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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds

I give zero fucks about being competitive and play this game for loot boxes. I'd never grind it out alone though, always play with a friend.

Quick play matchmaking is a fickle mistress though.
Awful matchmaking is something all Blizzard games seem to have in common. :(
gaddamnit jazzy lucio is hot.

Also blizz calls Genji's skin Sentai as well, which is the japanese term for power rangers.

For reference
Kamen Rider said:
Super Sentai said:


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Sentai Genji? Whats next, Hentai Mercy?

Cauthon summed up my thoughts on the GFE roster quite well in this reddit thread
3rd guy said:
While this is an understandable move, it has more to do with arranging the roster to have everybody on their primary comfort roles than a lack of performance from the players. Equinox was always an easy target for blame with the "4 flex" setup that GFE started the HGC season with, but keep in mind that GFE signed him with full knowledge of his lack of experience on the main tank role.
Prior to picking up Equinox, GFE had been in a rough spot where they had severely under-performed considering the hype around adding fan, bkid, and creating the kind of super roster that everyone expected to take one of the blizzcon spots for NA. It was only after adding Equinox, despite his role-swapping to tank, that GFE became known once again as a power-house team.
It was an interesting experiment with the mass flex team that worked for a time, but I imagine GFE will opt to go with a more standard team composition going into the 2nd phase. Considering Equinox was a large part of that team becoming a juggernaut again in the first place, and that he intends to return back to his natural role on melee assassins/shot calling, I think he will be one of the most valuable free agents a team could pick up during the off season.


WIN OR DIE HGC Crucible matches announced: http://us.heroesofthestorm.com/espo...tomorrow-and-begenius-called-out-for-crucible

Even in Death won the Open Division Playoffs in North America, and they have chosen to play No Tomorrow, who placed seventh in the regular season. This means that Naventic will now play Imported Support, who came in second in the Open Division Playoffs. In Europe, Playoff winners Team Gangang (TGG) have chosen to take on BeGenius, leaving Synergy to play the Open Division runners-up, Team Zealot.

US games- 4pm EST this coming Sun/Sat, EU games at 1 pm EST.

It's very possible for the US games to get delayed though, these are Best of 7s.


Yeah, I played competitive DotA for about a year and played it hardcore outside of that competitive experience for a long time (pre-DotA2).

I play Overwatch, and when I started playing I fell to 900 SR because I've never played a serious FPS before. I grinded up to >2000 this last month. I know how miserable those low ranks are, hahaha.

You are gonna have a leg up with that experience, but my point with all of that wall of text still stands. It's way harder to carry individually in HOTS than Overwatch or Dota. It's too team based. Even if you look at Dyrus/Scarra/Voyboy, all but Dyrus struggled a lot more than they thought they would and Scarra struggled the most. The good news if you were great at Dota pushing through Silver and Gold might not be the hardest thing in the world as you can just OTP through there if you are really mechanically sound, but it will be like playing with bots. Bots that curse and rage quit.

This is an interesting point, but I don't really understand what you're telling me. Can you explain it in a different way?

I dunno how to explain it differently. Basically if you play 10 games and you win 60% you're winning 6 of them. That means you lost 4. That means for every 10 games you only actually gain rating for 2 of them. If you have a sub 60% winrate, which basically everyone but masters players do, you're gonna take even longer if you get put in a lower bracket once the MMR bonus fades.

MMR bonus = the first 30-50 games Blizzard makes your gains and losses much larger than usual as it tries to place you. The closer you get to 100 games, the lower it gets, and at 100+ it starts getting down to where you're looking at 10-20 a game max. Each season it'll reset for a bit where you get bigger gains for a 20-30 games (and particularly in your first 10 games as placement), but then it's back to small gains again.

I WANT to learn my matchups. That's part of the frustration. I could be learning the ins and outs of Butcher, Diablo, Thrall, and a few other characters I really enjoy, but instead I am grinding out matchups I don't particularly care about. I would rather go deep instead of broad.

