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Bill Maher on bringing Milo back, Le Penn, Vaccinations, Islam.....

I wont forget Donna Brazile, Michael Eric Dyson and Orlando Jones came out basically shilling for this man after an apology was forced out of him.


Maher said that microwaves weren't safe a few months ago. His personal views are always fucked up and stupid. And he had a good thing going when he could at least moderate a panel in spite of his idiocy, but he can't even seem to do that anymore.


Ive watched Maher for years, and i completely reject the posts here acting like the guy and his show has always been a dumpster fire of hate and bigotry, because that simply isnt true, and the footage is there to prove it. Cherry picking the headlines from a years worth of show justs adds fire to the whole thing when fighting with his viewers. And i further reject this notion that the people that have watched him are also idiot racist asshats cause thats completely off base. This isnt a Trump situationw here we are electing a leader to make policy and then continue to support after every single thing goes wrong. 8 times out of 10 Maher would align with liberal views and if you didnt catch him at the right time you wouldnt know any better.

That being said, im pretty much done with him. First time he mad Milo on i was disappointed, but when he went up in flames it didnt hurt as bad. Then he did the n-word fuckup, and while i dont think he is a racist at heart i think his judgement has gotten fucked lately, but now with him saying he wants Milo back and treating his upstart career like its a game and he wants to give him a nudge is beyond stupid. Milo is a snake and these guys win by just getting in front of cameras. I appreciate Maher having a variety of guests on his show but one time was enough. Should know better after that. I think he is on his way out with this season or the next just by nature of being too damn high while live on the air and him getting older. His whole anti-millennial fight is also not doing him any favors.

He had a lot of good political ideas over the years and his opening and closing statements were cathartic especially after Trump or the right does something batshit. But i just dont have very much interest anymore in watching him. We really need another left-leaning cable show on politics cause i dont think there are any where you can say what you want.
He makes good points backed with reasoning. I don't agree with everything but I agree with a lot

Um, did you read the excerpts quoted from the Esquire piece this thread is about?

Anytime Bill and solidly reasoned points are on the same side I just assume it's a coincidence.


We're seeing this motherfucker morph into Dennis Miller in real time(*ba-dum-tsh*).

Although he's definitely clutching to the vestigials of left wing nutjob orthodoxy with that antivaxxer shit.


Racist, bigot, wants to pal around with pedos and nazis and is anti-science

Am I describing Trump or Maher

Well he's not completely anti-science due to his views on climate change. And he also supports BLM last time I checked. And he also really like Obama, even gave him a small donation of 1 mill. And he also supports gun control. And he is pro-choice.

And he got sued by Trump for wanting him to prove Trump isn't the son of an orangutang.


Yeah, but other than that, they are very much alike.


No Scrubs
We're seeing this motherfucker morph into Dennis Miller in real time(*ba-dum-tsh*).

Although he's definitely clutching to the vestigials of left wing nutjob orthodoxy with that antivaxxer shit.

There's plenty of right-wing nutjobs into anti-vaxxer shit. That crap is on both extremes.
Well he's not completely anti-science due to his views on climate change. And he also supports BLM last time I checked. And he also really like Obama, even gave him a small donation of 1 mill. And he also supports gun control. And he is pro-choice.

And he got sued by Trump for wanting him to prove Trump isn't the son of an orangutang.


Yeah, but other than that, they are very much alike.

Yeah, let's not pretend he's as bad as Trump or he followers. At least, not most of the time. He's normally pretty liberal but damn he's been off the mark lately. I used to watch a few eps of his shows every season but now, I think I'm done.

I still don't know why he thought it was okay to say the house nigga stuff. Jesus that was dumb. And now he wants Mila back on the show? He went waaaaaaay too soft on him the first time! I really thought he invited Milo on to rip into him... Nope. Now he wants more of the same and thinks it's funny to relate to being a house nigga as a white man? He needs some time off.


