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Steven Universe |OT4| Every Rose Has Its Thorns

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Why can the galaxy warp cover the distance? Why can the hair space cover the distance? Why can't Lion use his roar to warp to hair space and then warp from there to homeworld?

1- Gem tech. Really, that's all that needs to be said. We see they have the tech to warp ships around with ease and the warp pads teleport people around without any prob. They go somewhere, build a warp pad, connect it to their system and can now warp there provided it's not damaged. Their science is beyond us lol

2- Hair Space is a pocket dimension that doesn't represent any real world space. Covering space with hair space just means that one access point to the space is here and the other is there where as the access points with in the hair space are much much closer. He legit just made another access point inside the pocket dimension that's right next to the first access point.

3- Can Lion warp to places other than the real world? If not then I don't see him doing that.

Permanently A

Junior Member
>when you finally get to see
a character become the person you always knew they could be



Jet fuel can't melt steel beams Rose Quartzes can't shatter Diamonds.

I agree though,
YD being the killer is way too obvious. It's apparent that she's in on the conspiracy or at least knows who did it. But the show has done too great of a job of throwing curveballs at us to simply make YD the culprit. There's something more to it. My money is on White Diamond or some gem shape-shifting assassin sent by the Diamonds. Pearl being the shatterer would have been great, but then there's no reason for Yellow Diamond to try and hide the truth.

There is a possibility that Yellow Diamond care more for her Pearl than we know. She could be trying to protect her. Seems like the smulch the show would aim for.

But I do not think it was a diamond. I still maintain that this show is too kid friendly to have an actual shattering discussed on screen. Pink Diamond's death was staged.

The question to ask now is: where did she go.


Yeah, we may be jumping the gun on the last season talk, just a little bit.

Granted, that is all we have to go on at the moment, but it's not like it'd be the first time SU fans jumped the gun
I used to be OK with the possibility of the show ending this season.

But we got introduced to so many cool new characters this bomb and the bomb before who now have their own arcs and backstories. There's zero chance of that happening in a satisfactory way in just one season's time unless they completely abandon townie episodes.

"Rose shattering Pink Diamond" suddenly being thrown into question
leads me to believe that they've extended how long the show will run. There's so many more questions now that need time to breathe.

With how absolutely great Wanted was, I'd be extremely disappointed if this was the beginning of the end.


I'm 100% sure they're deep into production on season 6 by now, storyboarders are still working on the show and the VAs are still recording. there's no way season 5 is the last

anyway Lars is the best human character on the show and I'm glad everyone realizes that now.
they really showed the corpse of a teenager on children's TV for a solid minute or so before Steven resurrected him holy crap

can't wait for a string of lighthearted townie eps while Lars and the Off Colors stay trapped on Homeworld until the finale


My money is on
Pink Diamond allowing herself to be shattered by Rose. If PD sympathised with the rebels, somehow, but couldn't convince Homeworld, perhaps by allowing the rebellion to win like that was the only way to make Homeworld flee (which is exactly what happened). It would make sense as the only way for Rose to get close enough to do it, and if she kept the plan only to herself and Rose, neither Jasper, Eyeball, Garnet or Pearl would be any the wiser.
My money is on
Pink Diamond allowing herself to be shattered by Rose. If PD sympathised with the rebels, somehow, but couldn't convince Homeworld, perhaps by allowing the rebellion to win like that was the only way to make Homeworld flee (which is exactly what happened). It would make sense as the only way for Rose to get close enough to do it, and if she kept the plan only to herself and Rose, neither Jasper, Eyeball, Garnet or Pearl would be any the wiser.

I could see that.

It's been explicitly stated that Rose's sword can't shatter no matter what.
So maybe it just appeared that she was shattered.
There's also that lite fan comic that suggested PD swapped minds with Rose and used her to escape the chains of being a HW leader ... I could see that.


I'm 100% sure they're deep into production on season 6 by now, storyboarders are still working on the show and the VAs are still recording. there's no way season 5 is the last

anyway Lars is the best human character on the show and I'm glad everyone realizes that now.
they really showed the corpse of a teenager on children's TV for a solid minute or so before Steven resurrected him holy crap

can't wait for a string of lighthearted townie eps while Lars and the Off Colors stay trapped on Homeworld until the finale

And all it took was an hour long special to redeem the character
Based on what we heard in The Trial, I'm kind of expecting
Rose to have clearly intended to poof Pink Diamond, except then something / someone else causes the situation to escalate, like possibly White Diamond firing off an attack while Rose holds PD's gem "hostage" and inadvertently causes it to be shattered, or something.
Y'know, like back in Serious Steven.
Was able to check it out and that was pretty damn good.

