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Street Fighter V |OTVIII| New Delayed Generation - Controversial Inputs

Played a PC to PS4 first to 10 with my brother with the same connection in the same room, both with wired connection. We got about five or so rounds where characters were teleporting on one system but not the other, and despite using the same connection, he got a random disconnect from CFN(just CFN not PSN) while mine was fine. Both the servers and netcode have stability issues.
Playing any mp together on different systems, but on the same connection is just asking for trouble.
I am not quite sure on the process to upload matches, but I think my replays are up under fighter ID MechaX0. Played matches on regular SFV and the Beta this morning.

I am not quite new to fighting games, but I have been having problems adjusting to the more rushdown nature in this game. I have been trying to make improvements on it for the past few days, but it's heavily momentum based I find (as in, I only find myself going in when the momentum is clearly on my side, but I am very defensive otherwise). Ken and Balrog still shut me down completely though (Balrog's buttons tend to stuff mine, and I am still not entirely familiar with when it's "my turn" whenever Ken is doing whatever unless he has a clear whiffed DP).

Ok watching your fights against jaygo29

First match
- you throw out unsafe moves (spinning nuckle) seemingly random and would get punished.
- to defensive for a cammy
- you jump in and hit or it gets blocked then you pause and wiff a throw or get countered by a mashed out jab
- you wern't punnishing properly often just a single kick where as if they wiff a move like tatsu or dragon punch and land next to you its time to land a big hitting combo.
- you would try doing things like cr. Mp > cr. Mp > drill even though he blocked the first hit and you missed the second hit.
- never really anti aired.
- he would throw out random pokes and you would respond in kind and get hit. You are better waiting till he does something unsafe and backing off as hitting buttons just gets you hurt.
- miss timing your meaties on his wake up and getting beaten by mashed jabs.

Second match: (you beat him)
You played better. Less dropped comboes and better follow up timing when knocking him down. However​ above stuff still there.

Third match
- as above plus...
- you should have won the first round but you didnt maximise you damage on your comboes at the end on your crush counter despite having tons of meter.
- last round you got needlessly hit a lot. You woke up into the second half of a ex dp where as you should have blocked and done a huge punish. He jumped at you a lot and you just let him. At the end you have another crush counter op but just hit st.mk into spike but miss times it so spike wiffed.

To me its likes like you are simply having the same issue im sure many of us have when we start. You dont have it engrained into your reflex on what to do in a given situation. So when a dp wiffed you hesitate and just do what ever. Also when you get a knock down you dont really know 100% what to do.

I currently main mika and without thinking about it here is what happens

Blocked / wiffed dp. I f.hp for crush counter as it lands then dash and hit it again. Then depending on meter i can ex wingless aeroplane or.v trigger into charged heavy kick into ex wingless.

As guile i would cr. Hp for crush counter into down forward hk into flash kick.

As mika if i get a combo and knock them down i dash forward into mp or mk. This will meaty them. If they block then i can risk a command throw or block. If it hits i combo again. If they prove they are an ex dp masher i can the bait it out by dash forward and just block. Then its huge CC combo time.

Its not as simple as that as there are other variables but the key is to drill each situation into your subconscious. To do this you can simply set it all up in training mode and practise between matches.

Practise meaty set ups.
Set dummy guard and wake up action to a 3 frame jab. Set his to guard after first attack. Hit them with a knock down combo and practise what to do to hit that meaty every time.

Practise CC punish
Set dummy to dp after guard and wake up. Set dummy to guard all. Hit with a jab then block. Punish it over and over and over till its reflex.

Practise anti air.
Record dummy actions to jump attack in on you.
Anti air it over and over.
You can also record 5 different actions, turn them all on and it becomes random. So set 2 to be different types of jump ins and 3 as other stuff like fire ball, dash in combo dash out. Then try and react to each one.

Practise hit confirms.
Set dummy guard to random and try and react accordingly.

Basically you need to get to a point where when a ken wiffs a dp on you you dont think "oh shit he missed, ok what should i do, prob this combo, what was that combo again... Mp mp dp ok lets.... Shit im dead". It should simply be "missed dp, punish time" and your reflex does the rest.

im hardly the best player out there but i sympathise with where you are at. But i guarantee that if you work on those things you will look back at matches like these and realise how easy to beat these guys are.

Its a journey and there is no need to sprint to the finish. Try and concentrate on one main thing you need to do better each match and if you do it right thats a victory. If they still beat you with there mashed dps and lp spam then may have won that match but they sure as shit arnt gonna get better.

Oh if you like bring defensive the play guile. He is a great character and can switch from defence to aggressive when he pleases.


Damn good constructive criticism

Oh man, you had to pick the most frustrating match for me this morning!

But for that first round, in looking at the replay, I think I was trying to time the V-Skill around fireball throws (since Ken was backing up), but completely overthought things and mistimed it. But yeah, a lot of stuff against that player was some mistimed meaties and some really blown punishes in those matches.

