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Alien: Covenant |SPOILER THREAD| With more Christian subtext than BvS

That's a fan wiki, isn't it?

Lord knows Alien fans love coming up with their own explanations for the inexplicable.

(although they seem to be citing - you guessed it! - Alien3 as their precedent)
I didn't think it was a fan name because I saw the name pop up on so many different sites, but I can't actually find any official material mentioning the name, so... yeah. Ridley Scott will just do whatever the hell he wants.


Theoretical Magician
Where did Scott say he didn't like Aliens, or disliked what Aliens did?

Seriously, I don't think you need to try to set this up as pouty Ridley is jealous of James or whatever. The two were going to make an Alien movie together.

If he retcons Aliens, it's not "petty and childish." It's maybe shortsighted and indulgent, but I really don't see any reason to believe Ridley's flat out pursuing this avenue as some sort of elaborate middle finger to Cameron.
This article makes it very apparent as to his goalshttp://www.denofgeek.com/us/movies/alien/264904/how-alien-covenant-retcons-james-cameron-s-aliens-and-more
Then why change it? The Queen is part of Aliens lore. But now it's David (despite the fact that in his own movie Prometheus there is a wall carving showing a xenomorph) who created the eggs and the face huggers. Its a mad scientist instead of a bug like hive which Cameron created. Its also well know that Neil Blomkamp was signed on to do a much hyped Alien movie until Scott butted his nose back in and killed it and ended any hope by saying his making 4 films. Notice how he goes out of his way to say there was no script...Despite Weaver and James saying the script of Neil's they read was amazing. Also notice how Sigourney says Ridley demanded the studio delay it so only his movies would be on the market..He could have done his prequels while Blomkamp did his continuing Ripley saga easily.




Theoretical Magician
Scott doesn't give a shit about canon, including canon established in his own films. It's best to just let this go.
Its....Kinda what we're discussing here?? Why this current film is a sack of shit and why the next probably will be. Studio need to pull back on his reigns before he destroys their franchise. Which is easily one of my favorites and I'm now planning on not seeing the next one in theatre. I'm very happy he's not fucking with Blade Runner.


Its....Kinda what we're discussing here?? Why this current film is a sack of shit and why the next probably will be. Studio need to pull back on his reigns before he destroys their franchise. Which is easily one of my favorites and I'm now planning on not seeing the next one in theatre. I'm very happy he's not fucking with Blade Runner.
Of all the reasons, him retconning previous films is relatively minor. Alien isn't some untouchable franchise.


Theoretical Magician
Of all the reasons, him retconning previous films is relatively minor. Alien isn't some untouchable franchise.
It is when you're completely changing the lore.. No queen, they were created thirty years before by David. Ancient Alien vessel full of eggs..Now what we're going to have time travel?...Or it's less than twenty years old when it crashed? Its the same thing Lucas did with the stupid Midichlorians. Its lame.


It is when you're completely changing the lore.. No queen, they were created thirty years before by David. Ancient Alien vessel full of eggs..Now what we're going to have time travel?...Or it's less than twenty years old when it crashed? Its the same thing Lucas did with the stupid Midichlorians. Its lame.
First off we don't know if there is or isn't a Queen. David only created those eggs. In order for it to be a self-populating species, it would need to procreate in some fashion separate from him. It's fully possible though that the ship in the original Alien was a trap by David but that isn't a retcon at this point.

There wasn't a need to explain the xenomorphs to begin with frankly as their origins don't mean shit but Scott is also trying to do his own thing with themes of creation equaling godhood.


Theoretical Magician
First off we don't know if there is or isn't a Queen. David only created those eggs. In order for it to be a self-populating species, it would need to procreate in some fashion separate from him. It's fully possible though that the ship in the original Alien was a trap by David but that isn't a retcon at this point.

There wasn't a need to explain the xenomorphs to begin with frankly as their origins don't mean shit but Scott is also trying to do his own thing with themes of creation equaling godhood.
Ok granted....but I bet we can come back to this is two year and there will be no queen. There isn't one now. And if he wanted to explore this theme he could have there was zero reason to attach it to the Alien franchise.

