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NX will launch in March 2017 globally, won't be at E3 (focusing on Zelda instead)

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I keep telling myself that every dumb decision Nintendo makes will be made up for in the future, the future comes, and something even worse happens. It goes on and on. How much worse can it get? What the hell is this company doing?!

If Nintendo see this to be prudent, then I'm rapidly losing faith the NX is going to be any different. Nintendo....you are lost.

These maudlin reactions kill me. Nintendo announced a profit for the second straight year. E3 isn't that important, and Kimishima announced they would detail NX and it's software at it's own event later this year. Would you rather Nintendo showed up at E3 with a bunch of half baked shit again, and killed whatever chance NX might have had? It seems they at least learned the lesson from Wii U that too much incomplete information too soon leads to disappointment.
So if NX is March 2017, then it would be prudent for PS4k to ship this year and who knows about MS Slim/1.5. They should probably wait until fall 2017.


Yeah but that's already going to happen. We don't need E3 to know that a new console is out early next year...

Unless they sell the thing for 150 and give away games like candy, they're going to have an abysmal holiday season.

an abysmal holiday for the Wii U is pretty normal at this point and better than nothing

and 3DS should be relatively fine, there is a new pokemon coming out

It's been literally nothing since Jan 2013

see, I was using the word "literally" literally
NX being March 2017 and needing more time to get games isn't really that much of a problem in itself, even if it is weird. The sparse Wii U lineup and it seemingly ending production, NX skipping E3 (despite Zelda being there anyway), and Zelda being delayed again though, all add up to make it seem worse.

No hindsight required. I was expecting Nintendo to reveal NX in a Dirct/dedicated event before e3 at best, but likely after e3.

If it was revealed before e3 then yes I was expecting they would talk about it/show some footage etc at the expo. But I never expected them to reveal the thing at an event they have clearly shown little interest in recently.

Before E3 is the same idea. Very few people aside from the most pessimistic were expecting them to go beyond June with no information on it whatsoever.

A new console is something that benefits from a hands-on experience, and E3 is also a good time to make connections and meet with developers. E3 was supposed to be the absolute latest time they acknowledged it. If they do a presentation a week or so after, then why not just have it at the conference?

Even if you personally saw it coming, it just seems silly to imply that it was dumb or unthinkable for anyone to predict they would have the system at E3.


Why hasn't this been posted?


I know it's not much, but definitely sounds like they really want to make sure they have enough games ready to go and that's why it's not releasing this year.

Well hopefully they have a ton of first party games, because the third party games will be most likely at least three month old ports. And we know how well that worked out for the Wii U.

I also don't completely buy this. They could have launched the NX in holiday 2016, and it would have sold out even with a couple of games. Then they could have released more in March 2017. This is just a three month difference. How many more games would they really have, unless there was just no way they were going to have anything ready for holiday 2016. But if that were the case, there is going to be risk that some of the launch games will get delayed from March 2017


Before E3 is the same idea. Very few people aside from the most pessimistic were expecting them to go beyond June with no information on it whatsoever.

A new console is something that benefits from a hands-on experience, and E3 is also a good time to make connections and meet with developers. E3 was supposed to be the absolute latest time they acknowledged it. If they do a presentation a week or so after, then why not just have it at the conference?

Even if you personally saw it coming, it just seems silly to imply that it was dumb for anyone to think they would have the system at E3.

I feel like they're going to have NX behind closed doors at E3. I cannot imagine them NOT doing some kind of private showcasing for developers before sending out dev kits.


Unconfirmed Member
Here is the press release from Nintendo, I haven't seen it posted:

REDMOND, Wash., April 27, 2016 – Nintendo announced a variety of updates during the earnings announcement for its full fiscal year, ended March 31. These updates included the first information about Nintendo’s next video game system, code-named NX.

“As we report the results of the last fiscal year, we also look forward to an exciting period ahead with further growth in our mobile business, new products for our dedicated video game systems and continued progress in our efforts to increase the number of consumers experiencing our IP through games, licensing and expanded entertainment,” said Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima.

