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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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Fox Mulder

I honestly do not think for one second that Donald Trump will allow for the legalization of gay marriage to be overturned.


This is somebody who has lived in NYC his entire life, who's attended gay weddings (for instance Donald Trump described one gay wedding he attended as "beautiful"), who has many life long gay friends...etc.

I genuinely think Donald Trump actually is in favor of gay marriage (just like his wife, and just like his children - who have gone on record in favor of gay marriage).

I am comfortable in saying that he won't allow for something as deplorable as gay marriage being overturned to occur.

While his VP believes in conversion therapy.


My god, we brexited. We brexited so hard.

This is worse than Brexit.

I honestly do not think for one second that Donald Trump will allow for the legalization of gay marriage to be overturned.


This is somebody who has lived in NYC his entire life, who's attended gay weddings (for instance Donald Trump described one gay wedding he attended as "beautiful"), who has many life long gay friends...etc.

I genuinely think Donald Trump actually is in favor of gay marriage (just like his wife, and just like his children - who have gone on record in favor of gay marriage).

I am comfortable in saying that he won't allow for something as deplorable as gay marriage being overturned to occur.

Hahaha... Who do you think will propose supreme court justices for him?
Ginsburg and Breyer have to fucking not retire, but I think they will. Kennedy will be replaced by a hard right dude most likely, but he went right on most things outside of marriage equality.

its gonna be bad.

Ginsburg unfortunately is the most likely SC justice to retire first. Beyer may be able to hold on for the 4 years.

Why didn't people on the left vote more when the Supreme Court is at stake? The fools basically ruined the one chance to build a more progressive SC.


Junior Member
Just a reminder for you Americans who say Trump is a racist piece of shit: Trump never came even close to saying what some extreme right wing politicians here in Europe have said about other ethnic groups.


Brexit, cubs winning the World Series and now Trump is president. The wheel of fate is going to fall off its axel.


Trump in his victory speech complimented her and said "we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country" and he seemed legitimately sincere about it.
It was all just posturing.
How can anyone believe a word the man says when he has just successfully lied his way into office? He's claiming America now needs to unite - for vast numbers of the population, this is the equivalent to having spent months being growled at by a vicious dog that's eager to tear your throat open, and then being told now you have to join it in its kennel.


I am just glad it was not another corrupt heartless soulless politician...

Clinton can rot in hell.....

btw I am not an American citizen.


How can anyone believe a word the man says when he has just successfully lied his way into office? He's claiming America now needs to unite - for vast numbers of the population, this is the equivalent to having spent months being growled at by a vicious dog that's eager to tear your throat open, and then being told now you have to join it in its kennel.

As always, he just says whatever is convenient at the moment. We really have no idea what he's actually going to do... Unless he gives the charge to Pence, in which case you can make some accurate assessments


Greetings and congratulations to all of my American friends for this victory :)

I am just glad it was not another corrupt heartless soulless politician...

Clinton can rot in hell.....

btw I am not an American citizen.
Just a racist sexist bully who approves of sexual assault, war crimes, and torture. Hurray!

P.S. His cabinet will be packed to the brim with corrupt heartless soulless politicians, so chew on that once you've emptied your mouth of vacuous comments.

Fox Mulder

Is it so hard to believe that Obama's and the Democrats polices were NOT working for a LOT of families? Especially Obamacare and the healthcare sector in general?

It was a sick joke that Clinton thought Obamacare has been great and wants to expand it. Obamacare has been crushing millions of families, and people stood up and fought back.

The government massively intervened into healthcare and it got worse. How are you able to convince people that we need MORE government intervention and take over?

Obamacare sucks. So does rewarding the party that caused it to fail and never improve.


Plot twist: it was the Democrats who were in shambles. They have nothing and no one right now to pull them out of this mess.
Just a reminder for you Americans who say Trump is a racist piece of shit: Trump never came even close to saying what some extreme right wing politicians here in Europe have said about other ethnic groups.
Saying Mexicans are criminals and rapist is pretty much in line with it.


I've been telling as much here and I've been told time and time again that minorities would save the day, that America wasn't a craddle of pasty racists like the UK and YASS QUEEN.

This is the angry scream of a silent yet large number of people who feel left out by traditional politics and who voted to a candidate who promised actual change (no matter how vacuous those promises may be) over other promising mere improvements. Sending Hillary against Trump was the equivalent to sending a lumbering armoured division to combat a ferocious, mobile and highly motivated guerrilla movement.

The Democratic party needs to lock itself in a room, think about its many mistakes and then start acting like they want to win not just the elections but the country.

You're correct that it's like Brexit in that sense, but not in a polling sense. Brexit was in a dead heat or ahead on the day of the vote and aside from that one Reuters exit poll, there is nothing indicating Trump was ahead.