Excuse me, what?! I always had a feeling about Maher, was never a fan but this takes the piss if he truly doesn't believe in Germ Theory?!
Bill Maher said:
I don’t believe in vaccination either. That’s a… well, that’s a… what? That’s another theory that I think is flawed, that we go by the Louis Pasteur theory, even though Louis Pasteur renounced it on his own deathbed and said that Beauchamp(s) was right: it’s not the invading germs, it’s the terrain. It’s not the mosquitoes, it’s the swamp that they are breeding in.

Bonus! He also is very likely a HIV/AIDS denier. Here's a blurb he posted about a book written by AIDS denialist Christine Maggiore.
Bill Maher said:
This is a book everyone should read, and not a moment too soon! One of the most corrosive flaws in America is our tendency toward conformity; in the quest to understand AIDS, it has been stifling. Christine Maggiore prompts the kind of questioning that is the lifeblood of scientific inquiry

Bill Maher is a fucking idiot, and that's me being nice.

There's plenty of right-wing nutjobs into anti-vaxxer shit. That crap is on both extremes.
Yeah. The Republican debates in 2012 and 2016 were a real eye opener about that. Trump, Paul, Bachmann, and more!


Bonus! He also is very likely a HIV/AIDS denier. Here's a blurb he posted about a book written by AIDS denialist Christine Maggiore.


Bill Maher is a fucking idiot, and that's me being nice.

Yeah. The Republican debates in 2012 and 2016 were a real eye opener about that. Trump, Paul, Bachmann, and more!

Oohhh... Wow
Show me where people are ostracizing someone for dating younger, in any comparable way to the way gays are (were) treated when coming out of the closet?

The last politically incorrect thing you can do in America? Mmh? Really Mahar? Younger hmm? Not forgiven really?


I've been a "fan" of his for at least two decades now, and I kind of have had this thought in the back of my mind.

His production company used to be called Kid-Love Productions. His stance "As a teen I'd have preferred a rub and tug from Michael Jackson than the daily beatings from my peers."

His outlook on adult women and teen boys.

But I was a conservative democrat atheist teen born in Kansas. I'd never actually heard an unabashed anti-religion view on television. So I brushed it off. But I won't deny, there have been more than a few things over the last two decades that made me think "what the hell do you have going on behind the scenes Maher?"


Whats funny about his vax views in the interview is i distinctly remember recently on his show there was a political discussion where he said that there are elements on the left that are anti-science too after going in in the GOP with distain for a few back and forths. One of the guests alley oop'ed 'anti-vaxxers?' and he was like 'Yup'.

Its hard to tell exactly what he believes nowadays, lol
*Every single time Bill is given a chance to be a decent human*
"Hey there, would you like a ladder to clim out of this pit you dug yourself?"
"No! I want another fucking shovel, please."

What a terrible excuse of a "left wing" "pro-science" "rational" talk show host.


Can the illusion that he's an "ally" end now

Heres hoping. He's just coming right out and letting it be known that he wants to solve the 'issue' of Milo having lost his platform to spew his hatred by extending him one.

The guy is absolutely full of shit and sounds literally remorseful that when exposed to lots of people Milos hate speech landed him outside of the spotlight. Now he wants to "fix" that.

Fuck right on off, both Maher and the people trying to convince everyone that he is some huge ally to the left.

HBO needs to pull the plug on this guy

I dont care if he keeps the show. Its on paid TV. If he wants to be an ass on cable tv, fine. His show isn't labeled as a "News Broadcast" the way Fox is, so I don't consider it even remotely the same thing. But I do want to see the end of people trying to push him as some uber progressive, and getting all uppity when we bring up the absolutely ridiculous and gross shit he has said/done over the years.
Didn't know he was trying to murder people by instilling fear of vaccines. All this and people still defend him? Interesting.


He makes good points backed with reasoning. I don't agree with everything but I agree with a lot

Letting Milo blare his anti trans fear mongering is not what I would consider a man lead by reason.

I've agreed with Maher on some things but fuck him so much after that. Along with a few other incidents, dude has really shown his ass lately.
Has this been posted yet:
Bill Maher in 2001, hosting a discussion with with one Black person, an Asian and three Whites about the word "nigger" and how Black people ought to feel about non-Blacks using the term.
Politically Incorrect - "Racist" jokes - David Spade Sarah Silverman Bill Maher
He starts off by,
1. questioning a Black woman's Blackness. ("I wouldnt have known you were Black if you hadnt told me")

2. Claims all Black people use the word "nigga" so he should be able to say it too. Then goes on to say it repeatedly in his Black guest's face because, he argues, since all Blacks use the term, we shouldnt be offended by him saying it.