And as far as Ridley Scott's ego and not liking anything after Alien. Here's the man himself..He's going to run it into the ground like Lucas almost did with Star Wars

Man, reading this thread. I don't know what I expected.

I really need to somehow become super rich and influential, and take over the alien movies script writing, have Stephen lynch direct. Bring back the lovecraftian horror premise that sounds like it is so soundly wasted.

Not gonna see this until it hits netflix. :(


It is when you're completely changing the lore.. No queen, they were created thirty years before by David. Ancient Alien vessel full of eggs..Now what we're going to have time travel?...Or it's less than twenty years old when it crashed? Its the same thing Lucas did with the stupid Midichlorians. Its lame.

Who's to say there won't be a queen later on. Assuming David made the Xenomorph, and didn't just use a recipe from the engineers, this is the first version of the xenomorph.

Maybe Ridley will screw with the lore, but it's far too early to be saying that. Covenant hasn't done anything to screw with the lore, it also hadn't added much to the lore (which was my main issue)


Theoretical Magician
Who's to say there won't be a queen later on. Assuming David made the Xenomorph, and didn't just use a recipe from the engineers, this is the first version of the xenomorph.

Maybe Ridley will screw with the lore, but it's far too early to be saying that. Covenant hasn't done anything to screw with the lore, it also hadn't added much to the lore (which was my main issue)
In the original Alien director's cut the Alien was turning Dallas and Brett into hosts. That's Scott's vision, James Cameron added the Queen.


"Probably the most famous deleted scene from the entire Alien series is reinstated (albeit partially) in the Director's Cut. As Ripley attempts to escape after setting the Nostromo's self destruct, she discovers Brett and Dallas, the latter of whom is still alive, cocooned in the ship's cargo hold, with Brett apparently being transformed into a new Egg. Dallas begs Ripley to kill him and she fulfills his wish by incinerating him and Brett with her flamethrower"

Scott has said he doesnt like anything after Alien and is keeping a firm grip on it now because Alien got away from him. We won't see a queen unless the studio forces him.


Who's to say there won't be a queen later on. Assuming David made the Xenomorph, and didn't just use a recipe from the engineers, this is the first version of the xenomorph.

Maybe Ridley will screw with the lore, but it's far too early to be saying that. Covenant hasn't done anything to screw with the lore, it also hadn't added much to the lore (which was my main issue)
Nah, it's safe to say at this point. The space jockey was an ancient, fossilized 12 foot long bio-mechanical creature fused to the pilot console in Alien. (Dallas: "It looks like it's grown out of the chair....") Prometheus turned that decidedly Giger design into an 8 foot tall humanoid in a suit, whose species created humans.

Not only is that a dumb direction to go, but the timeline, scale and designs here are totally out of sync with the original film.

Of course, as Bobby keeps pointing out, that film is still there, untouched. I see these movies as Scott toying around with some related ideas in his head, but it's hard to take these movies seriously as a series. Scott is just riffing off of some of the original visuals at this point to tell his own weird story about killer, Frankenstein androids. It's fascinating, trying to unpack the whys and hows of this train wreak.
On another note, Carlos Huante just shared a bunch of art from Prometheus 2: Paradise.. that movie was gonna be weird, but I think I would have liked it more.




More: https://www.instagram.com/carlos_huante/


Thought it started okay (but kinda weird), then went off the fucking rails by the end.

First of all, they completely squandered the potential of a sequel to Prometheus by killing Shaw and the Engineers the way they did. So, instead of getting a Prometheus 2 in the best of ways by tackling answers about our creators, we get a Prometheus 2 in the worst of ways by watching David fuck around with humans again and said humans acting as stupidly as fucking possible again.

The first act is decent enough at creating some atmosphere and dread. There is a sense of mystery there that Ridley can still execute well. But it's centered around characters who are even more thinly-drawn than Prometheus' lot, so whatever tension surrounds them is rendered moot for the most part.

