features into their frostbite engine without the worry of recoding it to work with next gen architecture, same for all other devs.


Gold Member
Doesn't make sense, because if the PS4K-advocates itt are correct, devs are not going to leave the PS4 behind and continue putting effort into the consoles we have now. The underpowered thing doesn't go away. Devs don't benefit from going all out on the $500 box that 20 people will own.

Heh 20 people.

Lady Gaia

No one asked for this.

That assertion is definitely not true. I've seen plenty of posts from gamers hoping for spec bumps after perceiving this generation's consoles as underpowered, doubly so in the context of VR. I'm sure publishers and developers alike would also welcome a smoother transition process between consoles.

Sony would be making a mistake if they stopped supporting the PS4 before the typical console lifetime is up, but I don't think they'll do so. Gamers who choose to stick with their existing console or want to buy in at a lower price point after the launch of the premium model should deserve to see solid support for years to come.


Doesn't make sense, because if the PS4K-advocates itt are correct, devs are not going to leave the PS4 behind and continue putting effort into the consoles we have now. The underpowered thing doesn't go away. Devs don't benefit from going all out on the $500 box that 20 people will own.

Again don't devs pretty much do this in regards to PC and console anyway? In the end Sony nor MS would do this if devs weren't on board. I'm sure they are.
I'd imagine devs like the idea of forwards compatibility though, keeping their games relevant for longer, possibly across generations. If we're heading down the iterative route, then that's the end goal, an ever evolving console based on the same architecture with access to a huge back catalogue of titles. Console devs must look at how long titles can stay selling on Steam, for example, and rue the inbuilt obsolescence of the machines their games are on.


Did the market really asked for a PS4K ?
Now that the PS4 is living glorious days and with good price,performance and upcoming exclusive games? Do not think so.

People saying they will move to PS4K and currently own a PS4 represent a small part of the 40 millions user base.

This could end bad for Sony because will create confusion in the market similar to Wii vs WiiU. And again only a small part of the market will jump to PS4K.

So from a consumer side this new console has no sense.

The only way this has sense is if Sony has info about NX and Xbone 1.5 that could hurt future PS4 sales. And this change has been planed since time ago. Things are more interesting now, but if the 3 companies are releasing new hardware this year or early 2017 the one with more chanse to lose is Sony and Nintendo the contrary.

We need to remember that the winner of a generation not necessarily is the one for the next one , and no matter people saying this is not like a generation change , once you release new hardware is a new race...

Well, it seems this E3 will be more about hardware than software.


I'd be in the dick
I'd imagine devs like the idea of forwards compatibility though, keeping their games relevant for longer, possibly across generations. If we're heading down the iterative route, then that's the end goal, an ever evolving console based on the same architecture with access to a huge back catalogue of titles. Console devs must look at how long titles can stay selling on Steam, for example, and rue the inbuilt obsolescence of the machines their games are on.

This is a good point.

I also think the changing shape of engine development plays a roll. More and more engines are just being slowly updated overtime instead of major jumps between titles and generations. The initial development cost and time spent on engine work for a new gen can be huge. This would allow devs to have a smoother transition between hardware releases.


A new PS4 would be good if they include the breakout VR box inside. Get rid of the clutter for a cleaner PSVR solution.

That would be pretty stupid actually. Why add something that not everyone will use? PSVR is not going to be a 1:1 with the console, so if they did build it in, that would just add more cost to the new unit.


That would be pretty stupid actually. Why add something that not everyone will use? PSVR is not going to be a 1:1 with the console, so if they did build it in, that would just add more cost to the new unit.

And of course then you'd need another PSVR sku. I'd much rather see a rear input on the PS4K for the headset instead.
I'm going to say this, I'm sorry for being a bitter sport about this new system.

I was upset about the issues, but I forgot a big factor that is the reason I held out on not getting a PS4 for so long; pricing.