I don't really see an issue with him hating religion, because Islam and Christianity have been nothing but historically awful tools to oppress minorities. I struggle to rack up sympathy for people who follow and practice religions that have core beliefs saying I shouldn't have the same rights as them. But the rest of his views, and so called "brand" of humour are despicable. Fuck Milo and anti vaxers

L Thammy

Has this been posted yet:
Bill Maher in 2001, hosting a discussion with with one Black person, an Asian and three Whites about the word "nigger" and how Black people ought to feel about non-Blacks using the term.
Politically Incorrect - "Racist" jokes - David Spade Sarah Silverman Bill Maher
He starts off by,
1. questioning a Black woman's Blackness. ("I wouldnt have known you were Black if you hadnt told me")

2. Claims all Black people use the word "nigga" so he should be able to say it too. Then goes on to say it repeatedly in his Black guest's face because, he argues, since all Blacks use the term, we shouldnt be offended by him saying it.

That certainly lends support to the "practiced pronunciation" theory.
Honestly, same as Trump: he "tells it like it is".

Translation: He remains an affirmation for bigots on the left.

Now this isn't the case 100% of the time, but that's the only reason I can come up with.
He's only left in name, he's part of the anti-truth left which is the same as the right since they just buy into populists.
I know two dudes who are very much friends, one of them describes himself as "to the right of the right", is racist as they come, hates Muslims and LGBT people, and wants a quasi-dictatorship in our country because "it needs less bullshit and more discipline".
His friend describes himself as Communist, but in the end they agree in everything and they both bought into the "Hillary is much worse than Trump and "we should give him a chance". (This is in Spain, so they didn't vote)

Is the guy who claims to be leftwing really leftwing? I'd say he's pretty fucking conservative. I guess we should have a label for the conservative leftwing, those who claim to be leftwing but are actually 50 years behind on issues and disagree with the modern leftwing on everything. Their generally simplistic view make them buy into populists, who tend to disregard minorities in favor of the privileged majority.


Well he's not completely anti-science due to his views on climate change. And he also supports BLM last time I checked. And he also really like Obama, even gave him a small donation of 1 mill. And he also supports gun control. And he is pro-choice.

And he got sued by Trump for wanting him to prove Trump isn't the son of an orangutang.


Yeah, but other than that, they are very much alike.

Bill Maher could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot someone and not lose a lot of his supporters.

But hey keep being that left wing rebel that will continue to support Maher, despite all the horrible shit he has said, and all the people he has hurt directly and indirectly.

And this is all safely, and conveniently done all the way from your Norway "liberal" utopia!
Has this been posted yet:
Bill Maher in 2001, hosting a discussion with with one Black person, an Asian and three Whites about the word "nigger" and how Black people ought to feel about non-Blacks using the term.
Politically Incorrect - "Racist" jokes - David Spade Sarah Silverman Bill Maher
He starts off by,
1. questioning a Black woman's Blackness. ("I wouldnt have known you were Black if you hadnt told me")

2. Claims all Black people use the word "nigga" so he should be able to say it too. Then goes on to say it repeatedly in his Black guest's face because, he argues, since all Blacks use the term, we shouldnt be offended by him saying it.
And people tried to argue that his recent use of the n-word was purely innocent/comedic in nature and nothing more. This makes it VERY clear that he knew exactly what he was doing and he just doesn't give a fuck..

I don't really see an issue with him hating religion, because Islam and Christianity have been nothing but historically awful tools to oppress minorities. I struggle to rack up sympathy for people who follow and practice religions that have core beliefs saying I shouldn't have the same rights as them. But the rest of his views, and so called "brand" of humour are despicable. Fuck Milo and anti vaxers
There's something interesting in here, so I hope you don't mind me using your post as a launchpad to get some criticisms of Maher I personally have off my chest.

