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2017 PC Screenshot Thread


thanks. i've had a lot of trouble as well 'cuz i really want to get those nice action shots but something about how the action flows, the heavy motion blur and the general places where you fight just makes it super hard for me



You're doing an amazing job with these.


There's nothing wrong with art shots being posted here. What's wrong though is when people are saying that other - as in pure PC gameplay - shots are somehow unsuitable for this thread which is bollocks imo.
Sure, and that's not what I said: the core point was low-effort ugly shots without any composition. A shot from a complex fighting scene (so taken during gameplay) is fine by me, why not? It takes effort and time because you likely need to perform complex things to get the shot you want, or have to take a LOT to get a good shot and post that. My point was about simply pressing F12, and whatever is in the framebuffer is posted, whether it's pleasing for the eye or not.

You can pick the low effort bandwidth wasters from a list immediately, and I think you too would prefer aesthetically pleasing well composed shots (from gameplay) over "I hit f12 and I posted it LOL" shots.

But whatever, I'm tired of rowing against the tide.
Sure, and that's not what I said: the core point was low-effort ugly shots without any composition. A shot from a complex fighting scene (so taken during gameplay) is fine by me, why not? It takes effort and time because you likely need to perform complex things to get the shot you want, or have to take a LOT to get a good shot and post that. My point was about simply pressing F12, and whatever is in the framebuffer is posted, whether it's pleasing for the eye or not.

You can pick the low effort bandwidth wasters from a list immediately, and I think you too would prefer aesthetically pleasing well composed shots (from gameplay) over "I hit f12 and I posted it LOL" shots.

But whatever, I'm tired of rowing against the tide.

If that was what you were trying to argue, you were not clear at all, because what I got from you and a couple others was that if shots were not taken at ridiculous resolutions and taken with a freecam utility they were "low-effort" and not worth posting, which is an artificially high bar to contribute and as Durante said, kind of obnoxious. I think effort should be taken to minimize the obtrusiveness of the HUD in games where that's possible, but as long as the shot is in-engine and has some kind of obvious aesthetic value, it should be fine.


To underscore my point, my previous post was composed of images from in-engine cutscenes at 1080p at max settings. This post was taken using Otis' freecam tools and includes a shot that was taken at 4K resolution, which is not suitable for actual gameplay on even my relatively beefy rig (GTX 1070). I believe both posts have artistic/aesthetic value.


Some like gameplay shots, some like artsy shots.
Some like to put effort in to their shots, some don't.
Some like to use Reshade, some don't.
Some like to use Photoshop, some don't.

You are not going to please everyone, so just do what you feel comfortable with.
It's all just preferences and opinions :)



(PS: This thread is "famous"? lol :p)
Some like gameplay shots, some like artsy shots.
Some like to put effort in to their shots, some don't.
Some like to use Reshade, some don't.
Some like to use Photoshop, some don't.

You are not going to please everyone, so just do what you feel comfortable with.
It's all just preferences and opinions :)



(PS: This thread is "famous"? lol :p)

Why are your Reshade settings so good?

Nick Pal

Edit: Is anyone else experiencing occasional camera lock-ups specifically in the shrines? Over at the Redditt forums they're saying it's to do with the Cemu hook. I usually just restart my save but is there another fix does anyone know?

Zelda BOTW, Cemu 1.7.4d
Some like gameplay shots, some like artsy shots.
Some like to put effort in to their shots, some don't.
Some like to use Reshade, some don't.
Some like to use Photoshop, some don't.

You are not going to please everyone, so just do what you feel comfortable with.
It's all just preferences and opinions :)



Is there a cam tool for ME:A?


those nier shots are amazing, makes me want to play it even more :(

That's partly why myself and others don't bother posting anymore.

I don't know what lead to it happening - probably how famous the PC screenshot threads are at this point - but there's been a flood of really low quality content. So many shots from this year's thread in which people haven't even done the bare minimum: turning the HUD off. But generally speaking, we're seeing screenshots with HUDs, no free camera used, people just pressing F12 during cut-scenes (so literally no original content whatsoever), no free camera tools used, and people just taking screenshots during normal gameplay with no modifications.

The whole point of these threads is to create art. Just taking a random screenshot during normal gameplay with the HUD on, at your native resolution, with no custom camera work, that literally anyone could take... well, to be frank, it's a waste of everyone's time.

I don't post because it seems like most people have stopped caring about good screenshots, and now the thread's been inundated with low quality, zero effort content. I rarely even bother visiting it anymore because so little of it is good. Compare it to last year's thread, or the ones from the years before that, and there's a stark difference in quality. :(

Also I don't mean any offense with my statements, and I'm sure there will be people reading this and who will want to argue. I'm not going to single anyone out or tear any individual down; I'm simply stating an observation about the general decline of Gaf's screenshotting community.

jesus christ what a horrible post

Some really pretentious people over here, huh?


those nier shots are amazing, makes me want to play it even more :(

jesus christ what a horrible post

Some really pretentious people over here, huh?