If this new PS4K launches this fall/early next year at 399$, it will hopefully lower the price of the OG PS4 dramatically.....to maybe 200$. That will be when I jump in and get a PS4 for the games I really want to play.

I never considered a few factors like the Xbox One being supported and just sheer logic (people and social media will keep Sony in line about releasing badly running PS4 games; that happened with Just Cause 3 and that latter got patched for example).

So, not that upset anymore about this. Can be excited about E3 again and look forward toward PS4 games like Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet & Clank :).

I could see issue with PS VR though, as I could easily see PS4K being the intended system for many VR games.....but I don't care about VR honestly. So, not really much of a factor to me personally.

Sorry if I was sour on this subject for a few weeks, not cool of me and to people who are really looking forward to the PS4K.

Still don't like the idea behind it honestly, but if it makes the PS4 200-250$, will deal with it.

I will say this, I ate my crow and moving on from this topic :).

Apology accepted!
Jk. No need to apologize man. Just glad you've come to terms with this admittedly disorientating change in the console space.
I'm sure once Sony has explained their strategy more people will come around to the idea.


Now let's be honest here GAF, we're all just pissed cause none of us has the willpower to not buy the upgrade if it's a big enough upgrade jump ;)


I'd be in the dick
That would be pretty stupid actually. Why add something that not everyone will use? PSVR is not going to be a 1:1 with the console, so if they did build it in, that would just add more cost to the new unit.

And anyone who buys PSVR and a 4k would just have an extra box for no reason.
That would be pretty stupid actually. Why add something that not everyone will use? PSVR is not going to be a 1:1 with the console, so if they did build it in, that would just add more cost to the new unit.

We'll see, depends how big Sony is going to bet on VR.


Did the market really asked for a PS4K ?
Now that the PS4 is living glorious days and with good price,performance and upcoming exclusive games? Do not think so.

People saying they will move to PS4K and currently own a PS4 represent a small part of the 40 millions user base.

This could end bad for Sony because will create confusion in the market similar to Wii vs WiiU. And again only a small part of the market will jump to PS4K.

So from a consumer side this new console has no sense.

The only way this has sense is if Sony has info about NX and Xbone 1.5 that could hurt future PS4 sales. And this change has been planed since time ago. Things are more interesting now, but if the 3 companies are releasing new hardware this year or early 2017 the one with more chanse to lose is Sony and Nintendo the contrary.

We need to remember that the winner of a generation not necessarily is the one for the next one , and no matter people saying this is not like a generation change , once you release new hardware is a new race...

Well, it seems this E3 will be more about hardware than software.

I don't think the market asked for this. I think Sony has come to realize the the PS4 doesn't have enough horsepower to run VR adequately. The PS4 can barely run 1080p 60 FPS. How is it going to run VR? If this is the case, I am thinking that the PSVR should have been released as a standalone device with the appropriate hardware.


Tbh, I'd be surprised if Nintendo releases a console on par with PS4, let alone PS4K. If that's the case and NX is GC-like instead of Wii-like, then I'm freaking buying it.

They had done it before , NES, SNES, N64, Cube

Just because they moved to Wii WiiU low powered consoles does not means they can return to leading powerfull ones , specially since they need a competitive console to get games like GTA, Fallout ,Witcher , etc.

We do not know about NX, maybe Sony does....


Now let's be honest here GAF, we're all just pissed cause none of us has the willpower to not buy the upgrade if it's a big enough upgrade jump ;)

Actually this feels like a huge slap in the face for existing users, so yeah speak for yourself. I'm definitely not buying this nor will I support this new business model or whatever you want to call it.


