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GWENT closed beta now underway


I know Lyrical was watching one of the streamers but anyone else following the gentlemen's open monthly tournament may be proud to know that I barely eeked into the finals. Top 16 move ahead and I clocked in at position 16 -_-;


Yesterday, I got fed up with running half-finished decks and jumped to the evil side with Weather Monster. It almost feels like cheating and I have yet to lose with this deck! I'm mostly facing beginners right now, but the deck is just dominating at this level.

The stars of this deck have been Ciri generating card advantage and Woodland Spirit putting 16 power on the board, screwing over the opponent's Ranged row, and thinning the deck! I'm not sure why such a powerful card exists really.


Heard something about a special reward for top 1000 players. I was around 940 before I started my dailies today. I went 0-7-1 in my first 8 games, and I lost 19 mmr for the draw. Jesus.

But as usual I don't know when to stop and pulled it back to 6-9-1. And I'm just outside top 1000 now. Still feel the loss of mmr at a draw is bullshit. It should be no change for either player. They don't happen that often, but I've had 11 draws, and every time it happens I lose way too many points.

Oh well, hopefully some concrete info on those kind of rewards soon, I'd love to get to rank 15, but rank 14 and top 1000 would be ok too.


May have been answered before, but do we lose everything at the end of beta? And if so, what's do beta testers get anything out of this testing?


May have been answered before, but do we lose everything at the end of beta? And if so, what's do beta testers get anything out of this testing?
Yes. Total wipe except for:
  • Get a keg for all keg purchases with you made with real money during the closed beta
  • Starting from level 5, you get two kegs for every 5 levels you gained before the wipe
  • Two kegs for every rank in the ladder
  • End of ranked season rewards
  • Some closed beta special gifts (like the premium geralt/whatever else they give us)


Just keep losing to ST melee row spam. Since my deck just has no answers to it. I can't add weather because of my melee row. Losing so much.

Guess I'll just play monster weather again, keep facing ST melee row spam and Nilfgaard who steal from my graveyard anyway. And weather counters both of them.

Lol, I switch to weather monster, beat 1 ST deck, then suddenly face 2 monster decks in a row. What the actual fuck. Haven't seen monster decks since the patch hit.

Welp, I stopped counting my losses. It must be over 8 losses in a row now. No matter what deck I play I always face the counter to it. And just can't win. HOLY FUCKING SHIT I JUST SWITCHED BACK TO QUEENSGUARD AND INSTANTLY FACE ST SPAM AGAIN


Actually I've been facing weather-monster decks pretty much 9/10 games. This is low levels though, just started playing a few days ago.

I also keep getting owned by those decks, literally every one of them has goldens that give weathers + carry multiple weathers that fuck me over since I'm playing Skellige and tend to go melee/range heavy.


Welp, can't beat them, time to join them I suppose. I dropped to fucking 2000 position on ladder now. All I wanted was top 1000 again. Time to buy some kegs and craft that fucking dwarf deck.

Lmao and I get 0 legendaries in 15 kegs, so can't even craft it. What a shit day.
Welp, can't beat them, time to join them I suppose. I dropped to fucking 2000 position on ladder now. All I wanted was top 1000 again. Time to buy some kegs and craft that fucking dwarf deck.

Lmao and I get 0 legendaries in 15 kegs, so can't even craft it. What a shit day.

So much salt :)

I think so far my most consistent formula for success on climbing the ranked ladder is : watch high level streamers, if they play a deck that seems super OP, take it out for a spin in casual. If it goes well, abuse on ranked until counters start showing up. Then stop playing ranked until the next busted deck shows up. :p Now that I've got a decent collection and a stockpile of scrap the delay between when I see a new deck and can actually try it is non-existent too.

Basically I guess I'm suggesting to not play Ranked until you have a deck that's great at crushing the existing metagame.

Edit: of course, this advice is only good if all you care about is MMR like me. :p If you actually care about getting better playing Ranked all the time, even when testing brand new decks.
Played KingBlackTooth on Gwent the other night. Was the real one as I went and checked the log if he was streaming. Pulled a nasty Pavetta combo to win turn 1 and went Hanselt gold mode to win on turn 2.
Led_Zeppelin, you around? I tried adding you on GoG a while ago, still no response. Let me know when you're free to play our matches!

