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Bomb attack at wine bar in Ansbach, Germany

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Sadly. Grüne (Greens) and Linke (Lefts) for example just a few weeks ago blocked a legislation, which was a vital part of "Asylpaket II", in the Federal Council that would have declared many African countries as safe countries, not eligible for refugee status. That did never happen, like many other things...

Funny how the Left focus so much on banning guns, etc. so much but ignore real problems caused by a portion of refugees. I say this as a left winger. I read an article saying the SPD wants stricter gun laws, in a country with already strict gun laws.


On the immigration issue, my step mom does voluntary work at a refugee temporary shelter.

What she tells me is that these poor fuckers are stuck in limbo for months at a time as second class citizens, not allowed to do anything productive, bored out of their minds, wasting time and not being properly coached and taught because our bureaucracy is so terribly inefficient that the handful of social workers and other related personnel are overworked, underfunded, mired in stupid office politics and buried under a whole mountain of legislation and red tape.

Many of her women don't know what they're supposed to do, and most found out that nobody cared (or rather appreciated the reduced amount of paperwork) if they just sat in their rooms and twiddled their thumbs - and a chilling percentage is actually perfectly fine with not even learning the most basic of German because the woman stays at home and tends to the kids, in so many words. Wonder how those will turn out if one of their parents doesn't speak the local language and stays home all day and the other is always busy being exploited at two low wage jobs to make up for it. That'll go well, I'm sure.

Integration efforts, no, heck, even a warm human touch at her place would be practically nonexistent if it were not for the volunteers - but they can only do so much.

Sure, it's entirely anecdotal, and it's just one of many institutions, but if even a fraction of it is not an exaggeration by a genuinely angry Bavarian granny that has been spending much of her free time talking and knitting with refugees and ranting at officials, then we have to be grateful that we don't have weekly news about terrorists, suicides and crime sprees. Shit's a breeding ground for that kinda stuff.
Unfortunately also some terrorists can slip through the net given how difficult it is to process all of these applications. I'm sure they do check for terrorist links, but it's not like you can ask Syria's government for that information, since they're at war and everything. I doubt countries like this Iraq and Afghanistan can reliably keep tabs on how many terrorists there are in total given how unstable those places are. My feeling that you should shelter them in UN funded locations and sort things out from there rather than process them within EU countries has become stronger now.


On the immigration issue, my step mom does voluntary work at a refugee temporary shelter.

What she tells me is that these poor fuckers are stuck in limbo for months at a time as second class citizens, not allowed to do anything productive, bored out of their minds, wasting time and not being properly coached and taught because our bureaucracy is so terribly inefficient that the handful of social workers and other related personnel are overworked, underfunded, mired in stupid office politics and buried under a whole mountain of legislation and red tape.

Many of her women don't know what they're supposed to do, and most found out that nobody cared (or rather appreciated the reduced amount of paperwork) if they just sat in their rooms and twiddled their thumbs - and a chilling percentage is actually perfectly fine with not even learning the most basic of German because the woman stays at home and tends to the kids, in so many words. Wonder how those will turn out if one of their parents doesn't speak the local language and stays home all day and the other is always busy being exploited at two low wage jobs to make up for it. That'll go well, I'm sure.

Integration efforts, no, heck, even a warm human touch at her place would be practically nonexistent if it were not for the volunteers - but they can only do so much.

Sure, it's entirely anecdotal, and it's just one of many institutions, but if even a fraction of it is not an exaggeration by a genuinely angry Bavarian granny that has been spending much of her free time talking and knitting with refugees and ranting at officials, then we have to be grateful that we don't have weekly news about terrorists, suicides and crime sprees. Shit's a breeding ground for that kinda stuff.

Yes, let's be grateful that people who have nothing better to do haven't turned to mass murder. What the fuck? Gee, your country has altruistically taken me in when they had absolutely zero obligation to do so, but I'm just soooo bored. I guess murdering people would be a great way to pass the time.