I don't think the market asked for this. I think Sony has come to realize the the PS4 doesn't have enough horsepower to run VR adequately. The PS4 can barely run 1080p 60 FPS. How is it going to run VR? If this is the case, I am thinking that the PSVR should have been released as a standalone device with the appropriate hardware.
This makes no sense either. Sony have said that VR games have to run at 60fps, and as the res is fixed how would more power help apart from making VR games prettier?
you don't need early adopters if you have all of the previous gen customers already. The reason for the prolonged cross gen games was the millions of ps360 owners already out there. If you know that the ps4 will run ps4.5 games with lower iq/performance, you can develop for both. when ps5 comes out three years after ps4.5 and you the architecture is the same and games will work for the ps4.5 but at lower iq/performance you can develop for both and so on until they change architecture. this gives devs an easier job, due to less transition from one gen to the next. EA can gradually make incorporate new features into their frostbite engine without the worry of recoding it to work with next gen architecture, same for all other devs.

I get the concept, but I still think you need early adopters to provide momentum. The reason you need momentum is to shift the focus of optimisation to the newer console. If too few people bother to upgrade, because things are forward compatible and people are tentative about when to make their next iterative console upgrade, then fewer devs are going to spend the time necessary to truly prove the worth of the new hardware when they could be optimising for the greater user base. Cross generational games are usually held back by the lowest common denominator, not defined by the more powerful hardware.

I like the idea of an evolving catalogue of games I can go back to, it's one of the reasons I keep old consoles, but my worry here is that we may be heading to a situation where too many become tentative about when to take the plunge and things either fragment or stagnate.
There is going to be a pretty small time gap between announcing it and launching it.
It is scheduled to be released this year before Christmas.
It will cost $499.
Price drop on original model will not be happening this year. May or may not happen next year.
An official name for the PS4K has been decided. OsirisBlack can not leak it though.
It is going to be smaller than the standard PS4 model available now.
Current SKU lists it as having 500GB.
His source for all this is upper managers at three of the top game retailers in the US.

This all sounds awesome

The Beard

Tbh, I'd be surprised if Nintendo releases a console on par with PS4, let alone PS4K. If that's the case and NX is GC-like instead of Wii-like, then I'm freaking buying it.

A powerful Nintendo console with solid online play, full 3rd party support and a non-gimmicky controller would be amazing. It's not going to happen though.


I get the concept, but I still think you need early adopters to provide momentum. The reason you need momentum is to shift the focus of optimisation to the newer console. If too few people bother to upgrade, because things are forward compatible and people are tentaive about when to make their next iterative console upgrade, and fewer devs are going to spend the time necessary to prove the worth of the new hardware when they could be optimising for the greater user base. Cross generational games are usually held back by the lowest common denominator, not defined by the more powerful hardware.

I like the idea of an evolving catalogue of games I can go back to, it's one of the reasons I keep old consoles, but my worry here is that we may be heading to a situation where too many become tenetative about when to take the plunge and things either fragment or stagnate.

see but it allows those that didn't upgrade to do so at their pace, and price. want to only spend 200 every 3 years(in essence spending the same as if you upgraded once every 6), you can do that and get the new base system. want to only upgrade every 6 years for 400, you can do that and get the newest system. Want to get the new hot system every 3 years pay 400 each time.


The people who aren't going to wait for the PS5.5 are the people who can afford to buy both the PS5 and the PS5.5. I mentioned this in my post. In any case, banking on "desperate gamers who can't control themselves and have to buy a product they know is inferior anyway" didn't workout well for the Xbone when Microsoft tried to snatch control of used games, so I can't see it working out any better for Sony here. My group of friends and I all owned an OG Xbox and an Xbox 360, before buying our PS4s. The sentiment is universal: the PS4k is a slap in the face. Why would we bother with another Playstation?

Why is it personal? A slap in the face? What? Like who said you should bother with a new Playstation, don't buy it. Why shouldn't others buy it?
When other people buy a 150 dollar fight stick to help them play better do you rage against the manufacturer because it's not fair?
When people buy 300 dollar headsets do you complain to the manufacturer because they have a better experience?
What if another company made an add on for ps4 that say boosted it's power? Would you petition sony to ban it?
This so reminds me of destiny matchmaking threads. A hundred pages of people telling others they shouldn't get to do something. to be fair I argued that it may not be a great experience but I never argued against having options
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