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Arab man killed by racist neighbor in Tulsa, OK

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Oklahoma has some of the most lax gun laws in the country (also top ten in gun violence but that's just a coincidence I'm sure). This guy probably woke up that morning, got angry, googled the nearest gun show (there's, like, one every weekend in OK or even nearby in Arkansas) and had a gun by lunch.

Whoever sold him a gun looking like that, legal or not, needs to have their hands tied behind their back and take one good slap from everyone in town who is interested.
The other fucked up thing about this situation is once the victim knew the police weren't going to help, and bought weapons to defend himself and his family against this maniac, the victim would've likely either been locked up without bond or worse.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Whoever sold him a gun looking like that, legal or not, needs to have their hands tied behind their back and take one good slap from everyone in town who is interested.

Most people I've spoken with selling guns look about the same as the murderer, though.
The problem is not the gun, he could run him over, or use a knife, or whatever. Don't lose sight of the elephant in the room

A man with criminal history of assault with a deadly weapon [2 counts by the way, 1 in CA and 1 in OK in the last year] being able to own/buy a gun is absolutely a massive problem in this case.

The larger issue is indeed that the neighbors did everything possible to protect themselves and follow good legal recourse only to not get protected at all even after calling the police 10 minutes before the shooting but don't make light of the very serious issue that such an individual having a gun in the US is. This exact story already shows that even something as deadly as a car is not as effective as a good old gun in killing someone so yes maybe he would've killed him with a knife or a crossbow or god knows what but it was imminently easier for him to kill with that gun than anything else and he absolutely should not have been allowed to own it or allowed to buy it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I looked in the articles provided, couldn't see anything on it, but did he even buy a gun new? Or did he buy it secondhand, where nobody checks anything because they don't have to?

Did he go through legal channels or just get it off of someone?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Most people I've spoken with selling guns look about the same as the murderer, though.

I haven't been to a gun store/show since 1987, so I'll have to take your word, but WTF.
Dude looks like Julian Assange after a 20-year meth bender.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
This stupid fucking racist piece of shit tries to kill someone, and yet he still has access to a gun after posting bond? I'm so fucking tired of this shit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't been to a gun store/show since 1987, so I'll have to take your word, but WTF.
Dude looks like Julian Assange after a 20-year meth bender.

Its either a variation on the guy in the OP or it's a guy about 5'4" with a shaved head because he's going bald and wears a polo and his sunglasses on his forehead like a tiara.



Did he buy that gun?
Why was he allowed to buy that gun?

He probably bought it at one point, yeah. He should not have been in possession of a firearm. He was a convicted felon at one point. There are laws against this. Of course there's no way to prevent someone from breaking these laws. I advocate for harsh and I mean very harsh sentencing for things like this. Gun possession, or any crime committed with a gun and you're a felon should be a huge minimum sentence IMO.

I hope every motherfucker who support the second amendment in America soon is shunned like the fucking plauge soon. Because this man's, and all before him, death is on them. Every, single, motherfucking one.

Americans don't deserve guns.

They shouldn't be fucking allowed near them.

May Führer Hillary crack down on these dickheads with all her might and smite their weaponry out of their hands and closets.

Look man, we know you're upset about this person's death. Don't vilify every single gun owner in the US. There are plenty of us who are intelligent with our rights.

This guy had some major racial issues and probably mental problems that should have been diagnosed, additionally making him further ineligible to own a firearm.

I do appreciate knowing you want a full on elimination of the 2A though.
I hope every motherfucker who support the second amendment in America soon is shunned like the fucking plauge soon. Because this man's, and all before him, death is on them. Every, single, motherfucking one.

Americans don't deserve guns.

They shouldn't be fucking allowed near them.

May Führer Hillary crack down on these dickheads with all her might and smite their weaponry out of their hands and closets.

Grow up.


It sounds like he hadn't went to trial for the previous crime since he bonded out of jail which you can only do before sentencing. So unless he had a prior record, he wouldn't be a convicted felon at that point, so he could still legally own a firearm.

