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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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What is the absolute minimum level for Life Siphon that is considered acceptable? I think I can get two to R2 but not more than that.

R3 is the minimum, R4 is preferred

R2 won't be enough for content like d200 apocalypse Gilgamesh at multiplayer

for solo stuff, R2 will be fine for d140-d160 content. d180 depends

Hope this helps


What is the absolute minimum level for Life Siphon that is considered acceptable? I think I can get two to R2 but not more than that.

General rule for most endgame content is 10-12 ability uses for DPS without a BSB/SB. Lifesiphon is special because it encourages SB spam, so you could probably get away with 2 R2 Lifesiphons on a DPS with a good offensive SB if you want to be cheap with hones.

The only things I've seen mentioned really worth crafting are Meltdown and Curada, is this accurate?

Thanks for the response!

-I got Quistis' BSB last month (?) and totally forgot it has en-Bio so I'll go ahead and hone Chain Bioga because why not. I'll probably hone Chain Stonega as well just because. I'm assuming your Chain spells are all at r3 right? r4 seems like it would be nice but way overkill.

-Hmm, I'll look into what Tiamat needs for hones. I also haven't crafted Leviathan, I'll get that done. Is Bahamut REALLY that good? I'm assuming any Summons ideally need to be r3 minimum, is he really that good to justify the resources for it?

-I'll probably keep Titan just to be on the safe side since it's a 5* Summon and you never know (I don't currently have any en-Earth stuff). I'll scrap Arise and Flare Strike, I'm still like 99% sure I crafted that completely by mistake to be honest. I'll sit on it for a bit but I'll probably scrap Tornado Blade as well, Doppleblade I miiiight hold onto for now, a 5* AoE Ninja skills seems useful but it's multiplier is low like you mentioned and the resources needed to hone it are probably not worthwhile.

-The physical Darkness stuff I'm only even considering because I've got Sephiroth's SSB so his base ATK is pretty high (probably about the highest of any of my non-level 99 folks) and that might be a good setup for CM purposes if I need to use him. Also I use Dark orbs approximately never, but I'll hold onto these for now just in case that need arises; was more wondering if I should just shatter them but I'll wait just in case.

-I agree with the Dragoon stuff, but outside of maybe CM purposes I just never bring a Dragoon since I don't have any notable Dragoon stuff. And if it's a CM I already had Blood/Sky Grinder/Dragoon Jump at r3. I honed all that stuff a while ago though before Lightning Dive came around, as long as the target doesn't absorb Lightning that does seem pretty solid so I'll keep it for sure, but will probably wait to hone it until I get a good Dragoon relic or I need it for a CM against a Lightning-weak boss or something.

-Same with the Monk stuff; I'll keep them obviously but it's hard to justify expensive hones when I don't have any A-Team monks or anything. Next time there's a CM and a monk is an option I'll do some honing maybe. I don't doubt they're good or anything, I've just reached a point where I don't really need them for clears or whatever. I'm planning on doing 2 pulls on the first Orbfest banner so maybe I'll get lucky and get Refia's BSB or something.

-I was probably going to hone Sapphire Shot anyway, but since there's no twin water spellblade on the way that definitely cements it. Have you bothered with Hydroburst at all? Seems potentially neat but needing to exploit an AoE water weakness seems incredibly niche/rare.

As others have said, Meltdown is top tier of the 6*,followed by Affliction Break, Mug Bloodlust and Curada. Affliction Break is a necessity for MP, rest is luxuries. The others are super high DPS, but DPS is found everywhere. Craft the others depending on your acquired SBs.

Yeah all my Chain Spells are at R3. R4 is complete overkill, I barely dip into my other ability before the boss keels over. My last U++ basically had everyone with 5*+ skills apart from my White Mage like so:


If you're going pure Summoner, yeah they need to both be at R3 and even then that probably won't be enough to last the fight without a SB. The great thing about Bahamut is that even with one MAG buff, you'll probably be close to maxing out the damage, so it's great for those annoying gauntlet fights. Most people will say to wait to see if one pulls Alphinauds BSB before crafting high end summons, but I will be personally taking both Bahamut and Tiamat to R4 come XIV.