Then David shows up and things start falling apart. Characters start making really dumb decisions like... splitting off on their own at every possible chance they get... and not asking basic questions of David about everything that's going on. Fassbender acts his ass(bender) off, but it can't really cover up the fact that David is just an obvious mad scientist that nobody can detect because they are all idiots.

Finally, we conclude with a limp as fuck third act where there is no real sense of horror or tension. We just go through the same structure of attacks three or four times, with back/chestbursters growing into aliens, action scenes with zero sense of geography, and a switcheroo with David/Walter that everybody saw coming but makes little logistical sense in how it was pulled off. The direction of all this feels almost perfunctory, like "yeah here's your studio-mandated Alien movie I guess" when all Scott really wants to do is weird mythologizing.

I daresay Prometheus was a more interesting failure than this.

Ridley Scott has become the David of his own franchise.

I agree with this, and it's painful to think that we waited almost five years for this presequel. Five years, and then "boom"; the rug gets pulled out from under anyone hoping for more answers to questions that Promethus posed. Or you could say that many of us were essentially slipping in the blood metaphorically throughout the process of watching Covenant... woopsie daisy!


What prevents the Queen from being a further evolution of David's experiments?

I still don't get how he made those eggs? Did he sit on a spinning pottery table and formed them out of clay?
This David the creator thing would only make sense for me if he would infuse the organic version of a xenomorph with biomechanical properties.
Creating these eggs from scratch made no sense.


Speaking of the David/Walter switcheroo, I found it impressive how quickly David cut off his hand, burned that cut, switched clothing, and had time to swallow those facehuggers on the way out. lol

The movie though did a good job of visually hinting at the twist so it doesn't come out of left field. Small things like when David grabs Daniels on top of the shuttle after the xenomorph attack, the wind kicks up and blows David's hood back up. The hood being up was an obvious nod to David's initial introduction in the movie.


What does't really make any sense is that he made all these things while it's stated that life on this planet is basically extinct.

Also 10 years after this genocide he's still working on an engineer's body... How is this even possible.


Theoretical Magician
I still don't get how he made those eggs? Did he sit on a spinning pottery table and formed them out of clay?
This David the creator thing would only make sense for me if he would infuse the organic version of a xenomorph with biomechanical properties.
Creating these eggs from scratch made no sense.
I assume he's trying to turn it back to his original vision and eliminate the queen..He might have used surviving engineers or some other lifeform on the planet. You can see Brett's almost completely transformed.


After watching the movie I've got to say that I enjoyed it quite a bit but I do have some questions and things I didn't really like.

James Franco getting burned to a crisp from the get go was a huge surprise. The aesthetics resembled Prometheus and that was fine. The crew made some dumb decisions but were not as dumb overall as the Prometheus crew.

I didn't like how rushed this movie felt. There was 0 build up to kills? There was no tension. The twist with the Walter/David switch-a-roo was dumb and super obvious.

My questions:
how the fuck did Lope get an egg inside him without the facehugger even having a chance to attach itself properly?

In the first Alien film the facehugger stays on for what seems like a full day but in Covenant it's on and dead in about 10 minutes.

On top of that the Alien bursts out after being incubated for about another 10 minutes.

I guess it's because of plot reasons. No time to wait around I guess.

Who laid the eggs? David said they were waiting for "Mother". So maybe there is a queen. We saw the body of Shaw, so maybe a variant of a queen hatched from her?


You know, I would actually be okay with scrapping the Queen from the lore. I like the idea of the Xenomorphs being autonomous "perfect" killing machines far more than it being some sort of beehive.


Yeah but in that case the neomorphs are way better because they are the result of a spore contamination. The fact that you have to build eggs, that produce facehuggers needing hosts is silly.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
You know, I would actually be okay with scrapping the Queen from the lore. I like the idea of the Xenomorphs being autonomous "perfect" killing machines far more than it being some sort of beehive.

