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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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Can someone please explain to me what the term "make America great again" is referring to? I have my ideas but I'd like to hear what it means from actual Trump supporters.
Rebuild the factory jobs and blue collar middle class on the backs of minorities that we screw over. Essentially.


How many times has "Democracy has failed" been posted? That was my favourite from the Brexit thread.


This is the same country that elected a black man for 8 years lol. "Pendulum swing" is beyond an understatement.


I'm fucking terrified. I can't sleep. I'm scared I'm going to loose my insurance, I'm scared of ww3, Russia running shit, another Great Depression hell im even scared of nuclear warfare...fuck.. America are you this fucking dumb!!!??

lol jesus christ you cant be serious?
Appreciate it.

Amazing speech! I got all teary-eyed. I just feel this very patriotic presence with him yet a humbled heart and yet a strong willed person. This man ...guys, those of you against him, let it go, lets just let this all go and rally together for our country and for our new President Mr. Donald Trump.

I feel this guy will be one of the best Presidents of our country, ever! He just has this humbled down to earth attitude that ..well , at times makes mistakes with his mouth but he learns and that's all that matters ..you can see this, we gotta let go of this nasty division and just unite! This man is going to help make America great again!

God Bless America! He was elected President for a reason!
!RemindMe: 4 years
Finally we have a reason why there aren't any aliens, any "intelligent" species ends up destroying themselves.

got that paradox out of the way, at least there isn't some super predator out there.


Since the republican party now controls both Presidency, House and Senate they also have the legal power to overturn state laws and everything Obama accomplished. You will probably lose gay marriage and abortion rights. (Trump has said Planned Parenthood which has been there for women for exactly 100 years is gone) Climate change will go unchecked (because that doesn't exist in his head) Subsidies for renewables and electric cars will disappear. Lgbt rights as human beings, and voting rights for any non-white will be more constrained (because this time some republican states they tried to push through that you had to have a drivers liscense to vote - this was shut down by dems) NATO alliance might be gone, which leads to Russia and China expanding. Public employee unions will shrink, public schooling will be worse, oil drilling everywhere, employee discrimination on sex, race etc not enforced, police brutality and racial discrimination will increase. Many in the republican party says this is the best thing since Andrew Jackson, who Obama removed from the 20$ bill for being a racist peice of shit.

Have I missed anything? Your country fuckings sucks..

Some of you seriously overestimate / worst case scenario what's going to happen. It's the same thing as 8 years ago, when everyone said Obama would take our guns, or whatever. Obama couldn't even shut Guantanamo, and we're still bombing 8 (last I checked) countries. In 4 years, it'll still be the same broken America, and not much will be different. We have a [broken] two party system, and it's going to switch back and forth every 8 years or so. Sure, Trump is a fucking idiot, but it's not the first time we've had a fucking idiot in the Oval Office. We'll survive. Trump isn't going to outlaw abortion, or criminalize gay marriage any more than Obama was going to take our guns or convert us to some muslim/communist dystopia.

Until we start putting up candidates that both sides think are stand up individuals, we're going to continue to have race to the bottom politics where everyone is scared to death of the opposing candidate. This is a perfect example of where the road of voting for the lesser of two evils gets us... the bottom of the barrel.

This is how democracy works. Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you win. In a broken two party system thick with corruption, I'd argue we always lose. Democracy hasn't failed, it's succeeded. Unfortunately, democracy just isn't everything we were promised when we were kids. It's ugly, and it's broken, because majority rule is ugly and broken.
I'm fucking terrified. I can't sleep. I'm scared I'm going to loose my insurance, I'm scared of ww3, Russia running shit, another Great Depression hell im even scared of nuclear warfare...fuck.. America are you this fucking dumb!!!??

Jesus Christ dude. Breathe.

Trump will be a bad president for many reasons, most social. He won't end the world.

I swear, the fear-mongering is on about 10,000 right now.


Is this how the Anglo-Saxon world model dies? The way this vote went is pretty similar to Brexit, a silent majority is a thing.

And those countless celebrity endorsements only damaged the Clinton campaign.

In the end, only the amount of Google searches counts.


Wouldn't the scientist in you NOT want a poltical party that doesn't believe in science to have full control over US government

I am not really a scientist.

I am more of a person who pulls a lever that says "Do not Pull". This time it was not on me, if I was american I would have probably voted Hillary or a third party.


So, how long before the right/alt-right realise this is bad, hmmm?

How long before someone grabs a Trump supporter's girlfriend, wife, daughter or mother by the pussy, and says "Locker room talk! Trump did it, so it's okay!"

How long before a Trump supporter's daughter is bullied at school for being a fat pig, and it's dismissed because "Trump did it, so it's okay."

How long before a Trump supporter comes out the closet, and realises Pence would like to re-educate him about his sexuality?

Come on, this is a legit question. Hillary wasn't great, but she wasn't this bad.

I want to honestly know what the Trump supporters here would do in the above situations.

You voted for him. Now you have to own what he has allowed into public and private life.
I'm not particularly surprised that Trump won. What is surprising, however, is the way in which Trump won. Hillary got absolutely demolished today.
A lot of hard righters said the world was ending when Obama got elected. It didnt and here we are 8 years later.

This election is lightyears worse for America if he makes good on even half of his hate filled ideas, but this too shall pass.

Stock market is going to crash tomorrow and Obama will be blamed. The world could very well end with Obama as President.


Oh man... Just remembered racial profiling will be enforced across the country, right?

I'm wrong, right?

The President generally lacks the authority to direct state and local law enforcement to do anything, but it's possible to condition the grant of federal funds (i.e. from Homeland Security) on local police forces adopting some policy or another. What form the national "stop and frisk" program Trump intends to enact will take remains to be seen.

This, of course, glosses over the fact that any such program has a strong chance of being ruled unconstitutional.


As a soc major, looking at the election from a political-social framework, its actually pretty fascinating. As an individual however ... hope I can land a job abroad in the following years >_>
This, and the country is a lot dumber and more bigoted than anybody could have ever imagined.

That's the truth of it, and it's a trend that's started in Europe and is spreading incredibly effectively around the world. It's now pretty clear that Brexit and this election are just the first big upsets, and not fluke events. As depressing as 2016 has been, I'm incredibly curious to see future analysis that looks at how this undercurrent of racism, isolationism, and the abandonment of science and logic picked up so much steam without anyone noticing.

We all assumed this was a minority opinion. Clearly it's a majority opinion across the entire western world, and we should be concerned about which country is next.
A lot of hard righters said the world was ending when Obama got elected. It didnt and here we are 8 years later.

This election is lightyears worse for America if he makes good on even half of his hate filled ideas, but this too shall pass.

People really need to stop thinking of Trump as just another choice.

The motherfucker has no political experience, vacillates like a room fan, and is barely coherent. He has Russian fingers in his ass and Pence in his ear.

The time for flowers and rainbows is over. The majority of the voting public has shown they prefer Trump to a competent leader.

I agree that the rest of us are going to have to take more action.
Please stop laughing. This isn't funny. This isn't for the lols or what the fuck ever. This is serious.

Like fourteen thousand fucking people wrote in fucking harambe as fixing president.

This country is profoundly sick. Way sicker than I thought.

Don't fucking laugh.
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