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Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Thread: Joy-Conference

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The Birthday Skeleton
Spring 2017
Arms $59.99

How the hell can you have "SPRING 2017" as a release date when you launch your console in less than two month?

What is project management?

How can one be so unprepared for a launched they prepared for the past one and a half years?
That was underwhelming. I was on the fence before about picking one up this year, but I'm going to wait now.

-That $300 price point is going to hurt when they announce the Canadian price.
-Battery life is disappointing but not a deal-breaker as I'd rather play it at home 99% of the time anyways.
-Nintendo have historically been completely inept at anything related to the internet and I'm already not fond of the paid online services on console in general. Without online I don't see myself bothering with Splatoon.
-I like the concept of the Joycons but they look pretty uncomfortable to use. Hopefully that's not the case.
-Arms didn't do much for me. I also think I'd rather leave the motion control stuff in general to VR games since it's more integral to that experience.
-Xenoblade and SMT are nice additions. Own Xenoblade but haven't played it yet or the SMT series, but both are up my alley.
-Don't care about FE and I don't have a ton of faith in SquareEnix as a JRPG developer these days, but Project Octopath Traveler looked neat at least.
-The start of that Mario trailer scared me a little as that city environment looked ugly as fuck and the sort of open world look to it was unexpected, but it looked a lot better as they showed more of the game. They have a hell of a track record with 3D Mario games, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
-1,2 Switch ....... nah
-Zelda trailer looks phenomenal, but the game is coming out for the WiiU as well which I already own so that's not much of a selling point.


Nintendo still trying to recapture Wii's lightning-in-a-bottle with all 1-2-Switch and ARMS and all the JoyCon tech...

Can't fault them for trying, but then where was the motion controlled sports title? They showed a ping pong paddle during the joy con introduction. They gotta bank on 12 Switch impressions coming out great.
These details in particular:

1. $70 pro controller

2. Your monthly fee gets you ONE (1) NES or SNES game, which you don't even get to keep, you just rent it for a month, while competing services give you a whole slate of recent games on a permanent or quasi-permanent basis.

I mean, Nintendo, go fuck yourself. Most of their other missteps today just feel like typical Nintendo incompetence, but these feel like a deliberate, knowing "screw you; we'll charge you what we want and you'll like it."


Can anyone confirm if the pro controller has gyro controls in it? I want to be able to play Splatoon 2 with it at home.













I think I am less disappointed because I sort of new all this stuff going in. I had been saying Switch will be expensive for months and not to believe that "surprisingly cheap" rumor. Which meant the stuff that did catch me by surprise, like Xenoblade and what Mario actually was, I really dug.


Even if the thing only ever gets the games that were shown tonight, that's probably fine for me. It will collect dust and occasionally be cool.

A new nintendo portable system you can effortlessly play on your TV as well and it's more powerful than a ps3. $300 sounds good to me.


Man, can't wait to get my phone near me to use voice chat.

Like I said in the hype thread, decisions by Nintendo that are just horrific and ones only they could make.


wow...This was so disappointing...

I wish Zelda and Metroid could be released on another console...At least we could play them as they deserved
1) Kinda bummed about no major existing Nintendo series besides Zelda at launch. Would have been nice if ARMS would have made it.

2) Pro Controller and new Joycons are absurdly expensive.

3) Console is too expensive to not come bundled with either 1, 2, Switch or a Pro Controller. $300 is totally fine ultimately, but it really stings when you still have to buy a game and accessories (which are both expensive). Not a disaster bomba price though.

4) Zelda looks fucking amazing. I hope there are language options because I'd like to play in Japanese with subtitles.

5) ARMS looks amazing, but I hope there's a motionless option for punching for when I'm playing somewhere I can't punch the air. Also hope there's a meaty single player element.

6) Finally, and I know this is basically just a rant, but I think some third parties needed to "shit or get off the pot," as the saying goes where I live. Two suits allowed to come on stage and say "oh we're making games trust us" without showing footage. EA should have prepared a quick video showing people utilizing local multiplayer to help show the appeal, and Sega should have shown some goddamn Sonic. The "wait and see" thing is infuriating and really fucking stupid. I understand being hesitant to go all out on anything Nintendo as a third party publisher/dev, but at some point you have to put your money where your mouth is. I know lots of third parties are waiting this thing out until they see how launch goes, but that's really unfair considering their presence at launch or at least at events like this can generate interest. The cycle continues as people see tepid initial third party support, don't buy into the ecosystem, then those "wait and see-ers" use this as a reason to pull support. Nintendo can't force these people to do anything, but saying "we'll see after launch" then thumbing your nose at a poorly performing system looks incredibly bad. Anyway, I hope more third parties will step forward and aggressively make their Switch presence known, because that's how you sell games. Just announcements of what they're working on would be enough.


