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Steven Universe |OT4| Every Rose Has Its Thorns

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That is not really empathy though. That may still be pink's domain.

Blue can impose her will onto other it seems like. That is much, much more insidious.

Not really will. BD is a reverse empath, capable of projecting an extreme emotional state. Certainly has its insidious nature in that it easily wins over with pathos, but not a complete brainwash
Perhaps Rhodonite was exposed to a lot of isolation and bigotry, that molded her as a person before she met Fluorite

That's definitely possible.
Maybe they've all just met very recently (by gem standards that is).
That kindergarten is pretty huge, it's not entirely unbelievable that they didn't immediately run into each other.

That is not really empathy though. That may still be pink's domain.

Blue can impose her will onto other it seems like. That is much, much more insidious.

You're basically describing empathic projection MartyStu. haha.
Imposing one's feelings onto others is very commonly labeled as an empathic ability in most science fiction, fantasy, and super hero media.



Rhodonite (the Ruby?/Pearl fusion of the Off Colors) seems to always be nervous and scared of everything, which seems to be the polar opposite of Garnet. However, I do imagine that she was like Garnet when she first fused, unsure of what was going on and not having a lot of confidence in herself. Garnet was able to gain confidence and self-worth through Rose's guidance, but Rhodonite never got that wise mentorship...

"High-strung" seems to be the perfect word to describe both Pearls and Rubies, so it makes sense that a fusion of both would exacerbate that quality.
I wonder (hope) there are more off colors elsewhere. This homeworld kindergarten/ruins of an earlier homeworld seems huge. There must be others -- maybe isolated others, right?

I really like the design of Homeworld from what we saw. Even the little title card jingle is really cool. I'm sure this isn't the only location that is similar, but first thing I thought about when we visited the underground section was that HW reminds me of Taris from KOTOR.

Anyway, I want to see CROWDS of gems. I want to see more, where gems "live", where gems "work", where they congregate during "free time" if they have it, where they might be punished/jailed. There's a lot to explore. Also, you can see on the White Diamond statue/ship thing, faint areas around where the arms should be that suggest that it connects to something. Maybe the Diamond ships connecting together is confirmed after all.

Overall, really interested in going back. Please don't make us sit through something stupid like Steven trying to relax by cooking fries with Ronaldo or making pizzas with the pizza family. Come on now. When this show gets down to it, it's awesome.
Oh man, yeah, Homeworld looks AWESOME.
It was just a small glimpse, but man does it look cool.
I mean...they've got inverted pyramid temples, like the one from the strawberry battlefield, just floating around the place!
Inverted pyramids are apparently just a common thing on homeworld.
It really makes you wonder.
Was that place a Homeworld base during the last stages of the rebellion?
Was that where they were going to build a "capital" of sorts?
Are there white gems who's entire purpose in life is to power inverted pyramids??
I neeed to see more, I need to know more. haha
I wanna see crowds, residences, places of recreational activity, vehicles, and all that other jazz in future episodes.
Please don't let me down crewniverse! T.T

"High-strung" seems to be the perfect word to describe both Pearls and Rubies, so it makes sense that a fusion of both would exacerbate that quality.

I didn't even think about that, but yeah!
That makes a perfect sense.
I am convinced.
Yellow Diamond has been planning a coup d'etat for thousands of years. She killed Pink Diamond, and then went for White Diamond... Hence why she's missing.

But did she shatter them? I feel like... White Diamond might be the gem the Crystal Gems took from the Pyramid, might Pink Diamond be stored somewhere else?
Anyone else think that Pearl (our Pearl) was the one that convinced Pink Diamond to step out of the pananqin?

Maybe she even shattered Pink Diamond?

I guess it depends on whether Pink was shattered before or after The Answer.


Anyone else think that Pearl (our Pearl) was the one that convinced Pink Diamond to step out of the pananqin?

Maybe she even shattered Pink Diamond?

I guess it depends on whether Pink was shattered before or after The Answer.

Actually, I really like that line of thinking. I'd initially suggested that Rose and Pink Diamond had worked together on this, because I like the thought of at least one of the Diamonds not being a tyrant, but being sympathetic. PD being young, and with only one planet under her belt could make for an interesting dynamic.

I'd assumed that our Pearl belonged to PD, but I never considered that she may have had a direct hand in it. I don't think Pearl shattered PD, but perhaps she was the inside help that Rose needed to get close. Perhaps Pearl had already developed feelings for Rose, but the only way to escape/break free of Pink's court was to allow Rose an opportunity to attack?