The movie mentions that David used a wasp as a starting point for his experiments, so it's plausible that there are some insect aspects to the xenomorphs physiology. If left to their own devices presumably they would have to evolve or die like any other organism, and maybe a queen/hive structure would come from that. Unfortunately this dumb movie tells us that they are created just 20 years before Alien...so...yeah. The next movie, if it happens, has a lot of explaining to do.


My questions:
how the fuck did Lope get an egg inside him without the facehugger even having a chance to attach itself properly?

In the first Alien film the facehugger stays on for what seems like a full day but in Covenant it's on and dead in about 10 minutes.

When they cut the facehugger off, you see its ovipositor retracting, so I guess it had enough time to shoot an egg down his throat before they got it off. As to the rest, they played real fast and loose with the established behaviors just to keep things popping off I suppose. Once the audience already knows what's coming, chestburster etc, there's no point to have the action die out for a long period to get to the payoff.

Anyways, this whole queen discussion could be pretty easily explained as David engineering queens at some future time so the lifecycle wouldn't depend on him and his creations would be self-sustaining. He does have a whole lot of test subjects at the end to work out his plans with. Getting the eggs onto the derelict is another story. Who the hell knows how Scott's gonna get himself out of that one, though I have a feeling it'll be to the effect of "Who gives a shit, nerds?"

Mr. Sam

A question that's been bugging me - why do the crew have to be married couples?

"So that they can populate the planet."

Yeah, except they've got thousands of couples on clothes racks in the ship.

"So that it has more impact when someone dies."

But, other than James Franco and Daniels, it wasn't hugely clear who was married to who, and you didn't spend any appreciable time with them as couples.

"Because the most qualified crew for a multi-trillion dollar interstellar colonising mission just happened to married. To each other."

A question that's been bugging me - why do the crew have to be married couples?

"So that they can populate the planet."

Yeah, except they've got thousands of couples on clothes racks in the ship.

The entire purpose of the mission is colonization with no plan for returning from the planet. Why doesn't it make sense for the mission goal to extend to the crew? Especially since it's not like any crew members wouldn't take their significant others with them on a one-way mission and it would actually be a bit odd to choose single persons for such a mission.

Mr. Sam

The entire purpose of the mission is colonization with no plan for returning from the planet. Why doesn't it make sense for the mission goal to extend to the crew? Especially since it's not like any crew members wouldn't take their significant others with them on a one-way mission and it would actually be a bit odd to choose single persons for such a mission.

Because if you're looking to build a crew of the most qualified people - and they're going to be twelve or whatever out of thousands of people with functioning genitals - what are the odds that all those people are actually married to each other? What if Daniels was married to a cab driver rather than... a mountaineer? Bring your wife along, sure - but she can't fly a spaceship so just leave her in the fridge until you land.
Because if you're looking to build a crew of the most qualified people - and they're going to be twelve or whatever out of thousands of people with functioning genitals - what are the odds that all those people are actually married to each other? What if Daniels was married to a cab driver rather than... a mountaineer? Bring your wife along, sure - but she can't fly a spaceship so just leave her in the fridge until you land.

Of all of the billions and billions of humans out there, you don't think it's possible there's like, a half-dozen qualified couples?


About the "homeworld" thing.

I was thinking about Prometheus again and something struck me so that I can make some sense out of this. The ship they find in Prometheus, the one filled with the black goo, has been sitting there for 2000 years and there's only one Engineer alive in the cryochambers. Then Elizabeth and David take that ship and go to what they (and us) believe is the Engineer's homeworld.

Upon arrival, we see that there's not much technology in sight and the Engineers there seem to be like "ancient greeks" or something on that level based on their robes, architecture and lack of technology. They seem surprised and in awe at the ship's arrival. Which leads me to believe something happened in those 2000 years that made them behave this way. Maybe they no longer possess the technology to go off-world or even advanced technology at all and they obviously thought it was some ancient members of their kind on that ship, which would explain their reactions. I'm fine if that's the case, 2000 years seems like a very long time if we look at our own history as a civilized species.