He definitely hates both, that's true. The problem is despite him hating both, Islam seems to get a disproportionate amount of his attention and he clearly levies it as being even worse than Christianity time and time and time and time again. The problem with that is that while extremist terrorism is indeed an extremely serious issue, it ain't Muslims tearing our country apart by the threads back at home. It ain't Muslims who are in power here, nor is it Muslims who, whether it's full-throated endorsement or more of an implicit/subconscious one, fully embrace the Prosperity Gospel/Protestant work ethic and take it to the logical end point to the point where they want to strip away 23+ million people's insurance for the simple crime of being poor. It ain't Muslims trying to strip away the rights of LGBT citizens here at home, but Christians and in particular Evangelicals.

Of course, Maher doesn't exactly deny this per se, but regardless his priorities are made apparent in how he time and time again focuses on Islam as being some particular evil above Christianity and it's a special attention he doesn't give. When yeah... of course like ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks are terrible and we need to do more to stop them, but perhaps spend a bit more time focusing on the religion that's actively destroying our country back at home and don't rush off to segue to Islam every single chance you get when it's Christian-politicians trying to destroy people's insurance, it's Christian politicians trying to destroy every other kind of welfare including SNAP, WIC, etc, it's Christian politicians trying to destroy LGBT rights, etc. That just doesn't pass the smell test.

And speaking of LGBT rights, I don't buy for a second that Maher actually gives a single fuck about them. It's true that Maher often cites stuff such as the poor treatment of LGBT individuals by extremely conservative Muslim communities as one of the reasons he despises religion, as you hit on. But then consider for a moment... Why is he then so desperate to prop up people like Milo (and Ann Coulter and Kellyanne Conway before him)? Milo uses his platform to do the exact thing he claims he hates religions like Islam for: harassing/trying to oppress minorities. Milo's infamous for doing stuff like getting up on stage and harassing a transgender woman and trying to make her life hell.

When an extremely conservative/extremist preacher does something like that, Maher takes it out on the entire religion and uses it as a case in point example of why religion is an evil we desperately need to wholly abandon. But when Milo does it, he doesn't so much as challenge him on his anti-transgender beliefs. Instead, he immediately goes the other direction and just defends it as being part of Milo's "freedom of speech" and that we need to just "challenge and engage him" instead of in way dismissing his freedom of speech or lessening his ability to spread pure hate and toxic.

Like... what? Where's Maher's calls for us to debate conservative Mulsim imams/mullahs in that case? Like, if it's a matter of freedom of speech, and we shouldn't challenge or limit freedom of speech no matter how hateful that speech is, then shouldn't that go for them as well under Maher's logic? Why is it reserved for people like Milo when the hate they intend to spread is exactly the same (with the only difference being that Milo doesn't have the influence that some of these Muslim figures may have in their home countries, that's certainly not for a lack of trying, and if such individuals being in positions of authority makes them bad, then he should definitely stop trying to prop Milo up as that creates the exact situation he apparently wants to avoid!).

If, on the other hand, it's indeed a matter of hate against minorities being wrong regardless of where that hate stems from, whether it's from a religion like Christianity or Islam or some other source, then why is that principle inconsistently applied? Why is it, that when Muslim preachers spread hate, it's proof that they're the scum of the Earth according to Maher and that we'd be better off if they all just disappeared, but yet when Milo says the same thing, despite his insistence that he disagrees with Milo's views, that his takeaway message isn't that people like Milo should similarly disappear but rather that unrestricted freedom of speech is the most important thing and that we should debate and engage each other, no matter how hateful the view. That certainly isn't what he's calling for when it comes to Islam!

So... which is it? Is hate against minorities bad and the reason that religions such as Islam should completely disappear? In which case, why doesn't he hold people like Milo or Ann Coulter to the same standard and instead of talking about hate of minorities emphasizes freedom of speech instead? If discriminating against minorities is proof that these people aren't worth engaging with and that "more extreme action is needed", why doesn't that apply to people like Milo instead? And if freedom of speech is the key issue, then why doesn't he extend the same courtesy to Muslims as well--making it clear that no matter how extreme the language, the solution isn't to use "more extreme action" but rather to engage them and challenge their views, just like he does with Milo? Why the inconsistency?