The court already suggested it was an inside job, and the defence accused the Diamonds of doing it. However, Homeworld has been notorious for underestimating Pearls in particular, and this has been an ongoing thing for our Pearl. Not even the defence would think to accuse a Pearl of aiding in the shattering of PD. I can easily seeing it happen along those lines.

Question is, did Pearl leave PD before or after the shattering? When does the Answer take place (presumably after, as why would Blue be overseeing the war with the rebels?).
Actually, I really like that line of thinking. I'd initially suggested that Rose and Pink Diamond had worked together on this, because I like the thought of at least one of the Diamonds not being a tyrant, but being sympathetic. PD being young, and with only one planet under her belt could make for an interesting dynamic.

I'd assumed that our Pearl belonged to PD, but I never considered that she may have had a direct hand in it. I don't think Pearl shattered PD, but perhaps she was the inside help that Rose needed to get close. Perhaps Pearl had already developed feelings for Rose, but the only way to escape/break free of Pink's court was to allow Rose an opportunity to attack?

The court already suggested it was an inside job, and the defence accused the Diamonds of doing it. However, Homeworld has been notorious for underestimating Pearls in particular, and this has been an ongoing thing for our Pearl. Not even the defence would think to accuse a Pearl of aiding in the shattering of PD. I can easily seeing it happen along those lines.

Question is, did Pearl leave PD before or after the shattering? When does the Answer take place (presumably after, as why would Blue be overseeing the war with the rebels?).

I think Pearl left PD long before to join the Rebellion. The way Rose and Pearl are treated in the Answer doesn't make it seem like they were that huge of a deal yet. In addition, Blue Diamond would have been completely inconsolable if it had just been a few short years or decades after PD was shattered. Instead, she was calm and calculated in the Answer.

If it was Pearl, my guess is that sometime during the rebellion, she faked like she was going to defect and rejoin her Diamond. She lured Pink Diamond out of her palanquin, and she was able to get close enough to either shatter her herself (shapeshifted as Rose) or to create an opening for Rose to shatter her.

Shy Fingers

When Steven kinda healed Centipeedle, didn't she imply that homeworld did something to cause corruption in gems on earth while they were fleeing? I really want that one followed up on.


I think Pearl left PD long before to join the Rebellion. The way Rose and Pearl are treated in the Answer doesn't make it seem like they were that huge of a deal yet. In addition, Blue Diamond would have been completely inconsolable if it had just been a few short years or decades after PD was shattered. Instead, she was calm and calculated in the Answer.

It's really hard to pin down exactly when all the Gem War stuff happened.

Personally I think it goes something like this;

Pink Diamond arrives on Earth, her first planet, and begins colonising, harvesting. She abducts Humans for her Human Zoo as she likens them to pets.
Rose Quartz, a gem possibly designed to care for the Human Zoo, develops sympathy for Earth and Humans, begins rebellion.
Because of Rose's rebellion, the entire cast of Rose Quartzs are bubbled.
Pink Diamond is shattered by Rose Quartz (?). Eyeball is an eyewitness.
Shortly after/before this Jasper comes out of the ground to fight the rebellion.
At some point, presumably Yellow Diamond begins testing forced fusions, begins incubating the Cluster.
Blue Diamond arrives on Earth to oversee the fight against the rebellion. Ruby/Sapphire rebel and form Garnet, join the Crystal Gems.
Around the same time Lapis arrives on Earth.
Bismuth attacks Lapis, cracks her Gem. Homeworld mistaken her for a Cystal Gem, use her in a mirror for info.
Homeworld realise they're losing, give orders to retreat and the Diamonds set off the Corruption Bomb. Lapis in the Mirror is left behind. Rose saves Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Homeworld believe they've won, with all the gems left on Earth corrupted, and the Cluster left to incubate and emerge.


It's really hard to pin down exactly when all the Gem War stuff happened.

Personally I think it goes something like this;

Pink Diamond arrives on Earth, her first planet, and begins colonising, harvesting. She abducts Humans for her Human Zoo as she likens them to pets.
Rose Quartz, a gem possibly designed to care for the Human Zoo, develops sympathy for Earth and Humans, begins rebellion.
Because of Rose's rebellion, the entire cast of Rose Quartzs are bubbled.
Pink Diamond is shattered by Rose Quartz (?). Eyeball is an eyewitness.
Shortly after/before this Jasper comes out of the ground to fight the rebellion.
At some point, presumably Yellow Diamond begins testing forced fusions, begins incubating the Cluster.
Blue Diamond arrives on Earth to oversee the fight against the rebellion. Ruby/Sapphire rebel and form Garnet, join the Crystal Gems.
Around the same time Lapis arrives on Earth.
Bismuth attacks Lapis, cracks her Gem. Homeworld mistaken her for a Cystal Gem, use her in a mirror for info.
Homeworld realise they're losing, give orders to retreat and the Diamonds set off the Corruption Bomb. Lapis in the Mirror is left behind. Rose saves Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Homeworld believe they've won, with all the gems left on Earth corrupted, and the Cluster left to incubate and emerge.
Minor point the Crystal gems were the rebellion not just the main characters so it was way before garnet