I hope Gwent takes off. Obviously it'd be foolish to expect Hearthstone levels of success, but I hope it at least becomes something similar to Shadowverse.


Nvm just more saltness rambling.

Dropped to under 3k mmr now. From once 575 on the leaderboard to 3670. I'm actually under rank 12 now. Don't even know what to say anymore.


The new hotness seems to be that Queensguard with King Bran and Morkvarg and no Cerys. It only runs 3 Legendaries (Geralt: Igni, Morkvarg, Coral) so it probably wouldn't be too hard to craft. The problem is that it's probably going to be the next deck to get the nerfed because it's too efficient.


The new hotness seems to be that Queensguard with King Bran and Morkvarg and no Cerys. It only runs 3 Legendaries (Geralt: Igni, Morkvarg, Coral) so it probably wouldn't be too hard to craft. The problem is that it's probably going to be the next deck to get the nerfed because it's too efficient.

It is the new hotness which is why I started playing nilfgaard and I just laugh at them.


All you guys running your goldens and legendaries and what not.

And here I am running the budget Dwarf deck just trying to scratch out my daily wins for rewards xD
Can't really comment without actually trying it, but in my head this feels like a bad change. I worry it'll add too much complexity to the game, without adding sufficient depth to make up for it.

I think it will be okay because it will be an 'intuitive' change. You just will have both friendly buff and enemy debuffs that instead of being 'affects entire row' or '3 targets', it will be 'in this area of the battlefield'.


Playing new deck and going about 50/50. So not great but it's the best I've done in a week it feels like. Was about to win a game but Ermion didn't draw cards so I lost. How is that still not fixed.
Playing new deck and going about 50/50. So not great but it's the best I've done in a week it feels like. Was about to win a game but Ermion didn't draw cards so I lost. How is that still not fixed.

I feel you. At 3k MMR I run into the same 2 decks over and over again. I'm going about 50/50 to and I don't mind it. Just getting tired of facing the same 2 decks (dwarf and discard skellige)


I feel you. At 3k MMR I run into the same 2 decks over and over again. I'm going about 50/50 to and I don't mind it. Just getting tired of facing the same 2 decks (dwarf and discard skellige)

I'm playing discard skellige, it's the only way I can at least get SOME wins. But I'm down 6 losses again so I guess that's not it either for me. Dropping to 2700mmr now, while I was almost rank 15. Fuck this game so much.


Just started playing this a couple of weeks ago, and I'm having a lot of fun. I got addicted to Gwent in Witcher 3 after stupidly neglecting it in my first playtrough and I'm really impressed with how deep and diverse the game has become now (especially considering how little cards the game currently has). I'm not really a card game pro so I doubt I'll get into the meta of whatever but I can see this becoming a nice game I play every once in a while.

Started with a Scoia'Tael deck (dat Mahakam Defender resilience) but got bored with it and switched to a Skellige deck which I main now, I like reviving everything lol and Morkvarg's a beast (literally). I got to level 9 for now.

One thing though. Goddamn Monster decks. They're EVERYWHERE in the lower levels, getting real tired of encountering them 70% of the time. They're not even that strong, I usually defeat them, it's just become tiring.


I find Skellige decks almost as annoying as Monster decks. I barely lost to a Skellige deck that placed an emphasis on constant draws and discards.


KingBlackToof dropped as low as 2670 or something. His stream title is lets get to rank 15 haha. Almost makes me feel better about my giant drop. But I feel his pain.
Game can be frustrating like any card game if you aren't getting draws and going against good decks that always seem to have the cards they need you feel useless.

I reached rank 13 with my homebrew deck which was my goal. Ever since hitting 13 I can't make any progress.


I faced Rethas today, was pretty fun. I was watching KingBlackToof, and I asked because on reddit it's spelled with a z I believe. But then he confirmed it himself since he was also watching. I lost but that was my only loss today so far so that's fine.


I faced Rethas today, was pretty fun. I was watching KingBlackToof, and I asked because on reddit it's spelled with a z I believe. But then he confirmed it himself since he was also watching. I lost but that was my only loss today so far so that's fine.

I didn't even recognize the name, he spells it Rethaz in discord too, weird lol.


I hope I can still get in the beta. I received the email back in 12/21 and didn't notice it. I searched my inbox today and saw it. I'll give it a spin tonight.

Is it different from the Witcher 3 Gwent? And can I invite a friend into the beta?


