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Phil Spencer thinks this is Xbox's best generation so far

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Truth? You can't handle the truth.

What do you expect him to say "Last gen was much better. In this generation we've dug ourselves a hole that we can't climb out of"?

Telling it like it is and he would be getting himself fired.

Persist with the reality distortion field and he can continue to keep cashing the cheques and living the executive life style.

Not really a difficult choice for Phil.


Also, i must just say the derisive nature of some posters basically acting like Japanese games are all one monolithic "thing" to dismiss them, "oh i'm not into that kind of game" is partly one of the reasons why a lot of people have turned off to Xbox. a decent segment of the base is essentially tone deaf to anything not on the platform, and that in large part has to do with how MS cultivates its priorities.

It would be as ridiculous as saying "oh i don't like western games" as if they were literally all the same thing over and over.

This is a great post and I agree. I don't personally play JRPGs anymore (or much), I have tuned myself to western games a lot more despite being quite an avid anime fan, but I totally agree. MS do need to foster better thinking for Japanese oriented audiences and I think there is definitely a happy medium to be found by creating Japanese games with western target audiences like Scalebound would have been, there needs to be more of this with RPG, action and adventure in mind.
I just realize J Allard is now in Portland. I can pass on any message u guys have for him. :p

Always liked the way he come across, I know Zune didn't go well but I think he did some good things with Xbox, Peter Moore too was solid along with him. I think they got or get "gaming" as it were.


You also don't have things like Oblivion, Bioshock, and the original Mass Effect as timed console exclusives for Xbox, coming off a generation when their predecessors were full-blown console exclusive.

You don't have Halo in its multiplayer prime, before the reign of CoD, at the beginning of the console. You don't have the beginning of GoW. You don't have Forza surging while GT stumbled. Etc.

You don't have Playstation coming in overpriced and experiencing the hemorrhaging HD development caused to the Japanese support it had enjoyed on PS2.

You don't have Xbox 360 basically inventing what a post-HD, western-oriented corebox looks like.

And then you have Playstation enjoying the continuation of its late generation bloom (Uncharted 4, Bloodbourne) coupled with the influx of formerly Xbox gamers at generation's start from the launch debacle and Sony's early marketing finesse. I mean, PS4 stole a lot of Xbox's thunder becoming the main place for, say, CoD.

Sony has had a lot of lackluster exclusives/console exclusives/first-party games this generation (NMS, TO, Knack, etc.), but they've also had some widely acclaimed titles (Bloodborne, UC4, and now Horizon) and some dreams-come-true (TLG). Moreover, we are currently in a spate of GAF Japanese darlings releasing on PS4 but not XBOne. So while a lot of PS4's success is as a replacement for 360 in order to play western AAA games GAF has a mixed relationship with, it still has enough going on to appeal to this forum as well.

So XBOne has had a limited life as far as I can see, it is also cast against a PS4 that is having a better life than PS3 and has basically come to own the flavor of console 360 created.

I'm not really in step with the whole post-HD corebox thing,* but I think it is pretty damn clear that Xbox has had a bad generation compared to the 360 generation and compared to the PS4.

*At all :p Wii U/3DS were my only consoles this generation, up until this holiday and I don't think I bought the PS4 any later than I should have, for my taste :p.

Edit: But as such an outside observer, I do hope MS is hungry and not retreating to PC. They have been a much more creative force, with regards to hardware, than Sony. I was kind of bummed they fumbled XBOne so poorly.


It's his job to put a positive spin on things, and technically it's their best generation in terms of sales so I can see why he'd want to use that data point, but he wasn't even being directly addressed, so I think in his shoes I would have ignored the comments.

The 360 will obliterate the one in overall sales, both hardware and software. The 360 started weaker but the trend is not in MS favor right now. In the end the only reason Xbox one sold at all was the good will left from the beast that was the 360, but that's gone now.


All these sales and profit figures flying around don't show the whole picture. We sold xxx amount is very different to we sold xxx amount to happy customers, from a sales point of view yeah it's good but that doesn't necessarily equal the customers satisfaction.

Microsoft got my money when the console launched but I haven't played on the console in almost a year and it's still sat under my TV.


After the shut down of lionhead and burying Fable (which still boggles my bloody mind since it was like their third top selling IP and one of their flagship exclusives), on top of cancelling their most interesting exclusive to come out, Scalebound, I don't see how they can think that.

I mean unless you're a giant fan of Halo or Gears of War there really hasn't been many great exclusive games.

No where near the scale of Playstation with Uncharted/Bloodborne/Horizon/Detroit/TLOU2, etc.


I bought an Xbox One S because I wanted a cheap 4K player and figured I could at least play the small handful of exclusives on the system.

I don't hate the XBox platform but I am legitimately surprised by how few exclusives that there are. Not only are there so few exclusives but I feel like Halo 5 and Gears of War 4 were only "ok".

I feel like the PS4 is just a LOT better gaming offer to people who only want to own one console. Way more exclusives, better look games (Scorpio on the way could potentially change this or even the playing field), overall polished user interface.

Of course this is all my opinion. I do actually love the design of the Xbox One S. It's a great look console. One of my favorite console designs of all time even. Microsoft has a lot of decent first party companies and yet I keep wondering where the games are? Why not overhaul Rare and give us Banjo-Threeie or open some new studios and give us some new IP? Is it risky? Sure but Sony seems to be pulling it off well like around 9/10 times.