When Steven kinda healed Centipeedle, didn't she imply that homeworld did something to cause corruption in gems on earth while they were fleeing? I really want that one followed up on.

That was already established, back in the episode where Steven tried to heal the Corrupted Gem.

There was a White Flash that corrupted all the gems but the Crystal Gems.


Just a reminder:
Bismuth made Rose's sword specifically so it couldn't shatter gems. Her sword can only poof.
But if Rose wanted to kill Pink Diamond
she would have left the poofing sword at home taking one of the countless other material weapons Bismuth had made. Pink Diamond being shattered with a sword is not really proof that Rose didn't do it. And nobody specifically said that Rose used her regular sword, BD just said "a sword" and while Eyeball said "I just remember her sword" we don't know which sword eyeball saw, it might have been a completely different ine and she just assumed it was "Rose's sword", it's not like Steven pulled out,the pink sword and eyeball said "Yup, that's it!"

I don't believe that YD
had anything to do with PD's death or a potential coverup, I think they're both genuinely grieving. Blue is sad, tries to preserve Pink's legacy, humanity to some degree and even the Rose Quartzes. Yellow is angry and lashes out, fuck earth, fuck humans, fuck ressources, just blow it all up and get rid of that place that got Pink killed

During the trial
Blue Zirkon asked how it was possible that Rose got that close to Pink Diamond and made it sound almost impossible but we've already seen her get very close to a Diamond in The Answer, Rose and Pearl showed up pretty much in front of Blue Diamond and she immediately ran in her palanquin. If in a similar situation Pink had decided to step out Rose would have had the opportunity to attack.
Zirkon was in lawyer defense mode, the questions she asked and the theory she spun were designed to make Rose look innocent or at least put doubts into people's minds but nothing of it has to ve true.

Although I do think it's possible
that Pearl shattered Pink Diamond, she is the sword fighter among the crystal gems and she was Pink Diamond's pearl presumably so maybe Pink would have stepped out for her. With the way Pearls are viewed and treated on homeworld it could be possible that the "eyewitness" simply assumed it was Rose when they saw her and Pearl standing in front of Pink's remains because she's a quartz made for fighting and not a frail servant.
Eyewitnesses are anything but reliable in real life, making factually wrong claims and statements while still believing them to be true, why would gem eyewitnesses be any better?
Rose would not fight the claims she did it because as the leader of the crystal gems she took responsibility, maybe she even wanted Pearl to do it, counting on Pink Diamond not viewing her pearl as a threat.


NEW THEORY now that I've thought about it some more. Pearl shattered Pink Diamond. Here's a transcript of the Trial conversation, with the interesting parts bolded.

"Witnesses said that Pink had stepped out, and had only taken a few steps forward when Rose attacked her from the front"

"The question no-one seems to be asking is, how?"

"- because at the time that Pink was shattered, Rose Quartz had been a recognised threat for several hundred years"

"There were no Rose Quartz soldiers in her entourage, and none in her guard."

"So how did a Rose Quartz with no business being anywhere near Pink Diamond get so close in in the first place?"

"Where were Pink Diamonds attendants? Her Agates, her Sapphires? And where was her Pearl?"

"They were with her of course! They saw the whole thing!"

"But none of them saw Rose Quartz approach? Wouldn't her Sapphires have seen Rose Quartz coming? Wouldn't her Agates have tried to fight her off?"

"That is strange."

"She must have slipped past them!"

"Even if she did, wouldn't her Pearl have cried out in alarm? Watch out my Diamond!"

"No. Whoever did this was already close to Pink Diamond. Someone her guard would allow to get near her. Someone she would listen to when asked to stop her Palanquin and step outside. And someone with the authority to cover it up afterwards. Someone with extreme authority. Someone like YOU!"


Here's a theory. Pink Diamond had Rose Quartz cornered. She was about to shatter her. By this time, Pearl had already developed feelings for Rose, and at the last moment shatters Pink Diamond. Perhaps she fused with Rose to form Rainbow Quartz to do it? In either case, Rose Quartz, knowing that a Pearl shattering a Diamond is an even bigger deal than her doing it, takes full ownership of it. For some reason the eyewitnesses didn't see Pearl do it... or something.