Butcher and Thrall aren't really in the meta, though. Butcher has a high winrate in HL when he's picked, but he's about as niche as they come. Thrall was king for a while but they slowly nerfed him back to where he sees no play. Diablo does see some play. That's where Unranked will help you going in.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You don't like Dehaka? :(

I already had him.

Just had the most frustrating match I can remember. actual frustration.

Butcher, Morales, Medivh, Tyrande, Muradin.

We simply could not kill Morales, because Medivh would just protect her, we couldnt kill Medivh because Morales would just heal him, meanwhile our Valeera cant do shit because of Medivh's vision, and you had to get through Muradin and Butcher's big fat asses to even try to get to Morales.

Jesus christ that was annoying.


Source? Leoric is a character I like thematically, but his moveset is so bad. Especially Wraithwalk. I don't know why it exists.

Wraithwalk is a really strong ability, makes him near unkillable when you take hardened bones. Leo can walk out of anything


Junior Member
I really dislike Hanamura as a map in QM, it's just really chaotic. Plus great, you get Abathur on your team.

And yeah, it seems to be really hard to carry in this game. Today I had some terrible matches were everybody was a hero so I poke my ass of as Li-Mei but to no avail, they dive a team that is better in close combat, get blown up, great, I have no escape and they have great gap closers.

So many matches were I had the best stats by far in damage, siege and deaths and we still lost. Because Lucio + Tyrande outheal a single Malfurion and our team dove and dove and dove. Seriously thinking about going back to League. At least there you can at times go off and carry your whole team.

And worst? Keeps tanking my rating so it becomes more and more random.

edit: Holy hell, 2-9. No wonder it feels like a drag.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Pallytime makes heroes look so fun. His latest video on Chen is a great example.

Im having a rough night with Tracer, even if I just had a curbstomp-y game just now, which I needed after 3 losses. Just bad comps in general, I love her but she seems very comp dependent.


Chen is a very fun hero (IMO). May be biased as he's one of my best, but all the jumping around and damage you can soak is fun. Plus Panda Pals can really surprise some heroes with it's trapping and burst.


Chen is the best hero in the game.

Tried new tyrande a bit, she feels strong

Yea I played like 5 in a row with her this morning. I don't think she's as broken in QM as she was, but better overall, but I still don't like this version as much as her original version.

This version of tyrande and iron fist monk build in my opinion are what supports in hots should be.
1-3 with medivh for the night. I'm not that great with him but these games were just atrocious.
Like this last game. I'm just flying around hunting their abathur and in the meantime these guys die 10 times in 4 minutes.

The first game of the night already started great with a Cassia that called gg in the first 5 minutes then proceeded to afk in lane for the remainder of the game. Meanwhile we were crushing the other team in teamfights 4v5 but were consistently losing the Immortal phase and lost the game as a result. Final score was something like 32-18 in our favour.

The one game I won was a total stomp on Hanamura.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
1-3 with medivh for the night. I'm not that great with him but these games were just atrocious.
Like this last game. I'm just flying around hunting their abathur and in the meantime these guys die 10 times in 4 minutes.
The first game of the night already started great with a Cassia that called gg in the first 5 minutes then proceeded to afk in lane for the remainder of the game. Meanwhile we were crushing the other team in teamfights 4v5 but were consistently losing the Immortal phase and lost the game as a result. Final score was something like 32-18 in our favour.

The one game I won was a total stomp on Hanamura.

sounds like my night


1-3 with medivh for the night. I'm not that great with him but these games were just atrocious.
Like this last game. I'm just flying around hunting their abathur and in the meantime these guys die 10 times in 4 minutes.

The first game of the night already started great with a Cassia that called gg in the first 5 minutes then proceeded to afk in lane for the remainder of the game. Meanwhile we were crushing the other team in teamfights 4v5 but were consistently losing the Immortal phase and lost the game as a result. Final score was something like 32-18 in our favour.

