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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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Congrats America in displaying the "worlds greatest democracy" in action by electing a clown to be president.

No more lectures from the US on democracy or progress to the rest of the world please, you dont have the right (never did).

Putin must be laughing his head off.
The liberals have to face reality now. They thought that facts, competency, truth and humanity are important to the people in politics. But at the end fear, populism and publicity won. We wish for a better world, but we sadly don't life in one.

This seriously has to be a joke post.
After everything he has said about and done to people. After what he's said he'll do to people. After all the nonsense he's spoken and non-plans he's given. After the threats he's made about the law's he'll change. After his performance in the debates. After all his bullshit, America gave into hate, anger, and fear and elected him anyway. I'm disappointed and devastated to the point where I just don't believe this has happened.

I really hope we don't have to learn our lesson too harshly.


Congratulations to President Trump and Vice-president Pence, their families and their supporters.
Congratulations for making the democracy work and showing that people's votes and decisions matter.
Congratulations for a beautiful victory speech and best of luck in the next 4 or 8 years in office.

In the end, the only person who cannot be congratulated is Hillary Clinton, who finished her candidacy with no class, no honor and as a huge sore loser.
4 years of this

A lot of hard righters said the world was ending when Obama got elected. It didnt and here we are 8 years later.

This election is lightyears worse for America if he makes good on even half of his hate filled ideas, but this too shall pass.

Please just love one another and do something more active than simply voting and expecting a bunch of DC political scum to do everything for you. DC isnt gonna fix America. We have to do it ourselves.

Maybe he'll mess up so bad that the country will swing hard next time around.

But Donald Fucking Trump was just elected President of The United States of America. So clearly we have no idea what the hell we're doing.


It's a n**** wake up call. Let it be known what the masses think of minorities. Let it be known that none of that "racism is dying with the older generations" shit is true (white millennials came out for Trump). Finally a politician that 'speaks his mind' and goes beyond the coded language to accomplish white supremacy. The reality of this country has been unearthed

Yup it's a confirmation that this Country is inherently racist as FUCK and you should never forget it.
Exactly. The United States never got better, it's racist, sexist, and is full of bigots. And people tell us, "minorities" that times have changed and to stop bring up the past. The past is present and it will neverchange.
Some of you seriously overestimate / worst case scenario what's going to happen. It's the same thing as 8 years ago, when everyone said Obama would take our guns, or whatever. Obama couldn't even shut Guantanamo, and we're still bombing 8 (last I checked) countries. In 4 years, it'll still be the same broken America, and not much will be different. We have a [broken] two party system, and it's going to switch back and forth every 8 years or so. Sure, Trump is a fucking idiot, but it's not the first time we've had a fucking idiot in the Oval Office. We'll survive. Trump isn't going to outlaw abortion, or criminalize gay marriage any more than Obama was going to take our guns or convert us to some muslim/communist dystopia.

Until we start putting up candidates that both sides think are stand up individuals, we're going to continue to have race to the bottom politics where everyone is scared to death of the opposing candidate. This is a perfect example of where the road of voting for the lesser of two evils gets us... the bottom of the barrel.
I think you missed the part about the Republican congress. Try reading again.


Jesus Christ dude. Breathe.

Trump will be a bad president for many reasons, most social. He won't end the world.

I swear, the fear-mongering is on about 10,000 right now.

exactly....Donald Trump is the President of the USA.... hes not fricking Emperor Palpatine.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Some of you seriously overestimate / worst case scenario what's going to happen. It's the same thing as 8 years ago, when everyone said Obama would take our guns, or whatever. Obama couldn't even shut Guantanamo, and we're still bombing 8 (last I checked) countries. In 4 years, it'll still be the same broken America, and not much will be different. We have a [broken] two party system, and it's going to switch back and forth every 8 years or so. Sure, Trump is a fucking idiot, but it's not the first time we've had a fucking idiot in the Oval Office. We'll survive. Trump isn't going to outlaw abortion, or criminalize gay marriage any more than Obama was going to take our guns or convert us to some muslim/communist dystopia.

Until we start putting up candidates that both sides think are stand up individuals, we're going to continue to have race to the bottom politics where everyone is scared to death of the opposing candidate. This is a perfect example of where the road of voting for the lesser of two evils gets us... the bottom of the barrel.
Literally the last time we had a presidency even remotely this conservative we had another recession and economic failure on a national level, Trump literally has no political experience and bankrupted multiple casinos over the course of two years. There's no hyperbole, he's absolutely unfit to run our country.


