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Far Cry 5 keyart revealed


This looks really interesting. Full reveal this Friday?

A reveal of some kind.

It could just be a trailer, but I am hoping for those insightful blow outs like they did for AC: Syndicate and Watch Dogs 2.

I enjoy those things since unlike EA's E3 conferences there is usually actual footage of the game opposed to conceptual footage, devs talking only.
Progressives definitely are putting them in the bucket. Just like the Conservatives are putting all the Progressives in a bucket. Anyone who has actually been paying attention to the political and cultural shift of the United States over that last decade should be able to see the partisan divide that has slowly widened over that time span. It's unproductive and idiotic. Most people are either Republican or Democrat over one or two major issues, then adopting some of the other issues from those platforms that they agree with but don't really overtly concern themselves with. Both sides also assume that the entire "oppoosing" side agrees with every single element of their own party. The media and the internet echo chambers enable this faulty line of thinking and the divide widens.

This is exactly what is happening. You don't know how many hours I've dedicated in my community and local government to try to stop this exact thing from spreading. It's just about impossible.

Once though, I pulled up to a gas station with my wife and son in the car where a slightly over middle aged man was shouting at people about their political bumper stickers and while I was filling up I asked him a question and he went off on me calling me a hippie, etc. I ended up talking with him for 2 hours trying to calm him down and have an meaningful, kind, loving and understanding conversation where we both tried to understand each other and where we where coming from and what lead us to feel that way. It ended with him in tears and a hug with us both understanding each other. Turns out he was a city council member from another township. I don't know... I just don't like to give up on people lol.

Anyway, my point is, that it took time and love to change his mind. Never have I ever seen a generalization out of hate or fear or whatever change anyone's mind for the better and that is almost always born of ignorance.


Ubi knows that good game systems + heightened version of reality + controversy = sales. Rockstar has built themselves using that formula.

I'm very interested to see how this will end up looking.


I have a question about US politics that confuses me a little, when people talk liberal is because of civil liberties? Social democrats and socialists are considered liberals in the US?

I dont want to discuss ideology, i just want to understand this
A reveal of some kind.

It could just be a trailer, but I am hoping for those insightful blow outs like they did for AC: Syndicate and Watch Dogs 2.

I enjoy those things since unlike EA's E3 conferences there is usually actual footage of the game opposed to conceptual footage, devs talking only.

I put a post for you on the last page but it got cut off :(


Source? Not that I'm doubting, but I'm curious to see how they beat a group that routinely sell children as sex slaves.

Keep in mind those are domestic US institutions. Institutions in Europe and the Middle East may come to a different consensus.

I've been digging around for a source, but I've heard that quote rattled off by journalists for years.

FBI is a domestic organization. They have little to do with ISIS, since ISIS has no presence in the USA. Domestic terrorists like sovereigns or supremacists are a bigger concern for the FBI. It's a matter of jurisdiction.

I thought FBI reorganized into a more international counter terrorism organization post-9/11, but I could be mistaken on the details.
As a guy from a country which representation in movies is a gun loving world police with air conditioning in every house, I understand where r/the_donalds complaints come from. That said, the game doesn't mention Scientology by name so I'd say they are saved by "artistic liberty" here.

It really, really sucks when the only thing your country is mentioned for is to either downplay it or to portray it as a place where everyone eats well done steak with ketchup when it's probably a beautiful land with problems like any other one.


A reveal of some kind.

It could just be a trailer, but I am hoping for those insightful blow outs like they did for AC: Syndicate and Watch Dogs 2.

I enjoy those things since unlike EA's E3 conferences there is usually actual footage of the game opposed to conceptual footage, devs talking only.
Really hoping they show off a lot of gameplay and some new mechanics. Don't want another reason like 4.


But the story is amazing in Horizon, as is tje combat against giant robots. 3 hours in you really haven't seen jack shit.

Horizon is nothing like a run of the mill checklist sort of affair.

Not to imply that Far Cry 3 or 4 felt like checklist affairs, but I totally understand you being tired of the same formula since the third game.

But please do check out Horizon some more bud :)

This is totally off topic, but the story in horizon hasn't hooked me. Side quests seem unintersting, and Aloy straight up felt like she was from some other planet/universe compared to the rest of the people in the game.

Because everyone else speaks in a tribalistic manner, while Aloy talks like someone you'd see in something set in modern day like LiS, GTA, etc.

It's super jarring.

Maybe I am open worlded out, but it also could be because I played Horizon after beating Persona 5... and I feel empty ever since I completed it.


Gold Member
I want to go after cults and destroy moonshine distilleries. I just fear that it'll be watered down and there will be generic quests we've seen over and over again. Not saying it'll be bad, but what took me away from the last few games is that it didn't grab my attention beyond weapons and locations.


So I'm just being picky now but the perspective of the two back vehicles (driving) is off by about 10 degrees or so, they're not driving parallel to the road, they're off.

The brown bottle/carton/jug has a reflection cubemap of an interior on it, you can see windows and things - while they're outside so its not reflecting the environment correctly.

