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Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Thread: Joy-Conference

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"Online lobby and voice chat

Our new dedicated smart device app will connect to Nintendo Switch and let you invite friends to play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games─all from your smart device.

A free, limited version of this app will be available for download in summer 2017"

Thread worthy in my opinion. If its only from your pho e, I'll die laughing.

What the fuck am I reading? I don't need your paid app to talk to my friends on my phone Nintendo.


Storage capacity tho..? Anyone?

32GB expandable with micro SD cards.

You don't NEED a pro controller

People have been saying they're dead at $300 for so long that now people just assume that that's true. They're going to be fine. And if not they can always do a price cut and turn it around like the 3DS.

Nintendo is Doomed is so boring.

Have you seen how tiny those joy pads are? Besides if you need 2 people to play then the pro controller is required as well if they don't have micro hands.


So I was right on how the presentation was going to go? They didn't even talk about how you launch games how the UI works, how the store works or how you play online and use the app on YOUR FUCKING PHONE FOR VOICE CHAT?!!!

I don't know what has happened to Nintendo but the switch reveal totally went out the fucking window onto the sidewalk and into a dumpster that's on fire.


Graphics-wise, it is in a worse spot than the Wii U was. The Wii U at least looked good at the time with stuff like 60fps Mario Kart 8 comparing with late-gen PS3 games. The switch already looks like ass compared to what's coming on the PS4.
get ready for "Doomed since 1886" posts. The persecution complex will be running high after tonight.

Yeah forreal. I was hyped for the Switch but found very little reason to get one at all on launch, let alone the first ~2 years of its life. The only thing I got excited for was Zelda, which is readily available on the WiiU I already own.

But hey, apparently I was "gonna hate it no matter what", so my opinion is automatically invalidated because reasons!
My thoughts (that will subsequently be buried in the rush of posts about the reveal, but whatever):

- This system has price cuts written all over it, the $300 isn't too bad (but when compared to the PS4 and XB1 prices ouch) but the accessories are lol-tier. How the fuck is this system made for casuals when it costs $80 for a new set of joy-cons.
- Launch releases are garbage, there is literally no reason to buy this until at least the summer. Honestly, this thing should have released in the summer anyway. That said...
- I liked the games that were shown, Mario and SMT are enough to make me buy the system
- Paid online sucks ass and I'm never going to do it. Unfortunately Nintendo too recognizes the shitloads of money MS and Sony make off of XBL and PS+ so it was probabl inevitable.
- The presentation was severely lacking in some information, the fact that people have to scour the website for some basic facts is baffling
- They are clearly going all in with smart-devie/social media functionality, which is interesting. I'm not going to criticize it yet until I see more.

Overall I'm a bit mixed, the system has a ton of potential with casuals but the pricing factors are the worst. I've seen posters here compare it to the 3DS' first-year mess and I'm inclined to agree.


"Online lobby and voice chat

Our new dedicated smart device app will connect to Nintendo Switch and let you invite friends to play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games─all from your smart device.

A free, limited version of this app will be available for download in summer 2017"

Thread worthy in my opinion. If its only from your pho e, I'll die laughing.

That...doesnt say anywhere that it's ONLY on the app. That implies that it's also on the the app to me.

Well, they never left, but this already looks more like a successor to Wii, than the Wii U did.

Looking forward to Arms. Not sure about 1-2 Switch, yet.


Subscribers will get to download and play a Nintendo Entertainment System™ (NES) or Super Nintendo Entertainment System™ (Super NES) game (with newly-added online play) for free for a month.

New online SNES games? Well I like that a lot.

Also 1-2 Switch looks pretty cool tbh.

The Argus

I pre-ordered through Best Buy. A $315.89 transaction is pending on my credit card so it looks like you pay immediately.

I'm fine with this, but I've never had luck with Best Buy meeting launch day, as well as having issues with change of address. I'll be moving on February, Amazon has never let me wrong with change of address or new billing. Ugh, why are they so slow. Should I just bite the Best Buy bullet and hope for the best?
I'm all about this. I'll buy one when I can get one.

Looks awesome and will have years of great software support.

Getting the 3ds and wiiu style software libraries on one platform will be awesome.