Amazing speech! I got all teary-eyed. I just feel this very patriotic presence with him yet a humbled heart and yet a strong willed person. This man ...guys, those of you against him, let it go, lets just let this all go and rally together for our country and for our new President Mr. Donald Drumpf.

I feel this guy will be one of the best Presidents of our country, ever! He just has this humbled down to earth attitude that ..well , at times makes mistakes with his mouth but he learns and that's all that matters ..you can see this, we gotta let go of this nasty division and just unite! This man is going to help make America great again!

God Bless America! He was elected President for a reason!

I have friends who are trying to go through the path of citizenship that will be deported to god knows where because of you. My own rights and the rights of all I hold dear are ruined for decades. Fuck you.
I feel like I'm in some weird fucked up alternate reality.

Good luck America, you're going to need it but fundamentally, this decision will affect the entire world too.

Brexit and this just proves democracy doesn't work.
Just don't come by boat, we will lock you up for life


I wonder what Obamas reaction was when he knew Trump was gonna win. I can only imagine he was thinking how did they go from me to him?


Seriously dumbfounded. The stupidity of the general populous just never ceases to amaze me.

Good luck America, you're going to need it. And please keep your shit contained.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
I was telling most people I knew for the last 12 months that I suspected Trump would win. I have no idea why so many thought it would be a Democrat landslide.

I just think too many underestimated the sheer combined number of:

- Anti-PC
- Racists
- Bigots
- Mysoginists
- Anti-Establishment
- Celeb groupies
- Gun nuts

Did people really think these were a vocal minority or something? They were always the silent majority.
Also this won't pass. The supreme Court is now going to be conservative, rabidly conservative. For the entire rest of all of our adult lives.

That's not going to "pass".


Nope, you're right. Trump and Guiliani have advocated for national stop and frisk. With a Republican congress, and a right wing supreme court.....well....

Sadly won't be setting foot in America for a while if that happens, how do I explain to my parents? Truly sad times we are living in.


You elected Fuckface Von Clownstick.

There is nothing else I can say about your decision making skills that won't get me banned.
Jesus Christ dude. Breathe.

Trump will be a bad president for many reasons, most social. He won't end the world.

I swear, the fear-mongering is on about 10,000 right now.

How can you expect people to stay optimistic if Trump got elected and the Brexit happened? It's all possible. And I can actually say this without sounding like a conspiracy nut, since the proof is there.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
People really need to stop thinking of Trump as just another choice.

The motherfucker has no political experience, vacillates like a room fan, and is barely coherent. He has Russian fingers in his ass and Pence in his ear.

The time for flowers and rainbows is over. The majority of the voting public has shown they prefer Trump to a competent leader.

I agree that the rest of us are going to have to take more action.


Please stop laughing. This isn't funny. This isn't for the lols or what the fuck ever. This is serious.

Like fourteen thousand fucking people wrote in fucking harambe as fixing president.

This country is profoundly sick. Way sicker than I thought.

Don't fucking laugh.
I already felt physically ill a couple of hours ago when it became evident Trump was gonna win. Literally physically ill. All I feel like doing is laughing at this point.

Fox Mulder

A lot of hard righters said the world was ending when Obama got elected. It didnt and here we are 8 years later.

This election is lightyears worse for America if he makes good on even half of his hate filled ideas, but this too shall pass.

Please just love one another and do something more active than simply voting and expecting a bunch of DC political scum to do everything for you. DC isnt gonna fix America. We have to do it ourselves.

Obama couldnt do half the stuff he wanted. The Republicans have all three branches of govt and many states. They'll set the supreme court for decades and be in power for the next census.

Meanwhile my gay brother with health issues will likely lose rights and medical insurance coverage gained under Obama. Fuck anyone that supported trump.
This may be about Clinton and the faults if the dems, but this feels so much like a referendum on Obama

This is a bleak commentary on his legacy.

The only good thing about this is that I literally feel like anything is possible now. I'm inspired to run for office, if only for a chance to stick my boot in this man's ass.


I said it in the other thread. Fuck it. Policies don't matter, experience doesn't fucking matter. The dems should just run kanye in 2020, apparently the US presidential election is just a giant gong show now.

You can always use one of your comedians like Jon Stewart, they can deliver burns and shit in debates because that's what people want apparently.
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