Yeah Phil is way wrong on this,they hung on by strings since 2013 but 2017 has made Xbox One irrelevant. I have a XBI/PS4/PC combo but lately its been only PS4/PC for me.

Only time I played my Xbox One was for Dead Rising 4,before that I cant even remember the last time used it for games instead of TV/Blu-ray.


Good point. I'd be interested to see what he has approved of.

Do you think behind the scenes, there is internal differences with this brand? I find it all bizarre and in someways a little frustrating, first they are a gaming box, then for the living room with 360 Kinect, then for the living room again with the intitial Xbox One, then they declare they are for gamers again. It's like they don't know what Xbox actually is and who for, they don't seem to hit the right balance in their messaging.
Afaik everything about owning the living room was all Mattrick and Ballmer.

Spencer is more about gaming. It's why the Kinect is all but disappeared. He's more focused on giving people more ways to play Xbox games either through consoles or Windows.

I'm looking forward to E3 this year and next to see where Spencer is taking Xbox.


Truth? You can't handle the truth.

What do you expect him to say "Last gen was much better. In this generation we've dug ourselves a hole that we can't climb out of"?

Telling it like it is and he would be getting himself fired.

Persist with the reality distortion field and he can continue to keep cashing the cheques and living the executive life style.

Not really a difficult choice for Phil.

He can turn around the question, that's how PR works. For example he could say: " 360 was really a great generation for us but we will do the best to make happy the fans of this generation. Scorpio it's another step in this direction." And so on. It's not that difficult.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Well, let's look at what they have had.

- Forza Horizon 3 or 4. By the numbers sequel.
- Ryse - Gorgeous looking QTE trash
- Dead Rising - By The numbers sequel

TitanFall - Great third party exclusive
Sunset Overdrive - Great second party exclusive

Halo 5 - By the numbers campaign. Decent multiplayer for fans of the series. Nothing groundbreaking even though it's the 6th entry in the franchise.
Tomb Raider - Great game but not sure if it should count since they basically bought it to keep it from appearing on PS4

Quantum Break - Decent game. Nothing special.
Gears of War 4 - By the numbers sequel
Forza Horizon - Decent game.

I am sure i missed a few, but it's just not enough. Sony's lineup has been pretty barebones as well but they had their first great year last year and have a pretty crazy lineup set for the next few years. MS has pretty much nothing on the horizon. And here is the kicker, it wont improve unless they really spend some money acquiring studios instead of shutting them down or cancelling games left and right.

The whole way of thinking needs to change. But seeing as Phill is in denial, it doesnt look likely.


The man has a product to sell to the public. He's not going to engage in an honest and open conversation around the obvious decline they've experienced this gen.


Yeah. All these fucking Sony fanboys all talking about how they loved the 360 generation. Must be getting that Sony cash! Makes sense.
I mean with hyperbole like 'Phil reminds me of Trump' yeah this thread has mostly gone left.

Though I do agree with the rhetoric that it is not the best generation and I think most people do, I don't think a lot of people disagree with that. It has made me personally less ethustic about the brand, with a lot of issues I have with the direction the brand is headed in. The conversation has become way more serious than it needed to be, with a little bit of discussion on Phil's character which these threads tend to veer to and little else discussion happening as most people do not disagree on anything.

Though I do tend to enjoy these threads, as I myself (even with all my love for games) could not take gaming so seriously to the point of Trump comparisons.
I love Phil but this is wrong.

They really need to invest in 90 tier scoring exclusives or they will never reach their greatest. Cancelling Scalebound was a mistake and a PR nightmare.


In terms of the overall lineup of games, I definitely can't say that's the case, but as far as the way I see xbox strategically converging with Microsoft's overall goals as a company, I would say it's certainly the best in that sense.

Xbox Play Anywhere, Universal Windows Apps, the Xbox App for mobile and on Windows 10 PCs, Game Mode on Windows, it's all coming together in a more complete way that has never really been the case for prior xbox ventures by Microsoft. So it's definitely superior in that sense. Hell, you can even toss DX12 in there.

Time will tell if it pays off in the long run and we get more games.

So far the closer Xbox gets to Windows/Microsoft collective the worse it gets. Coincidence, I don't think so.


Same here what do you expect..it's an xbox thread. PS4 warriors in full shitposting force.

A defense force dude, talking about defense force.



Erm Xbox fans would more then likely say it's extremely strong, but it hasn't surpassed X360 yet. Still, with Scorpio, they have a great chance of doing so. Hardware and service is superior to the other 2 during the same period. I play X1 more than my PS4, for me, the games Sony fans go nuts for aren't for me.

Salty Hippo

Spencer is more about gaming. It's why the Kinect is all but disappeared.

My fucking god. NO, IT ISN'T. It disappeared because it was a gargantuan failure, that's it.

I swear some of you love to be deceived. "I love Phil but he's wrong here". Why do you love him exactly? He's often "wrong". And by "wrong" I mean shameless lying to people.


Again, that's you. I use mine almost exclusively. I own both X1 and PS4. Matter of preference in games, ecosystem, and OS.
Well, that's you too.
360 was the best xbox generation without any kind of doubt. It offered a lot of thing where the counterpart struggled to keep the same pace. Well, of course, probably the hardware reliability wasn't a tiny problem, but aside that, 360 lead the industry.
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