I dunno lol


Pearl tears up when the revelation comes to light that Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond so I'd say Pearl being the culprit is a good guess.
Waiting for new episodes is torture. Such a huge cliffhanger!

I mean, it wasn't exactly a cliffhanger. The end of I Am My Mom was a cliffhanger, but Lars' Head ended definitively.
Steven found his way home and was reunited with his family, which was the major conflict for this set of episodes.
The reason why I immediately want to see more is that now it feels like there's dozens of new/changed storylines, characters, and revelations that I want to see developed right now. We've had legit status quo changes and the show is going in new directions. These four episodes are the best the show has been in a long time, and we got spoiled seeing them all within an hour.


I think the Pearl theory is worth exploring, but it's important to remember that she joined the rebellion and had a reputation as a rebel long before the shattering. Bismuth was war buddies with both Pearl *and* Garnet, but was bubbled before PD was ever shattered. "The Answer" must have happened some time before the shattering and Pearl was already established in the rebellion by that point.
Yeah if they have a bunch of townie episodes with steven goofing off and getting into hi jinks while
lars is hiding on homeworld
I'll be upset. Only thing that would justify delaying it would be redeeming jasper imo
I think the Pearl theory is worth exploring, but it's important to remember that she joined the rebellion and had a reputation as a rebel long before the shattering. Bismuth was war buddies with both Pearl *and* Garnet, but was bubbled before PD was ever shattered. "The Answer" must have happened some time before the shattering and Pearl was already established in the rebellion by that point.

Oh yeah that is true too. Sometimes its hard to piece the exact chronology of the rebellion though. Had to go to wikia to figure out when certain things start haha.

But if neither pearl or rose did it, it would have to be someone close. We also dont know who the witnesses really are. I dont trust eyeball sadly since one of her eyes saw it and yet no one else alive in PD's court was able to accurately describe what happen either.
I'm in the 'White Diamond shattered Pink Diamond' camp. YD being the culprit would be too obvious, but YD's reaction during the trial implies she knows something about what happened.

I love the new gems, from those who serves the diamonds and the outcasts living underground. The not sapphire is just adorable and reminds me of a fusion of Princess Peach and Daisy.

And HOLY SHIT LARS IS PINK. Well my prediction was way off for Lars' Head. Certainly didn't expect him to die and get resurrected like Lion. This action does have an interesting consequence: how will this affect Lars in the long run. Since we don't know when Lion was resurrected, it's possible Lars might not age, which would majorly halt his life. He may still be able to age, albeit very slowly. It's hard to tell since Lion is the only other resurrected being in the show(that we know about). I hope the show explores this development sooner rather than later.
Also interesting is how not aging, aging slowly, or simply not dying would impact Lars' relationship with humans like Sadie. Perhaps this could set up an interesting parallel with Rose and Greg's relationship. Maybe Sadie would be be hurt or angry or uncomfortable thinking about her love being essentially immortal. Maybe Lars himself would become resentful of being given this "gift". Maybe Sadie might direct some of her frustration at Steven. This could have huge consequences on one's life if we're thinking it about it right. Interesting development for sure.


Oh yeah that is true too. Sometimes its hard to piece the exact chronology of the rebellion though. Had to go to wikia to figure out when certain things start haha.

But if neither pearl or rose did it, it would have to be someone close. We also dont know who the witnesses really are. I dont trust eyeball sadly since one of her eyes saw it and yet no one else alive in PD's court was able to accurately describe what happen either.

I haven't seen the episode with Eyeball accusing Rose since it aired, but IIRC Eyeball dodges ever saying that she actually witnessed the act. She speaks definitively, but I don't think we've met anyone that actually saw the assassination(perhaps Pearl and/or Garnet, but there's nothing concrete there, either).
The thought occurs that, if they want a reasonable excuse to get Jasper on Steven's side, finding Pink Diamond's real killer would be a good one.

It would be...unless the culprit ends up being Pearl and then we have an extremely angry, possibly half-corrupted Jasper out to shatter Pearl.

I imagine that we will get townie episodes, but a lot of them will end up dealing with Lars' absence. We're guaranteed to have episodes where Steven brings Lars' parents, friends, and Sadie through the hair (?) dimension to visit Lars. I'm especially looking forward to Lars' reunion with Sadie and how she reacts to what Lars did. The last time she saw him, he was running away and very much not trying to save her.