For a complete overview of Nintendo’s financial announcements, as well as changes to Nintendo’s governance system, please visit Nintendo’s Investor Relations website at https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en. Announcement highlights include:

  • Miitomo: Nintendo’s first app for smartphones and tablets has already crossed 10 million unique users worldwide. The free-to-start social experience app launched in Japan on March 17 and in a variety of other countries, including the United States, on March 31. In the United States, Miitomo reached #1 free app status in its various online stores shortly after release. Along with these outstanding user numbers, Nintendo also has, to date, sparked more than 300 million conversations in Miitomo. In addition, users can insert their Mii characters into photos to create unique “Miifotos” that can be shared through various social media. As of now, more than 20 million Miifotos have been created. To celebrate Miitomo hitting 10 million users, Nintendo will run a special 10-day “Celebrating 10 Million Users!” promotion April 29-May 8.

  • Nintendo’s Next Mobile Apps: Building on the positive consumer reaction to Miitomo, Nintendo announced that its next two mobile apps would be based on the familiar and beloved Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing franchises. Nintendo plans to release both of these applications this fall. As for the former app, while making it more accessible in comparison to the Fire Emblem games for Nintendo’s dedicated gaming systems, Nintendo aims to offer the great value of a role-playing strategy game. Nintendo will design the latter game so that it will be connected with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems. By playing both Animal Crossing games, users will find increased enjoyment. Both of these are pure game applications. Compared to Miitomo, they have more prominent game elements, and the game content will tie closely into Nintendo’s dedicated games business. Nintendo will provide more details about these applications closer to their launch period, and aims to have multiple types of apps that appeal to different audiences and different groups of players.

  • NX: Nintendo previously announced that it would release more information about its next system, code-named NX, this year. As the first announcement of any NX information, Nintendo confirmed that NX is scheduled to launch in March 2017. NX will not make an appearance at the upcoming E3 video game trade show in Los Angeles in June and will be unveiled later this year.

  • The Legend of Zelda: The latest installment in this classic franchise is scheduled to launch simultaneously for both Wii U and NX, and both versions of the game have been in development in tandem. Because developers need more time to polish the game, it will launch in 2017, but it will be the focus of Nintendo’s presence at E3.

  • E3: Nintendo changes its approach to the show every year. This June, Nintendo will focus its attentions on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zelda franchise. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show, in order to provide attendees a complete immersion. Additional information about Nintendo’s E3 plans will be announced in the future.
Source: http://www.businesswire.com/news/ho...intendo-Updates-Mobile-NX-Legend-Zelda-Annual

The Zelda page on the press site has not yet been updated. The NX subdomain is still there.


To be fair, he said launch, and that tweet only references year one. Then there's the matter of Nintendo's confidence, which may be up for question in terms of reliability at this stage.

She's also stated before that the lineup should out do anything Wii U has done.

Nintendo has restructured their divisions, moved their focus to NX, looking to have similar architecture between systems, citing Apple about how to go about a hardware ecosystem, easy to develop for.

And now today from this briefing, Nintendo has restructured further and moving away from the Japanese corporate structure to a more western structure to quickly see the market trends in other regions and better react to them. They're giving their board of directors some more power and focusing a little more on the business end which is something they've neglected in many ways as a global company. They've also given Reggie and Shibata a spot on the board of directors which could also mean that NoA and NoE might get more autonomy to do what they need to do for their respective regions.

This will also mean a less insular Nintendo and allowing themselves to take some influence from the outside world instead of remaining in their bubble.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
It's difficult to take comments like this at face value, considering we've been dealing with the same extended software droughts on Nintendo consoles since N64. I don't see how you can have faith in sustained support from first party, let alone third party, until it's actually happening.

She's just talking about first party anyway. Also, Nintendo had a major development restructuring in the past year. And by major I mean unification of hardware and software R&D for both home and handheld under the same roof. Major change compared to the past. They are actually acting.


If a better lineup of games is the reason for the delay, then why the fuck aren't you showing off the console at E3?!



I wonder is this because of either lack of hardware units or finished games?

Looks like another treehouse this E3 then, I wonder if there will be any NX games, by the tone it seems unlikely :/
So you're telling me Nintendo is showing neither the NX system nor any NX games at E3 because...why?

The Wii U is dead, and the 3DS is stepping one foot into its grave. It makes absolutely zero sense for Nintendo to focus on them when NX is 9 months away. Hell, the Wii (as the Revolution) and Wii U were at 2 different E3s. The NX, as Nintendo is planning, will not be at a single E3 before its launch.

The only explanation I can possibly think of is that nothing is ready to show. But please, do tell me your theories.

