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Overwatch not having a single player campaign is such a missed & wasted opportunity.

This game has such a charming cast. With a fun and interesting world and lore. The animated shorts blizzard put out really show that they could have built a single player mode with a really interesting story that spanned the cast, world , and lore they created. I'm not saying it would have been anything ground breaking , but I can't shake the feeling that it would have been one hell of a fun ride. Pixar style cinematics with Blizzard's gameplay polish.

As it stands this really, really feels like an incomplete package and product.

A full blown single player mode would have also been great for players new to the genre. Acclimate and familiarize them with the controls different play styles of the characters, etc so that such players adequately feel well versed when hitting up online mode. The tutorial they currently have is so minimal.

The game is great, but in its current form it definitely doesn't warrant more than $30-40 across all platforms and 40 is kinda pushing it. :/


I agree, but honestly I'd play it two or three times at most, and then put hundreds of hours into PvP. So, can't say I care too much.


Have you experienced any of Blizzard's "storytelling" capabilities recently?

Trust me, we're better off without it.


The writing in Blizzard games as of late has been extremely cringeworthy, they probably would've let you down with a campaign.

Have you experienced any of Blizzard's "storytelling" capabilities recently?

Trust me, we're better off without it.

OMG IT'S SFLU, beat me to it.
I feel the same way, really. The game is very enjoyable and it has great lore that would be nice to explore more of. At the very least i feel like the backstorys for characters should be included in the game in some way.

I don't quite get why one of the main complaints for Titanfall was that it was fun but it didn't have enough content, while Overwatch has even less content then that did but most seem to be fine with that (although it is a bit cheaper). They're both great games but it just seems a bit like double standards.
They haven't had an SP campaign... yet. I think SP content is one of those things that will come down the line to re-engage the audience over time. Too good an opportunity not to.

Its literally a very similar process they did with Hearthstone.
Asking for MP focused titles to have single player campaigns is as bad as asking single player titles to have MP modes, and thank goodness we're out of that neck of the woods.
Seems great to me the way that it is.

The game is completely tuned around pvp and countering enemy teams. Don't see how a campaign would really work well for this game without being completely different.


I feel the same way, really. The game is very enjoyable and it has great lore that would be nice to explore more of. At the very least i feel like the backstorys for characters should be included in the game in some way.

I don't quite get why one of the main complaints for Titanfall was that it was fun but it didn't have enough content, while Overwatch has even less content then that did but most seem to be fine with that (although it is a bit cheaper). They're both great games but it just seems a bit like double standards.

This is like the third thread in the past three days questioning Blizzard on the overall value of the product. How many more negative threads and opinions would you like before feeling like it met Titanfall's numbers?
The cast are attractively designed both aesthetically and mechanically, but if the shorts are anything to go by, Blizzard has no idea what to do with them beyond that. So nah, I think the multiplayer is all you need.


People complain when games tack on single player to a multiplayer game. Then others complain when the game has no single player. You can't please everyone.

Seeing how people already gave the shorts a lot of shit for cheesy writing, having played Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2... the story probably wouldn't be very impressive.


I'm not sure how well it would have worked for single player. You'd want to include all the characters, but is anyone really going to want to play a healer chapter where you're just healing NPCs?

I could see them over time patching in co-op, PvE missions with story content. Like, here's a mission built for these five heroes, you and four other people play through it, and it delivers some story content.
This is like saying Team Fortress 2 needs a single player mode.

I think people are being blinded by the characters and not actually looking at the gameplay that would be "possible" with it.
Have you experienced any of Blizzard's "storytelling" capabilities recently?

Trust me, we're better off without it.

The writing in Blizzard games as of late has been extremely cringeworthy, they probably would've let you down with a campaign.

OMG IT'S SFLU, beat me to it.

blizzard is bad at writing video game stories though

Who's the group responsible for the shorts they've put out online ? Have them handle the story and narrative.
I think of it more as an opportunity for growth.

The game itself is not light on content. The IP isn't retiring any time soon. Enjoy what we have now and keep an eye on future Blizzcon announcements :)

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Individual character tutorials helping to adapt to some of the finer mechanics of the combat AND introduce the characters further into the overarching lore and mythology is a serious missed opportunity. A full campaign isn't entirely necessary.


Kaplan mentioned in the launch day Q&A that they are extremely interested in doing non-PvP content, likely in the form of co-op PvE stuff, but that it was waaay down the line.
someone I know was recently playing through diablo 3 for the first and it reminded me just how fucking awful that campaign was. and not even the writing(which is some of the worst in the industry). it starts off slow and has really weird pacing, bad boss fights and an abrupt final act.
Asking for MP focused titles to have single player campaigns is as bad as asking single player titles to have MP modes, and thank goodness we're out of that neck of the woods.