The only problem I have with that is the opening scene of Prometheus. That's gotta be millions or billions of years ago if they created life on earth. If a species so advanced can remain technologically advanced from that time until 2000 years ago, I have a hard time believing they vanished in those 2000 years between the recordings found in Prometheus and David arriving in their "homeworld"

I think the Engineers are a slave race to a more advanced entity, let us call them "Gods". The Engineer home world lacks technology because they never had any. The "Gods" come to their planet and pick up chosen ones to do their bidding and gives them the tools needed (Ships, Goo). They are effectively the "grays" of the Alien universe. Scott himself alluded to "Gods and Engineers" in some early Prometheus interviews.

The start of Prometheus looks to me more like a religious ritual, they sacrifice themselves to their "Gods" to seed the planet. They also dress like monks and most of their buildings look more like temples than practical housing. The mural in Prometheus also signals worship. They might not understand the goo any more than the human do, that is why they also died from it in Prometheus. We have also never seen an Engineer carry any sort of weapon.

This would explain their behavior when the ship arrives in Covenant and why there is a loading bridge in the middle of an arena. Boarding a ship is clearly a great event for their whole civilization.

Mister Wolf

It is when you're completely changing the lore.. No queen, they were created thirty years before by David. Ancient Alien vessel full of eggs..Now what we're going to have time travel?...Or it's less than twenty years old when it crashed? Its the same thing Lucas did with the stupid Midichlorians. Its lame.

I'm not sure David created the xenomorphs still. That black goop seem to take everything down the same vicious predatory evolutionary path and david had nothing to do with that as shown with the mutated worm, octopus face hugger and the creature that burst out the engineer. The evolutionary path is always the same more or less. Didn't the chamber in Prometheus also have a mural of an alien. No way the engineers didn't know what that stuff was capable of creating. All David was work with what was already in place he didn't create the xenomorphs



What if I said Covenant is my 3rd favourite Alien film?

My current rank is

  • Alien
  • Aliens
  • Covenant
  • Prometheus
  • Alien 3

  • Resurrection.

Although Covenant, Prometheus and Alien 3 are kind of on the same level for me. I appreciate the fact that Convenant feels more like the original film at some points than any of the other films in the franchise, although it could have used a better, more thought out script, and maybe less spectacle. I feel things are getting lost in the process of making everything big and epic. It doesn't help that, seemingly, Ridley Scott doesn't know where to go with the franchise and just makes things up on the spot as he goes. I definitely want to watch it again once it releases in DVD and Blu-Ray, though.


The movie mentions that David used a wasp as a starting point for his experiments, so it's plausible that there are some insect aspects to the xenomorphs physiology. If left to their own devices presumably they would have to evolve or die like any other organism, and maybe a queen/hive structure would come from that. Unfortunately this dumb movie tells us that they are created just 20 years before Alien...so...yeah. The next movie, if it happens, has a lot of explaining to do.

Yeah, I was speaking theoretically. In theory I'm okay with them retconning the Queen/Hive structure, but how Ridley Scott is doing it is completely asinine.

I'm not sure David created the xenomorphs still. That black goop seem to take everything down the same vicious predatory evolutionary path and david had nothing to do with that as shown with the mutated worm, octopus face hugger and the creature that burst out the engineer. The evolutionary path is always the same more or less. Didn't the chamber in Prometheus also have a mural of an alien. No way the engineers didn't know what that stuff was capable of creating. All David was work with what was already in place he didn't create the xenomorphs

I'm pretty sure that everybody involved in making the film forgot that that mural exists.

Mister Wolf

Yeah, I was speaking theoretically. In theory I'm okay with them retconning the Queen/Hive structure, but how Ridley Scott is doing it is completely asinine.

I'm pretty sure that everybody involved in making the film forgot that that mural exists.

Doesn't change the fact the the goo makes creatures that all share similar features and properties. David didn't create shit. That goo will always make a Xenomorph in one form or another because that's what it was designed to do by beings more intelligent than David. Just like weasels, badgers, martins, etc are of the same family so are those variations of what we call xenomorphs and theres no way the engineers weren't aware of that goo doing that.


