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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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Saint Titanfall
Vastly worse than Brexit.

Trump entire libraries worth of scandal the, fact he won by a landslide means the American people will elect anyone of morally reprehensible character. The guy could have had personal hand in mass murder and he probably still would have one. This means the flood gates are well and truly open any sorts of crazy candidates.
It's flat out dangerous to just assume racism and sexism taking over America is why he won.

People are upset and pissed now, but eventually it's going to be worth diving in and seeing exactly what drove turnout for Trump and what suppressed it for Clinton.

While I'm absolutely not saying these aren't real issues in America today, I think there's more to the picture than that and we need to learn what before we try again.

I think we legitimately underestimated how sick of the Clinton machine the country is, even people in our own party. These are issues we can fix, but it requires looking past the easy racism/sexism answer sooner rather than later.
The hilarious conclusion by many politigaffers has been summed up as if little kiddies in elementary school were doing it. It's either because she's a woman, or because only racists and pieces of shit have supported Trump, that's it. Not that sexism, racism and assholes didn't play some role but putting everyone into it is comical. A hilarious combination of condescending, dismissive people who sit on top of horses above the clouds as they look down on anyone that doesn't see Hilldawg as a great choice. It's why every political topic was pretty terrible on gaf (well gaf is the only place I creeped at, so who knows what shitshows reddit and other places were). Having these people people eat crow with a side dish of humble pie is pretty hilarious.. unfortunately it came with a horrific consequence of hiring such a piece of shit like Trump.

Brexit happened, Cleveland actually won something, and fucking Trump of all people is the President of the US. 2016 is certainly going to go down as one of the bizarro years in recent memory.

Neo C.

Brexit is child's play.

I can't believe that my last hope for fighting against climate change is China now. Of all countries, freaking China!
I'm so angry, seriously.

Funky Papa

You're correct that it's like Brexit in that sense, but not in a polling sense. Brexit was in a dead heat or ahead on the day of the vote and aside from that one Reuters exit poll, there is nothing indicating Trump was ahead.

His supporters are in for a rude awakening. The sort of policies, if you want to call them that, that he wants to enact will never get past congress, who has lobbyist and corporations to answer to.

Base populism has long lasting effects. See Venezuela, Turkey. Even people in the Philippines seem fairly content despite the current mess.

He'll keep significant support unless his administration is an absolute disaster for the American people from the fist day. I don't think people are going to reject him outright, but slowly and gradually. It will take time for reality to set and by that time the damage will be done.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I guess I should start going to church n shit and believing in Christian values if I want to fit in for these four years
That's old conservative logic. This is the "grabbed by the P" president. He doesn't care about Christian values. Who knows what the new rules are.
Trump entire libraries worth of scandal the, fact he won by a landslide means the American people will elect anyone of morally reprehensible character. The guy could have had personal hand in mass murder and he probably still would have one. This means the flood gates are well and truly open any sorts of crazy candidates.

He didn't win by a landslide - it's only a handful of electoral college votes, and it's looking like Hillary won the popular vote.


10% on average of votes went to Johnson... Imagine if their vote actually counted instead of wasting on someone who didn't have a chance

only if you assume that the majority would have voted for Hillary otherwise

but I always wondered why you would vote for a third party candidate in a "winner takes it all" system like in the US, anyway. It's pointless


Just a reminder for you Americans who say Trump is a racist piece of shit: Trump never came even close to saying what some extreme right wing politicians here in Europe have said about other ethnic groups.

That doesn't mean he isn't a racist though. This is not a competition of who is more racist.


Obamacare sucks. So does rewarding the party that caused it to fail and never improve.

Basically this. The spiteful partisanship of the republican party in the last 8 years was their ground work for this election, except a candidate that they did not expect won their primaries and they shrugged their shoulders and rolled with it.

The way the political culture is in the US and many other countries today, the same thing would be happening if the Democrats suffered a heavy presidential defeat but held Senate and House.

This game of veto ping pong partisanship and identity politics needs to end or at least become milder for anything to happen.


The lack of empathy here on both sides is abhorrent. Everyone is either a cartoon villain racist or some bleeding heart hippy. People are complex animals, with varying experiences, communities, and needs. This leads to differing worldviews and opinions. Believe it or not, it wasn't a choice between two clone candidates, only one was a racist, sexist shit bag and the other a saint. The vast majority of people on Trumps side weren't voting for "fuck yeah racism! Grab them minorities by the pussy!" the same way that Clinton voters weren't voting for "take all the money away from hard working Americans."
That so many people in these threads have so little empathy towards their fellow man to distill their unique personal interests into these crude mockeries of reasoning is disturbing.
Wise post.


Saint Titanfall
Base populism has long lasting effects. See Venezuela, Turkey. Even people in the Philippines seem fairly content despite the current mess.

He'll keep significant support unless his administration is an absolute disaster for the American people from the fist day. I don't think people are going to reject him outright, but slowly and gradually. It will take time for reality to set and by that time the damage will be done.

Like Bush it will probably take the end of a full 8 year term for his support to truly wane and reverse (even then the sub prime mortgage crisis played a huge part). The issue is what the hell is going to happen in those 8 years.


Yep. They just picked the wrong candidate for it. I'm thinking back to all the condescending responses I got I Primary threads while preaching Bernies realistic chances.