As all the Dragoon/Monk/Shooter stuff, yeah if you don't use those characters, not much point in honing them. I really enjoy mixing my parties up, SBs take a seat compared to abilities when I decide what to use in most compositions. (exceptions are buff ones obviously)

Hydroburst I have at R3. It's served me well, most notably in that stupid VI gauntlet. Any extra AoE is worth it, especially with Torment dungeons coming very soon.


I was reading more into JP FFRK stuff and Curada is quickly replaced with Ultra Cure because of 2 reasons

1) many new SB's have stock cures
2) bosses are using status effects more frequently

Ultra Cure at R3/R4 is becoming a requirement for multiplayer battles, only because it can cure and esuna same time

That said, Meltdown isn't bad to create/hone and Affliction Break has an use also. These 2 abilities do not conflict each other in 6* crystal orbs, but Curada and Meltdown do with Earth orbs

Not to mention, Ultra Cure is a 5* ability and some event gives it away R1 for free If I remember right

Yeah looking into it a bit now it seems like most folks recommend crafting/honing Meltdown, Curada and then possibly Affliction Break. Meltdown seems pretty consistently good; Curada would be really nice to have but Ultra Cure being a 5* ability which is more reasonable to craft/hone will probably edge that out for me for practical purposes. I'd have just barely enough Earth Crystals to craft Meltdown and Curada but that's it so that seems not ideal. On the other hand even if I do just Meltdown I wouldn't have enough Crystals to get it to r2, so I'll probably just hold off completely right now on crafting any 6* stuff.
On the other hand even if I do just Meltdown I wouldn't have enough Crystals to get it to r2, so I'll probably just hold off completely right now on crafting any 6* stuff.

Nobody but people who spent tons of Mythrils farming Crystals have Meltdown R2. Normal players still won't have it for months. I got tons of use from my R1.


Okay, okay I'll craft it lol! I think I was probably underestimating the multiplier on it as compared to the Chain spells, plus it hitting Wind weakness is useful. Fuck, now I'm REALLY hoping to get Terra's (waifu) stuff from banner 1 along with Refia (so I have an excuse to craft some Monk stuff) as well as continuing to pray RNGesus blesses me for FF14. Without hardcore mathing it out I think I'll be good to do 2 pulls on the first orbfest banner, then 3 pulls on the first FF14 banner.

When do the orbfest/OSB banners start, is it tomorrow or Christmas or? Will be busy with birthday stuff tomorrow probably.
Okay, okay I'll craft it lol! I think I was probably underestimating the multiplier on it as compared to the Chain spells, plus it hitting Wind weakness is useful. Fuck, now I'm REALLY hoping to get Terra's (waifu) stuff from banner 1 along with Refia (so I have an excuse to craft some Monk stuff) as well as continuing to pray RNGesus blesses me for FF14. Without hardcore mathing it out I think I'll be good to do 2 pulls on the first orbfest banner, then 3 pulls on the first FF14 banner.

When do the orbfest/OSB banners start, is it tomorrow or Christmas or? Will be busy with birthday stuff tomorrow probably.

Monday for banner 1! We have the same plan for pulls, I hope to get lucky and have to do less on one of the two banners, if not both!


Is three characters with double exp. Record Material still the most efficient way to level or is it worth it to take four, since there are four double exp. Record Materias now?


Holding on to mythril makes me antsy. I'm at about 200 right now and don't particularly love any of the OSB banners but keep wanting to spend it all before XIV gets here :<


Is three characters with double exp. Record Material still the most efficient way to level or is it worth it to take four, since there are four double exp. Record Materias now?

Most efficient is solo with Luneths XP RM because it has a 40% chance of activating instead of the others 20% chance.


