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Overwatch ranked competitive matchmaking is the most one sided atrocity EVER.


My entire point is that the matchmaking system doesn't fairly side equal skilled players on either side like most fps games do.

Rather it stacks them on one side and pairs them against inferior statistical players.

It's so messed up it's not even funny.

Firstly you dont have proof and secondly, even if it happened, it's so rare that you can consider it an anomaly. Blizzard definitely dont go out of their way to "stack one side". It doesn't even make sense.


I don't follow what you're saying here.

Imagine a triple stack where one guy is grandmaster and other two are masters. Grandmaster doesn't really care about his rank, he will be able to recover. Other guys -- not so much.

They are playing KOTH against triple-stack of Cloud9 players and losing 0-2. Grandmaster player didn't leave even once yet so he will not be banned. And he leaves so his friends don't lose ranks.
I think he means people will discuss in the chat, when they notice they are losing, who can just quit the match without being banned.

If it's just a bunch of randoms then why would one of them take the penalty to cover for the others?

If it's a premade team then obviously the entire team should be penalized.


My experience is limited to watching my brother play ranked & from what Ive noticed the matchmaker did a good job of pairing with other players of similar skill.

An example of a truly broken, horrid mess of a ranked matchmaking system is TF2's atrocious barely functional competitive mode. Overwatch's ranked system isnt anywhere near that dumpster fire.


Does Overwatch do parties V randoms in ranked? I'd've thought the player base was big enough to have a "solo only" ranked playlist as well as a parties only (or mixed) one. See Rocket League, for example.

You'd probably get less players if it was fair, and I do mean that. Most players don't like competition, they like to win. I honestly believe that's why most matching making systems are bad. It's a lot of work for very little gain.
Drawn to Death recently took sessions out of their ranked playlist to make it more fair.

Cue meltdowns from people that "just want to play with friends" but won't play unranked for some reason (and this is a game with precious little difference between ranked/unranked).


Theres a tier system you have to adhere to when playing competitive. You need someone to get the fuck off of widow and pick a healer or tank for your shitty 5 DPS teams.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I think he means people will discuss in the chat, when they notice they are losing, who can just quit the match without being banned.

Who would do that though? You really need to be in a big group to actually do this. Nobody would quit for a bunch of randoms. And at some point I feel like this can't be enough of a widespread problem.

Does Overwatch do parties V randoms in ranked? I'd've thought the player base was big enough to have a "solo only" ranked playlist as well as a parties only (or mixed) one. See Rocket League, for example.

It generally tries to match groups in a somewhat fair way. So a 6 group would face a 5/1 or 4/2.

Firstly you dont have proof and secondly, even if it happened, it's so rare that you can consider it an anomaly. Blizzard definitely dont go out of their way to "stack one side". It doesn't even make sense.

It is kinda funny when you play with 4 Level <40 against a bunch of level 500 diamonds. It really doesn't happen that often though.
I think he means people will discuss in the chat, when they notice they are losing, who can just quit the match without being banned.
Make it so if you're in a party, then the whole party loses the points even if one player leaves. But keep the lack of penalty for the people outside of that party.

So if there are three people in one group, and one bails, all of the people in that party get docked. Then the other people on the team get the same deal as in my first post.

I also don't see how this would mean they couldn't get banned. If they do it repeatedly it'd still be noticable. If someone keeps quitting out of matches they're about to lose that seems like something you could easily track.
Imagine a triple stack where one guy is grandmaster and other two are masters. Grandmaster doesn't really care about his rank, he will be able to recover. Other guys -- not so much.

They are playing KOTH against triple-stack of Cloud9 players and losing 0-2. Grandmaster player didn't leave even once yet so he will not be banned. And he leaves so his friends don't lose ranks.
And if he pulls that stunt enough it'll create a pattern that could catch him a banning if leaving games early repeatedly leads to a banning. And it's with the same group over and over you could ban them too.


The only problem with their matchmaking system is smurfs and throwing games. There should be a limit to how far you can drop in rank in one season so that you don't have those M/GMs eventually thrown in with golds.


Haven't seen anything bad myself, but google did show me this



In Counter Strike: Global Offensive, when your teammate bails on you in a competitive match, they are replaced by a bot. Hardly a perfect solution (especially with CS:GOs bot AI), but I would prefer to be given a fighting chance than to be punished for the actions of others.

Bots can feed ultimate's that is a huge factor in ranked games.
Firstly you dont have proof and secondly, even if it happened, it's so rare that you can consider it an anomaly. Blizzard definitely dont go out of their way to "stack one side". It doesn't even make sense.

I didn't take screenshots, if you don't want to believe me thats fine.

But I had matches in ranked where non linked teams had much superior rankings overall than my own. If you don't want to believe it that's fine.

I've been on both sides of it, and it's really, really, shitty.


It is kinda funny when you play with 4 Level <40 against a bunch of level 500 diamonds. It really doesn't happen that often though.