If the country is not capable of handling such a high number of refugees in a reasonable fashion, then they should not have taken them in. Oh, but then we get the bleeding hearts who pop up on twitter and message boards proclaiming "Germany and other European countries should take in all refugees! Shame on Canada for not taking 5 million people on day one! Who cares about infrastructure, this is about saving lives!"

Well, guess what, it's not a magic trick where millions of people just show up and automatically are given jobs and houses. Either: A) restrict refugee intake, or B) they just have to be patient and wait, which I assume would be preferable to being killed in Syria.


Quiet in here... I guess the fatigue on these things wears thin. There's only so many times you can comment on senseless acts of violence. Still, there was a user who was lampooned earlier today with the Machette incident (sad that it's in a singular day) about the refugee issue and those voices seem a lot quieter with each passing news of yet another refugee trying to commit acts of murder.
Quiet in here... I guess the fatigue on these things wears thin. There's only so many times you can comment on senseless acts of violence. Still, there was a user who was lampooned earlier today with the Machette incident (sad that it's in a singular day) about the refugee issue and those voices seem a lot quieter with each passing news of yet another refugee trying to commit acts of murder.
Being wrong over and over must be exhausting for those folks, and none of them want to admit that maybe there are problems with the current refugee situation in the EU.
Quiet in here... I guess the fatigue on these things wears thin. There's only so many times you can comment on senseless acts of violence. Still, there was a user who was lampooned earlier today with the Machette incident (sad that it's in a singular day) about the refugee issue and those voices seem a lot quieter with each passing news of yet another refugee trying to commit acts of murder.

Only so much anyone can say about this.
That user didn't get banned, my mistake. It was another one who said 'oh, must be a refugee' in response to another incident (and he was wrong). I guess even liberals' tolerance runs out eventually. I'm tired of defending refugees in such threads even though most of them clearly are innocent in this. I guess I can't fault too much the people being against them now.


Being wrong over and over must be exhausting for those folks, and none of them want to admit that maybe there are problems with the current refugee situation in the EU.

Political threads around here usually revolve around "gotcha politics". If there's no finger wagging to be had, then most people just won't show up to the party.

I've personally always been pro-refugees, but I stand firmly behind Canada's approach. We seem to always have more homes available to refugees then we have refugees to fill them, and that's the only way it should be. If people want to further increase refugee intake in any given country, then either open your home, volunteer at the shelters, or just shut the fuck up about it. You can't just sit behind your comfortable keyboard, with all your convenient excuses for your own inactivity, all the while chastising others for not doing the same.

Give me a break.


On the immigration issue, my step mom does voluntary work at a refugee temporary shelter.

What she tells me is that these poor fuckers are stuck in limbo for months at a time as second class citizens, not allowed to do anything productive, bored out of their minds, wasting time and not being properly coached and taught because our bureaucracy is so terribly inefficient that the handful of social workers and other related personnel are overworked, underfunded, mired in stupid office politics and buried under a whole mountain of legislation and red tape.

Many of her women don't know what they're supposed to do, and most found out that nobody cared (or rather appreciated the reduced amount of paperwork) if they just sat in their rooms and twiddled their thumbs - and a chilling percentage is actually perfectly fine with not even learning the most basic of German because the woman stays at home and tends to the kids, in so many words. Wonder how those will turn out if one of their parents doesn't speak the local language and stays home all day and the other is always busy being exploited at two low wage jobs to make up for it. That'll go well, I'm sure.

Integration efforts, no, heck, even a warm human touch at her place would be practically nonexistent if it were not for the volunteers - but they can only do so much.

Sure, it's entirely anecdotal, and it's just one of many institutions, but if even a fraction of it is not an exaggeration by a genuinely angry Bavarian granny that has been spending much of her free time talking and knitting with refugees and ranting at officials, then we have to be grateful that we don't have weekly news about terrorists, suicides and crime sprees. Shit's a breeding ground for that kinda stuff.
Because they are not immigrants. They are refugees. Not saying that the situation couldn't be better, but it's important to make the distinction. The majority of those people won't be staying in Germany.
The UK has been taking in refugees from the UN camps. My understanding is that the refugees have been pretty chill and there aren't really many problems with refugees here.


