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'Stop Giving Evil Characters Brown Skin'

No because you didn't respond to any of my points, only other people's points.

You've not answered why a millenia old literary tradition that has no basis in white culture is inherently racist and should be abandoned.

You've not answered why the colour of a characters skin is analogous to A change in race (analogous was not my word. It's the word used by your side of the argument to explain why a clearly white character with darkened skin was somehow related to another race.

Other than saying it doesn't dilute, you've not explained why. Whereas I did explain the opposite. It's people looking at stupid threads like this and thinking 'if this is all racism in video games is, then it's not a problem'.

1. The "millennia old" tradition is in fact problematic. There is a reason that across cultures, darker people tend to suffer most. We associate dark with bad and light with good and this bleeds over to how we view people with these skin tones. It doesn't need to be intrisric and just because it's been a norm for centuries doesn't mean the narrative shouldn't be changed.

2. It doesn't necessarily have to be a literal race change. The simple act of darkening skin to a realistic tone of skin to correlate that with a negative connotation isn't right. Not only that, but it's fucking lazy character development.


Saint Titanfall
Yes, darker skin = evil. Do you think that it will teach children to think black people are evil and white people are good? No it doesn't. Because these people don't look like black people, they look like white people who've been on holiday.

Games ARE however teaching people that white males are handsome, successful, heroes and everyone else is support. That's the real issue.

This is totally separately to the issue of bad guys being a different ethnicity, which i would totally get and would be on your side with.

But skin colour is ridiculous. There's much more to a race than just the colour of their skin.

That's exactly what it does. Do you think the implicit negative sterotypes people have come from thin air? Your displaying your naivety here. It's nothing absolute but if you think dark skinned people constantly being attributed to negative sterotypes has no affects I have a bridge to sell you.

There's plenty of sciencitific papers to back this up.


Since when was the milenia old tradition white is good brown is evil? Or in this case here largely not even talking about pure white but a persons skin tone. Clearly the earth is evil it's filled with brown. Damn this evil wood. This mud is killing me.
This is the dumbest thing you've said so far. Guess what, Ryu is brown too, Dark Ryu has been DARKENED, not suddenly changed to brown. As Ive said before they've clearly not changed his ethnicity. He's now been enveloped in shadow. Yes there are other ways to do it, but the only reason to stop doing it this way too is if it's racist. Simply changing guys skin colour without affecting his ethnicity, ain't racist!


That's exactly what it does. Do you think the implicit negative sterotypes people have come from thin air? Your displaying your naivety here. It's nothing absolute but if you think dark skinned people constantly being attributed to negative sterotypes has no affects I have a bridge to sell you.
The implicit racial sterootypes come from people hating foreigners. Why else do you think the British were at war with all of Europe for centuries.


Saint Titanfall
This is the dumbest thing you've said so far. Guess what, Ryu is brown too, Dark Ryu has been DARKENED, not suddenly changed to brown. As Ive said before they've clearly not changed his ethnicity. He's now been enveloped in shadow. Yes there are other ways to do it, but the only reason to stop doing it this way too is if it's racist. Simply changing guys skin colour without affecting his ethnicity, ain't racist!

Guess what culturally darker skinned indians gets treated worse than lighter skinned same with many asian cultures. your littlerally talking from ignorance.


Guess what culturally darker skinned indians gets treated worse than lighter skinned same with many asian cultures. your littlerally talking from ignorance.
Ironically this is incredibly racist. Those issues are far more complex than skin colour. But congratulations on reducing complex ethnic issues to skin colour for the sake of trying to win an Internet argument. :)
1. The "millennia old" tradition is in fact problematic. There is a reason that across cultures, darker people tend to suffer most. We associate dark with bad and light with good and this bleeds over to how we view people with these skin tones. It doesn't need to be intrisric and just because it's been a norm for centuries doesn't mean the narrative shouldn't be changed.

You do realize The Bible, The Koran, Book of The Dead etc were not written by white folks right? Light V Dark(NOT skin color) will always be an universally understood concept


Then if we're following this logic, if we had a dark skinned evil character who turns good and holy later on, a nice simple way of showing this is to lighten their skin up? I mean, hey it's worked all this time in reverse so why not do it in these cases too...

By following the cited logic, a dark skinned that becomes evil will become darker and goes back to it's normal color when it becomes good again or will start using white clothes if it becomes holy.