Climbed back to 3500mmr with a deck idea from Lifecoach, though I changed it a little bit, not getting my hopes up, but winning a lot with it. If I get lucky top 1000/Rank 15 hoooppeefulllyy.

I hope I can still get in the beta. I received the email back in 12/21 and didn't notice it. I searched my inbox today and saw it. I'll give it a spin tonight.

Is it different from the Witcher 3 Gwent? And can I invite a friend into the beta?

Very different, just finish all the tutorials for free kegs and updated rules. (though a few cards in the tutorial might be a bit outdated).

Can't directly invite friends but they are giving out keys like candy everywhere. Try reddit/twitch streams/gwentdb.com for keys.


Doubleposting but wanted this post separately.

Our little GAF Gwent tourny, is officially over but we're missing 4 matches looks like. Unless they were not entered.

City 17 vs yo_soy_el_topo
Led vs yo_soy_el_topo
Led vs Wax
Sorian vs City 17

Any of these been played but not entered? There's no rush but would be nice to have a winner out of this. Right now City 17 is first.
Doubleposting but wanted this post separately.

Our little GAF Gwent tourny, is officially over but we're missing 4 matches looks like. Unless they were not entered.

City 17 vs yo_soy_el_topo
Led vs yo_soy_el_topo
Led vs Wax
Sorian vs City 17

Any of these been played but not entered? There's no rush but would be nice to have a winner out of this. Right now City 17 is first.

I've posted at least twice on this: I tried adding Led a while ago, no response. I tried posting here asking when he would be good to play, no response.


Doubleposting but wanted this post separately.

Our little GAF Gwent tourny, is officially over but we're missing 4 matches looks like. Unless they were not entered.

City 17 vs yo_soy_el_topo
Led vs yo_soy_el_topo
Led vs Wax
Sorian vs City 17

Any of these been played but not entered? There's no rush but would be nice to have a winner out of this. Right now City 17 is first.

Oh I should play my match against City, he around for tomorrow maybe?


Still frustrated with the mmr system, I'm finally winning a lot past few days. But every win is +22. I don't use decktracker so I don't see their mmr, but I'm facing rank 13/14 guys. Beat them and get the +22.

Just faced a rank 15 guy, lose. Think I won't lose much since he's 15. I lose 55 mmr.

Just so dumb and makes climbing so hard. I need to win 2 games for every loss this way. 3 games actually. I know ranks don't matter since I'm rank 14 too and dropped to 2700mmr at one point but still.

I don't wanna be the salty complainer all the time but man it sucks.

Edit: Just as I posted this, guy I was playing got disconnected after first 3 cards and I got +63 lol


Still frustrated with the mmr system, I'm finally winning a lot past few days. But every win is +22. I don't use decktracker so I don't see their mmr, but I'm facing rank 13/14 guys. Beat them and get the +22.

Just faced a rank 15 guy, lose. Think I won't lose much since he's 15. I lose 55 mmr.

Just so dumb and makes climbing so hard. I need to win 2 games for every loss this way. 3 games actually. I know ranks don't matter since I'm rank 14 too and dropped to 2700mmr at one point but still.

I don't wanna be the salty complainer all the time but man it sucks.

Edit: Just as I posted this, guy I was playing got disconnected after first 3 cards and I got +63 lol

You shouldn't be judging from their rank, I'm 15 and went on a losing streak that dropped me back into the mid rank 14 range so without seeing their exact MMR, you should hold expectations. Sounds like you were playing all lower ranked people in those examples, you still doing the cancel queue at 29s thing? You should be if you aren't, doesn't fix it completely but makes it better at least.

Edit: I guess you said the same point as me anyway :p
Sorry I missed my match-- was bad past couple of weeks at work unexpected.

On a side not I have been playing a super fun John Calveit deck lately! It crushes both meta skellige/scoa decks but loses to weather.


You shouldn't be judging from their rank, I'm 15 and went on a losing streak that dropped me back into the mid rank 14 range so without seeing their exact MMR, you should hold expectations. Sounds like you were playing all lower ranked people in those examples, you still doing the cancel queue at 29s thing? You should be if you aren't, doesn't fix it completely but makes it better at least.

Edit: I guess you said the same point as me anyway :p

Yea I know the reasoning why it happens. It can just be so harsh sometimes. Maybe it would be better with tiers.