Gold Member
Thank goodness he was refused entry to the concert.

Hopefully those injured make a full recovery.
Dumb question, but why doesn't Europe only accept women and girls as refugees and deny all men and boys?

Because since they're asking for asylum we have to process them, it's their right to get a fair hearing. Given how close we are to the conflict area we don't have the luxury of slowly looking for people like Canada has. Better than the US approach, which is to refuse them in a lot of cases just because of their religion, and assume they're all terrorists.

Canada did it right

Pretty easy to do that when you have a nice ocean between you and the conflict zone. If you're right next to it, like Europe is, I'm sure your policy would be similar to Germany's, out of necessity rather than 'generosity'.


Thank goodness he was refused entry to the concert.

Hopefully those injured make a full recovery.
Seriously... CNN reports in addition to the explosive the backpack was full of screws and nails, thank fucking god he didn't get inside.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Canada did it right
I think America took in mostly families. Eighteen people (four families) were placed in the city next to my town, after being here a few months a 22 year old man was arrested for groping a 13 year old girl at a pool.

Even if you only take families, there is still a cultural divide that needs to be bridged somehow.
what's the general consensus in Germany on how Angela Merkel is handling the whole refugee situation? if these things keep happening what are the odds that she loses reelection?
what's the general consensus in Germany on how Angela Merkel is handling the whole refugee situation? if these things keep happening what are the odds that she loses reelection?

Merkel is pretty good at altering her policies to fit the public mood, so unlikely to lose. Either her and her coalition or the crazies at the AfD. Easy choice to make.


what's the general consensus in Germany on how Angela Merkel is handling the whole refugee situation? if these things keep happening what are the odds that she loses reelection?

For months polls have not been in her favor. According to those polls about 60% and more are dissatified with her or want her gone. In recent weeks satisfaction with her and her party, the CDU, rose a little again. But that will very likely reverse now. Her being reelected next year will imo depend on how she will handle the current situation and if the situation eases or not. It has never been remotely as bad as now. I really don't know how she could keep on going, hardly budging, as she did before despite ever growing and imo deserved criticism. We will see...

But then I just read this here:


An article that claims that Angela is apparently more popular than ever... ;)
With the way these stories shoot to the top of every news site, it's becoming less surprising seeing more dipshits try ruin innocent people's lives. They give so much coverage of the perpetrators histories and motivations but I don't know a way they can avoid that and still cover the news.


It's a scary time to be living in Europe, stay safe and figure your shit out EuropeGAF

not nearly as scary as these blatant generalisations on the internet though.

I'm sure Europe had enough experiences with people who offered "easy solutions" to complicated circumstances. like this one guy with the moustache. My grandma told me he was a great leader and built autobahnen and shit. Sure must've been a great time



not nearly as scary as these blatant generalisations on the internet though.

I'm sure Europe had enough experiences with people who offered "easy solutions" to complicated circumstances. like this one guy with the moustache. My grandma told me he was a great leader and built autobahnen and shit. Sure must've been a great time


What the fuck are you talking about.
People are getting killed, and you compare that with online generalisation?


You're not actually allowed to deport people to warzones following the UN Human RIghts act.

Yeah, Germany gave him indefinite leave to remain and he decides to repay the favour by attempting to blow up dozens of German citizens. How does that work?
People like this are taking the piss out of Europe's liberal attitudes.


For months polls have not been in her favor. According to those polls about 60% and more are dissatified with her or want her gone. In recent weeks satisfaction with her and her party, the CDU, rose a little again. But that will very likely reverse now. Her being reelected next year will imo depend on how she will handle the current situation and if the situation eases or not. It has never been remotely as bad as now. I really don't know how she could keep on going, hardly budging, as she did before despite ever growing and imo deserved criticism. We will see...
There's not really an alternative to her though? The SPD is virtually dead, even if they were considering a coalition with the Greens and Die Linke, there's no way they'll even get close to the majority, so it's really either Merkel or the AfD. And if the latter happened, you could kiss Germany goodbye.
It's ridiculous that this failed asylum seeker was allowed to hang around. He should have been deported.