But levels don't mean your skill level, that's literally what the SR is for...So you don't discriminate by levels...

If anything, someone under level 40 might be a smurf and is way better than the SR they are currently playing at so you most likely have the advantage.

Haven't seen anything bad myself, but google did show me this


That happened last season and blizzard acknowledged the problem and patched it. It's why GM players have a lot harder time finding games now at silly times.


The point is rather, that the rest of the team isn't punished as harshly. I'm not saying 50% is perfect, but at least recognize in some way that some guy just left.

Even a bad Hanzo bot would be better than nobody tho, no?

Not saying this are easy solutions, but the results of somebody leaving could and should be somewhat mitigated.
Not really that simple to decide, a bad bot would just feed the enemy Ult. Healer Ult if he doesn't kill people and to offensive roles if he's easily picked off. If that's worse than being 5v6 you'd need to ask someone better than me lol


It's depends on what time of day you queue. The game has more trouble finding balanced matches in the morning than the afternoon/evening.
In Counter Strike: Global Offensive, when your teammate bails on you in a competitive match, they are replaced by a bot. Hardly a perfect solution (especially with CS:GOs bot AI), but I would prefer to be given a fighting chance than to be punished for the actions of others.

And if I'm not mistaken, the first human to for takes control of the bot.


Just because they have the diamond logo next to their name doesn't mean they're in diamond. They likely have the a similar SR and MMR as you.


In Counter Strike: Global Offensive, when your teammate bails on you in a competitive match, they are replaced by a bot. Hardly a perfect solution (especially with CS:GOs bot AI), but I would prefer to be given a fighting chance than to be punished for the actions of others.

This sounds better than nothing, tbh. As soon as anyone leaves or disconnects, it's almost always a guaranteed loss unless the enemy team is really bad.
Makes me puzzled how you have won your preliminary matches then.

Silver newbcake here

They weren't as hard as the Diamond matches is all I can say. I may have lost one, but they shot me above silver/gold.

Should have kept me at silver/gold because I did NOT belong anywhere near Diamond at that point.


I am forced to play Overwatch with randoms since I don't have any friends that play it and I have always found the game to be fairly balanced.

I'm only a gold rank so maybe its different once you reach the higher ranks but I think it does a brilliant job of balancing games - especially in comparison to some other shooters.


I've been on both sides of this so many times playing online MP.

I mean, when playing with my clan back in the day, we used to go through match after match of playing Resistance and Killzone without losing a match, most of the time it was utter domination and it felt good man.

Then you join in a game with a bunch of randoms and it becomes a $hit show really quickly...

Mr Swine

Tell that about Starcraft 2, same problem. I'm a gold league and I get pitted against those that are 2-3 leagues higher than me. Heck I've been playing against masters league players who tell me I'm terrible at the game :/


OP aren't you the guy who also whines about everything related to Hearthstone?

Ever considered that you are a classic rager and the games are just fine?


What? Overwatch at least tries to match teams vs teams and it shows you the average rating. Just because it says diamond doesn't mean they ARE diamond right now, they could have tanked their rating. When I played competitive I went solo to get a half decent placement for the season, then I played with friends which destroyed my rating but was more fun.

I'm not saying it's perfect but no game is...what games have fast matchmaking that always creates even teams? And of those, which are still doing so a year into their lifespan? Maybe an insanely popular MOBA but the last time I played Dota 2 it took like 15 minutes to find a damn match.

I remember I played one round of Gears of War 2 a while after it came out, as a brand new player I was forced against a full organized enemy team of super high levels. Never bothered even trying again. On the other end of the spectrum, when queued with my team I didn't lose a single match in Mechwarrior Online for months on end because there was literally nobody playing the game that could beat us. And the matchmaking would put us up against random solo players half the time. It's baffling to me that someone could look at overwatch and say that it's the worst EVER.
Imagine a triple stack where one guy is grandmaster and other two are masters. Grandmaster doesn't really care about his rank, he will be able to recover. Other guys -- not so much.

They are playing KOTH against triple-stack of Cloud9 players and losing 0-2. Grandmaster player didn't leave even once yet so he will not be banned. And he leaves so his friends don't lose ranks.

But you didn't provide an example with playing against randoms? Whose going to willingly take the fall, lose and SR sink to save a team of randoms?

There are solutions you don't have to be so close minded on stepping stone ideas
Semi-off topic, but Im blown away with how bad matchmaking has been for me on QP on PS4 in Overwatch. My W-L percentage has to be under 25% in the last two months, with most losses not even being close. At all. Its crazy how many times I have 4-5 golds. Im not that good, I have two jobs and a kid, so its not like I get much practice time. Just always feels like Im the teams linchpin.

Also, while I definitely see a ton of Hanzos and Genjis.... Widow rules the world. Cant recall last time I didnt have a Widow on my team. Can count on one hand how many good ones Ive been teamed with since launch though.