I wouldn't know why they wouldn't announce the thing at E3 (though they must have a good reason for it behind the scenes), though I imagine they want to do their own event sometime later afterwards, as stated in Nikkei. But they've already stated that the March 2017 launch is for the sake of a robust lineup.
LOL you cant even compare Sega to Nintendo in terms of IP significance and success. Nintendo will NOT have this problem when they go 3rd party. They will kill on mobile phones and consoles alike.

Yes they will. It's inevitable. Sega didn't make fantastic games like Jet Set Radio and Panzer Dragoon Saga because they would go on to sell COD-style numbers; they made them because as a platform holder that was their obligation for diversifying the system library. Nintendo is still a platform holder and has continued to neglect many of their franchises that aren't Mario platformers or Zelda games.

In fact the only surprise and "out there" software they themselves made (not outsourced to a company like Platinum) for Wii U was Splatoon, and that's pretty pathetic in the grand scheme of things. They should've had more surprises like Splatoon much earlier in the system's lifespan.

If and when Nintendo goes 3rd party, after a few years as such, say goodbye to Star Fox. Continue to say goodbye to Metroid. Say goodbye to Pikmin. Say goodbye to W101. Say goodbye to Bayonetta. Say goodbye to Kirby. Continue to say goodbye to F-Zero. You'll just get the usual Mario, Zelda and Pokemon offerings (don't count on Pokken), and maybe Splatoon if that continues to do well.

Like I said, that'll eventually happen, b/c w/o being a platform holder, they have no incentive to create games that may be good but don't bring in enough profit, for whatever reason. Take your blinders off.

Xeno? Cool, fine by me. Give us Marios, Zeldas, Metroids and the likes and let the rest burn. New IPs like Splatoon are welcome as well.
They don't give a damn about Metroid as it is xD. You think they'll suddenly care about it if they go 3rd party? Talk about delusional.


NX being March 2017 and needing more time to get games isn't really that much of a problem in itself, even if it is weird. The sparse Wii U lineup and it seemingly ending production, NX skipping E3 (despite Zelda being there anyway), and Zelda being delayed again though, all add up to make it seem worse.

Before E3 is the same idea. Very few people aside from the most pessimistic were expecting them to go beyond June with no information on it whatsoever.

A new console is something that benefits from a hands-on experience, and E3 is also a good time to make connections and meet with developers. E3 was supposed to be the absolute latest time they acknowledged it. If they do a presentation a week or so after, then why not just have it at the conference?

Even if you personally saw it coming, it just seems silly to imply that it was dumb or unthinkable for anyone to predict they would have the system at E3.

Misunderstanding me (my bad on wording I guess) - I specifically meant revealing the console at e3. That is the part I think was not reasonable to expect.
NX never got a 2016 launch date....

I know and nowhere do i say that. I just that a lot of people now speculate that it won't release in March and that they can see a delay coming. But i don't remember any consoles actually being delayed. Not really.

Well we've also never had a release month for a console before we saw the console, so this one is a whole lot of firsts.

True, plus that March for a console is a odd release time.


Why hasn't this been posted?


I know it's not much, but definitely sounds like they really want to make sure they have enough games ready to go and that's why it's not releasing this year.

They couldn't have even Zelda for the holidays? I man having a decent launch line up (we'll see about that, btw, cause we hear that every single time) is cool, but if people already spent their big Christmas money on something else, especially for something like a gaming console, which a lot of people will want to buy their kids for the holidays, then it becomes sort of a moot point.

I don't know, it seems to me like getting the foot in the door would've been more important, but what do i know.
Launching a console in March just seems weird to me.
Maybe this time their demographics will skew older.


Dear me, this is delicious news.
Peeps were so certain the NX would launch in 2016... :p

I look forward to the 3DS and Wii U's final year.


Gold Member
All those NX rumor and fake controller threads, etc., and this is what it amounts to for E3 and the like for official info. Oh man, lol.


Later than expected. How can they skip E3, it's the perfect stage for a worldwide announcement.. It doesn't sound very promising. I guess they'll do a Nintendo Event as Sony did and expect the same attention from press. Anyway, another empty holiday for Wii U users. And Zelda coming to NX.. well we knew that.
Whatever Nintendo, you're already making mistakes in my opinion.
Here is what I don't understand.