It's against the law to send back a refugee to Syria unless he or she committed a severe (!) crime, like murder, rape, and so on, given the civil war in this country.
What the fuck are you talking about.
People are getting killed, and you compare that with online generalisation?

Not sure whether to take you seriously given the fact that you used 'cuck' unironically in a similar thread. That going to be acceptable now? He wasn't comparing shit.

Maybe time to change the law now. It's sad to see humans repay kindness and generosity with this. Enough is enough. I still believe most of them are fairly nice and good people, but that worldview is getting weakened every time this happens.


The general population across Europe must be losing patience with shit like this now happening on a weekly basis.

It's time for real solutions to get this stuff sorted, the current plan of putting the heads in the sand and wishing this will disappear is not going to be tolerated much longer.
The general population across Europe must be losing patience with shit like this now happening on a weekly basis.

It's time for real solutions to get this stuff sorted, the current plan of putting the heads in the sand and wishing this will disappear is not going to be tolerated much longer.

What do you propose?


Yeah, Germany gave him indefinite leave to remain and he decides to repay the favour by attempting to blow up dozens of German citizens. How does that work?
People like this are taking the piss out of Europe's liberal attitudes.

We hopefully believe in our liberal attitudes strong enough to remember why we needed them. This refugee act is a direct consequence of World War II when Europeans needed it the most.


At least no one but the terrorist died, still though it could have been much worse.

I wish those who are injured a speedy recovery.


Seriously... CNN reports in addition to the explosive the backpack was full of screws and nails, thank fucking god he didn't get inside.
This is what pisses me off. Why the hell is his explosive backpack full of screws and nails!?


Unconfirmed Member
Quiet in here... I guess the fatigue on these things wears thin. There's only so many times you can comment on senseless acts of violence. Still, there was a user who was lampooned earlier today with the Machette incident (sad that it's in a singular day) about the refugee issue and those voices seem a lot quieter with each passing news of yet another refugee trying to commit acts of murder.

Dude when you postet that it was 4:50 AM in germany and now it is 7:31 AM. Most of us from germany are working or sleeping.


What the fuck are you talking about.
People are getting killed, and you compare that with online generalisation?

eh? maybe you should read my response + the bullshit I responded to again...

Apparently you care about people getting killed. but guess what: if those refugees would stay in their home countries, even more people would be getting killed. Namely them. But hey, as long as it doesn't affect us westerners, who cares right?

sadly the latter part seems to be true, judging by the amount of shits given about any terrorist attack in "not-europe/us"

(see below)
Quiet in here... I guess the fatigue on these things wears thin. There's only so many times you can comment on senseless acts of violence. Still, there was a user who was lampooned earlier today with the Machette incident (sad that it's in a singular day) about the refugee issue and those voices seem a lot quieter with each passing news of yet another refugee trying to commit acts of murder.

Thankfully no one except the maniac perpetrator was killed. On the other hand, over 60 people were killed today/yesterday in Afghanistan by ISIS and that got very little attention. Less than this.

What is the world


The general population across Europe must be losing patience with shit like this now happening on a weekly basis.

It's time for real solutions to get this stuff sorted, the current plan of putting the heads in the sand and wishing this will disappear is not going to be tolerated much longer.

What gives the impression people are putting their heads in the sand. Just because governments aren't running equally amok? Of course there are countermeasures in place.
This is what pisses me off. Why the hell is his explosive backpack full of screws and nails!?

Same idea as a grenade. A grenade, after all, fragments into hundreds of shards of metal. Surrounding a bomb with screws and nails won't disintegrate them, but will cause them to be launched at a high velocity to cause the most collateral damage.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
My girlfriend moved out of her apartment in Ansbach this morning... She was also on the train with the axe dude three hours before and in Munich the day before the shooting. I need to get her over here...

I also live in the region. It certainly feels a bit weird that we had all these events in Bavaria in such a short timespan. But there is no reason to think that it is less safe here than in the rest of Germany.
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