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No Man's Sky subreddit shut down, community erupts,

I never had any massive expectations or followed all the hype.

I bought it day one and played the crap out of it. I enjoyed it a lot, got 150+ hours in it and maxed out my ship/suit/multi tool.

I still enjoy loading it up and exploring on a regular basis. I never experienced any bugs on PS4 so I am fortunate there.

I just always find a hard time understanding all this vitriol and hate. I had a lot of fun with it and never really saw it as a shitty crappy game that everyone makes it out to be. Not to mention the fact that both fans and haters of this game act in such a way you would if a drunk driver killed a family member. This level of outrage is just ridiculous for a videogame.

After reading all the crazy stories and stuff I see how things changed from previously shown, and no way to see each other playing when it was said over and over you could for years is definitely a topic that still needs to be settled by Hello Games.
How is anyone still fighting this fight? Jesus. Thanks for being the first to point out the rigors of game development and suggest that people consider not pre-ordering games.
This changed so late that boxes had the wrong information on them and were covered by a sticker. That's not the usual "rigors of game development," that's your game being a shitshow.


This changed so late that boxes had the wrong information on them and were covered by a sticker. That's not the usual "rigors of game development," that's your game being a shitshow.

I'm not arguing that it is. I'm saying no one should still be defending NMS or HG in any way. There is literally no reason that people should pop up now saying he never mentioned MP. It's fucking absurd and is just shitposting at this point. As you mentioned, there's not even ambiguity about a lot of disaster from this game.


I love this gif.
This game is the gift that keeps on giving. I have no emotional investment in it whatsoever (and ideally I won't have in any game, though I admit that's not quite the case right now), and that allowed me to enjoy all the events surrounding it. This provided some very entertaining gaming drama for a long while.

I mean, it was worth it just for this gem:

Home of a true classic, I hope it was preserved:



I never had any massive expectations or followed all the hype.

I just always find a hard time understanding all this vitriol and hate.

You explain it here yourself. Of course you're not going to understand it if you didn't follow any of it, why would you?

As luck would have it, It's actually incredibly easy to understand. Hello games essentially promised and teased at a lot of stuff that was not in the game. Sony and them over hyped what it actually was, and players, driven by this hype, started projecting what they thought the game was going to be based on assumptions and false statements in interviews, rather than what the game truly was

The backlash and current state of affairs is a direct result of all of this


Its mind blowing how much this game and its developers have failed at every level.

it's actually more mindblowing how many believed every single word or how this game Would " change the way we game forever " or some other tripe " they choose to believe in

this entire circus is a prime case example of what happens when hype culture gets totally out of control .


I microwave steaks.
Can't imagine what mods have to sift through day in and day out. Especially on a game that garnered some sort of controversy. People like us can just laugh and ignore it.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
If this post wasn't meant as parody, I feel deeply sorry for this person.

They've got a hard life ahead of them.

This guy has a bright future of feeding trolls the sweet, sweet attention they crave. This kind of thing almost inspires me to become a troll myself.
You explain it here yourself. Of course you're not going to understand it if you didn't follow any of it, why would you?
Thing is, like that Joseph Anderson video from a few days ago, even if you're like Joseph and didn't follow the information about the game, the game still stands on its own two feet as incredibly mediocre. You don't even need to know about the claimed features to feel that it's a very shallow experience.


it's actually more mindblowing how many believed every single word or how this game Would " change the way we game forever " or some other tripe " they choose to believe in

this entire circus is a prime case example of what happens when hype culture gets totally out of control .

No. This is an example of what can happen when devs bullshit people. The hype for the game was driven by Murray's bullshit.


What I'm saying is - player interaction was only ever hinted at vaguely,

If "vague" mean clearly stating it affirmatively multiple times in multiple interviews...

This isn't even my favorite lie, because lacking MP isn't what makes this game so shockingly bad.

This is one of my favorites -- From this interview.

interview said:
"The team programmed some of the physics for aesthetic reasons. For instance, Duncan insisted on permitting moons to orbit closer to their planets than Newtonian physics would allow. When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength."


Also like this:

interview said:
While the basic behaviors themselves are simple, the interactions can be impressively complex. Artistic director Grant Duncan recalled roaming an alien planet once shooting at birds out of boredom. “I hit one and it fell into the ocean,” he recalled. “It was floating there on the waves when suddenly, a shark came up and ate it. The first time it happened, it totally blew me away.”

The whole interview is hilarious/nauseating and they get *incredibly* far up their own asses, worth a read
In this thread, there are still people doing the:

"Sean only implied X"
*video, gif or article disproving that*
"Well that was months ago it doesn't count."
*shows that it was days before the games release*

I don't even pre-order games anymore but, please stop this silly thing.

The subreddit shutting down is extremely childish though.


No single moderator should have the power to shut an entire subreddit down just because they suddenly don't agree with the majority opinion, ever.
So the mod got upset that their favorite thing is garnering negative criticism so they shut it down? Sounds like a lot of subreddits.
In this thread, there are still people doing the:

"Sean only implied X"
*video, gif or article disproving that*
"Well that was months ago it doesn't count."
*shows that it was days before the games release*

I don't even pre-order games anymore but, please stop this silly thing.

The subreddit shutting down is extremely childish though.
I dunno why it's such a hard thing for some people to want both consumers to be responsible and for developers to be truthful.