His supporters are in for a rude awakening. The sort of policies, if you want to call them that, that he wants to enact will never get past congress, who has lobbyist and corporations to answer to.

Funky Papa

Plot twist: it was the Democrats who were in shambles. They have nothing and no one right now to pull them out of this mess.

It wasn't so long ago that I read a fairly prescient article in the WaPo (I think it was the WaPo) where they pointed that this is the most radically united the GOP has ever been, even if their candidate was an outsider.

It doesn't matter if they like Trump or not. They saw the opportunity to finally go nuts and they seized it. And unlike previous Republicans, the current batch has no sense of office nor public service.
I am just glad it was not another corrupt heartless soulless politician...

Clinton can rot in hell.....

btw I am not an American citizen.

Maybe I'm not reading it right, but wait, so, Trump isn't a corrupt businessman?

Do you really think Trump could be a honest politician? This question boggles my mind, just because he isn't even a politician, he's been a bussinesman, but whatever.


I've been telling as much here and I've been told time and time again that minorities would save the day, that America wasn't a craddle of pasty racists like the UK and YASS QUEEN.

This is the angry scream of a silent yet large number of people who feel left out by traditional politics and who voted to a candidate who promised actual change (no matter how vacuous those promises may be) over other promising mere improvements. Sending Hillary against Trump was the equivalent to sending a lumbering armoured division to combat a ferocious, mobile and highly motivated guerrilla movement.

The Democratic party needs to lock itself in a room, think about its many mistakes and then start acting like they want to win not just the elections but the country.

Exactly this.

The parallels to Brexit in terms of voting methodology should give the whole of Europe pause, particularly France and Germany with their forthcoming dates in the diary. Focusing on attacking the personality of Donald in relation to his win is futile, yet to many it's the easiest way to currently vent.

We were told Brexit couldnt happen - it happened.

We were told Donald couldn't win - he won.

Globally we've got a big immediate ideological problem that transcends politics of the day.


Congratulations USA, you're now being led by a man who shares his name with a comedic bodily function but with a fraction of the appeal.


I've been telling as much here and I've been told time and time again that minorities would save the day, that America wasn't a craddle of pasty racists like the UK and YASS QUEEN.

This is the angry scream of a silent yet large number of people who feel left out by traditional politics and who voted to a candidate who promised actual change (no matter how vacuous those promises may be) over other promising mere improvements. Sending Hillary against Trump was the equivalent to sending a lumbering armoured division to combat a ferocious, mobile and highly motivated guerrilla movement.

The Democratic party needs to lock itself in a room, think about its many mistakes and then start acting like they want to win not just the elections but the country.
How do you sin against republicans though. They've sown time and time again they can do whatever the fuck they want, and they'll gain votes.

Block Obama on whatever he does? Gain votes.
Have a shitbag racist candidate? Gain votes.
Be super socially behind the times? Gain votes.

It doesn't make sense, and I don't know where to even start to deal with it. Sure if we had an Obama-like candidate it would work, but Obama was one in a million ad far as presidential candidates go. It didn't help the house two years later, either.

I just don't know where to even start, not less where to work towards.


lacks enthusiasm.
Just a reminder for you Americans who say Trump is a racist piece of shit: Trump never came even close to saying what some extreme right wing politicians here in Europe have said about other ethnic groups.
None of that has any bearing on Trump still being a racist piece of shit so what's your point.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I guess I should start going to church n shit and believing in Christian values if I want to fit in for these four years



I'll give him a chance, just like I've done for every president before him.

Hopefully he picks a good team from both sides of the aisle.


GOP controls everything now. Bet you if they fail in the next 4 years, they'll still blame Obama.
Just look at the DISASTER he dumped in their laps. It's no exaggeration to say that every single bad outcome that results from their decisions over the next four years will be totally his fault!

I'll give him a chance, just like I've done for every president before him.

Hopefully he picks a good team from both sides of the aisle.
Have you seen his campaign?

I'm sure he's scrambling to assemble the fairest most bipartisan cabinet possible, lol.


First-past-the-post is rubbish, especially when the results in many states were on a knife-edge, and that knife-edge now doesn't matter.

But at least now, the pent-up frustrations of half the electorate can now be relieved. If liberty is guillotined in the meanwhile, at least the left will have something to fight for next time rather than merely the refinement of good social systems and the maintenance of the status quo.

If Trump is everything that we fear, then he will do more to strengthen the left than anything the Democratic Party can do. Yet Trump's endemic inconsistency means we may not be as badly off as we can vent and shrilly declare we are. But it's a dear cost in the meantime, with four years and potentially three Supreme Court seats as tribute. This is an L if for nothing else but the Senate and the House, but with an enigma in the Oval Office, we can presume nothing of the future.

We can't take his words to mean anything. We can only wait and see what he'll do.
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