At least they boiled down all the dumb decision making to 3 people instead of the entire ship, like in Prometheus. You're learning, Ridley Scott.

Shaw being dead literally came off as Fox not wanting to pay to have Rapace reprise her role.
Yet they brought her back for new scenes in the Prologue they posted on Youtube.


Speaking of the David/Walter switcheroo, I found it impressive how quickly David cut off his hand, burned that cut, switched clothing, and had time to swallow those facehuggers on the way out. lol.

Is it wrong that the moment I saw David cut his hair I was like "alright, when's the switch happening?"
I'm not sure David created the xenomorphs still. That black goop seem to take everything down the same vicious predatory evolutionary path and david had nothing to do with that as shown with the mutated worm, octopus face hugger and the creature that burst out the engineer. The evolutionary path is always the same more or less. Didn't the chamber in Prometheus also have a mural of an alien. No way the engineers didn't know what that stuff was capable of creating. All David was work with what was already in place he didn't create the xenomorphs

David himself explains that the black goo is both a tool of creation and destruction. That's why the Engineers use it when they create life, it ties with Prometheus and Covenant's of themes creation through destruction.

Most of the time the goo destroys the organism at the molecular level but in some instances it mutates them, further mutations always tend to go the path of a parasitic lifeform which creates hybrids. That is why direct contact with the goo will either kill or create a zombie (first Engineer/Holloway/Fifield/worms) but a more 'evolved' form or intermediate step (spores/Shaw's womb/egg) will produce a hybrid (a Xenomorph-like lifeform).

The engineers were definitely aware of the hybrid, the mural in Prometheus is definitely much more similar to a Deacon than anything so they probably first encountered these things after using the goo in some massive attack between themselves (or one of their creations) which must have caused massive mutation. Seemingly they came to respect/revere/be proud of it in a similar way that David, Ash and Bishop did (perfect organism) because of it's amazing biology (speed, strenght, growth, acidic blood etc.).

Now, the Xenomorph we know was all David experimenting and refining this property of the black goo to create hybrids in order to design his own perfected version of them. Apparently he used the Engineers (some must have survived since David has one half skinned in a Michel Angelo's David pose in his office) the native fauna of the planet (which he apparently decimated in his experiments, that's why Daniels notes there's no signs of animal life) and Shaw (and probably her reproductive system) to create a much more robust version of the creature.

As how did he create the eggs, we've both seen in Prometheus and Covenant (and the old movies, really) how these things grow really fast until they reach maturity. The Trilobite grew in hours to the mass of a months-old baby so I wouldn't be surprised if those eggs were grown from something minuscule through the goo's properties.


semen stains the mountaintops
I was thinking that David switched consciousness with Walter but I dunno if that's a thing he could do.

Mister Wolf

David himself explains that the black goo is both a tool of creation and destruction. That's why the Engineers use it when they create life, it ties with Prometheus and Covenant's of themes creation through destruction.

Most of the time the goo destroys the organism at the molecular level but in some instances it mutates them, further mutations always tend to go the path of a parasitic lifeform which creates hybrids. That is why direct contact with the goo will either kill or create a zombie (first Engineer/Holloway/Fifield/worms) but a more 'evolved' form or intermediate step (spores/Shaw's womb/egg) will produce a hybrid (a Xenomorph-like lifeform).

The engineers were definitely aware of the hybrid, the mural in Prometheus is definitely much more similar to a Deacon than anything so they probably first encountered these things after using the goo in some massive attack between themselves or one of their creations which must have caused massive mutation and came to respect/revere/be proud of it in a similar way that David, Ash and Bishop did (perfect organism) because of it's amazing biology (speed, strenght, growth, acidic blood etc.).

Now, the Xenomorph we know was all David experimenting and refining this property of the black goo to create hybrids to design his own perfected version of them. Apparently he used the Engineers (some must have survived since David has one half skinned in a Michel Angelo's David pose in his office) the native fauna of the planet (which he apparently decimated in his experiments, that's why Daniels notes there's no signs of animal life) and Shaw (and probably her reproductive system) to create a much more robust version of the creature.