I would've thought that would have been a stipulation of his release though. It might have been and he still got his hands on a firearm by other means. Pretty easy to buy a gun from a private seller to bypass the background stuff.

He was actually convicted in California on a terrorism charge:


Majors was convicted in 2009 of threatening a crime with intent to terrorize in Los Angeles and was sentenced to 16 months in prison, records show.
That just raises further questions.

Questions like why he wasn't on terror watch list when so many innocents make it just for the color of their skin?

Rest in Peace to the victim, and condolences to the family for silently bearing with years of harassment and terror by the hands of this deranged racist terrorist.

Why was this man allowed to have a gun? Why was he out on bail/bond when he ADMITTED to committing a hate crime? Why were the police so worthless even though they knew what was going on?


Can someone please politicize the hell out if this? Some sort of change needs to come out of this. This man can't have died in vain!
Not sure if you missed this response earlier, but HeySeuss covered the polices' options in this context.
Cops get a lot of blame on this board and rightfully so, but what could they have done here? This is a failing of the court system not the police. They had no indication that he would do this other than he ran over his wife. That doesn't mean he's going to shoot the husband now the first chance he gets.

What would you have the cops do? Put an officer on front of the house 24/7 on the off chance that he might try something?

And just because he had a previous conviction of assault with a deadly weapon doesn't automatically make it a felony that he would lose his gun rights for. People plead to lesser crimes every day which drops a felony to a misdemeanor so that they can maintain their gun rights.

And a report to the police that he purchased a gun wouldn't be enough to do a search warrant even if he wasn't able to legally own a gun. You can't just call the police and say your neighbor that is a convicted felon bought a gun unless you are the one that sold it to him. You can't search his house by that alone. The police probably went over to his house and said "we have reports that you are in possession of a gun". He would then say "I don't have a gun I don't know what you're talking about". And that would be the end of it because the 4th amendment still applies for him.

Be mad, but be mad at the right organization. The cops didn't fail him, the judge that agreed to let him out on bond failed him.
However, I think someone pointed out earlier that having a conviction would restrain him from having a weapon.
Its illegal in most states, including Oklahoma, for a convicted felon to own a weapon so his gun was illegal and he definitely should have been stripped of that. The cops and judges poorly served that family :(

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Textbook definition of a hate crime.

The family should sue the police for this failure of a job they did.
TIL you can be white and get convicted on terrorism charges, run over an immigrant woman with your vehicle out of sheer racist hatred and harass her family for years, and still go free just in time to purchase a weapon and murder that same lady's son in broad daylight.

God damn America is such a great place to live, talk about land of opportunities (to murder minorities)

I do appreciate knowing you want a full on elimination of the 2A though.

I really think the downsides of the 2A outweigh the benefits.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but I think there is no way we can have regulations in place thats will prevent these things from happening.

In my opinion there is is no way around getting rid of the 2A and getting rid of the 300mil gun already in the country, if you want to fight the gun violence. I don't think anything else will have any meaningful effect. And I don't think taking the right to bear arms away from law abiding citizens is a big deal. Sure people would get mad, just like germans would get mad if you'd implement speedlimits on the Autobahn everywhere, but at the end of the day its not really infringing on their freedoms.
I do not really understand the people saying we need to ban all guns. I think we definitely need stricter gun laws in this country, but I do not think we need to be banning all firearms period. This guy previously tried to kill the mother with his car and so I imagine him not having a firearm on hand would not have stopped him from trying to kill the son. So why then is the attention focused on the gun and not the person using it?


Rest in peace to Khalid. I hope his family is able to recover from the tragic loss.

Since Stanley Vernon Majors has successfully gotten away with incidents of criminal activity in the past, I think we should be aware that he might get away with the murder. It's definitely going to be more difficult for him to get away with the murder because he's not a policeman, but it's still possible. Insanity/affluenza/bad eyesight/it was really my cat who fired the gun oh really yeah really etc. can be used in his case, so rather than focus on the useless judge and the suspiciously incompetent members of law enforcement, it might be better to focus on making sure that Vernon and his future actions are forever limited to a prison cell.