Saint Titanfall
The implicit racial sterootypes come from people hating foreigners. Why else do you think the British were at war with all of Europe for centuries.

It's not even half as simple as that as all you have to do is look at countries founded in 1900's with multiple different races existing from the onset. They're not foreigners to each other there and the attitudes persist. Did it occur to you that not all sterotypes have equal harshness. Tell me honestly if a brown skinned arabic looking person exists and walked aroun britain do you think they same level of negative sterotypes as a french person. Or an indian/pakistani in comparison to an itallian? You can believe otherwise all you want but the fact/stats, research tell a different story.

Have a look a scientific papers on the subject. i'm sure you'd find them very enlightening.

Ironically this is incredibly racist. Those issues are far more complex than skin colour. But congratulations on reducing complex ethnic issues to skin colour for the sake of trying to win an Internet argument. :)

Skin colour plays a part, in complex caste systems. Refute the specifics parts you have a issue with.
You do realize The Bible, The Koran, Book of The Dead etc were not written by white folks right? Light V Dark(NOT skin color) will always be an universally understood concept

And unfortunately that rhetoric translates directly into how we view skin color, hence why examples like some of the few mentioned in the short video and in this thread exist.


Ironically this is incredibly racist. Those issues are far more complex than skin colour. But congratulations on reducing complex ethnic issues to skin colour for the sake of trying to win an Internet argument. :)

Right, so let's assume I'm currently ignorant of these complex issues, which cause it to be racism between two members of the same ethnicity, despite previous assertions that attaching morality to skin colour is clearly not racist as long as you're not explicitly changing the ethnicity.

Would you care to educate me on these complexities?


Saint Titanfall
You do realize The Bible, The Koran, Book of The Dead etc were not written by white folks right? Light V Dark(NOT skin color) will always be an universally understood concept

The bible/koran etc also weren't talking about light skinned and dark skinned individuals but here we are anyway.
It's probably pretty easy to go "evil=darkness" and end up with a darkskinned character solely because the character is supposed to be evil, without giving much of a thought to the potentially detrimental effect it can have.
Equating evil with darkness is fine, but it gets iffy when applied to skin color.

I don't know how frequently that happens, but clearly it does happen, so it's good to spread awareness of this trope, so creators may opt to avoid it.
It's probably pretty easy to go "evil=darkness" and end up with a darkskinned character solely because the character is supposed to be evil, without giving much of a thought to the potentially detrimental effect it can have.
Equating evil with darkness is fine, but it gets iffy when applied to skin color.

I don't know how frequently that happens, but clearly it does happen, so it's good to spread awareness of this trope, so creators may opt to avoid it.

It really is that simple


I'm pretty certain very few if any people in this thread think someone is racist for watching the Lion King or playing Zelda or Street Fighter. I mean I personally love Street Fighter, but I can still acknowledge that a good point is being made in this thread about a harmful trope. The aim isn't to condemn fans or creators as racists, it almost never is, its to point out an unfortunate pattern and discuss why that is and how we can potentially move past it.

Like the article on the OP said, there are many other ways to visually signal that a character has gone evil without using this same old trope. Take out the skin color change and Evil Ryu and Violent Ken are still easily noticeable as the evil versions.

Idk, I mean, any chance people get they will try to call out everyone as racist. I don't want to defend myself as not being racist because it's just going to sound cliche. I feel like I can't escape it. Everything has to be racist, sexist, etc. Most of the time I don't see the issue. I don't really care what color the protagonist or the antagonist is. I feel like the issue lies within those who try to find the problem that doesn't exist. I just wish everyone would follow Morgan Freeman's advice and stop talking about it.
It really is that simple

...he said, 1200+ posts later

Making fairness/lightness of skin color correlate to goodness/evilness is generally a poor practice. How can anyone get so outraged in response to that notion? It's so innocuous.

Idk, I mean, any chance people get they will try to call out everyone as racist. I don't want to defend myself as not being racist because it's just going to sound cliche. I feel like I can't escape it. Everything has to be racist, sexist, etc. Most of the time I don't see the issue. I don't really care what color the protagonist or the antagonist is. I feel like the issue lies within those who try to find the problem that doesn't exist. I just wish everyone would follow Morgan Freeman's advice and stop talking about it.