I think people are just amazed that they've clearly put a ton of time into making the characters into actual characters, but they don't have a story mode to really put that to use. It's not really like with Titanfall or Evolve where you're just running around as some rather generic characters.


Kaplan mentioned in the launch day Q&A that they are extremely interested in doing non-PvP content, likely in the form of co-op PvE stuff, but that it was waaay down the line.

Yeah I'm guessing they will look at the Hearthstone model and mimic that a bit. I bet we get some sort of PvE raid mechanic next year or something.
Agree. A campaign where you play through a story of each character would be amazing. 21 missions of reasonable length (30-60 minutes?) and some of that fine animation work? Yes, please.


Why are single player gamers so entitled? Not everything needs to be made for you.

You didn't see anyone bitching for months that Wolfenstein should have had multiplayer because those great shooting mechanics went to waste in a 6 hour campaign. Not everything needs to be made for you

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
It would be a giant waste of time for me, I wouldn't touch it once. Overwatch is all about the multiplayer baby.
That's what DLC is for, OP!

But seriously, they could definitely make it a co-op experience. Play as the original overwatch during the invasion, like TF2's Mann vs Machine mode.

Single player doesn't work with this game. Blizzard has turned into a full on multiplayer dev.


This game has such a charming cast. With a fun and interesting world and lore. The animated shorts blizzard put out really show that they could have built a single player mode with a really interesting story that spanned the cast, world , and lore they created. I'm not saying it would have been anything ground breaking , but I can't shake the feeling that it would have been one hell of a fun ride. Pixar style cinematics with Blizzard's gameplay polish.

As it stands this really, really feels like an incomplete package and product.

A full blown single player mode would have also been great for players new to the genre. Acclimate and familiarize them with the controls different play styles of the characters, etc so that such players adequately feel well versed when hitting up online mode. The tutorial they currently have is so minimal.

The game is great, but in its current form it definitely doesn't warrant more than $30-40 across all platforms and 40 is kinda pushing it. :/

A single player mode would be good to push people that are new to the team based multiplayer shooter genre?

Also, slightly less sarcastically, you say people can't acclimate to a character before jumping into multiplayer, but the game offers full bot matches, as well as co-op bot matches. The perfect way to learn how a character plays for the multiplayer is in THOSE modes, not in a campaign that would in no way reflect how the actual meat of the game is played.


Neo Member
Im glad they spent their time create a great MP game rather splitting their focus. Maybe down the road their can be single-player content but the game is great in its current state.
I think people are just amazed that they've clearly put a ton of time into making the characters into actual characters, but they don't have a story mode to really put that to use. It's not really like with Titanfall or Evolve where you're just running around as some rather generic characters.

Yeah pretty much. Even in their current form, the characters are too fleshed out and well made for them to not really be showcased and explored with some narrative.

It kinda feels like the game in it's current scope is too barebones to support and deserve such a fun and intriguing cast.


As a side note, I'm hugely in favor of us having 30 threads about all future singleplayer only games and how they're really not worth $60 and feel like incomplete products.

Edit: I was being sarcastic in case people didn't notice. It's incredibly grating.
I disagree, that would likely have lead to split focus where neither the campaign or the MP would have turned out as good as the current game did. Not saying that is for sure but that usually is how it goes...


The game is great, but in its current form it definitely doesn't warrant more than $30-40 across all platforms and 40 is kinda pushing it. :/

Overwatch is absolutely worth $40, it is absolutely worth $60. The game was build from the ground up as a multiplayer experience and that shows in the immense amount of polish and balance it has. A game not having a single player mode in no way shape or form makes it worth less. That argument is silly and needs to die.


Yeah pretty much. Even in their current form, the characters are too fleshed out and well made for them to not really be showcased and explored with some narrative.

It kinda feels like the game in it's current scope is too barebones to support and deserve such a fun and intriguing cast.

They have many, many years to flesh out these characters in-game and with other products.


They discussed in a recent Q&A that, if any narrative content would be released, it would be as a cooperative game type.

That would make more sense than single player.


Yeah pretty much. Even in their current form, the characters are too fleshed out and well made for them to not really be showcased and explored with some narrative.

It kinda feels like the game in it's current scope is too barebones to support and deserve such a fun and intriguing cast.

The only reason this cast is tolerable is because you get to experience them in short bursts. I can guarantee that with Blizzard's current writing team, they'd quickly become cliched and grating if you were subjected to their personalities for a longer period of time.
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