1. No NX at E3 this year.
2. NX launches next year in March
3. E3 2017 will exist to show off Year 1 software.

If they think they are going to do well by mimicking the Wii launch (by having a Zelda there), they are wrong because Wii was unveiled at E3 and had all the buzz that comes along with that. NX is going to launch with a thud, like Vita and 3DS did before it, if they launch in March without a major hype train from the year before.

You don't launch a major console 3 months after everyone just spent their money on your competitors at Christmas and expect success.

Astral Dog

They aren't debuting the system at E3?

This seems like the most Nintendo thing possible when you consider the Wii-U reveal and subsequent reception. Nintendo confused the fuck out of everyone with that awkward as hell reveal. So obviously, instead of learning from their mistakes, Nintendo is just going to skip debuting a new system at E3 in general.

Quite the opposite, I think.

WiiU will have been basically barren for over a year by the time NX launches. If that doesn't imply they've put everything behind NX, then i don;t know what does. Unless you believe Nintendo's studios have been twiddling their thumbs for the last couple years?
This, it might even be for the best, no point in showing a rushed system when that damaged Wii U so much. Fanboys need to be patient this time.

Im shocked they are going this far though. To no show anything at all.

To release the new console not on a Holiday season

That is so unNintendo its scary .


I guess I feel nothing due to only being a causal Nintendo fan right now (own a 2DS). Nintendo might have a weak Wii U showing again this year and I honestly don't expect much new announcements for the system outside of the following:
-Mother 3 Localization
-(Maybe?) New Smash DLC
-(Maybe?) Another GC Remaster

Even then though, the 3DS line up this year easily makes up for the weak Wii U line up. Besides, this might indicate that some titles like Pikmin 4 will end up landing on Wii U after all instead of being moved to the NX. I could see this being the release line up for Wii U:
-June: Mario & Sonic
-July: #FE
-September: Paper Mario
-November: Pikmin 4

Not that bad but not great either. What is the most head scratching though is that Nintendo only having Zelda U playable at E3 this year. I mean......you DO have other games to show off (#FE, Paper Mario, ect), so why not give those equal attention.

And who cares about Zelda anyway; not coming out this year and it will only be a tease anyway (considering how the game will come out early 2017 with the NX launch instead of this fall). Really hope Nintendo has a good game plan for Wii U though, as I could easily picture a worse E3 then last year (though to be fair, only the Main Direct sucked; everything else was great).
God this is a weird Nintendo. Not sure what this all means. Please just be a regular controller with some power behind it! That's all I'd want from Nintendo. Court your 3rd parties please!!

Bring on Spaceworld 2016!!!


So you're telling me Nintendo is showing neither the NX system nor any NX games at E3 because...why?

The Wii U is dead, and the 3DS is stepping one foot into its grave. It makes absolutely zero sense for Nintendo to focus on them when NX is 9 months away. Hell, the Wii (as the Revolution) and Wii U were at 2 different E3s. The NX, as Nintendo is planning, will not be at a single E3 before its launch.

The only explanation I can possibly think of is that nothing is ready to show. But please, do tell me your theories.

Umm maybe they would rather show off the stuff at their own event ala Spaceworld. I know it's hard to think of that option when you are busy shit-posting...
I'm not particularly worried about the quality of the product but, not showing your brand new console at E3, 9 months before it's releasing, doesn't inspire too much confidence in me.

But I'm hopeful. I hope Nintendo knocks it out of the park. They need to do good.

My biggest concern is the lack of exposure with a new Playstation and likely a new Xbox showing up at E3 this year. Nintendo are being too damn complacent yet again when they need to be much more aggressive with their marketing. They do a damn fine job of making me worry about their long term stability and I'd really hate to see them go, but after the Wii-U they can't afford to have a similar situation again or they'll grow more irrelevant in the home console market.



I wonder is this because of either lack of hardware units or finished games?

Looks like another treehouse this E3 then, I wonder if there will be any NX games, by the tone it seems unlikely :/

Kimishima said it is in March and not the holiday's because fo the games.

I still feel like this was the wrong move because of third parties. We'll see the exact same thing that happened with the Wii U again. Devs will throw out ports of games that are months old and when they don't sell well (because they are ports of games that are months old) the third party pubs will pull support.


This June, Nintendo will focus its attentions on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zelda franchise. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show, in order to provide attendees a complete immersion.
Oh ok.
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