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Justice League - Official Trailer 1

Should Superman eventually appear in the trailers?

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I'm reading posts and I don't think people should be so defensive.

People aren't shitting on you for wanting to get excited about this.

They're warning you, cautioning you.

I mean, how has Snyder and WB's recent output inspired any confidence whatsoever? And what about this trailer indicates that things will be any different?

Snyder gonna Snyder. It's gonna look really pretty and really fake and it's going to have flat, one-dimensional characters that misread the source material.

If you're okay with that then you do you, enjoy. But people have every right to voice skepticism.

Zen Aku

there are many groups of villains to chose from.

the main villain doesn't always need to be an ultra big baddy. You can have a TEAM of Villains to take on the Team of Heroes
But if you don't spend time and multiple movies building them up. Then they're barely better than the cannon fodders.

The PS4 cutscene with the swooping camera angle?

Yeah, let's rather just put a bunch of guys in goofy suits and stick a camera in front of them without any thought or concern for the stylized, heightened sense of reality they usually inhabit. You know, so it doesn't look like a video game.


i need Batman to pull out a shotgun from his wrecked Murder machine and blow the head off one of those winged things

The Kree

I'm reading posts and I don't think people should be so defensive.

People aren't shitting on you for wanting to get excited about this.

They're warning you, cautioning you.

I mean, how has Snyfer and WB's recent output inspired any confidence whatsoever? And what about this trailer indicates that things will be any different?

Snyder gonna Snyder. It's gonna look really pretty and really fake and it's going to have flat, one-dimensional characters that misread the source material.

Does anybody really need to be warned though? I know Snyder can't tell a story worth a shit, but a little optimism doesn't cost me anything.
Interested to see what it is done with Flash with a big budget. You may say Snyder is style over substance, but at least we get a couple of really cool looking sequences that way.


I'm glad they at least make Batman more competent by the look of the movie. He was severely helpless against Doomsday. I guess that's the problem when you're trying to make a more grounded movie involving Batman. You know he's no match for anyone with super abilities.

I always thought that DCEU should go for fantastic, just go crazy with how insane it can be. Don't gimp characters because they're just human. Let's Aquaman control sharks, let's Batman kick Doomsday in the face with kryptonite laced armors, lets the Flash use infinite mass punch. Just go all out.
Doomsday caught him by surprise in BvS. He had no prep time for that shit. Now he's expecting the worst.
You must have hated Man of Steel and BVS then.

Nah. Those are great films. Before watching MoS I watched all Superman films, MoS delivered way beyond I expected, I remember coming out of the theater with a grin on my face as I really enjoyed the physicality of putting a godlike character like him on film properly. None of the other movies accomplish something like that, heck there has not been a scene in a comic book film that compares to Superman 1st taking flight scene in MoS.

BvS I loved for multiple reasons. That helicopter landing scene between Lex and Clark, the questioning of what the presence of him would elicit in humanity, how he could bring the best but also the worst of us even at the same time. Those themes resonated with me, plus the visuals, the ultimate cut makes it even better. I do agree I have personal expectations in regards to the films and what works for me personally wouldn't work for others. But it's all good.
But if you don't spend time and multiple movies building them up. Then they're barely better than the cannon fodders.

take the original Robocop for example. They did a good job of having Murphy take out Bodicker's gang who were interesting and funny

you can have interesting medium level villains with a VOICE to fight

having voiceless fodder is not interesting.

Look at how Michael Bay fucked up by treating Deceptiocons like fodder instead of characters compared to the cartoon where the Decepticons were actual characters with their own minds


They're warning you, cautioning you.

Right. Just so I have this clear it's like some sort of civic duty for strangers on the internet to tell other strangers on the internet to be cautious that a movie they are looking forward to might disappoint them as if there is a large contingent of children on GAF who have never come face to face with disappointment?

I think they'll be just fine without GAF's guidance.


Cyborg looks too slender. He's got some proper skinny arms and legs that make him look like a shit action figure.

Other than that I'm looking forward to it. November is a way off so the CGI has plenty of time to be tinkered with.
there are many groups of villains to chose from.

the main villain doesn't always need to be an ultra big baddy. You can have a TEAM of Villains to take on the Team of Heroes

Yeah, I know. But in a movie where Snyder (and Whedon too in the case of Avengers 1) has to introduce a brand new super team to moviegoers, I get why he chose to go with singular big baddy + fodder instead of a group like the Crime Syndicate. That would have been a lot of characters to introduce.

Edit: just saw your Robocop example above. In that case it was one good guy (plus his human partner) against a team of bad guys, not really the same thing. Snyder only has so much time to introduce the League plus the villains.
But if you don't spend time and multiple movies building them up. Then they're barely better than the cannon fodders.

lol you don't need multiple movies to set up a group of villains that are fun to watch get beat up and have individual characterization. Some good economical characterization good bang out all you'd need to know in a couple scenes. These movies are already pretty uneccessarily bloated, so you don't need multiple movies worth of it just to get a good baddy squad.


Snyder's MoS trailers were godtier. Never again will I be fooled and this doesn't even look half as good as those did. Snyder movies usually always make for good trailer material due to his style. But this didn't even hit those notes, it's about what I expected. No real urgency to see it but I will be there opening weekend because I'm a junky for these comicbook films. No matter how much they put out, I can't seem to get tired of it. Part of the fucking problem.

It seems that having a lot of style, even if it isn't good, is better than having something less stylised. Just as long as it's there, that's all that matters.

I suppose that's one way of looking at it.

PS5 graphics

Arkham Knight has been out for nearly 3 years friend.


Yeah. There was that one Man of Steel trailer before the final one which was probably the best thing the DC has released in this entire relaunch.


It seems that having a lot of style, even if it isn't good, is better than having something less stylised. Just as long as it's there, that's all that matters.


For the types of movies we are comparing to, there is nothing in any movie from any company making CMB that even come close to what Snyder is putting on screen.


I think this would have me much more interested if it wasn't for the boring colour palette and gritty style that everything seems to have


Cyborg and Flash are overdesigned, other than that though, everything looks pretty cool. If anything, this further cements Snyder's ability to cut a trailer.


Because he is 95% CGI and the movie is 8 months out.
I think he looked fine so far. Only the "better move scene" looked weird.

Completely forgot about that, but yeah, hopefully post production does its job.

But man, even his animations seemed overly CG. Why not just do some merge effects? Like the Vision or something?
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