The one game I won was a total stomp on Hanamura.

I love when people decide the game is lost and then play like shit to basically "prove their point". Just the absolute worst.
If it was £3.99 I'd consider it, but £4.29 and the chance of getting dupe heroes in all my welcome box rerolls, I'll pass.

Leoric is one of my favorite heroes currently, hope they don't fuck him up.


I can't figure out how to play Tracer. She's way too squishy for me.
Learn her AA range by heart. Poke at the front line to build your bomb and dive the back line for kills with it.

Also you should always be roaming and looking for isolated targets and people rotating dangerously. Nobody can run from a Tracer, so if you catch someone running between lanes they're dead meat.
I played Monday with my friends to get the OW stuff, a bunch of us sitting around eating pizza and drinking beer was good fun.

Last time we played for the Genji skin it was so so and felt like a chore, this time we had a blast. Even won 4 matches (two were serious, other two were throw aways by other OW skin seekers in Korea) This might be our new hangout game.


I played Monday with my friends to get the OW stuff, a bunch of us sitting around eating pizza and drinking beer was good fun.

Last time we played for the Genji skin it was so so and felt like a chore, this time we had a blast. Even won 4 matches (two were serious, other two were throw aways by other OW skin seekers in Korea) This might be our new hangout game.

Its a really good game for playing casually with friends. My friends play like once or twice a week, maybe 3-4 games total and we have a blast. I play almost everyday by myself and still have a decent time with it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Tracer to 10, not much else to say, I didnt really need to take her to 10 to know I love her. My final takeaway is that she seems one of those heroes that when you havebabgood game, its amazing, but when you have a bad game she feels awful. Ive heard similar comments about Nova for example.

Then I played one game as Varian (I got him to 5 before) and I still hate him. I hate everything about the character, he feels slow and sluggish, I hate his skills, I hate taunt and apparently its mandatory, I dont feel imortal at all like the other Varians I see... that one will be shelved for last tbh.

To be fair I hated Diablo and then I did a 180 on him, but I dont think that will happen with Varian.

I know I know, you're triggered right now Alur.


Dont you have "I heart Varian" posters in your bedroom and "Varian + Alur" scribbled all over your diary?

Nah, I just liked that portrait. Varian is/was just a necessary QM evil to "get dem wins". He's alright, I like playing him, but not one of my faves and never particularly cared for him in WoW lore.

At this point in HOTS my wall would have those sword stands you can get that come with three "ninja swords" and some other shit like that, because I <3 Genji. The closet would look normal from the outside but the interior would be painted green with yellow molding and there'd be a giant egg the size of a toddler in it. Dunno whose egg that would be...


I have no idea what anything you just said means.

So my smurf's MMR is at 3,500 right now, not sure why I'm still playing with dreadful players but here I am.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So if one was inclined to try and learn a bit of Nova, should you open with snipe or pinning shot?

Snipe doesn't actually do more damage from stealth right? Its just the element of surprise?

I guess if you use pinning first it makes hitting snipe easier /shrug


HOTS matchmaking will always look like shit in QM because no matter how close the MMR it can't account for your ability on 67 different heroes. When you factor in how differently they play and their strengths and weaknesses and people are worrying about that stuff, some of the nuances of the game just go by the wayside.

Ketch and I went 2-1 tonight but our first game we had a dude quit out on the load screen. He came back when we were down 10-7 in levels, flew down to where we were fighting, must've seen we were down in levels, and immediately quit right back out. I hope there's a cold place in MMR hell for those dudes.


So earlier I was playing Zeratul in QM trying to lvl him to 15. It was on Haunted Mines. I did my thing and took out weak people, soaked when possible and got skulls in the mines. Late in the game the other team started pushing top while I and a member from the other team were in the mines getting skulls. One guy started pinging me like mad and then started bitching me out because I wasn't helping the 4v4 while I was trying to keep them from getting all the skulls.