Semi-off topic, but Im blown away with how bad matchmaking has been for me on QP on PS4 in Overwatch. My W-L percentage has to be under 25% in the last two months, with most losses not even being close. At all. Its crazy how many times I have 4-5 golds. Im not that good, I have two jobs and a kid, so its not like I get much practice time. Just always feels like Im the teams linchpin.

Also, while I definitely see a ton of Hanzos and Genjis.... Widow rules the world. Cant recall last time I didnt have a Widow on my team. Can count on one hand how many good ones Ive been teamed with since launch though.

People play QP to learn heroes and/or play off-meta heroes, not to win.
Overwatch is cancer. I try to play it with friends every night and ignoring quitters, the game punishes you for winning. Then after a few losses they give you a team to shit all over. If you play solo, the game is easy. If you play with two friends you're up against several diamonds and your team has gold.

The games success means these issues won't be addressed anytime soon.

It's the worst matchmaking system I've ever used. Need a game to move to desperately.


I find competitive Overwatch to be VERY 50/50 to the point it pisses me off. It's great at high levels with a real team, but on the lower end you get dragged down hard by it.


Give players the option to join a 5v6 in progress in exchange for a loot box.

Probably lose still. But makes it more interesting at least.

The person filling doesn't have the incentive of sr loss if he/she doesn't win. The person wouldn't really care. Wouldn't work.

The two solution I had in mind when it come to leaver were already given :

Whereas the incentive for the filler to be as good as the team if they don't lose anything? Hell they could just come in and troll a team.

The half loss for the team/double for the leaver is the most fair solution, but them they have to take away the sr loss counted against a person that dcs and comes back (like a grace period)


Leaver penalties need to be much stricter. Give the leaver a 5x loss penalty plus a time ban. The remaining players don't get a loss.


How has this gone by for so long?

Where matchmaking pairs a team of plats and diamonds vs a team of gold and silvers.

This shit is so unfair and not fun it's not even funny. I don't even get how it's not brought up more just how one sided these teams are created.

It's really bad, I mean, really, really, freaking bad.

edit: It's like every match is the GSW vs the 8th seed. That's how bad the matchmaking is.

I'm kinda struggling to believe this given my experience with the matchmaking. I've occasionally seen a gap between the average skill ratings of 50 or 100 points, but you're suggesting an average skill rating gap of somewhere between 500 and 1500 points. Really?

I haven't played all that much OW recently, but in the two games I've played this season, it was six diamonds v six diamonds. Of course, it's worth remembering that someone with a diamond/platinum symbol is not necessarily in diamond/platinum at the time. Now Quick Play is a different story, at least once you're in the high ranks. No-one takes the mode seriously so it's just full of people screwing around and playing weird comps. I'm not sure there's much Blizzard can do about that, sadly.

Still, as far as ranked matchmaking goes I think OWs is actually pretty good. I think a lot of people that criticise it aren't necessarily thinking through how unpredictable outcomes are in the game, especially at the lower levels, which leads to a lot of snowbally results even between theoretically even teams. Pretty happy with the consistency of quality matches I find in high plat/diamond.


The matchmaking's fine in the large majority of cases, and I have yet to see anything to convince me otherwise. The exceptions I've seen are the screenshots of Plats vs GMs that have been confirmed as taking place in the dead hours (and is a problem, at least, acknowledged by Blizzard although who knows about solved). Everything else I've seen has just been people whining.


LOL at the responses in this thread.

OW is now git gud git teem

People been drinking the Kaplan kool-aid flavor 'Working as intended!'
You don't need to "git a gud teem" but it does help in a competitive team based game to play with teammates. They don't need to be your best friends they just have to be people who have mics.

The real issue here is that you should probably understand how the ranking system works before making a thread calling it "one sided." It's very clear that the OP doesn't know shit about how it works and is just salty for having a bad few games.


Most of us over in the OW thread recognize the MM isn't great and game quality is an issue. That being said Blizzard has openly talked about working on this lately. It's gonna take some time to sort out. It's not as extreme a hyperbole as people wanna say, but it has been a point of discussion.
I'm kinda struggling to believe this given my experience with the matchmaking. I've occasionally seen a gap between the average skill ratings of 50 or 100 points, but you're suggesting an average skill rating gap of somewhere between 500 and 1000 points. Really?

I haven't played all that much OW recently, but in the two games I've played this season, it was six diamonds v six diamonds. Of course, it's worth remembering that someone with a diamond/platinum symbol is not necessarily in diamond/platinum at the time.

That's the problem. You get diamonds that purposely&#8203;derank for funner games or party with friends which places them in your game.


Whereas the incentive for the filler to be as good as the team if they don't lose anything? Hell they could just come in and troll a team.
Which would still only result in the team they joined loosing a game they would have lost anyway since they were down one player.
I guess you could add more incentive to win ( since you don't want to punish them for a loose ) but not mmr oriented for balance sake, like gold gain for a win.
It's not perfect by any mean, but an improvement is still an improvement.
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