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ReCore getting a free 30min trial today on XB1 & Win10

Tried the demo. Not a bad game. It feels like a 3D Mega Man PS2 platformer because of the propulsors, the jumping-shooting and all that stuff.

A fun game. Nothing worth of legends though.


Just gave that trial a go. What an abrupt end. They could have handled things more gracefully then that.

From what I played, not bad. Definitely getting those Metroid Prime vibes from the combat. Exploration and encounter design is decidedly not Metroid like though.
Played the trial , loved what I played , obviously gfx aren't amazing but I'm intrigued by the world and I love the little dog.

Controls are solid , love the little bit of platforming I got to try . Definetely going to pickup the full game . I want to know more about this world .


Played the trial yesterday, I'll have to pick this up at some point. Was pretty fun, if it's remains like PS2 era platformers, I may end up loving it. I just wish the framerate was a little better on the xbox one version (may need to try it on my PC to see if it's any better).


should i even bother downloading the trial ?? i liked Sunset and R&C a lot, is this anything similar to them ?
Glad I didn't buy the game... Windows Store isn't even letting me download the trial, lol... Keeps giving me an error. I thought the anniversary update was supposed to fix this shit.
Ok, got the trial to install, but the resolution caps at 720p? And the cutescenes turned into single digit FPS slideshows... WTF is going on here? How did this pass QA?
should i even bother downloading the trial ?? i liked Sunset and R&C a lot, is this anything similar to them ?

I actually bought the game and did not like it at all. The controls were not good to me, and the combat was wretched. The story seemed pretty decent. I played for ~3 hours and traded the game in, just couldn't take any more especially after I heard the last few hours of the game consist of just grinding, grinding, grinding.

By contrast I absolutely LOVED ratchet and clank ps4 remaster, first time I ever played it and I ended up platinum'ing it and the only reason I'd get PSNow is to play more R&C. I dunno what it was about recore, but everything felt janky and awkward. Honestly it reminded me of jumping around in Destiny in how "unsmooth" it felt.


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You won't get to any dungeons like that in the first half an hour, sorry. I've only tried a couple of those traversal dungeons and while they can drive you fucking INSANE trying to get all the objectives, it's unbelievably satisfying when you finally get it done.

The best part is that, apart from some respawn points being stupidly and unforgivably broken (although I think they are patching those?), the controls are tight enough that if you die while platforming it's almost always because you made a mistake and not the game screwing you over.
I'm getting Jak 2 ptsd flashbacks.
I'm trying to get visibility for this but no dice, there's hardly any love for this game so the right people aren't even going to find out.

I PM'ed @XboxSupport on Twitter (with Sydle's list of issues, among other things) on 9/20 and they responded ("...We will sure to pass this along to the right team"). It looks like they did fix the bugs that were on that list (in the 10/04/16 patch) though not the suggested design changes (increasing Corebot limit, minimap, waypoints, and so on).

On 10/5/16 (post-patch) I PM'ed them with Caayn's description of the TAA flickering issue, and they responded pretty quickly: "Greetings! Thanks for that info, it sounds like the Recore team has passed your feedback along already appreciate that. Have a good night!". The @RecoreGame account seems pretty responsive as well, and then there's always this site. Probably worth a shot.


Yeah TAA is still broken but at least FXAA works now, which looks MUCH better and I would advice everyone to use it.

Thanks, I tweeted @RecoreGame
Ehh, I wouldn't say the game goes to shit a few hours in. [The story does] but the core (haha) gameplay stayed fun for me all the way through.

I would agree with this, now that I'm up to 39 cores (45 needed to finish the story). As far as I can tell, the lack of story content in the later game is the source of the idea that there is 'grinding' in this game, since the core gameplay itself seems to maintain a good level of variety throughout:
...The gating isn't too dissimilar from Mario 64 or Galaxy or any of these types of games. Seems weird to complain about that. It actually seems like the complaint people have if they are trying to rush through it for review. It's not like it's fetch quest or repetitive, the challenge dungeons are all pretty different.
That's the most difficult dungeon. I completed it recently. It does not unlock until the last part of the game. If you love platform games that require some good skill, Recore has a lot to offer.
If the gameplay isn't that engaging for you though (and especially if you find it frustrating), I could see that it might start to feel like 'grinding', especially when it's no longer supplemented (at regular intervals) with story elements:
I haven't had any trouble with the lack of signposting, but that's down to my habit of venturing off the critical path. It's clearly been an issue for some players, though. But I agree: the game is a bit rough around the edges, and I'm not just talking about bugs or load time. The story is probably where it shows most clearly; it's haphazardly and intermittently told. I'd rather make up my own story about Far Eden and Joule's role in its development (or lack thereof). In its early hours, for example, ReCore feels like nothing so much as Rey's life as a Tatooine scavenger. Barely glimpsed in The Force Awakens, this life on the margins hinted at powerful storytelling possibilities (mostly ignored in that film, alas). My favorite moments in ReCore are those that allow me to pick up this thread and run with it.
Phloxy also had a good summary/illustration of the combat, FYI, from 3:36-5:36: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIgtjXrh8kg&t=3m36s
I enjoyed what I played - once it hits $20 or so I'll be buying it. Has a lot of charm and there's not enough games from Japan on the Xbox One anyway.


I would agree with this, now that I'm up to 39 cores (45 needed to finish the story). As far as I can tell, the lack of story content in the later game is the source of the idea that there is 'grinding' in this game, since the core gameplay itself seems to maintain a good level of variety throughout.

The grinding thing was never an issue for me because I took my time with exploring and playing the dungeons. I literally never encountered a point in the game where I had to grind to be able to go somewhere or do something.

Except that one dungeon that demands like 75 cores. I don't see myself playing that any time soon.


Played the 30 minute trial and really enjoyed what I played, maneuvering around was really fun. Will probably wait to get it next year since so many other games to save up for or maybe if there's a sale next year. Seems pretty fun though at least from the first 30 minutes.
The grinding thing was never an issue for me because I took my time with exploring and playing the dungeons. I literally never encountered a point in the game where I had to grind to be able to go somewhere or do something.

Yup, I definitely agree with you and Phloxy (he had a longer write-up here), just trying to see where the reviewers were coming from (similar conclusion to the one you guys came to in the OT).


Gave the game a shot, and first impression is how blurry it looks. Weird.

I like dashing and I like guns. But there wasn't anything exciting about my playthrough. Just going through the motions of auto targeting enemies with my gun and jumping around to my objective marker. Oh yeah, and the odd tug o war thing.

Glad they offered a trial as Recore didn't do anything for me. I can now understand the so so reviews.

Drain You

Played the demo today, a tad jank, but I really liked it. Absolutely going to pick it up. Got 190 gamerscore from the 30 min demo. Loading was a tad long but whatever. Took me a bit to get used to pulling the cores from the enemies, but I got it figured out. Really enjoy the platforming segments.
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