So the one that was flaming me dies and then loses his shit on me. He then proceeds to blame me for losing since I didn't jump into their sorry ass deathball. He actually called Zeratul a selfish QM character. So I had the most kills (8) and 4 deaths, 2 that were at the end of the game trying to save their dumbasses. And I had the most XP contributed. And I was the selfish Zeratul? Bizarre.


So earlier I was playing Zeratul in QM trying to lvl him to 15. It was on Haunted Mines. I did my thing and took out weak people, soaked when possible and got skulls in the mines. Late in the game the other team started pushing top while I and a member from the other team were in the mines getting skulls. One guy started pinging me like mad and then started bitching me out because I wasn't helping the 4v4 while I was trying to keep them from getting all the skulls.

So the one that was flaming me dies and then loses his shit on me. He then proceeds to blame me for losing since I didn't jump into their sorry ass deathball. He actually called Zeratul a selfish QM character. So I had the most kills (8) and 4 deaths, 2 that were at the end of the game trying to save their dumbasses. And I had the most XP contributed. And I was the selfish Zeratul? Bizarre.

Typical MOBA mentality unfortunately. Search for the scapegoat when you don't come out on top. Just have to learn to ignore people like that, its tough sometimes for sure.
I dislike the haunted mines stage more then hanamura. Having to go to a totally separate fighting area feels disconnected from the rest of the match. Moreso in terms of flow than actual screen disconnect. My favorite stage, in obvious contrast, is the spider queen one. I think it provides a great combat dynamic without shuffling everyone off to some separate corner of the map to run an errand.


I dislike the haunted mines stage more then hanamura. Having to go to a totally separate fighting area feels disconnected from the rest of the match. Moreso in terms of flow than actual screen disconnect. My favorite stage, in obvious contrast, is the spider queen one. I think it provides a great combat dynamic without shuffling everyone off to some separate corner of the map to run an errand.

It's okay when you have team mates that actually go down to the mines, but when two people on your own team fart around up above things get kind of painful.
Quick match woes.


Then I played one game as Varian (I got him to 5 before) and I still hate him. I hate everything about the character, he feels slow and sluggish, I hate his skills, I hate taunt and apparently its mandatory, I dont feel imortal at all like the other Varians I see... that one will be shelved for last tbh.

To be fair I hated Diablo and then I did a 180 on him, but I dont think that will happen with Varian.

He's not immortal but he can take a ton of damage and negate large amounts of burst if you save your parry accordingly. I personally think both charge and taunt are great, not just to initiate but to save and peel for people on your team.

Taunt is also a great at showing your team "hey I really want to kill this hero", similar to Tyraels judgement and it's on a much lower cooldown. Obviously you need your team to follow up, which can be a bit of a crapshoot in QM but if it works it can feel absolutely disgusting.

As far as warriors go he's definitely one of my favorites, can't really say much about twin blades and colossus smash because I never take them.
Gotta love those games where your team is losing every early game team fight over the objective. Then when things seem pretty bleak, down to 2 keeps, you win your first team fight and get the objective. Then you're not only back in the game you're ahead in player count and they still try for the objective and dashingly lose every player including the straggling respawn.

They got overconfident for sure. I don't know why they'd try to 4v5 but it turned a game where we were finally getting back into it into a sure win.


Something that good novas do is not wait for perfect moments. She does good dmg from far away so a lot of the time you can get a spell rotation off, cloak, and appear somewhere else. Throwing out a spell rotation in one lane and then doing it immediately in another lane will give you good pressure in those lanes, even if you realistically arent able to get kills in them.

Advice for all stealthers is to try and play as if they see you, meaning you should have escape routes in mind


I mean it was a special case with stuff like illidan and nova, imposing was prob the best pick here

I also tried that poison spear stuff that's been popular, it's pretty good too

Btw does anyone know if the onhit atspd slow for imposing and the active stack?
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