Most efficient is solo with Luneths XP RM because it has a 40% chance of activating instead of the others 20% chance.

I don't know. Just one character doesn't really seem efficient. I want to level as many as I can. One at a time sounds too long and too much stamina.


So what's your comments on this new banner? Seems to be the best possible banner for Gilgamesh and Exdeath. I was unlucky and only pulled one rainbow, which was ExDeath Cuirass.

I really wanted a rod and one of the swords for Gilgamesh. Should I refrain for pulling again? I know about the banner on Monday and I pretend to pull on it too.
So after another round of roulette spins I was left with 400 chips left, said fuck it and did a 3 and 1 spin

3 spin got me golden sword

1 spin got me lucky dice

Don't think I'm pulling on any banners for OSB fest that's my luck spent


that puzzling face
I don't know. Just one character doesn't really seem efficient. I want to level as many as I can. One at a time sounds too long and too much stamina.

Getting four characters to 99 takes a definite amount of XP. The total amount of XP you get per stamina is also fixed regardless of how many characters you bring (split equally) and only modified by the XP RMs proccing.

1 character with a 40% proc means 40% more XP per stamina on average. That means you'll hit your targets faster based on stamina usage.


I'm pulling on banner 1, and 3. Then rest of mythrils all in for XIV!

Bring it on!

Banner 1 for a shot at Terra's OSB to push more mage team dps, and I don't have any relics for Kain, Vanille, and Y'shtola so that appeals to me too.

Banner 3 for Maria's BSB which helps mage teams significantly and FFT relics for synergy in that realm.


I'm confused about something. I see Luneth's exp RM being mentioned, but when I look up the character, I see here that (1) His RM1 slightly increases wind damage, (2) His RM2 begins battle with haste, and (3) His RM3 deals significantly more damage when attacking with an enemy's elemental weakness.

Where is the exp RM?


Technically the most efficient way is to bring 5 people with exp RMs and petrify anyone whose RM doesn't proc.

Since that is far more effort than it's worth, I just bring as many guys as I care to level with exp RMs equipped.


I'm confused about something. I see Luneth's exp RM being mentioned, but when I look up the character, I see here that (1) His RM1 slightly increases wind damage, (2) His RM2 begins battle with haste, and (3) His RM3 deals significantly more damage when attacking with an enemy's elemental weakness.

Where is the exp RM?

It's his fourth, unlocked by getting the other 3 and leveling him to 99.

Not sure why it isn't on the page.


Did I just use up all of my orbfest/FF14 luck?


First WHM BSB! Also maaaaaybe the "worst" one lol. I'm currently using a 99 Rosa with her Magic Blink SSB heal so unless I want some more offense on my healer and/or boss is weak against Holy I don't know I'd bring Lenna over Rosa still >_>
grats cpp, welcome to the osb club!

might end up using his bsb more often than osb, but hey, nice to have both in your arsenal


What's the effective synergy level of a maxed 8* item? If I remember correctly, ++'ing a 5* to 7* and then maxing it at Level 30 gives you the equivalent of a Lv. 100 item when you have synergy. Would a maxed 8* be 115? 35 base levels + 80 bonus synergy levels?

Edit: Goddamit. Took Galuf from 65-75 in the Orbfest dungeon trying to get his RM2, never got it. Went to the equipment upgrade dungeon and got it on the first round.

Makes me wonder if there's some hidden trigger condition, like you'll only get it in a certain dungeon, but they don't tell you which one.


What's the effective synergy level of a maxed 8* item? If I remember correctly, ++'ing a 5* to 7* and then maxing it at Level 30 gives you the equivalent of a Lv. 100 item when you have synergy. Would a maxed 8* be 115? 35 base levels + 80 bonus synergy levels?

Edit: Goddamit. Took Galuf from 65-75 in the Orbfest dungeon trying to get his RM2, never got it. Went to the equipment upgrade dungeon and got it on the first round.

Makes me wonder if there's some hidden trigger condition, like you'll only get it in a certain dungeon, but they don't tell you which one.