I do not really understand the people saying we need to ban all guns. I think we definitely need stricter gun laws in this country, but I do not think we need to be banning all firearms period. This guy previously tried to kill the mother with his car and so I imagine him not having a firearm on hand would not have stopped him from trying to kill the son. So why then is the attention focused on the gun and not the person using it?

Because a gun will do a lot more damage, much more quickly, and much more unexpectedly than nearly anything else this guy could have tried.

Also, we can focus on both the gun AND the person who used it. There were multiple layers of shit going on here that should not have been possible.


Unconfirmed Member
The sergeant acknowledged that the killing raised questions about how authorities handled the neighborhood feud.

This wasn't a neighborhood feud. This was a deranged racist armed with a gun who had already attacked/harassed the family for years.

Then he gets a gun and kills someone.

And they act as if they handled the situation in any way at all? Fucking ridiculous.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
It's sad how there's still white trash like this in America. Killing someone over their skin color that they have no control over.



Unconfirmed Member
This is an absolute shame and could have been prevented with reasonable gun laws. Fuck that piece of shit scumbag and his disgusting desire for racial bloodshed.

Uh... how?

I don't understand how you can just blame the cops and not the system as a whole. Simply owning a fire arm is not reasonable cause to arrest someone in America, even if they have past incidents of violent crime. Even if this guy had altercations with his neighbors in the past, unless there was an actual direct threat made, the police can't really do anything.

If they had put this guy into a cell, what would it be for? Purchasing a firearm? His previous altercations had already been dealt with in court or were set to be dealt with.

Cops get a lot of blame on this board and rightfully so, but what could they have done here? This is a failing of the court system not the police. They had no indication that he would do this other than he ran over his wife. That doesn't mean he's going to shoot the husband now the first chance he gets.

What would you have the cops do? Put an officer on front of the house 24/7 on the off chance that he might try something?

And just because he had a previous conviction of assault with a deadly weapon doesn't automatically make it a felony that he would lose his gun rights for. People plead to lesser crimes every day which drops a felony to a misdemeanor so that they can maintain their gun rights.

And a report to the police that he purchased a gun wouldn't be enough to do a search warrant even if he wasn't able to legally own a gun. You can't just call the police and say your neighbor that is a convicted felon bought a gun unless you are the one that sold it to him. You can't search his house by that alone. The police probably went over to his house and said "we have reports that you are in possession of a gun". He would then say "I don't have a gun I don't know what you're talking about". And that would be the end of it because the 4th amendment still applies for him.

Be mad, but be mad at the right organization. The cops didn't fail him, the judge that agreed to let him out on bond failed him.

There is plenty they could have done. Increased police presence in the area, they could have had a car keep surveillance over the night, they could have given a restraining order, they could have not given him bond, they could have not allowed a client racist move back next to the family he has assaulted and harassed.

So gtfo out of here that there was nothing the cops could have done. This whe incident lies on them for failure to act. They might have well as pulled the trigger themselves because they certainly could have prevented it.
Because a gun will do a lot more damage, much more quickly, and much more unexpectedly than nearly anything else this guy could have tried.

Also, we can focus on both the gun AND the person who used it. There were multiple layers of shit going on here that should not have been possible.
Plenty of ways to kill somebody besides shooting them. Saying a gun is the fastest way to do so isn't true.
both caucasian looking, but if you had to choose the one who's likely to be a racist cunt, i'm sure it would be an easy choice. he sure does look the part, fucking hell. rest in peace.


Seems like the weak link was letting this guy go out on bond. If the hit-and-run was his only incident that'd be one thing, but a documented violent history combined with proximity to the victim should have been a pretty obvious red flag.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Plenty of ways to kill somebody besides shooting them. Saying a gun is the fastest way to do so isn't true.

True, but good luck getting WMDs.


I do not really understand the people saying we need to ban all guns. I think we definitely need stricter gun laws in this country, but I do not think we need to be banning all firearms period. This guy previously tried to kill the mother with his car and so I imagine him not having a firearm on hand would not have stopped him from trying to kill the son. So why then is the attention focused on the gun and not the person using it?