There was some kind of art screen shot thread and I guess a small amount of them tried to take over this one aond placed made up rules.

People should be able to post what they want while staying withing the original rules set in place.


@PhilGPT - your 9:16 shots have got me experimenting with that AR. It's quite tough to shoot with, but I'm enjoying the challenge.


I like this first one because it reminds me of something I'd expect to see in an H. G. Wells story.

There's a colour version here.

And Kallo, the best pilot in Andromeda:

You can use the Cinematic Tools to take pictures on the Tempest by pausing, enabling the freecam, do NOT press reset or lock to player, set a high camera speed, fly into the star in the distance - that's where the Tempest renders. I've only tried it on the bridge so far, but I expect it will be similar for other rooms of the ship.


Those ReShade settings are nice, but why do you hate contrast? :p
haha You're right, I probably should have upped the contrast on some of those shots.
I'm was going for a softer look with desaturated colors and low contrast, but I can see how some shots might've looked better with more vibrant colors and higher contrast :)

BTW, haven't seen shots from you in a long time... kid keeping you busy? :p
When does she start shooting? ;)
^ Nice screenshots.
Are they downsampled from some crazy resolution? Did you do something with the colors?

Thanks! Nah, literally just the game at 1440p. Game supports 16xMSAA which makes most things look super sharp but you can still see some aliasing or artifacts in certain places.
Thanks! Nah, literally just the game at 1440p. Game supports 16xMSAA which makes most things look super sharp but you can still see some aliasing or artifacts in certain places.

Those screens don't look like there's any aliasing going on, unless I'm going crazy.

But PhilGPT your Mass Effect screenshots are insane, they could be banner posters at an E3 booth.
Those screens don't look like there's any aliasing going on, unless I'm going crazy.

But PhilGPT your Mass Effect screenshots are insane, they could be banner posters at an E3 booth.

Nah there's some on the fences if you look closely. But Durante is reporting totally broken MSAA so looks like the only AA is the resolution itself. Strange.
That's partly why myself and others don't bother posting anymore.

I don't know what lead to it happening - probably how famous the PC screenshot threads are at this point - but there's been a flood of really low quality content. So many shots from this year's thread in which people haven't even done the bare minimum: turning the HUD off. But generally speaking, we're seeing screenshots with HUDs, no free camera used, people just pressing F12 during cut-scenes (so literally no original content whatsoever), no free camera tools used, and people just taking screenshots during normal gameplay with no modifications.

The whole point of these threads is to create art. Just taking a random screenshot during normal gameplay with the HUD on, at your native resolution, with no custom camera work, that literally anyone could take... well, to be frank, it's a waste of everyone's time.

I don't post because it seems like most people have stopped caring about good screenshots, and now the thread's been inundated with low quality, zero effort content. I rarely even bother visiting it anymore because so little of it is good. Compare it to last year's thread, or the ones from the years before that, and there's a stark difference in quality. :(

Also I don't mean any offense with my statements, and I'm sure there will be people reading this and who will want to argue. I'm not going to single anyone out or tear any individual down; I'm simply stating an observation about the general decline of Gaf's screenshotting community.

Sorry to pull you up on this, but this is backwards. The point of these threads has always been, quite simply, to show what PC games look like for the benefit of anyone who might be interested. I know this because, god knows how many years ago, I set up a separate thread for 'artshots' so as not to subvert this one. It failed, and rather than flood the PC screenshot thread with HUD-less wank that few people wanted to see, I set up a website and put my HUD-less wank over there.

Point being that it is simply wrong to suggest that 'the whole point of these threads is to create art'. That is in fact missing the point of these threads completely. Might I suggest revisiting the idea of a dedicated thread where your rules can actually apply?

EDIT: It was seven years ago: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399625
Tried, to no avail, to find the code which clamps the window size to the desktop size, but I give up. It hotsamples to the size of the desktop (how nice) but any window size larger than that is clamped to the desktop size. One would think that would be rather easy to find but it's sady not. DSR it is, which kind of sucks in this case, as 60FPS is out of the question with an i7 + 1070 @ 2880x1800... (and everything else maxed out)

I did a CE script for WD2 a while back that hotsamples the resolution by x4 (iirc) without having to resize the window. Just toggle on, screenshot, toggle off. One sec while I find it.

EDIT: Have a play with this: http://deadendthrills.com/share/WatchDogs2.zip

I wasn't feeling the game much and never put this to use, but it has time of day and hotsampling. Just change the float value in the script to adjust the hotsampling factor, or expose it to the user. Works with whatever aspect ratio you happen to be running.
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