This is fucking hillarious. After the trailer last year I thought Nintendo had it, this launch lineup (outside of Zelda) is pathetic.

Same here man. I was in, and excited for a more mainline Nintendo system that had the ability to be portable.

Now It's a wait and see for me.


the section on voice chat specifically mentions "mobile devices" so unless they are terrible with wording and consider their own new console just another "mobile device" I don't see it. If the app were available on the Switch itself why would anyone need a phone? What purpose would it serve to offer voice chat over a phone when the system could do it itself? The writing is on the wall you are just seeing what you want to see.

No I'm just not jumping to a conclusion.

Why have the app at all, by your logic?? What purpose would it serve to offer any of the app features unless you assume Switch can perform none of them itself?
The Parental Controls are the best on any system and any device I have seen, not named Apple.

I have to give Nintendo props there and Zelda. Rest is garbage.


This is fucking hillarious. After the trailer last year I thought Nintendo had it, this launch lineup (outside of Zelda) is pathetic.

This mirrors exactly how I feel; not angry, just let down. I thought they had finally learned from their mistakes, but here we are now. Incredible.


Most people on Twitter are happy with what they saw, the only big negative comments I'm seeing are from here.

Tell that to Kinda funny games, and Giant Bomb who ripped that apart. Even Austim walker had some things to say about it. Everyone is in agreement Zelda looks fucking amazing. But that conference was a train wreck, and the failed to really nail showing off the system.


Launch looks dire but by Holiday 2017 there will be Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, and Mario Kart. Switch will be fine. But... why are they releasing this thing in March when there are almost no games ready?


Tell that to Kinda funny games, and Giant Bomb who ripped that apart. Even Austim walker had some things to say about it. Everyone is in agreement Zelda looks fucking amazing. But that conference was a train wreck, and the failed to really nail showing off the system.

Kinda Funny is the absolute last place I would go for measured, unbiased opinions on games.


These details in particular:

1. $70 pro controller

2. Your monthly fee gets you ONE (1) NES or SNES game, which you don't even get to keep, you just rent it for a month, while competing services give you a whole slate of recent games on a permanent or quasi-permanent basis.

I mean, Nintendo, go fuck yourself. Most of their other missteps today just feel like typical Nintendo incompetence, but these feel like a deliberate, knowing "screw you; we'll charge you what we want and you'll like it."

Holy shit, the pro controller is $70?? Missed that piece, what in the fuck. The pricing on everything is awful.

Regarding the conference itself, I actually thought it was well presented, but the problem being there wasn't much to present. The best looking stuff outside of Zelda is either extremely early, or for late this year. The lineup itself both at launch and beyond looks incredibly anemic. This was all stuff I had concerns about going in, but I think overall this whole thing is even worse than expected. The online stuff is paid and already seems like a disaster, bad announced linuep for this year, overpriced along with overpriced accessories...Nintendo does it again.


Launch looks dire but by Holiday 2017 there will be Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, and Mario Kart. Switch will be fine. But... why are they releasing this thing in March when there are almost no games ready?

Presumably it's the end of their financial year.


I'm honestly not shocked at GAF's reactions. I think for a portable device that has great graphics, its great, but obviously batter life is still questionable. I think Nintendo should've marketed it towards the portable crowd as the console crowd is more finnicky and more people comparing this to the PS4, etc. This machine should sell well, as I'm betting more portable crowds will buy it as this is the 3DS successor.
No I'm just not jumping to a conclusion.

Why have the app at all, by your logic?? What purpose would it serve to offer any of the app features unless you assume Switch can perform none of them itself?

Because they don't want to offer voice chat via the console, maybe for technical/OS reasons, or maybe for VERY Nintendo reasons, like them thinking that this will prevent kids from chatting with adults because kids don't use cell phones or something. Like, would you really put it past Nintendo to do something this backwards? Or is it somehow more likely that the system can do voice chat, but they are just not mentioning it and also offering this totally secondary (and worthless, because, you know, the system can already do it natively) smart device app, and on their own FAQs, ONLY mentioning the smart device app? At what point does the most likely answer become the right one?
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