Something like: win against noob compared to you: + 20, against same level + 35, against somebody higher than you +50.

and same with losses. Sounds more fair to me. I'm just pulling these numbers out my ass but you get what I mean.

It's fun to get a giant +65 or the super rare +99 which I had once. But losing that many in return and far more often just stops the fun.

Anyway enough rambling about that, I've been watching lifecoach a lot lately. And he's making some rumblings in both Gwent and specially the Hearthstone community now. He pretty much said fuck hearthstone, gwent is way better, and I'm not gonna talk about hearthstone anymore. So he semi quit the game. Reckful (another big streamer who doesn't always play HS but did a lot) insulted a HS dev on twitter just now too. Tons of people are jumping ship it seems looking at both reddits.

I agree a lot with the general sentiment Lifecoach talks about in the video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egkNbk5XBS4

Gwent: play well get rewarded, play bad and get punished.
Hearthstone: RNG, Luck, Casual.

I've played HS for a few years now, but I just grind my dailies as fast as I can, just to get it over with. It's so boring and dull. And if you want a lot of cards, you either grind for hours to get 100 gold so that's 30 wins a day I think? + daily which is usually 40 or 50 gold. The time/compensation for HS is insane compared to Gwent. Luckily I only spent like 15 euros max in all those years for HS. While I already spent like 40 for Gwent.

Anyway, it's great to see this change, HS was always casual, so let them keep the casual players who play it on their phone during their break. And let Gwent be the competitive answer.
I feel like they've adjusted drop rates to be a lot less generous, anyone else feel the same?

When I was opening my 60? kegs from Nilfgaard patch, I got like 4 legendaries, a prety good selection of premiums, etc. Since then I don't think I've gotten a single legendary or another premium. I still open like about 1-2 kegs a day, so something seems really off.
I must say seeing a HearthStone streamer as prominent as LifeCoach give up on the game and extol the virtues of Gwent has piqued my interest in the game.

Grabbed a beta key earlier but yet to install it.


I feel like they've adjusted drop rates to be a lot less generous, anyone else feel the same?

When I was opening my 60? kegs from Nilfgaard patch, I got like 4 legendaries, a prety good selection of premiums, etc. Since then I don't think I've gotten a single legendary or another premium. I still open like about 1-2 kegs a day, so something seems really off.

Yea same here, rarely getting good cards from kegs anymore, and haven't seen a single premium after Nilfgaard came out. More people are saying this though and I think devs are looking into it.

He is, unlike Lifecoach and SuperJJ, not someone you want to have associated with your game.

Doesn't matter, he's still a huge streamer. He'd get like 20k viewers when he streamed HS regularly. Same with Forsen, but he pretty much gave up on HS again too. (and lost tons of viewers because of it)


I feel like they've adjusted drop rates to be a lot less generous, anyone else feel the same?

When I was opening my 60? kegs from Nilfgaard patch, I got like 4 legendaries, a prety good selection of premiums, etc. Since then I don't think I've gotten a single legendary or another premium. I still open like about 1-2 kegs a day, so something seems really off.

I just got a legendary out of my flop of 4 cards yesterday. And that's after pulling down two in the last couple days out of the selection at the end and I've only opened 5. You've just been RNG'd. Premiums do seem really rare though, think I've seen 2 the entire patch.


Wow I'm almooost in top 1000 again. Have around 3750mmr now. Close to rank 15 and top 1000. Getting one of those pretty much means the other now. Guess by end of the season top 1000 will be the rank 15 players. Maybe top 1200 or so. I'll be so happy if I get both, it's really all I want for this first season. So I can say I got this far at least once.

My highest leaderboard position was around 500 I think, but then I dropped so hard back to rank 11 mmr. But now I'm like 3/4 wins away from rank 15. Unbelievable.
Wow I'm almooost in top 1000 again. Have around 3750mmr now. Close to rank 15 and top 1000. Getting one of those pretty much means the other now. Guess by end of the season top 1000 will be the rank 15 players. Maybe top 1200 or so. I'll be so happy if I get both, it's really all I want for this first season. So I can say I got this far at least once.

My highest leaderboard position was around 500 I think, but then I dropped so hard back to rank 11 mmr. But now I'm like 3/4 wins away from rank 15. Unbelievable.

What deck you been using to climb?
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