Nice to see some holes being poked in the Pink diamond kerfuffle since everything shown or mentioned has a degree of not being what it seems.

Jasper: just came out of the earth and heard the news
Eyeball : has proven to be utterly incompetent but claims to have seen it happen with a sword
Blue: Mentions a sword but she's not sure
Yellow: might know but maybe just extremely angry at the insinuation that one of them would kill their sister.
Rose, not of this world to explain her role (yet at least lol)
Pearl : might know something, might not due to being kept in the dark by Rose before
Garnet: ditto

Hopefully we get the actual story one of these days.

Also its going to be interesting see how Lars deals with this after he gets home :O



My money is on
Pink Diamond allowing herself to be shattered by Rose. If PD sympathised with the rebels, somehow, but couldn't convince Homeworld, perhaps by allowing the rebellion to win like that was the only way to make Homeworld flee (which is exactly what happened). It would make sense as the only way for Rose to get close enough to do it, and if she kept the plan only to herself and Rose, neither Jasper, Eyeball, Garnet or Pearl would be any the wiser.

I think that's exactly what happened.

Steven's attorney was probably correct that someone with supreme authority could have been the only one to get her to step out like that, and she mentioned that it'd likely have to be one of the diamonds, but she was mistaken about which diamond it was. I'm guessing that Yellow's corruption weapon crossed a line with Pink and she knew that if word got out that a diamond had been shattered, they'd fear for their lives and flee. She probably had to do a bit of convincing to talk Rose into it, and the plan seemed to work aside from them planting the cluster in the core shortly before taking off.

Likewise I don't think that
Homeworld actually knew to what level Rose's pacifism was, and probably don't know that Rose's sword is specifically made to not shatter gems. It makes sense. That's not something you want getting out. Could you imagine letting the enemy know that you're fighting a war with stun guns? And that's what's going to end up saving them from the wrath of both diamonds in the end. Blue cares more for the truth than pure vengeance but Yellow doesn't give a damn, and the evidence of the sword being anti-shatter is gonna come back.


I think that's exactly what happened.

Steven's attorney was probably correct that someone with supreme authority could have been the only one to get her to step out like that, and she mentioned that it'd likely have to be one of the diamonds, but she was mistaken about which diamond it was. I'm guessing that Yellow's corruption weapon crossed a line with Pink and she knew that if word got out that a diamond had been shattered, they'd fear for their lives and flee. She probably had to do a bit of convincing to talk Rose into it, and the plan seemed to work aside from them planting the cluster in the core shortly before taking off.

I am going to go further.

I do not think Pink Diamond was shattered. She was poofed.

Poofing her was part of the plan to end the war. Her gem is somewhere.


There is a possibility that Yellow Diamond care more for her Pearl than we know. She could be trying to protect her. Seems like the smulch the show would aim for.

But I do not think it was a diamond. I still maintain that this show is too kid friendly to have an actual shattering discussed on screen. Pink Diamond's death was staged.

The question to ask now is: where did she go.
I don't agree with that kid friendly assessment. Episodes have been airing for months that have directly said that PD was shattered. It's largely an accepted fact and undoing that wouldn't change that for months we've known PD is "dead." There's been no backlash.


1- Gem tech. Really, that's all that needs to be said. We see they have the tech to warp ships around with ease and the warp pads teleport people around without any prob. They go somewhere, build a warp pad, connect it to their system and can now warp there provided it's not damaged. Their science is beyond us lol

2- Hair Space is a pocket dimension that doesn't represent any real world space. Covering space with hair space just means that one access point to the space is here and the other is there where as the access points with in the hair space are much much closer. He legit just made another access point inside the pocket dimension that's right next to the first access point.

3- Can Lion warp to places other than the real world? If not then I don't see him doing that.
Actually, right after I posted that I realized how warps work. Warps transport users across vast distances by cutting through another dimension. This dimension has very little air and Steven almost suffocated when he passed through it outside the warp stream. Hair space is part of this dimension or the same type of dimension, hence very little/no oxygen
and the ability to transport people across vast distances.
I am going to go further.

I do not think Pink Diamond was shattered. She was poofed.

Poofing her was part of the plan to end the war. Her gem is somewhere.

Adding to this
Blue Diamond specifically said that Pink Diamond was shattered with a sword. We learned from Bismuth that Rose's sword was designed to poof a gem in a single swipe without shattering them. Hmm...
I thought the ending was a little abrupt, but for the most part it was good stuff.