What makes you think it's a "problem that doesn't exist"? Really curious what you have to back up that claim.
Idk, I mean, any chance people get they will try to call out everyone as racist. I don't want to defend myself as not being racist because it's just going to sound cliche. I feel like I can't escape it. Everything has to be racist, sexist, etc. Most of the time I don't see the issue. I don't really care what color the protagonist or the antagonist is. I feel like the issue lies within those who try to find the problem that doesn't exist. I just wish everyone would follow Morgan Freeman's advice and stop talking about it.

Lol, breh. A problem doesn't go away if you act like it doesn't exist. That's what America as a whole has been trying to do for the better part of 50 years and we see how well it's turned out.

...he said, 1200+ posts later

Which is why I think people are just stubborn for the sake of being stubborn.
I just wish everyone would follow Morgan Freeman's advice and stop talking about it.

Love Morgan Freeman.

He is so right. How can people expect to get rid of something if its a topic and pointed out all the time.

Only the passing of time without much acknowledgement can really solve this problem if ever.

Surely we cant turn a blind eye to everything and many cases of discrimination need help and acknowledgment but if do that with the littlest of things it will never end.


...he said, 1200+ posts later

Making fairness/lightness of skin color correlate to goodness/evilness is generally a poor practice. How can anyone get so outraged in response to that notion? It's so innocuous.

What makes you think it's a "problem that doesn't exist"? Really curious what you have to back up that claim.

It's just a color. Black, brown, gray, red, sometimes green, yellow... It's all associated with evil or dangerous. It doesn't mean racist, it doesn't have to mean that we are conditioning the youth to think that this man/woman is this color so therefore their real life counterpart must be evil as well. It's not until people start talking about it that it becomes an issue, and that everyone starts becoming conditioned to believe it. Like Morgan Freeman said, "I don't want a black history month". "I know you as []... And you know me as Morgan Freeman". People not letting go is the problem.
Idk, I mean, any chance people get they will try to call out everyone as racist. I don't want to defend myself as not being racist because it's just going to sound cliche. I feel like I can't escape it. Everything has to be racist, sexist, etc. Most of the time I don't see the issue. I don't really care what color the protagonist or the antagonist is. I feel like the issue lies within those who try to find the problem that doesn't exist. I just wish everyone would follow Morgan Freeman's advice and stop talking about it.

Okay, A LOT of problematic things have been said in this thread, but this is going to be the one that gets me to jump in.

First off, yes, some people do take things too far and make mountains out of mole hills, but a lot of time that isn't the case. And this especially isn't one of those cases. No one here is looking for a reason to be offended, this is a negative trope that has negatively effected marginalized groups for a long time. If you don't see it, sit and try to learn something.

You're gonna sit here and play victim for having to hear about it when actual marginalized group can't escape experiencing it.

And this doesn't go away by ignoring it and I'm tired of people pulling up that freaking Morgan Freeman clip. It's like you're going "he's a respectable blackman, you people should all listen to him and stop complaining".
It's just a color. Black, brown, gray, red, sometimes green, yellow... It's all associated with evil or dangerous. It doesn't mean racist, it doesn't have to mean that we are conditioning the youth to think that this man/woman is this color so therefore their real life counterpart must be evil as well. It's not until people start talking about it that it becomes an issue, and that everyone starts becoming conditioned to believe it. Like Morgan Freeman said, "I don't want a black history month". "I know you as []... And you know me as Morgan Freeman". People not letting go is the problem.

So by acknowledging that darker people are generally more likely to be seen as a threat, I'm making it so? Sure you want to go with that?

This is one of THE WORST "I'm not a racist but, ..." I've ever come across.

Also, there's a difference between blatant racism and passive or unintentional. The point of this thread is to point out the latter and get people to see the issue. But you just want to ignore it entirely.


Okay, A LOT of problematic things have been said in this thread, but this is going to be the one that gets me to jump in.

First off, yes, some people do take things too far and make mountains out of mole hills, but a lot of time that isn't the case. And this especially isn't one of those cases. No one here is looking for a reason to be offended, this is a negative trope that has negatively effected marginalized groups for a long time. If you don't see it, sit and try to learn something.

You're gonna sit here and play victim for having to hear about it when actual marginalized group can't escape experiencing it.

And this doesn't go away by ignoring it and I'm tired of people pulling up that freaking Morgan Freeman clip. It's like you're going "he's a respectable blackman, you people should all listen to him and stop complaining".

Gather ha



Okay, A LOT of problematic things have been said in this thread, but this is going to be the one that gets me to jump in.

