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Police expect Trump to lift limits on surplus military gear

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Why would a police need a 50.cal ? they intend to snipe people from 1.5 km away?

A police force that roll in on armoured truck is sending a message that "we are not one of you" distancing further from the communities


Trump wants to arm the police so they can better defend the wealthy if the poor masses ever decide to pull out the pitchforks in the USA after their way of life is destroyed in the next eight years.


How long until the police have access to Predator drones? This is so fucked.
Five years ago? http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec/10/nation/la-na-drone-arrest-20111211
Armed with a search warrant, Nelson County Sheriff Kelly Janke went looking for six missing cows on the Brossart family farm in the early evening of June 23. Three men brandishing rifles chased him off, he said.

Janke knew the gunmen could be anywhere on the 3,000-acre spread in eastern North Dakota. Fearful of an armed standoff, he called in reinforcements from the state Highway Patrol, a regional SWAT team, a bomb squad, ambulances and deputy sheriffs from three other counties.

He also called in a Predator B drone.

As the unmanned aircraft circled 2 miles overhead the next morning, sophisticated sensors under the nose helped pinpoint the three suspects and showed they were unarmed. Police rushed in and made the first known arrests of U.S. citizens with help from a Predator, the spy drone that has helped revolutionize modern warfare.

But that was just the start. Local police say they have used two unarmed Predators based at Grand Forks Air Force Base to fly at least two dozen surveillance flights since June. The FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration have used Predators for other domestic investigations, officials said.

"We don't use [drones] on every call out," said Bill Macki, head of the police SWAT team in Grand Forks. "If we have something in town like an apartment complex, we don't call them."
Why don't police carry cavalry sabres? You can own them, they're often used in historical reenactments and parades. and certainly have collector's value.

Maybe it's because the idea of a police officer hacking at people with a cavalry sabre is goddamn horrifying?

yeah so my post was made prior to reading and realizing that they are supplied with them which makes no sense. Why not supply them with a nice leatherman multitool.

Rebel Leader




I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Combine this with the way Trump has openly longed for the old days where protests were aggressively stamped out by government authority (Tiananmen Square and the way North Korea handles dissent are examples of strong leadership) and I think we've got a pretty good idea of what's to come. American citizens are going to be killed to protect a rich man's ego.


So it begins, the fascist nightmare where corporate gun sellers will lobby every reason under the sun for law enforcement to get better guns and for citizens to get even better guns which leads to law enforcement needing to get even better guns. I suppose all those foreign sales aren't happening fast enough and domestic demand may have slowed so we need every reason under the sun for more guns to be bought, until everyone and every urban rodent also have guns because protection. Let's just pray that serious civil war doesn't erupt because in a land where there's many bullets, eventually they will start flying
yeah so my post was made prior to reading and realizing that they are supplied with them which makes no sense. Why not supply them with a nice leatherman multitool.

Yeah, it's fucking bizarre. Don't a lot of departments make officers pay out-of-pocket if they want a bulletproof vest? But if you want a bayonet knife (and you probably don't), fuck it, let's do it on the taxpayer's dime.
Yeah, it's fucking bizarre. Don't a lot of departments make officers pay out-of-pocket if they want a bulletproof vest? But if you want a bayonet knife (and you probably don't), fuck it, let's do it on the taxpayer's dime.

My friend just graduates the academy in January and he has to foot the bill for quite a bit of his gear. So yeah bizarre government waste.


This is as dumb as the police departments in rural areas that want those giant SUVs that stew more like tanks to fight "terrorism".


I think Trump said what was needed to be President. He ran for office like he would do to close a business deal, say what people want to hear and close the deal.

Now I do not expect him to keep a fraction of his promises.


Getting ready for the race-war.

Really you think that is what is being planned? You know people have said the same thing about Obama, and Bush before that, etc. The one thing they have in common, is people get scared, and guns sales go up each new president. Either a race war, or a ban on guns is brought up and people go empty the stores of shells.

Maybe gun manufacturers are behind all of this. (Because every generation seems to not learn from the previous, and thinks things are worse with race relations that before but often they are better)
Really you think that is what is being planned? You know people have said the same thing about Obama, and Bush before that, etc. The one thing they have in common, is people get scared, and guns sales go up each new president. Either a race war, or a ban on guns is brought up and people go empty the stores of shells.

Maybe gun manufacturers are behind all of this. (Because every generation seems to not learn from the previous, and thinks things are worse with race relations that before but often they are better)

People said that about Obama because he's black. People are saying it about Trump because there is a factual rise in power/confidence for the Klan, Nazis, white supremacy, and we are seeing that as hate crimes against non-white people.