RM drops from dungeons is random, it sucks sometimes

as for synergy question, I pulled this from some old reddit thread I saved a while ago

Realm synergy for characters
For characters, their effective level is simply raised by 10. A lv. 20 Cloud that is in your party when you enter the FFVII realm will have the stats of a Lv 30 Cloud. Yes this also applies when you have maxed out characters, Lv. 50 Cloud would have the stats of Lv. 60 Cloud. For physical brawler characters (like Cloud) this is how their stats would change roughly:

Attack & Defense +20 Magic & Mind & Resistance +10 Speed +5 HP +600-800

For casters and magic users, of course their magic ability would increase more than their attack.

Realm synergy for equipment
Just like characters, equipment gets an increased level, when used in the matching realm. The amount of levels they gain (modified level) depends on their original level.

Level 1-4 +15 Level 5-9 +20 Level 10-14 +30 Level 15-19 +40 Level 20-24 +50 Level 25-29 +60 Level 30 +70

Every 5 levels the effect of realm synergy rises. A higher level item of equipment gains more levels than a lower level one. Example: Take a Mythril Sword (IV)++ (2-star item, twice combined) with a level of 13. Use it in the FFIV realm and it will have stats as if it was a level 43 Mythril Sword (IV)++ (13+30=43). Just to re-emphasize: the synergy effect does not directly correlate with the equipments rarity (star rating). A level 1 Buster Sword (VII) (5 star rating) will have the effective level of 16 when used in the VII realm (1+15=16)

Also don't forget about Rosetta Stones, those can effectively raise your osb weapon from 160ish to 180+
RM drops from dungeons is random, it sucks sometimes

as for synergy question, I pulled this from some old reddit thread I saved a while ago

Also don't forget about Rosetta Stones, those can effectively raise your osb weapon from 160ish to 180+

The problem is, those old posts seem to come from before the time of OSBs, so they don't cover 8* items. It's in the PDF compilation too, and my old Equipment Analyzer spreadsheet used to use the same formula. It was basically:

Item Level   Synergy Bonus Levels   Effective Level
   1-4               +15                 16-19
   5-9               +20                 25-29
  10-14              +30                 40-44
  15-19              +40                 55-59
  20-24              +50                 70-74
  25-29              +60                 85-89
   30                +70                  100

But this was before the days of 8* items, so now I wonder if it's

Item Level   Synergy Bonus Levels   Effective Level
  30-34              +70                100-104
   35                +80                  115

Seems I can never escape the theorycrafting :(


115 makes sense if put it that way

There was a good discussion thread on reddit when reforge first came out but I can't find it.

I know there were posts talking about this exact same stuff


So far I've gotten about 10 characters from1 to 50 and got Krile from 50 to 99.

See anything disgusting and she's gonna kill it with fire, dressed as a sheep.

Now have 2 bursts for ffv. Greg and Krile.


All extra battles finished. Bartz is easier this time even with Cid Mission team and no bursts, medicas and only a couple of SSBs. Gilgsmesh SSB is still excellent.

U++ Exdeath is one of the easiest U++ if you go with a mage team. Probably the hardest if you go physical.
Is three characters with double exp. Record Material still the most efficient way to level or is it worth it to take four, since there are four double exp. Record Materias now?
Let's think about this. One luneth RM will be treated as x1.4 rest as x1.2 for this.

1 member: 1x1.4=1.4
2 member: (0.5x1.4)+(0.5x1.2)=1.3
3 member: (0.33x1.4)+2(0.33x1.2)=1.254
4 member: (0.25x1.4)+3(0.25x1.2)=1.25
5 member: (0.2x1.4)+4(0.2x1.2)=1.24

In terms of % "efficiency" you're looking at 100%, 92.9%, 89.6%, 89.3% and 88.6%.

If I didn't fungle those numbers in any shape there is very little difference between 3 and 5 party members provided you have EXP RM for them all.
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