In hindsight, it was probably foolish to expect Nintendo to get their shit together in terms of online/third parties... Nintendo is still Nintendo, I guess.
That...doesnt say anywhere that it's ONLY on the app. That implies that it's also on the the app to me.

It ONLY mentions the app. If the app were secondary, they would mention it as an alternative. Under Voice Chat the first and only thing they talk about is the App. Put 2 and 2 together.

Look at their own chart:

Online Lobby and Voice Chat App


Snagged a Best Buy preorder. Honestly the presentation left me a little let down, however I trust in Nintendo. The Wii-U was one of my favorite consoles of all time, great to play games with my kids on. Hope they continue the joy.
People were going to hate the Switch no matter what. Nothing new.

I was ready to preorder and optimistic - the last video made me feel that Nintendo were going in a right direction.

After this presentation I am far more hesitant, and feel that the system is expesive and underwhelming.

I was not always going to "hate the Switch", and I certainly didn't want to. Its just that Nintendo didn't impress me, and I'm sure others were similairly affected.
Still no Metroid. Sad!


Can I share talk about Metroid if you fuckers promise not to take it as gospel and merely a rumor

I feel like I should have gained at least some credibility here but if I say something and one of you tweets GAF INSIDER WHO KNOWS THINGS SAYS THIS ABOUT METROID when I am strictly talking totally unverified rumors from people low on totem poles, I am fucking out
The paid online announcement is really disappointing because their service likely won't be close to the quality and usability of PSN/Xbox Live and yet it will probably cost the same. I just do not think they are going to get online right and it won't be worth paying. I also think they do not have the volume of multiplayer games to justify it. It's one thing if I'm paying for PSN/XBL and then playing games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Destiny, The Division and so on and so forth, but I cannot see those games coming to the Switch and paying to play Mario Kart, Splatoon and Smash online just doesn't seem fun.
Look, I am preordering this thing and I'm hyped about it. But I will readily admit that that is because I am blinded by Zelda hype and generally love Nintendo software.

That conference was not good and, judging only by what we've seen, the prospects of Switch as compared to say a PS4 or XB1 is not great. Don't fool yourselves, guys.


But, do you only have access to the game for a month? That is the real question.

Good question but this is the first time Nintendo has added online to their classic catalogue right?

If there's a God they'll bring this to the N64 and Goldeneye (somehow).
... I thought it was pretty good.

I went in expecting Zelda and a few nice surprises and I got just that. Puyo Puyo Tetris with local and portable multiplayer will be really fun.

I'll probably pre-order but £279 is super steep. I'm not surprised though - essentially we're buying a tablet along with some super fancy controllers, plus Nintendo tax. I thought it'd be around £250 but hey, brexit.

I understand the disappointment but I'm quite happy especially considering we'll probably hear a lot of stuff at E3 that LKD etc. have talked about. NintendoGAF needs to stop setting themselves up.
Didn't think it was possible for Nintendo to convince me not to buy this thing at launch. I had my money ready to throw at them. But I think they succeeded at that with this conference.

Between the $300 the console costs, the $70 for the Pro Controller, and the $60 for Zelda, I would need to pay $430+ to do anything enjoyable with the system. I think Nintendo's in for a rude awakening if they expect everyone to buy into their price gouging, especially when their competitors are offering a much better value proposition for $300.

Then there's the sparse release calendar, which is not looking any better than the Wii U's. Odyssey is the only game that left me utterly amazed, but even that isn't coming out until the system has been around for nearly a year!

Damn... My hype levels are at an all time low for the NX/Switch. Hope it gets a quick price cut.
The Switch was releasing in March of this year no matter what because of three simple words: Fiscal Year ending

Yeah, and doing march release gives them time to crank up the marketing machine and do a real launch to the general market in holiday next year.

It's pretty obvious this thing isn't quite ready for March. March is for Nintendo fans that will buy the thing no matter what. Holiday 2017 is for everyone else with Mario and Splatoon out.


No word on backwards compatibility with the 3DS.

I highly doubt it nonetheless, but it would be very nice to be able to trade in my Wii U and 3DS for the Switch.


I wonder if Wii Numbchicks and Wii U pro controllers are also compatible?
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