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Trump claims 1000s from Mass voted in New Hampshire, brings up "Pocahontas" again

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This fucking guy


As soon as the door closed and the reporters allowed to observe for a few minutes had been ushered out, Trump began to talk about the election, participants said, triggered by the presence of former New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who lost her reelection bid in November and is now working for Trump as a Capitol Hill liaison, or “Sherpa,” on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch.

The president claimed that he and Ayotte both would have been victorious in the Granite State if not for the “thousands” people who were “brought in on buses” from neighboring Massachusetts to “illegally” vote in New Hampshire.

Trump also teased Ayotte, who distanced herself from him last summer after he attacked the parents of a Muslim Gold Star soldier for criticizing him during the Democratic Convention. “He told her, ‘You’d have won if you’d been on my train,’” one participant said.

During the meeting, Trump also reacted to Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren being silenced on the Senate floor while trying to object to the nomination of former Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general. According to participants in Thursday’s meeting, Trump referred to Warren several times as “Pocahontas,” the moniker he gave her during his campaign, and told the Democrats present he is glad Warren is becoming the face of “your party.”

also lol, I would've loved to have seen Tester and Heitkamps faces while he did all of this (both are personally close with Warren).

Thursday’s meeting was an attempt to foster bipartisan support for Gorsuch, whose confirmation requires 60 votes in the Senate, where Republicans hold 52 seats. Attending were: Sens. Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp, Jon Tester, Lamar Alexander, Chris Coons, Shelley Moore Capito, John Cornyn, Chuck Grassley, Joe Donnelly and Michael Bennet.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just mess with the voting equipment instead of bussing in thousands of illegal voters?

And you'd have thousands less accomplices?

Just an idea.


Does he actually believe, in his heart, that you can bus people from one state to another on election day and just have them vote???

Hes either dangerously deranged, or the biggest asshole in the world.

Or both.


People are saying it's rather common to bus volunteers for knocking on doors and such. Obviously not to vote though...
It's a pity that they didn't bus those voters into Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Pretty big oversight by the Democrats there.

Also, I didn't know it took 60 votes for supreme Court judge. Democrats should go scorched earth after the way republicans acted over the spot. Give him a hearing but just vote no until someone moderate is nominated, or Merrick Garland himself.
Does he actually believe, in his heart, that you can bus people from one state to another on election day and just have them vote???

Hes either dangerously deranged, or the biggest asshole in the world.

Or both.

He believed for years that Obama wasn't born in America. So.


Does he actually believe, in his heart, that you can bus people from one state to another on election day and just have them vote???

Hes either dangerously deranged, or the biggest asshole in the world.

Or both.

He can and does believe anything whatsoever as long as it makes him feel better about his failures, no matter how farfetched or easily disproven.


Warren is the last person he should be picking a fight with. Plenty of spineless democrats to beat up.

Not really. She is a frontrunner and voice of the democrats. Any attempts he can to smear, discredit or challenge her is better for him and the GOP especially at the start of his presidency while he is still popular with his voters. It is why they officially reprimanded her in the Senate hearing for Sessions. Calling her Pocahontas, these are the same things as low energy Jeb, Lyin' Ted, Little Marco etc.


Fuck Trump....whatever happened to "I will honor the results of this election....IF...I...WIN!!!"...That includes his failures in the Blue states
We are going to continue with the current strategy for dealing with Trump.

Absolutely nothing.

I don't really understand posts like this. Because of a unified control of government, there is literally nothing Democrats can do to investigate Trump with the power of congressional oversight until after the midterms.

We've spent the past 3 weeks turning a relative unknown Michigan millionaire named Betsy DeVos into a household name that caused a personal embarrassment by needing a VP to save a cabinet pick for the first time in history, got a TRO on his signature EO, have staged demonstrations across the world that far eclipsed Trump's inauguration, and have effectively taken over every single town hall of a Republican congressman demanding answers on the ACA repeal. And this is just week 3.

I guess nothing tho.


People are saying it's rather common to bus volunteers for knocking on doors and such. Obviously not to vote though...

It's quite common to bus people to vote.

Not to another state, but organizing transport for your supporters to get to the polls is part of the ground game. IIRC in predominantly-back churches it's common for them to have an after-services "go do early voting" field trip (this came up when Republican states decided to 'cut costs' by eliminating early voting on Sundays).



He literally is so thin skinned that he can't believe he lost anywhere. It's not some sort of nefarious plot. He saw Ayotte, remembered she and he lost New Hampshire, and then got back mad about it again.

Yep. In Trump's mind it's this.

In the minds of other Republicans, they'll allow it tacitly if not openly and use it to attempt to bring more voter ID laws. Er... voter suppression laws.


It's quite common to bus people to vote.

Not to another state, but organizing transport for your supporters to get to the polls is part of the ground game. IIRC in predominantly-back churches it's common for them to have an after-services "go do early voting" field trip (this came up when Republican states decided to 'cut costs' by eliminating early voting on Sundays).

Im talking volunteers across state lines. Happens here from Illinois to Wisconsin too.

Robot Pants

This guy has got to go.
He's so paranoid, and utterly consumed with being liked that he's gonna have a breakdown one day and then things are gonna get really bad.
It's quite common to bus people to vote.

Not to another state, but organizing transport for your supporters to get to the polls is part of the ground game. IIRC in predominantly-back churches it's common for them to have an after-services "go do early voting" field trip (this came up when Republican states decided to 'cut costs' by eliminating early voting on Sundays).

Im talking volunteers across state lines. Happens here from Illinois to Wisconsin too.

It's really common to bus volunteers to another state, too -- the HRC campaign did this, as did the Obama campaign (and the Romney campaign, I believe?). It's easier for Democrats because they can take a bus from an urban center like Los Angeles or Chicago to neighboring states, but anyway.

Those people don't, like, vote. They just knock on doors.
Conservatives have this peculiar worldview whereby, on one hand, they acknowledge that they are not the mainstream in terms of demographics. However, elections whereby they are the not the mainstream (or, the majority) are seen as unreliable (fraud).
Are they just mistaken here then?

You need 60 votes to stop a filibuster. Democrats could opt not to filibuster or the Republicans could change senate rules to shut down filibuster with only a simple majority.

In practice getting anything done in the senate requires "60 votes" and at least some bipartisan support, except not cabinet confirmations because Republicans obstructed Obama and Democrats changed the rules for confirmation hearings (see "nuclear option").
Lol, the election was over 4 months ago and won yet still can't handle the fact that he lost the popular vote. Dude is just like his hand size...baby.
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