I get the feeling that in the episode they reunite, they'll finally be open with their feelings with one another, only to have to deal with a very long-distance relationship. Lars being stuck on Homeworld could end up being something that isn't resolved until near the end of the series. He's now the Crystal Gems' main form of secret transportation directly to Homeworld.
I haven't seen the episode with Eyeball accusing Rose since it aired, but IIRC Eyeball dodges ever saying that she actually witnessed the act. She speaks definitively, but I don't think we've met anyone that actually saw the assassination(perhaps Pearl and/or Garnet, but there's nothing concrete there, either).

"I saw it with my own eye."
Can anyone tell me which episodes have any accounts of PD being shattered?

Seems like it was only hinted at most of the time.

Jasper alludes to Rose doing something to Pink Diamond in Earthlings.

Eyeball flat-out says she saw Rose Quartz shatter Pink Diamond ("I saw it with my own eye.") in Back to the Moon, which is the very next episode.

I don't remember if Bubbled has more lines where Eyeball directly says she saw Rose kill Pink Diamond, but she definitely acts like it truly happened.

My take is that Eyeball saw Rose do it...but it was someone shape-shifted as Rose. Or maybe Rose stabbed Pink Diamond and poofed her, while someone else shattered PD at the same time (either Pearl from behind or WD/YD with some secret Diamond powers mumbo-jumbo).

Come to think of it, it must be a giant weight off of Steven's shoulders now that he knows there's a high possibility that his mom didn't actually murder a dictator. I wouldn't be surprised if Rose took the rap for it out of a sense of guilt and self-sacrifice, just like how Steven sacrificed himself to save everyone in I Am My Mom. ...Wait, shit, was that the other reason that episode was called that?!


Oh there are no descriptions but based on the titles I guess the new episodes set for my DVR are just the special that are split apart. That really sucks
How much of a gut punch would it be if Navy only rescued Eyeball, and Leggy, Doc and Army were still out in space? They were in separate groups, after all.

EDIT: i'm gonna make a gemsona, will report back later


Double tinfoil hat with cherry on top -

The rose quartz that we all know as Stevens Mom IS what remains of pink diamond , it could explain why pearl gravitates towards her so much and how she (and by extension steven) have so many extra powers.

I know it's actually an old theory but somehow I get the sneaking suspicion things will wrap back around to this being the case or... you know it could be simpler and Yellow Diamond is just the bad guy all along ... who knows.
My out-of-left-field theory is that Pink Diamond wasn't shattered. Rose poofed her and it was such a dramatic poof since diamonds are so powerful, that before anyone realized what happened, Rose bubbled her away.

And if Pink Diamond wasn't shattered, I wanna see some freaky diamond fragment fusions from someone trying to put her back together.


Come to think of it, the Off Colors didn't even try to defend themselves from the robonoids did they? I guess it'll kind of make sense that some Gems never learned how to summon a weapon or unlock an innate talent. But being on the wrong side of Homeworld law you'd think they'd have learned to fight back. I guess hiding for thousands of years is easier?


Also interesting is how not aging, aging slowly, or simply not dying would impact Lars' relationship with humans like Sadie. Perhaps this could set up an interesting parallel with Rose and Greg's relationship. Maybe Sadie would be be hurt or angry or uncomfortable thinking about her love being essentially immortal. Maybe Lars himself would become resentful of being given this "gift". Maybe Sadie might direct some of her frustration at Steven. This could have huge consequences on one's life if we're thinking it about it right. Interesting development for sure.

It's a shame that with how much character growth Lars went through these past several episodes, it would suck for him and Sadie to resent Steven. Then again, he didn't know he was capable of resurrecting Lars back from the dead with his healing spit/tears, so who knows how this will be going forward.

Lars has a lot of changes about his genetic makeup to come to terms with.
Gross idea.

Steven finds some large-ish animal, kills it, revives it making another portal-being.

Takes it through Lion and Lars to homeworld.

Takes Lars and the off-colors back through that being and Lion.

Pearl would do it.


I think Pink Diamond shattered herself to allow the rebellion to fully kick off. YD is ashamed of this and is trying to cover it up.
I think Pink Diamond shattered herself to allow the rebellion to fully kick off. YD is ashamed of this and is trying to cover it up.

I doubt it, since Zircon states that Rose Quartz had already been a confirmed threat for several hundred years before PD's shattering. That means that the rebellion had started already.

I think PD's shattering takes place either midway through the rebellion or near the end. I can imagine that it's the major event that causes the Diamonds to start planning for a possible retreat from Earth; whether or not that retreat took place soon after or hundreds of years after remains to be seen.
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