Nah, the fact that he claims to care so much about the hate of minorities when the subject is Islam, but immediately changes the subject to "freedom of speech" when someone like Milo or Coulter is on his show and suddenly doesn't give a fuck about the selfsame hate just because the faces have changed and nothing more is proof he doesn't give a fuck. If he really cared, he'd call out that hate when it comes up in all its forms, regardless of who's saying it. That he only loses his shit when it's a Muslim or a matter of religion, but seems like he couldn't care less when someone like Milo says the same thing and switches to "freedom of speech" tells me all I need to know.

Sorry that turned into a lot more of a rant than I anticipated, but I really needed to get that off my chest and that he pretends he gives a fuck about minorities such as myself when the subject as Islam and tries to use as some type of shield for his bigotry, but then immediately turns around and throws us in a fucking dumpster as soon as the speaker is Milo really sets me off and it frustrates me that more people haven't picked up on the complete contradiction there and so much as wondered what in the world is going on there.
how is he so sure that the majority of Muslims in the world want sharia law

By talking out of his ass. He has zero data to back it up, he just says it and becomes his usual, cavalier arrogant as duck self and claims he knows best. This is the person who claimed 1.6 billion (with a b) people were wrong for their beliefs.

I disliked Mather for a long time but found myself at least agreeing on a few points with him, but after reading the shit he came out with, especially Lee pen. Fuck all of that, I'm off the train.


Maher is the Rush Limbaugh of the left and has been for years. Guy is beyond ridiculous and should be ignored.

Wait what? Maher is someone on 'the left'? That is a serious question. I am Dutch so I don't really know Maher except from what I've read on GAF. I seriously thought he was a conservative/right wing.


Unconfirmed Member
Ive watched Maher for years, and i completely reject the posts here acting like the guy and his show has always been a dumpster fire of hate and bigotry, because that simply isnt true, and the footage is there to prove it. Cherry picking the headlines from a years worth of show justs adds fire to the whole thing when fighting with his viewers. And i further reject this notion that the people that have watched him are also idiot racist asshats cause thats completely off base. This isnt a Trump situationw here we are electing a leader to make policy and then continue to support after every single thing goes wrong. 8 times out of 10 Maher would align with liberal views and if you didnt catch him at the right time you wouldnt know any better.

Him teaming up with Sam Harris to bash all muslims without exception in the way he did was a big warning sign. Islamophobia is very closely tied with racism, if not a form of racism itself.

I know his views on Islam is a big topic with a lot of debate, but I think recent events prove the assertions against Maher there.

EDIT: Oh and can't forget Sam Harris joining Charles Murray in the belief that black people are scientifically dumber than white people.



Very well said, I guess I was wrong about Bill. It's the incontinencey that often shows true motives. A recent trend I've noticed with YouTubers is for them to point attention to liberal outrage (H3H3, Colin Moriarty etc) but fail to cover the much more toxic discrimination caused by the right or when they do, it's often chalked up to a difference in opinion and not taken seriously. I'll make a video about how bad 3rd wave feminism is because Buzzfeed posted one stupid video, but Jon Tron, a man I've hosted on my channel becoming a Nazi is apparently only worth tweeting about. Similarly with Bill, his "religion is problematic" message while completely valid, when he is unfairly critical of one religion and the more prevalent one, it becomes pretty clear the type of racist agenda he's trying to push.


Wait what? Maher is someone on 'the left'? That is a serious question. I am Dutch so I don't really know Maher except from what I've read on GAF. I seriously thought he was a conservative/right wing.

He is to the extreme right on issues dealing with muslims.

He is on the batshit insane side when it comes to vaccines.

He makes fun of the right wing party every week, so a lot of left leaning people give him a MASSIVE pass for some reason.
EDIT:A reminder of the last time Milo was given a platform



Ok so Esquire released this long article about Maher today...and simply holy shit at some of the things said in this article...


Again the reasons why people don't allow Milo a platform have been well laid out. He's a harmful human being who actively doxxed and harasses people.