Yeah lol in Rainbow Six Siege all the reflections are of a garage, no matter what map you are on. It's pretty hilarious.


So I'm just being picky now but the perspective of the two back vehicles (driving) is off by about 10 degrees or so, they're not driving parallel to the road, they're off.

The brown bottle/carton/jug has a reflection cubemap of an interior on it, you can see windows and things - while they're outside so its not reflecting the environment correctly.

Yeah lol in Rainbow Six Siege all the reflections are of a garage, no matter what map you are on. It's pretty hilarious.

Wasn't that the way in Watch Dogs as well?


Old Member
This is exactly what is happening. You don't know how many hours I've dedicated in my community and local government to try to stop this exact thing from spreading. It's just about impossible.

Once though, I pulled up to a gas station with my wife and son in the car where a slightly over middle aged man was shouting at people about their political bumper stickers and while I was filling up I asked him a question and he went off on me calling me a hippie, etc. I ended up talking with him for 2 hours trying to calm him down and have an meaningful, kind, loving and understanding conversation where we both tried to understand each other and where we where coming from and what lead us to feel that way. It ended with him in tears and a hug with us both understanding each other. Turns out he was a city council member from another township. I don't know... I just don't like to give up on people lol.

Anyway, my point is, that it took time and love to change his mind. Never have I ever seen a generalization out of hate or fear or whatever change anyone's mind for the better and that is almost always born of ignorance.

Your wife and kid must have been fucking pissed.
I don't know if this image has been posted yet, sorry if it was:



Might need to stop sniffing glue
Guys, Nazism regurarly killed children, yet at every reveal of a WWII game there is ALWAYS people asking "Why can't I play as a nazi?".

True, war throws kids into the mix, and Nazis are a whole different sort of lot. I'm happy that isn't included in my "entertainment".


This is totally off topic, but the story in horizon hasn't hooked me. Side quests seem unintersting, and Aloy straight up felt like she was from some other planet/universe compared to the rest of the people in the game.

Because everyone else speaks in a tribalistic manner, while Aloy talks like someone you'd see in something set in modern day like LiS, GTA, etc.

It's super jarring.

Maybe I am open worlded out, but it also could be because I played Horizon after beating Persona 5... and I feel empty ever since I completed it.

Because she was basically raised on a different planet. She grew up outside the tribe with access to incredibly advanced technology she finds as a child. Horizon is so fucking good.


Well developers , if you want your game to hyped on Neogaf, just have a bi racial , bi sexual , trans sexual protagonist. Bonus points for having them on the cover shooting southern white males , burning snake, bibles and churches.

Don't forget them sporting the "I'm with her" cap as well ;)
i hope this deals with a crazy cult (something like Waco Siege), and not a political message about trump or something stupid

Well developers , if you want your game to hyped on Neogaf, just have a bi racial , bi sexual , trans sexual protagonist. Bonus points for having them on the cover shooting southern white males , burning snake, bibles and churches.

Don't forget them sporting the "I'm with her" cap as well ;)

lmao nise
Trophy Unlocked: Tread on Them
Knowing Ubi it'd be a terrible collection mission though.

Honestly a collection mission of pulling Confederate flags off the back of pickup trucks would be pretty cathartic to me. Before I moved away from Indiana, it seemed like every town had an idiot with a giant Confederate flag hanging from the back of his truck.

I wonder if that's anything like Heaven's Gate.


Of course you would be the one to remember that...


I wonder if that's anything like Heaven's Gate.

Definitely designed to draw similarities that's for sure...Heaven's Gate is probably one of the creepiest things to ever happen in my town.

Fun fact, the Heaven's Gate website is still up...you can visit it to this day.


i hope this deals with a crazy cult (something like Waco Siege), and not a political message about trump or something stupid

lmao nise

I think some people are going to be disappointed. Since it definitely seems like it's going for the latter rather than the former. I doubt they try to touch anything really political.


Definitely designed to draw similarities that's for sure...Heaven's Gate is probably one of the creepiest things to ever happen in my town.

Fun fact, the Heaven's Gate website is still up...you can visit it to this day.

Whats the heavens Gate?
Not sure if this has been posted, but here goes.


But the art alone has already upset some fans. On the forum Politically Incorrect forum at 4chan, one commenter writes, “Sweet. If that is the plot I can find out who make FarCry game and NEVER FUCKING BUY ONE OF THEIR GAMES AGAIN.” Another writes, “Making the white people look evil. Getting fucking sick of this shit. You want us to become evil. We sure as fuck will.” Another goes further: “I hope they at least give us an ******evil ******* so that I can have the option to join them. If that were the case I would gladly pay $70 dollars to have a degenerate-hunter simulator.”


Why everyone think its going to be controversial

i see influence from True detective season 1 more instead of controversial stuff

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Yo I am gonna be RPing Rayland so hard for this. Main dude might as well be a UbiSoft version of Boyd and i'm fuckin HYPED now...

Probably the best change of scenery from one game to a sequel i've seen in a looooong time. Please let there be some gunslinger/quick draw kind of skills in the gun tree...

This is gonna be fun as hell. Good call Ubi!
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