First off, yes, some people do take things too far and make mountains out of mole hills, but a lot of time that isn't the case. And this especially isn't one of those cases. No one here is looking for a reason to be offended, this is a negative trope that has negatively effected marginalized groups for a long time. If you don't see it, sit and try to learn something.

You're gonna sit here and play victim for having to hear about it when actual marginalized group can't escape experiencing it.

And this doesn't go away by ignoring it and I'm tired of people pulling up that freaking Morgan Freeman clip. It's like you're going "he's a respectable blackman, you people should all listen to him and stop complaining".

Your very last quote, "he's a respectable Blackman", is exactly what I'm talking about. You put his color before his name. What does his color have to do with anything? What happened in American is history. We need to move on and look forward.


Idk, I mean, any chance people get they will try to call out everyone as racist. I don't want to defend myself as not being racist because it's just going to sound cliche. I feel like I can't escape it. Everything has to be racist, sexist, etc. Most of the time I don't see the issue. I don't really care what color the protagonist or the antagonist is. I feel like the issue lies within those who try to find the problem that doesn't exist. I just wish everyone would follow Morgan Freeman's advice and stop talking about it.
To be fair, last I checked its just one thread out of like 40 on the first page alone. That sounds pretty easy to escape unless you want zero threads at all. I get that its kind of a heavy subject, but people aren't just looking for problems that don't exist, everyone here is being genuine. At the same time, nobody is asking for everyone to stop playing video games until Evil Ryu's design changes. People just want some discussion on the issue and to get creators to think about why they make these kinds of choices.

That's the only way things change and its why I disagree with Morgan Freeman here. Just in the world of video games, the treatment of women and minority characters are slowly getting better. And it wouldn't happen if nobody talked about it, developers saw those discussions and started to do things differently. I think that's a good thing in the end.
Your very last quote, "he's a respectable Blackman", is exactly what I'm talking about. You put his color before his name. What does his color have to do with anything? What happened in American is history. We need to move on and look forward.

Because using a token black person to refute the claims of millions of others in regards to race is a common practice.
Your very last quote, "he's a respectable Blackman", is exactly what I'm talking about. You put his color before his name. What does his color have to do with anything? What happened in American is history. We need to move on and look forward.
And that's what we call missing the point entirely.

Have you never heard the quote those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. We're still feeling the effects of that history today. There was never a clean break in which we all started over from scratch.

For example, people that once turned hoses on people of color protesting are still alive today. They raised children and those children raised children. It gets a little better every generation, but clearly from this thread, we got a WHILE to go.

Covering your ears and ignoring that fact isn't helping you or anyone. We move forward by acknowledging current issues and finding a way to solve them.
I didn't realize that Dark Link or Dark Samus are an examples of my skin tone? If you're going to make arguments like this while calling for social justice, demonstrate your point in a realized manner or it'll be hard to take you seriously. Dark Link is black. Like, literally the shade. My skin is brown. What this got to do with me? There's been a long history of white and black being defined as good and evil through the worlds history. I think most of our problems stem from word choice. Like white people are called white, so they're seen as good, and black people the opposite. But in reality, white peoples skin is very rarely actually white and black people like myself are mostly brown.

I'm a 30 something year old in the year of our Lord 2017. I ain't changing societal stances on the colors of white and black. This is entrenched into too many societies. But what we can do is start to redefine people's race through different names. Caucasian is a better word than white; Afro is a better word than black.

I can tell you a lot of things about being black but being offended by Dark Link sure isn't one of them. (That fight will always be dope). The Dark Samus example is even more damning given we're talking about a suit and not a person. Samus' suit is orange and red. It isn't even white.

This is why the current crop of social justice people aren't taken seriously. They take legitimate pet issues and turn them into a basic ass high school sociology class through ignorance and unjustified outrage. If you want to change this you need to change societal views of black people in general.
My first reaction to both Evil Ryu and Violent Ken was hmmm, they both got a tan and became douchebags.

The thought of races association never came up at all. Up until this thread.
I didn't realize that Dark Link or Dark Samus are an examples of my skin tone? If you're going to make arguments like this while calling for social justice, demonstrate your point in a realized manner or it'll be hard to take you seriously. Dark Link is black. Like, literally the shade. My skin is brown. What this got to do with me? There's been a long history of white and black being defined as good and evil through the worlds history. I think most of our problems stem from word choice. Like white people are called white, so they're seen as good, and black people the opposite. But in reality, white peoples skin is very rarely actually white and black people like myself are mostly brown.