Vaccination is apparently a scam....

There's this really really flimsy comparison...

on Islam

on Le Pen.

Just wow. :|


Bill's a dumb asshole and I won't dare defend him over this shit but the Rush Limbsugh comparisons will never not be hilariously stupid.
Maher said that microwaves weren't safe a few months ago. His personal views are always fucked up and stupid. And he had a good thing going when he could at least moderate a panel in spite of his idiocy, but he can't even seem to do that anymore.

This. To be honest the only reason I watched him was for the structured debate panels. He could moderate.

Now though...
Has this been posted yet:
Bill Maher in 2001, hosting a discussion with with one Black person, an Asian and three Whites about the word "nigger" and how Black people ought to feel about non-Blacks using the term.
Politically Incorrect - "Racist" jokes - David Spade Sarah Silverman Bill Maher
He starts off by,
1. questioning a Black woman's Blackness. ("I wouldnt have known you were Black if you hadnt told me")

2. Claims all Black people use the word "nigga" so he should be able to say it too. Then goes on to say it repeatedly in his Black guest's face because, he argues, since all Blacks use the term, we shouldnt be offended by him saying it.
Not surprising, as being the lead up to saying house nigger casually.
As an European I don't follow Maher, but it seems like one half GAF speaks highly of him to be a harsh talking liberal person and the other half speaks lol of him.

However, just to be speaking about vaccines. Vaccines are one of the three big reasons why child mortality is decreasing in developing countries. The others are access to clean water and general better economic environments. All three points go hand in hand and thus the population explosion of recent decades are leveling out.
So while developing countries see in first hand how vaccines are helping them out, developed countries are going backwards and go dumb.
As an European I don't follow Maher, but it seems like one half GAF speaks highly of him to be a harsh talking liberal person and the other half speaks lol of him.

However, just to be speaking about vaccines. Vaccines are one of the three big reasons why child mortality is decreasing in developing countries. The others are access to clean water and general better economic environments. All three points go hand in hand and thus the population explosion of recent decades are leveling out.
So while developing countries see in first hand how vaccines are helping them out, developed countries are going backwards and go dumb.

Because they have the privilege to be dumb. But then polio, measles, and other diseases start having outbreaks in developed countries which were thought to be completely eradicated and kids are having to suffer from adults' privilege to be against vaccines. It's frankly criminal.


When you're too evil for Breitbart but not evil enough for this idiot, perhaps Maher fans need to re-evaluate this dude!
Western medicine is another of Maher's bugaboos. He can filibuster for hours about what medical science doesn't know and calls flu vaccines a "scam." (The only pharmaceutical medication he says he uses is for his thinning hair.) Not even Jonas Salk gets off the hook. "I'm glad I got the polio vaccine, and I think it did put the final kibosh on it," he told me. "But polio was going down, dramatically, even before the vaccine." (Not exactly. In each of the twelve years before 1955, when Salk's vaccine became widely available, there were at least 10,000 cases of polio in the United States. Since 1964, there has not been a year with more than 115 cases.)

This anti-vaccine talking point in particular bothers me because of how cruel it is to the children suffering.

Polio was NOT going down in the years before the vaccine. The MORTALITY was going down in the years before the vaccine - this is because the cause of death in polio from respiratory depression was countered by the use of iron lungs. However, the rate at which children were contracting and being crippled unchanged until the vaccine.

Taking this position is a lose-lose. Either Maher independently came to this conclusion, which demonstrates a massive ignorance or intellectual deficit with regards to introductory level public health concepts (morbidity vs. mortality); or he is simply parroting anti-vaccine talking points promoting by people like Andrew Wakefield, Rob Schneider (lol), Jenny McCarthy, etc. Neither is avenue is flattering.


At this rate Fox is gonna hire him to offer so called alt views

He'd be right at home amongst the racist trash employed there, might even feel comfortable enough to let his so-called liberal mask drop a bit further. Incredible that anyone here still defends this piece of shit.


check out my new Swatch
I've changed my viewpoint on Maher recently. I've been watching the occasional episode of Real Time here and there for over 10 years, but ever since Trump won I think he has been definitely losing his mind.
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