Banning is unrealistic, just based on the quantity of guns in circulation alone. But there needs to be federal sweeping laws that supercede every state's law (required training, waiting period, permit and registration, get rid of the private-sales bullshit) and gun shows should either have heavy, heavy oversight in every state or shut down entirely (then again if all required sellers required licenses no matter what, gun shows probably wouldn't exist in the first place).

Be mad, but be mad at the right organization. The cops didn't fail him, the judge that agreed to let him out on bond failed him.

You might want to google "Tulsa Police Department" and "Corruption scandal" before saying cops didn't fail. Tulsa is still reeling over the grand jury indictment.


Let's remember Tulsa, shall we:

On May 31 and June 1, 1921, hundreds of whites led a racially motivated attack on the black community of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, killing some 300 people, mostly blacks. The attack, carried out on the ground and by air, destroyed more than 35 blocks of the district, then the wealthiest black community in the nation. More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and more than 6,000 black residents were arrested and detained, some for as many as eight days. [2] The official count of the dead by the Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics was 39.

The attack left an estimated 10,000 people homeless. Fire destroyed 1,256 homes and 191 businesses, as well as the community’s churches, junior high school, and hospitals. [3] In an eyewitness account discovered in 2015, Greenwood attorney Buck Colbert Franklin describes watching a dozen or more airplanes drop burning balls of turpentine on the city’s rooftops. None of the area’s half-dozen fire stations sounded an alarm, and Franklin remembers wondering, “’Is the city in conspiracy with the mob?’” [4] In 2001, 80 years after the massacre, the state-appointed Tulsa Race Riot Commission recommended reparations to survivors and their descendants because the city had, indeed, conspired with the mob. [5]

The events of the massacre were long omitted from local and state histories: "The Tulsa race riot of 1921 was rarely mentioned in history books, classrooms or even in private. Blacks and whites alike grew into middle age unaware of what had taken place."[6] With the number of survivors declining, in 1996, the state legislature commissioned a report to establish the historical record of the events, and acknowledge the victims and damages to the black community. Released in 2001, the report included the commission's recommendations for some compensatory actions, most of which were not implemented by the state and city governments. The state passed legislation to establish some scholarships for descendants of survivors, economic development of Greenwood, and a memorial park to the victims in Tulsa. The latter was dedicated in 2010.



Plenty of ways to kill somebody besides shooting them. Saying a gun is the fastest way to do so isn't true.

You're the one saying the gun isn't the problem. Please educate me on another otherwise legal object his neighbor could have used quickly, unexpectedly, from a distance, and with a high mortality rate.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
"Feud"? Holy shit, FUCK YOU, Oklahoma police >_<

Horrible story, perfect example of a systemic failure of justice on all levels. This is what Trump's America looks like.


TIL you can be white and get convicted on terrorism charges, run over an immigrant woman with your vehicle out of sheer racist hatred and harass her family for years, and still go free just in time to purchase a weapon and murder that same lady's son in broad daylight.

God damn America is such a great place to live, talk about land of opportunities (to murder minorities)

Yep. Welcome to 'Murica, the best place on earth for white people.

Letting such a guy get a weapon, hope you're happy gun nuts

Not pro gun folks fault, let's blame the court system in Cali for not doing their job, oh yeah they have an overcrowding issue (I just moved from California, and the only thing they're semi good at is requesting money, just not collecting it). Then let's blame OK's court system as well, since they have to charge you to drive on their highways, because they don't like dem taxes (makes me think they're too poor to give a crap).

But let's hear your rational response about how I enjoy being able to own a gun makes me at fault, and gives you the right to call me a nut, as the hopes to get everyone on board with your cause. I am a responsible person who thinks this racist killer has slipped through the cracks more than 2 times (at least that would be my guess) and would have done some equally heinous stuffs even if he could have not gotten a gun.

But I am flabbergasted at how hate works, I just don't get it? Is it a sickness, or is it a sickness, because I have no idea how someone could just want to murder someone without what I would assume is a "real" (albeit not a good) reason.
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