I'm a 30 something year old in the year of our Lord 2017. I ain't changing societal stances on the colors of white and black. This is entrenched into too many societies. But what we can do is start to redefine people's race through different names. Caucasian is a better word than white; Afro is a better word than black.

I can tell you a lot of things about being black but being offended by Dark Link sure isn't one of them. (That fight will always be dope). The Dark Samus example is even more damning given we're talking about a suit and not a person. Samus' suit is orange and red. It isn't even white.

This is why the current crop of social justice people aren't taken seriously. They take legitimate pet issues and turn them into a basic ass high school sociology class through ignorance and unjustified outrage. If you want to change this you need to change societal views of black people in general.
Sure, Dark Samus isn't the best example, but other, better examples have definitely been mentioned in this thread.
Love Morgan Freeman.

He is so right. How can people expect to get rid of something if its a topic and pointed out all the time.

Only the passing of time without much acknowledgement can really solve this problem if ever.

Surely we cant turn a blind eye to everything and many cases of discrimination need help and acknowledgment but if do that with the littlest of things it will never end.

Things like this need to be addressed. I'm sorry if these discussions tire you out, but the subconscious prejudices created by popular media toward people of color have a significant effect on their lives. As a black man who grew up in the western world, I've always felt these negative stereotypes.

Also, just because Morgan Freeman is famous, successful, old and black doesn't mean he's some kind of expert on the subject. He's utterly wrong and people just assume he's this wise old man or accept his argument because these discussions make them uncomfortable.


Yeah, was about time this video would get posted...

It's the other side to the MLK coin that people love to throw.

I don't know how to get through to you guys. You guys keep doing it
"Black man"
"other side"
You have to realise that all of our blood is red and our bones are white.

Why must you keep separating races like that? Can you just type normal without having to acknowledge races? How can I look forward to the future when we live in the present like it's the past.
Things like this need to be addressed. I'm sorry if these discussions tire you out, but the subconscious prejudices created by popular media toward people of color have a significant effect on their lives. As a black man who grew up in the western world, I've always felt these negative stereotypes.

Also, just because Morgan Freeman is famous, successful, old and black doesn't mean he's some kind of expert on the subject. He's utterly wrong and people just assume he's this wise old man or accept his argument because these discussions make them uncomfortable.

Think he was being sarcastic in response to the other guy.
I don't know how to get through to you guys. You guys keep doing it
"Black man"
"other side"
You have to realise that all of our blood is red and our bones are white.

Why must you keep separating races like that? Can you just type normal without having to acknowledge races? How can I look forward to the future when we live in the present like it's the past.

Read what we're saying and then read what you're saying. We're trying to break down an issue for you and you're going "STAHP SAYING BLACK" and ignoring our points entirely.
I don't know how to get through to you guys. You guys keep doing it
"Black man"
"other side"
You have to realise that all of our blood is red and our bones are white.

Why must you keep separating races like that? Can you just type normal without having to acknowledge races? How can I look forward to the future when we live in the present like it's the past.

It's almost as if people of different color come from different backgrounds and have different perspectives on things.

A guy and a girl might see the same thing differently. An old person and young person might see the same thing differently. A black person and a white person might see the same thing differently (obviously with this thread). A heterosexual person and LBGTQ person might see the same thing differently. There's noting wrong with acknowledging our differences.

That's why people encourage diversity. People in this thread with different view points are trying to get others to see an issue they haven't considered. I can only hope at least some of you have learned from it. As for those of you insist we're making up issues, I kind of feel sorry for you.

But sure, you can just ignore of all of that because I acknowledged that Morgan Freeman is black, even though no one here was using it as a qualifier.


It's almost as if people of different color come from different backgrounds and have different perspectives on things.

A guy and a girl might see the same thing differently. An old person and young person might see the same thing differently. A black person and a white person might see the same thing differently (obviously with this thread). A heterosexual person and LBGTQ person might see the same thing differently. There's noting wrong with acknowledging our differences.

That's why people encourage diversity. People in this thread with different view points are trying to get others to see an issue they haven't considered. I can only hope at least some of you have learned from it. As for those of you insist we're making up issues, I kind of feel sorry for you.

But sure, you can just ignore of all of that because I acknowledged that Morgan Freeman is black, even though no one here was using it as a qualifier.

"People in this thread with different view points are trying to get others to see an issue they haven't considered."