If Yellow Diamond was involved with Pink Diamond's apparent demise, it could open up a can of worms. A lot of drama surrounding Rose Quartz includes coming to terms with what she did and Steven trying to move past that and be better than that.

If it turns out Rose was innocent, then I feel a lot of that tension could evaporate. I've seen some people theorize that Yellow Diamond strong-armed Rose into dealing the finishing blow and then tried to cover her tracks by labeling Rose the traitor and planting the Cluster, which would destroy the remaining traces.

Or maybe the answer is none of the above. We'll know at some point down the road, I imagine.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Loved these episodes. Huge congrats to the crewniverse on continuing to raise the bar with this beautiful show!
What a fantastic string of episodes!!
What a great story arc!
It makes me mad that I didn't have the self control to not spoil myself. haha

There's so much interesting stuff to talk about that's already being covered, but I'm gonna talk about the off colors becuase I really loved them.

Fluorite is probably my favorite of the bunch. The voicing acting coming from the character is really great, and her le motif does a really good job at accentuating her wisdom. I really, really want to see her interact with Garnet.

I was surprised to hear Ashley Birch's voice coming out of the Twins of Rutile!
Everyone thought she'd be voicing a fusion (specifically a Peridot and Lapis fusion), but nope she end up being her own new original gems!
I feel particularly bad for these two gals though considering that their other sisters basically just ran away from them upon emergence...like they were horrible monsters. :<

Rhodonite and Padparadscha Sapphire were both really adorable in their own way. The former is a dramatic fraidy cat/beautiful gay baby who needs a big hug, and the latter is an adorable ditz who also needs a big hug.
I want all of these girls out of that cold, decrepit kindergarten and on earth ASAP!

I can't wait for a string of lighthearted townie eps while Lars and the Off Colors stay trapped on Homeworld until the finale

In any other show like this we'd get like...two or three episodes specifically focused on Lars bonding with the off colors, and their survival on the bigoted and totalitarian gem homeworld.
But because this is SU and everything has to be from Steven's perspective, we're gonna get 8 episodes akin to Steven making curly fries with Ronaldo or Steven helping Kiki with her English homework rather than something that's actually interesting and cool.
Prove me wrong crewniverse...please- you're amazing storytellers...I know you can prove me wrong. T.T *sobs*
Wondering about ways to get Lars off of HW without flying there.

Guessing they're gonna keep him there until they get a new ship. Then he'll be warrior Lars, making portals and running all around the undergrounds of HW ... prepping the next wave of "fuck HW, lets go to earth!" gems.
Based on what we heard in The Trial, I'm kind of expecting
Rose to have clearly intended to poof Pink Diamond, except then something / someone else causes the situation to escalate, like possibly White Diamond firing off an attack while Rose holds PD's gem "hostage" and inadvertently causes it to be shattered, or something.
Y'know, like back in Serious Steven.

This is a very interesting theory.
And that gem that rose is confronting with that object certainly does look like White Diamond.
Either way, I definitely feel like White had to have had a big hand in this whole debacle.
It's just so...suspect that nobody ever brings her up, and she doesn't even show up at the trail of her own sister/fellow diamond's alleged murderer.
If she had any hand in Pink's demise I believe that she has come to deeply regret it post rebellion and has become a secretive recluse of sorts...attempting to ignore the whole thing and cover up her actions as discreetly as possible.


The rest of the season is going to be nothing but townie episodes, and then the series finale will have Lars show up in a hand ship wearing a necklace made of diamond shards.

Seriously, though, I don't see them leaving this unresolved that long. Steven could repair the galaxy warp and have this done in an episode. Pearl mentioning the dropship makes me think they'll try repairing that instead. Or the Crystal Gems could go to Homeworld and help Lars steal a ship. Peridot being from Homeworld would make her perfect for that mission.


Best string of episodes since the Jailbreak arc. Maybe even better honestly, considering how much we've learned.

I'm also of the opinion that there is no way in hell this will end on a satisfactory note anytime soon.
Rhodonite (the Ruby?/Pearl fusion of the Off Colors) seems to always be nervous and scared of everything, which seems to be the polar opposite of Garnet. However, I do imagine that she was like Garnet when she first fused, unsure of what was going on and not having a lot of confidence in herself. Garnet was able to gain confidence and self-worth through Rose's guidance, but Rhodonite never got that wise mentorship...

Man, there's a lot of great stuff to be had with this bomb. The only downside is that since we saw four episodes back-to-back, some people may sleep on some parts of the bomb while focusing on others. I think The Trial is far and away the best episode of the bunch, and I especially love the shocked looks on Yellow and Blue Pearls' faces when Blue Zircon starts getting deeper into the "How could Rose have shattered Pink Diamond?" mystery. It's some pretty subtle character stuff for those two.