The notion that this is a matter of paranoia and a both-sides issue is absurd.


They have been used in the War on Terror, these are just the Google results I pulled from searching for ones I recalled so I don't vouch for everything in them or the sources:
Brian Wood was just a young lance corporal at the time when he dismounted his thin-skinned vehicle amid withering enemy fire, and followed his commander's order to fix bayonets.

The order came from from Sgt. Dave Falconer, reports The Sun and BBC, who later said he was proud of the actions from his men that day.

The date was May 14, 2004, and Falconer, along with Wood, Private Anthony Rushforth, Sgt Chris Broome, and privates John-Claude Fowler and Matthew Tatawaqa, were speeding down a roadway 150 miles south of Basra in Southern Iraq. They were on their way to relieve fellow comrades caught in an ambush when they were caught in one of their own.

The fire was so close and at such an angle (a close quartered, L-shaped ambush) that the only way to defeat it "was to put boots on the ground," said Falconer.

So he immediately ordered his men to dismount and fix bayonets.

Corporal Sean Jones, 25, of 1st Battalion The Princess of Wales's Regiment, "reversed a potentially dire situation" when his patrol came under attack in a carefully planned ambush in October last year.

The soldier, of Tern Hill near Market Drayton in Shropshire, was second-in-command of the patrol which was trying to draw out insurgents laying homemade bombs in Kakaran village, Helmand.
"We had to react quickly," said Cpl Jones.

"There was something different about this. It was obviously a well-planned ambush and they overwhelmed us with fire from three points initially."

Firing a rocket at one of the insurgent positions, Cpl Jones ordered three of his men to fix bayonets before breaking cover and leading them across 80 metres of open ground raked by enemy fire.

As the British mission in Iraq moves towards a close, one soldier recalls the day his unit was forced to fix bayonets and engage in close-quarter combat with insurgents.

"Basically, it was short, sharp and furious. Al Amara was the place to be if you were an infantry soldier."

So says Sgt Brian Wood, of A Company, 1st Battalion the Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment, remembering the battle that won him the Military Cross.

It was the first time since the Falklands War that British soldiers had fixed bayonets before going into combat, in what became known as the "Battle of Danny Boy," named after the vehicle checkpoint nearby, some 15 miles south of the city of Al Amara.


People said that about Obama because he's black. People are saying it about Trump because there is a factual rise in power/confidence for the Klan, Nazis, white supremacy, and we are seeing that as hate crimes against non-white people.

The notion that this is a matter of paranoia and a both-sides issue is absurd.

Just by your reply you then do not realize there is paranoia on ALL sides, and has been for a long time. There are people that are anti-govt, like the militias. There are people anti-police. There are people anti-police and militia.There are anti-race folks. You can find people of all races afraid of police and govt whether you think its valid or not.

People stating oh we preparing for a race war with Trump elected seem young in age, or not have much history knowledge.
Just by your reply you then do not realize there is paranoia on ALL sides, and has been for a long time. There are people that are anti-govt, like the militias. There are people anti-police. There are people anti-police and militia.There are anti-race folks. You can find people of all races afraid of police and govt whether you think its valid or not.

People stating oh we preparing for a race war with Trump elected seem young in age, or not have much history knowledge.

Our history is one of lynching and horrific, organized violence against people based on race lol
Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous. There are some units that conduct specialized missions that actually need this type of stuff (SRT, SWAT, HRT, SOG, and etc.) However, for the average joe sheriff or officer they don’t need this type of equipment or training.


Fascism much? This is gonna suck the next time the police decide they need to crack down on some protests. And Trump will support them all the way.
Cass County, North Dakota, Sheriff Paul Laney said the executive order is aimed at urban areas and ignores the usefulness of tracked vehicles in rugged terrain.

"They fail to realize the dilemma it puts sheriffs in who live in the rural areas
, the desert areas, the mountain areas," he said.

Oakland County, Michigan, Sheriff Michael Bouchard, whose tracked vehicle was recalled, said rescinding the order would restore police access to equipment they've been denied for what he called "purely optic" reasons.

There sure are a lot of trenches and machine-gun nests out in the burbs.


Nothing screams "community safety" like a bunch of assholes with less firearms training than a rifleman using that same weapon that rifleman does in combat in domestic situations.
That would be an error.

That's the part that jumped out at me. Believing Trump is a bad idea. He's already said he's not gonna put Clinton in jail, among other things he promised during the campaign.

Dude said whatever he thought people wanted to hear just to get their votes.
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