Lot of folks eating crow with salt this morning. And a lot of I-told-you-so's being passed around.
Aye. The shit a part of PoliGAF pulled to promote Hillary Clinton by belittling Bernie Sanders supporters, shutting down discussions and generally telling people to fall in line instead of working for the hearts and genuine support was a mistake that I've seen in some other places as well.

I mean look at this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=208215234&postcount=38


I honestly do not think for one second that Donald Trump will allow for the legalization of gay marriage to be overturned.


This is somebody who has lived in NYC his entire life, who's attended gay weddings (for instance Donald Trump described one gay wedding he attended as "beautiful"), who has many life long gay friends...etc.

I genuinely think Donald Trump actually is in favor of gay marriage (just like his wife, and just like his children - who have gone on record in favor of gay marriage).

I am comfortable in saying that he won't allow for something as deplorable as gay marriage being overturned to occur.

Yeh, but Boris Johnson was the Mayor of London - a diverse, multicultural and exciting place - and look what he is now, what he really was all a long.


That's old conservative logic. This is the "grabbed by the P" president. He doesn't care about Christian values. Who knows what the new rules are.
If our democratically elected President can grab random chicks by the snatch, then by God and country, so shall I!
So Trump can obtain the highest office in the US without any political experience then why the fuck do I need a degree and 2 yrs experience for a help desk job?
Look up the college educated white men compared to non college educated.

College degree: 72% Trump
No college degree: 54% Trump

This has little to do with education.

Yup, it's a lazy and borderline elitist argument to assume that "uneducated" people who don't have degrees are voting Trump. Get over yourselves. The problem runs much deeper than just who has or hasn't got a piece of paper framed on their walls. This ignorance is why people like Hilary Clinton can no longer win elections.


Aye. The shit a part of PoliGAF pulled to promote Hillary Clinton by belittling Bernie Sanders supporters, shutting down discussions and generally telling people to fall in line instead of working for the hearts and genuine support was a mistake that I've seen in some other places as well.

I mean look at this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=208215234&postcount=38

Lol oh dear.

Doesn't know how politics works, aye? I'm guessing nobody on earth does after today.


America Fuck Yeah!
Democracy ladies and gentlemen!
Everything is going to be all right.
Or maybe another fine american tradition will save us all...killing presidents.


I am legit worried about the future. I woke up with this feeling in my gut that kept telling me this is truly when democracy failed.


The lack of empathy here on both sides is abhorrent. Everyone is either a cartoon villain racist or some bleeding heart hippy. People are complex animals, with varying experiences, communities, and needs. This leads to differing worldviews and opinions. Believe it or not, it wasn't a choice between two clone candidates, only one was a racist, sexist shit bag and the other a saint. The vast majority of people on Trumps side weren't voting for "fuck yeah racism! Grab them minorities by the pussy!" the same way that Clinton voters weren't voting for "take all the money away from hard working Americans."
That so many people in these threads have so little empathy towards their fellow man to distill their unique personal interests into these crude mockeries of reasoning is disturbing.





America Fuck Yeah!
Democracy ladies and gentlemen!
Everything is going to be all right.
Or maybe another fine american tradition will save us all...killing presidents.

Well if there is any ripe target for assassination in recent memory, it would have to be Trump. His secret service detail is gonna be huge. Imagine having to take a bullet for that cunt.

I'm not advocating for that btw, but you have to admit, the amount of fear that his win has generated is a toxic mix.


I am legit worried about the future. I woke up with this feeling in my gut that kept telling me this is truly when democracy failed.

How did it fail? Because your candidate wasn't picked?

Either way, half of the country was going to feel scared and disappointed this morning.


Hillary didn't do a speech for all the fans who were at Hillary HQ? Damn, that's rough. I mean she was up against the most egotistical maniac ever and she still managed a campaign slogan of "I'm with her" and has acted very poorly in defeat.

Overall such a poor candidate. Okay GAF had a bit of a bullish attitude to anyone who had 1 thing negative to say about Hillary, but even in the shellshock we wake up in people are going to have to start being honest that she wasn't some magical candidate.

Heck for anyone wanting to prioritise firsts, such as first woman president, Michelle Obama should have ran over Hillary. Hopefully she considers for the next election.


Great post. Also I think that Liberalism has lost its way. Instead of arguing for, and persuading people to your side, it's all name calling and anger. Nobody is going to consider your position when you lead off with "listen dumbass..."

I think this is a huge part. I know more than a handful of conservatives who were going to no-vote or go third party but the hyperbolic rhetoric drove them back to Trump.

The constant belittling and demonizing of the right by the left undoubtedly played a part. Some people really don't like being called racist and sexist xenophobes because their primary concerns were the ACA and taxes.

I'm a former Republican who's now an independent. I voted Hillary. The constant rhetoric about how the other side is 100% racist, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, xenophobes was embarrasing to be allied with considering the veritable laundry list of substantial policy (or lack thereof) points that could have been discussed.


Saint Titanfall
He didn't win by a landslide - it's only a handful of electoral college votes, and it's looking like Hillary won the popular vote.

A landslide is a landslide you don't live in a representative democracy for all intents and purposes this is a landslide. The Republican party has unprecedented levels of power in the modern era.
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