But you hit the nail on the head that at this point, my mindset is still "okay, player did [x], maybe I should do [y] and- oh shit, I did it too late or did poor inputs and got blown up." Like, I still look a Zangief dead-shock still when he's charging for that Ex Running Throw and I know I have to beat that out of my system. And I know I need to seriously step up my anti-air game; sometimes I can hit the DP, but a lot of times my brain defaults to "wait and see how this goes once he lands."

Now for playing too defensively for a Cammy, I do agree with you there. I am just at somewhat of a loss here because I usually play defensive in a lot of fighting games in the past. But I've never really been all that big of a fan of charge characters and I am not a big fan of Sim, so Guile/Sim will probably not be my go-to-characters. I might need to just man it up and learn Guile, but I am still undecided.

But what you told me definitely helps. One of the players I fought this morning also gave encouraging words, and I never would believe how helpful stuff like this would be in a fighter.
Oh man, you had to pick the most frustrating match for me this morning!

But for that first round, in looking at the replay, I think I was trying to time the V-Skill around fireball throws (since Ken was backing up), but completely overthought things and mistimed it. But yeah, a lot of stuff against that player was some mistimed meaties and some really blown punishes in those matches.

But you hit the nail on the head that at this point, my mindset is still "okay, player did [x], maybe I should do [y] and- oh shit, I did it too late or did poor inputs and got blown up." Like, I still look a Zangief dead-shock still when he's charging for that Ex Running Throw and I know I have to beat that out of my system. And I know I need to seriously step up my anti-air game; sometimes I can hit the DP, but a lot of times my brain defaults to "wait and see how this goes once he lands."

Now for playing too defensively for a Cammy, I do agree with you there. I am just at somewhat of a loss here because I usually play defensive in a lot of fighting games in the past. But I've never really been all that big of a fan of charge characters and I am not a big fan of Sim, so Guile/Sim will probably not be my go-to-characters. I might need to just man it up and learn Guile, but I am still undecided.

But what you told me definitely helps. One of the players I fought this morning also gave encouraging words, and I never would believe how helpful stuff like this would be in a fighter.

Ask me anytime my friend. Always happy to help. Try guile. Charge can be tricky to get used to but he might suit you if you can get used to it.

Also with anti air dont think "i need to dp". A lot of people dont actually dp to anti air. Its normally a button. I dunno what cammys is. Maybe cr.hp? Go into training. Set up dummy and find what works. Its a LOT easier to anti air with a single button than a special.

Try thinking about what you do when you play an fps. Your aim can be godly but you still get murdered to hell and back when you play a new one. Thats because map knowledge and positioning mean so much more.

In fighting games its like that. Pulling off comboes in training is the aiming. Knowing what your opponent can do and what to do to it is the map knowledge.... Accept each character is way more complex to learn than your typical fps map and there are often way more of them.

Anyway its 2am and i gotta sleep. Good luck.


Ugh. I'm so ass at this game. I just can't seem to improve at all. I get destroyed constantly, and the only time I seem to win is when its vs someone who doesn't fully know what theyre doing. It's so damn frustrating and just makes me not enjoy playing.


Ugh. I'm so ass at this game. I just can't seem to improve at all. I get destroyed constantly, and the only time I seem to win is when its vs someone who doesn't fully know what theyre doing. It's so damn frustrating and just makes me not enjoy playing.

I used to be the same way, play with some of the higher ranked folks on here or go to your locals (fi you can). The ladder really helped me out and I play with these guys in battle lounges all the time now when we're not playing in person.


That invincibility on heavy DPs.

Ugh. I'm so ass at this game. I just can't seem to improve at all. I get destroyed constantly, and the only time I seem to win is when its vs someone who doesn't fully know what theyre doing. It's so damn frustrating and just makes me not enjoy playing.

Post your replays here.
Who do you main? We can give you tips.
Every match, write down two things you fucked up on. Maybe you didn't AA enough, or you dropped combos. Patching simple things like that will definitely help.
Learn about turns in fighting games so you aren't throwing out unsafe, punishable shit.

is is really that much different?

Being able to AA reliably now and not have to use iffy normals is a godsend I'd imagine. Daigo thinks that coupled with a few meager buffs will put Ryu in about Mid Mid tier.


is is really that much different?
I appreciate it because it lets me anti-air more effectively (before it would trade a lot). Medium DPs were made invincible to air attacks too, so it's nice to have the two different options (plus EX).


Man, having so many new options/menus/icons/info to view on people's fighter profiles and on CFN is throwing me off, heh. I keep clicking on the wrong thing by accident. This game actually has some decent QoL presentation and support now.


How can Ed take advantage of crush counters? I dash forward and jab and they can still block in time (if it can even reach them).

Dash up light kick or standing medium punch pending on distance and how late you hit them with the crush counter. With crouching heavy punch you can charge standing heavy punch and get a juggle afterward.


Being able to AA reliably now and not have to use iffy normals is a godsend I'd imagine. Daigo thinks that coupled with a few meager buffs will put Ryu in about Mid Mid tier.

where he belongs! because according to capcom the game should be balanced around ryu
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