EDIT: Oh yeah, something else nobody has mentioned: it was fucking crazy to see
Eyeball show up as a witness (particularly because the leaks said nothing about it). I was convinced that she was going to be left in space. I mean, I knew her return was possible ever since Navy stole back the ship, but seeing Eyeball back on Homeworld means that all of the Rubies were potentially rescued and returned to Homeworld with a bunch of incredibly sensitive info.


I really loved Lars here, because everyone I know hated him with a passion. But I always liked him. His self-hatred and doubt always seemed relatable, and now... well he's my favorite human character on the show.

As far as the ending being this season, I don't know. Unless the rest of it is all plot I'd say we have at least one more season.
AV Club reviewed Wanted and gave it an A, their highest score: http://www.avclub.com/review/wanted-wild-thrilling-and-unpredictable-start-new--255682

And hoo boy, I forgot about this tidbit until the review mentioned it:

is the obvious suspect, Rebecca Sugar has described the upcoming Steven Universe arc as a murder mystery—so we still likely have a ways to go before finding out who did it and why.

It looks like Season 5 will revolve around "Who killed Pink Diamond?", rather than having it be something that's picked up on later.
I never thought that Blue Diamond would have any empathic abilities!
Like many, I thought that those kind of powers were unique to Pink Diamond and the gems made for her.
But considering that Blue Diamond and her court's specialty is diplomacy, her having this ability makes a lot of sense.

Rhodonite (the Ruby?/Pearl fusion of the Off Colors) seems to always be nervous and scared of everything, which seems to be the polar opposite of Garnet. However, I do imagine that she was like Garnet when she first fused, unsure of what was going on and not having a lot of confidence in herself. Garnet was able to gain confidence and self-worth through Rose's guidance, but Rhodonite never got that wise mentorship...

You'd think Fluorite would be a good substitute for the kind of love and guidance that Garnet got from Rose.
She's seems like a really wise and incredibly open-minded/accepting fusion.
I think the situation she's in has a lot more to do with her being scared and nervous all the time. Like even if Rose was there to offer her the love, support, and guidance she gave Garnet Rhodonite would still be a despised fugitive constantly on the run from death.


Membero Americo
You'd think Fluorite would be a good substitute for the kind of love and guidance that Garnet got from Rose.
She's seems like a really wise and incredibly open-minded/accepting fusion.
I think the situation she's in has a lot more to do with her being scared and nervous all the time. Like even if Rose was there to offer her the love, support, and guidance she gave Garnet Rhodonite would still be a despised fugitive constantly on the run from death.

Perhaps Rhodonite was exposed to a lot of isolation and bigotry, that molded her as a person before she met Fluorite


I was thinking...
Has Pink Diamond commited suicide?

Also, have you noticed that
Fluorite is in a polyamorous relationship?


I'm placing my bets on our pearl as a central figure in the PD murder conspiracy. She seemed the most affected by Steven's revelation that Rose smashed pink, and we still don't know who she belonged to before she joined Rose.

The Adder


Based on the center image of the murals from Serious Steven, I'm thinking WD took a shot she shouldn't have and shattered PD while rose was using her as a baragaining chip. This way Rose has a hand in shattering Pink Diamond (because she made the decision to use her that way and then proceeded to do so), and isn't shattered on the spot because of how horrified WD is. No one saw what happened because blinding light from the attack, left to assume the diamond dust covered Rose straight up shattered PD herself. Yellow Diamond is aware of what happened, doesn't care that WD took the shot, it was ultimately Rose's actions that got PD shattered. Blue Diamond is unaware of the whole story. White Diamond is in guilt isolation.

Everyone involved could have made a different decision that day and things could have turned out better. No one did. Because war, even a just war, is always messy.

Rolling with that until it is inevitably proven otherwise.


I never thought that Blue Diamond would have any empathic abilities!
Like many, I thought that those kind of powers were unique to Pink Diamond and the gems made for her.
But considering that Blue Diamond and her court's specialty is diplomacy, her having this ability makes a lot of sense.

You'd think Fluorite would be a good substitute for the kind of love and guidance that Garnet got from Rose.
She's seems like a really wise and incredibly open-minded/accepting fusion.
I think the situation she's in has a lot more to do with her being scared and nervous all the time. Like even if Rose was there to offer her the love, support, and guidance she gave Garnet Rhodonite would still be a despised fugitive constantly on the run from death.

That is not really empathy though. That may still be pink's domain.

Blue can impose her will onto other it seems like. That is much, much more insidious.
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