As how did he create the eggs, we've both seen in Prometheus and Covenant (and the old movies, really) how these things grow really fast until they reach maturity. The Trilobite grew in hours to the mass of a months-old baby so I wouldn't be surprised if those eggs were grown from something minuscule through the goo's properties.

We still have a lot of questions like the origins of the goo? Why the things it mutates go down a parasitic path? Is the goo derived from a natural lifeform? Is that thing depicted in the mural the origin of the goo? Has any other xenomorph mutations created from that goo lay eggs like many parasites do? I'm not ready to credit David as the creator of Xenomorphs its not like he designed the goo's properties of creating enlongated head vicious parasites with acid blood. Somebody else designed that its not a coincidence or the creature its derived from displays those traits. Whose to say egg laying isn't a trait.


At least they boiled down all the dumb decision making to 3 people instead of the entire ship, like in Prometheus. You're learning, Ridley Scott.

Yet they brought her back for new scenes in the Prologue they posted on Youtube.

Not sure about that.
You got the lander landing 8km away from the signal's source. Why not fly over it to check it out?
Why was the giant necropolis not picked up at all? Looked like it was only another hour long footmarch away from the crash site?

Why do they exit the lander craft without any protective suit at all? After stressing so much that they have a responsibility to the 2000 souls colony ship?
"Oh here is another planet, yup looks pretty solid, so let's just land and walk around without any suits even before we do the biological tests!"
Then they walk across thousands of dead bodies that they knew got killed by a virus and don't do anything to up the quarantine or protective measures?

Movie lost me at this point already. The reason for no suits/helmets seemed to solely because they didn't want to deal with the hassle of having actors run around in bubbled up suits for too long.
Amazing that people are disappointed that the David 'twist' was too obvious and easy to work out. Personally, I thought it was completely telegraphed and 100% obvious on purpose.

That said, it was a 5/10 movie, lots wrong with it, lots of stupid shit. Saving grace was the David bits.


Amazing that people are disappointed that the David 'twist' was too obvious and easy to work out. Personally, I thought it was completely telegraphed and 100% obvious on purpose.

That said, it was a 5/10 movie, lots wrong with it, lots of stupid shit. Saving grace was the David bits.

That's the thing, it was so obvious even the characters should've picked up on it. Come on Daniels, you were assaulted by David just a few minutes ago. The least you could do was check that you had the right synth on board. I refuse to believe that the thought never occurred to her.

Of course, compared to the other stupid decisions made by the characters in Covenant this one was pretty easy to look past. Maybe they had a million other things to worry about, or perhaps there wasn't an easy way to tell between models (do synths have imei codes printed on their ass?)

It just felt sloppy, and that's before you try to figure out how David managed to cut his hair, amputate his hand, change into Walter's clothes and fix the damage done to his voice/internals. Yeah I know...blame editing, but still.
Saw the movie this weekend and left pretty disappointed. Prometheus had its flaws, but at least it was intriguing and had better characters. Katherine Waterson as Daniels was pretty lackluster compared to Noomi Rapace's Shaw. I was more interested in what happened to her than any of the characters of the Covenant. Don't even get me started on the whole David being the creator of the eggs and what not.


I know it wasn't a big part of the movie at all, but for some reason it bothered me that they where just running standard current gen. weapons instead of doing something to make them look a bit more scifi and different maybe skew them design wise a bit towards what we see in Aliens.

but yeah it is not like this is the movies biggest problem at all


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Watched this yesterday, I dunno, I quite enjoyed it. Then I came to this thread and see how many people left disappointed.

I liked it a lot more than Prometheus, sure the "Alien" is just there for like 5 minutes and the Neomorphs also have like 2, 3 scenes, the movie was still very interesting.

Yeah, you know as soon as you see David that he's upto no good and will fuck everyone's shit up by the end but it was very interesting to see his interactions with the others, Walter specifically.
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