See what I'm saying? Issue to you, not to me and many others.

Many others in this thread might see that issue, but that's because those who agree with you and everyone else will have something to say about it. Is this what's called selection bias?
"People in this thread with different view points are trying to get others to see an issue they haven't considered."

See what I'm saying? Issue to you, not to me and many others.

Many others in this thread might see that issue, but that's because those who agree with you and everyone else will have something to say about it. Is this what's called selection bias?

You have a very juvinile understanding of racial relations bro. You're obessed with the idea that race doesn't matter, when it unfortunately does. The "we all bleed red" narrative is trite.
"People in this thread with different view points are trying to get others to see an issue they haven't considered."

See what I'm saying? Issue to you, not to me and many others.

Many others in this thread might see that issue, but that's because those who agree with you and everyone else will have something to say about it. Is this what's called selection bias?

Yes, it is an issue that effects me and not you and many others, that's why we're trying to point it out. The issue being there isn't my opinion, it's a fact we'd like others to acknowledge.

You don't even have to help solve it, but at the very least you could go is "oh, I never saw it that way" and move on, but you want to insist that we're making it up.


You have a very juvinile understanding of racial relations bro. You're obessed with the idea that race doesn't matter, when it unfortunately does. The "we all bleed red" narrative is trite.

If you look above, you will see at least two users who said they're of color non-white and issues that were brought up in this thread were not in their consideration. Yeah, I'm not completely oblivious. Race is an issue an some suffer because of their skin color. But trying to make an animated characters skin color an issue is a small battle not worth fighting. There are bigger battles to choose from.
If you look above, you will see at least two users who said they're of color non-white and issues that were brought up in this thread were not in their consideration. Yeah, I'm not completely oblivious. Race is an issue an some suffer because of their skin color. But trying to make an animated characters skin color an issue is a small battle not worth fighting. There are bigger battles to choose from.

Google the term "microaggression"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Does Dark Pit even have a darker skin tone? It doesn't seem like there are actually that many examples of this trope.
Nope, just a black dress and wings. People often forget though that Evil Ryu was a sprite first.

And skin color change isn't really that prominent. The closest you'd get is possibly hair and fur change, but the only time I see this are fighting games (even SNK had this).
If you look above, you will see at least two users who said they're of color non-white and issues that were brought up in this thread were not in their consideration. Yeah, I'm not completely oblivious. Race is an issue an some suffer because of their skin color. But trying to make an animated characters skin color an issue is a small battle not worth fighting. There are bigger battles to choose from.

A WHOPPING two. Oh darn, can't beat that. Whelp, you win. Gonna ignore racism and wait for it to go away like Mr. Freeman said. Thank you for showing me the light.
If you look above, you will see at least two users who said they're of color non-white and issues that were brought up in this thread were not in their consideration. Yeah, I'm not completely oblivious. Race is an issue an some suffer because of their skin color. But trying to make an animated characters skin color an issue is a small battle not worth fighting. There are bigger battles to choose from.

Was gonna end drop out after my last (sarcastic) post, but I gotta call you out for yet again, throwing out minorities to make your arguments for you. You got mad when we called you out for doing it with that stupid Morgan Freeman quote, then you do it again here, but then we're racist for acknowledging their skin color and recognizing a pattern. Okay.

There are different issues, on different levels, some micro, some macro. I simply call out what's in front of me.

Race is an issue an some suffer because of their skin color. But trying to make an animated characters skin color an issue is a small battle not worth fighting. There are bigger battles to choose from. No one is making it an issue, it's already an issue that we're trying to break down.


Google the term "microaggression"

So what are you trying to say ?

A WHOPPING two. Oh darn, can't beat that. Whelp, you win. Gonna ignore racism and wait for it to go away like Mr. Freeman said. Thank you for showing me the light.
That's because those with different viewpoints aren't really going to comment on here. They might not even be signed up to this site. I mean, you don't go fishing in the desert do you? You're only gonna find reptiles.

Honestly, we could probably go around in circles all day long. All I'm saying is that when you see red, you aren't going to immediately think of danger, unless someone slaps a "danger" sign to that color. That's what I mean when I say people need to stop talking about it.

I don't necessarily mean ignore it all together. Acknowledge it and try to move forward with a better future. Slavery and discrimination is part of American history. It doesn't mean we have to live it today. One way we could do that is by stop making small things issues to begin with and focus on the real ones.
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