Given that I've not read a single post in that reddit, but I can imagine what it was like, I can understand his decision. It can be stressful you know, if the simple action of discussing something becomes too hard due to (rude?) haters who just can't leave alone all those players who are enjoying the experience and feel compelled to say "it's shit" every minute. It's not like NMS is the first game ever to receive such treatment, I myself in the past gave up to have a nice talk about a game because, well, it was close to be impossible.


i still dont understand how grown ass men get so attached to products that their feelings get hurt from criticism

ayy lmao

On another note I also don't see how grown ass men and women get so scorned by an electronics product to spend a significant part of their lives over multiple weeks discussing over and over just how much they don't like the product and its developers.


On another note I also don't see how grown ass men and women get so scorned by an electronics product to spend a significant part of their lives over multiple weeks discussing over and over just how much they don't like the product and its developers.

because it's fun jan
On another note I also don't see how grown ass men and women get so scorned by an electronics product to spend a significant part of their lives over multiple weeks discussing over and over just how much they don't like the product and its developers.

There's a general principle of "fairness" at play that goes beyond just the product. Even if you take out people's feelings on the game, even if you take out the fact that there was a financial aspect that may not have been insignificant for some people who only purchase a couple of games, even then, there's still the sense that someone sold you a false bill of goods; that someone lied to convince you to buy a product.

Even monkeys have an innate sense of fairness that will lead them to feel slighted. They'll literally throw their food at a scientist if they feel another monkey is getting better food. It's clearly a very basic and ingrained reaction to feeling cheated.

Beyond everything else, that's where Hello Games has run afoul. People would have stomached a disappointing game; cheating the consumer enters a different realm of reaction.
I love how much if a clusterfuck this game and everything around it became.

It's amazing entertainment and didn't cost me a penny.


Think its too late to request a refund on PSN? Havent even booted the game since like a week after it came out. I just have this useless $60 game permanently. Could use the 60 on something I would actually play for more than a week


There's a general principle of "fairness" at play that goes beyond just the product. Even if you take out people's feelings on the game, even if you take out the fact that there was a financial aspect that may not have been insignificant for some people who only purchase a couple of games, even then, there's still the sense that someone sold you a false bill of goods; that someone lied to convince you to buy a product.

Even monkeys have an innate sense of fairness that will lead them to feel slighted. They'll literally throw their food at a scientist if they feel another monkey is getting better food. It's clearly a very basic and ingrained reaction to feeling cheated.

Beyond everything else, that's where Hello Games has run afoul. People would have stomached a disappointing game; cheating the consumer enters a different realm of reaction.

I still say that a product that doesn't somehow negatively impact your life isn't worth the emotional investment to reiterate the same things as nauseum over that period. There are a few instances that I could see slightly elevated responses, such as Jacksinthe being worried about this potentially affecting his company's livelihood in the future, but outside of that, absolutely not.

Now of course whenever it's brought up, there's always a strawman of "so we should just let publishers walk all over us", but that's not at all related to the discussion. The offense a video game developer can cause is very small overall.

Criticism is due, but at a certain point it passes what is warranted IMO, and that threshold was crossed a long time ago.


The controversy around NMS is so intense that it caused everyone to forget about Mighty No. 9.

Inafune is probably sending Murray flowers to thank him for taking the heat off of him.
I still say that a product that doesn't somehow negatively impact your life isn't worth the emotional investment to reiterate the same things as nauseum over that period. There are a few instances that I could see slightly elevated responses, such as Jacksinthe being worried about this potentially affecting his company's livelihood in the future, but outside of that, absolutely not.

Now of course whenever it's brought up, there's always a strawman of "so we should just let publishers walk all over us", but that's not at all related to the discussion. The offense a video game developer can cause is very small overall.

And that's fine of course. We all need to pick our battles, and I wouldn't expect anyone to feel outrage if they didn't see the point in feeling it. I for one rarely ever see something worth getting angry about; it's just too exhausting. But I won't begrudge people the reaction either. We are all affected differently by different things. We all feel varying levels of passion about different topics, and video games, hobby though it may be for most of us, can still arouse strong feelings.

If it were the only game I could afford for a few months, I could imagine fuming about it. As it stands, it's enough for me to decide I won't be purchasing another game from Hello Games. I don't feel a need to be angry beyond that.
Man's Sky is Space Mining Simulator with ground-to-space travel in an open world universe of millions of planets. it is literally this. the game itself is fine. the problem is comparing it to the imaginary perfect game in people's minds, which may be a recent tendency (also see MGSV).

i dont understand the "they lied" stuff i really don't bc it seems like the only way to make those people happy would be for game developers in the future to just not talk about the games until they were released. so if a game dev comes up with something they want to show to the public, they are effectively censored.

this would solve all these problems tbh but it is not a world i want to live in.


No. This is an example of what can happen when devs bullshit people. The hype for the game was driven by Murray's bullshit.

I think there are people who simply don't understand marketing.

Developers, publishers are not your friends. It isn't about some personal journey, it's about getting your money.

That's it.

Everyone seems to hang on each and every word as if the developer is their best friend. It's sad and insecure.

L Thammy


How do you even find moderators this unprofessional and childish? I've been on a smaller forum where one of the mods was eleven years old and he was still able to act responsible in the role.
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